Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty-one. Zhang 0 Ren

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1031.: Zhang Bairen

Many calculations are within the expectations of the Tathagata Buddha.

Tai Yi has no idea that he has unknowingly become a tool for Buddhist calculations;

Seeing Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva release the tortoise shell, he looked like he was willing to be beaten and scolded, and he was very depressed. Only then did he realize that the treasure in his hand was not comparable to the "Chaos Clock". What about your turtle shell? Not too many slaps.

now what? The morning bell in his hand was beating loudly, and the head of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva remained motionless like a mountain. The effect obtained was just to make his mountain range tremble endlessly;

If he really went all out, Tai Yi also knew that if he didn't talk about breaking the formation, at least he could make many Buddha disciples in it vomit blood for three liters, but does it make any sense?

Even if Tai Yi doesn't like to use his brain, he has to admit that doing so is basically useless.

Just when he was in a dilemma, many lotus flowers formed from the sky above the sky, and fell to the world like heavy rain. With these lotus flowers, it was the Tathagata Buddha who had been waiting for a long time. I don't understand that it is very necessary to give the other party a step at this time.

"Amitabha, I have met Taidao friend!"

Tathagata is qualified to directly call Taiyi a Taoist friend. As the first disciple of the original Taoist school, Tathagata, that is, Duobao, is also eligible to enter Zixiao Palace to listen to lectures. However, it must be admitted that the title of fellow daoist did not really make Tai Yi feel that he had crossed the line.


Taiyi snorted coldly, but the movements in his hands stopped, which also made Tathagata understand that today's calculation has come true.

In the heavenly court, Haotian's face was very gloomy, and he also snorted coldly, and made a magic move towards the Haotian mirror, only to see a space turning on the mirror surface, and the sky filled with ocean appeared on it. In this sea, A small island is located on it. When you get closer, you can see three figures walking leisurely inside the island.

These three people were Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan. They finally found an island, but found that it was just an uninhabited island.

Haotian continued to zoom in, and when he finally locked on Feng Baobao, he saw that Feng Baobao seemed to have noticed something, his whole head began to shake left and right, and then he checked up and down, and then he showed a lot of doubts on his face.

"Really sharp! Can you detect peeping through the Haotian mirror? Brother Lao Tzu has taken in a good apprentice!"

Haotian couldn't help but sigh, with him, even many quasi-sages would be hard to detect, let alone a fairy, such a keenness can only be a gift, and this alone is enough to trample many monks under their feet.

Before Haotian continued to check, he saw a blurry color appearing in the Haotian mirror, and he could no longer see clearly in a moment.

"Did senior brother make a move? It seems that he underestimated how much senior brother attaches importance to her!"

With a movement in his heart, a figure drew out from his body, wearing a suit on his body, looking down from outside, with a long three-filter beard, and a rich and harmless appearance on his face, this figure bowed slightly towards Haotian, and then disappeared No trace, when it continues to appear, it has already appeared in the territory of Luzhou, Beiju, and it also disappeared in a flash. Needless to say, Haotian couldn't bear it anymore, and this incarnation was quietly sent to the earth by him.

Near the world passage, the Tathagata appeared, attracting everyone's attention. Although the danger was not small at this time, it was also an excellent opportunity;

Earth, Jingle Shunsui woke up from cultivation, and saw a pair of gloves beside him, picked it up casually, and saw that it was extraordinary;

"If you like it, take it!"

"Is it the baby made from the crocodile just now?"

"Just do it casually, it can't be a good object!"

Liu Hao disliked it, but Jingle Chunshui regarded it as a treasure. When he put it on casually, he found that his strength doubled and increased. Missed, the wretched face smiled even more, thinking in his heart that it was definitely the best choice to come out with Liu Hao.

"Let's go, staying here is enough!"

The two got on their mounts, followed by a little camel who was curious about everything, staring at the wind and sand, it was a beautiful sight.

Kazakhstan, the country is not small, but its strength is very poor. Originally, there were many wild beasts. After several times of beast tides, humans have rarely seen them. Along the way, we only saw a few small gatherings in some dangerous places In this land, life is equally difficult, and in this territory where the monster race dominates, anytime and anywhere may be reduced to rations;

Liu Hao also felt pity for this, and he didn't intend to show up, but he just passed on some simple cultivation techniques through his dreams, and when he saw a camp with many women and children, he arranged a formation for the opponent to cover and protect.

After all, it is still a human race, so it is really hard for him to ignore it.

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the long river is round at sunset.

The scenery is very good. If there are not many incomplete towns, it would be great. Sometimes thinking about it, it is really hard to predict whether the recovery of spiritual energy will be good or bad for human beings.

Without spiritual recovery, the human race on earth is definitely the only protagonist, what about now? Although it is very unwilling to admit it, the monster race has already overwhelmed the human race. In most of the earth, this is something that has to be admitted.

The entire Kazakhstan originally had a population of more than 18 million, but now it is not bad to have one-tenth of it. The elimination rate is so high that anyone who sees it will feel sorry for it.

From this point of view, the ruling class of the Dragon Kingdom is definitely qualified beyond expectations, which also makes Liu Hao very proud.

All the way to the west, on this day, a lake lay in front of Liu Hao.

"Is this the Aral Sea?"

No wonder Liu Hao was surprised. In his impression, the Aral Sea is already a lake that is about to disappear. In order to save the Aral Sea, the surrounding countries have paid a lot, especially Kazakhstan, which even built a dam across the lake. But the effect is still poor;

now what?

Regardless of its scale or size, it far exceeds Liu Hao's concept of the Aral Sea. Once human activities disappear around, can the effect be so obvious?

Isn't this too embarrassing?

Just now I was still lamenting the difficulty of human beings, should I do this?

At the moment of embarrassment, a divine sense came from nowhere, which made Liu Hao ignore other things, and directly followed the divine sense to scan backwards. The information fed back by the divine sense made him a little dazed, and then, the corner of his mouth Slightly tilted.

After a while, a cloud in the sky floated towards here, slowly landed, and a figure appeared in front of Liu Hao.

"Long time no see, Da Tianzun!"

"Hahaha, I don't dare to call myself the Great Heavenly Venerable. This incarnation is the way to the great success of the human race. You can just call the old man 'Zhang Bairen'!"

"So that's how it is! After 17,000 kalpas, all the human mortals have been turned over by fellow daoists!"

"Who says it's not! It doesn't matter if you don't mention it! The poor Taoist is also strange. Emperor Ziwei doesn't seem to worry about the independence of the three corpses incarnation?"

Liu Hao smiled sassyly after hearing Zhang Bairen's words, as the incarnation of obsession, how could he not understand what Liu Hao himself thought? Essentially speaking, Liu Hao really never thought of stepping into Hunyuan by killing three corpses;

It's not that this path is bad. From other perspectives, the method of killing three corpses is an advanced plan that is very suitable for Taoist cultivators, but Liu Hao is also worried, who made this path be created by Hongjun?

For Hongjun, Liu Hao can be on guard. Who made Honghuang's novels describe Hongjun in all kinds of dark ways? It is no problem to practice this method, since then it is a bit taboo to step into Hunyuan. This is the most fundamental inheritance method of Hongjun. Once something happens at that time, it will be really uncomfortable.

Now that the incarnation of Haotian asks, Liu Hao finally understands why there are so many quasi-sages in the wild, but these people seem to seldom spread the thorns of their incarnations, and they are more worried about what will happen when the three corpses merge into one in the future. ?

An incarnation, the more independent the mind is, the less it wants to be fused. This is the subconscious thought and action of intelligent creatures. For this reason, the quasi-sages who killed the three corpses would not dare to move at will. In this world, perhaps these quasi-sages will be more conservative;

Zhang Bairen in front of him is the best example, otherwise, the other party would not have asked such a question as soon as they met, did he already feel repulsive in his heart?

"I want my friends to know, but Pindao doesn't want to use the method of beheading three corpses to prove the way. For a long time, Pindao has been comprehending the law, and he confirmed this way early on. It's not beautiful to change it rashly!"

Zhang Bairen could only believe half of Liu Hao's words, but he also knew that Liu Hao's ability to say so much was already for the sake of his own self, Haotian, and as for other thoughts, he couldn't continue to ask.

"Fellow Daoist, did you step into the earth just now?"

"I can't hide it from fellow daoists, and I don't want to make a big splash, so I chose this road to travel, but I don't want to meet fellow daoists here, it's fate!"

Liu Hao couldn't hear what Zhang Bairen said. The so-called don't want to make a big fanfare, most likely because he was ordered by Haotian to come out of the passage, and there is a high probability that he chose to walk from the west because he sensed the aura of Zhuang Zhou and others in the north;

But to avoid the direction of A Sanguo, the only possibility is that Bai Ze is probably wandering there now, that is, he has become a sub-sage, and his aura is completely restrained. Zhang Bairen couldn't feel it, but when he was scanning with his consciousness, he was arrested. If you are right, you must be very depressed in your heart.

Zhang Bairen was indeed aggrieved, but it wasn't because Liu Hao happened to meet him, but he understood that Liu Hao had already surpassed his own cultivation, and it was uncomfortable to live on a dog after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation. , not next time, if possible, he would rather find a place to calm down.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know that Immortal Zhenyuan has already entered the earth?"

"I heard about it at this time, could it be?"

"However, now that there are many mountains and lands on the earth, all of them have been canonized by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan as the land of mountain gods. It is difficult for fellow Taoists to keep a low profile!"

Zhang Bairen wanted to scold his mother in his heart, but it was Liu Hao who reminded him that he felt a sense of familiarity, the earth is not like the prehistoric;

In the prehistoric times, he walked the land as the incarnation of Haotian, and those lands of mountain gods may have to think about whether they need to deliberately report to Zhen Yuanzi, but who knows which land of mountain gods on earth he is?

Now, 99% of the eyeliner information has been instilled in Zhen Yuanzi, right? Now that Zhen Yuanzi knows, does that mean he has already told others?

Zhang Bairen really guessed right. Before he left the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, Zhen Yuanzi had already known about him, and Zhen Yuanzi immediately informed Zhuang Zhou and the others. Even Liu Hao's Qinglong incarnation was no exception. The guy who generally compiles the entire earth information network exists, how can he escape?

You know, these quasi-sages had an agreement before, and they had already handed over this demand to Zhen Yuanzi. Now that Haotian, the incarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord, has arrived, the first thought of these people is whether Zhang Bairen should also be pulled. Come in for a share.

This is also unavoidable. Seeing that Zhang Bairen chooses to travel to the earth, there is no way to hide the abyss. In this case, why not go with the flow? It can also be favored, can't it?

In fact, Zhen Yuanzi and the other quasi-sages have been communicating for quite a while, and now they have reached an agreement, and they are waiting for Zhang Bairen to reach the ground at sunset, and Zhen Yuanzi will send the invitation letter to the nearest land of the mountain god to share the fruits for future discussions Choose a time and place.

Now that Zhang Bairen happened to meet the incarnation of Liu Hao's obsession and fell to the ground, Zhen Yuanzi had already dispatched the task. After borrowing the land here, he was hesitating whether to disturb the conversation between the two. Perhaps Zhang Bairen hadn't noticed it yet. However, Hao saw the swaying of the land below, so he picked up the matter of Zhen Yuanzi, which also meant to let the land below listen.

After receiving Liu Hao's message, the land below did not hesitate any longer, and carefully drilled out of the ground, bowing down to Liu Hao and Zhang Bairen!

"Latus, land of the Aral Sea, pays homage to the two emperors!"

This land is also chosen by Zhen Yuanzi to be filled with moral people around him. At first glance, it is not the population of the Dragon Kingdom. Perhaps Zhen Yuanzi has instilled knowledge of the language and culture of the Dragon Kingdom. He can speak Mandarin fluently. Regardless of etiquette, they are no different from a Dragon Country person.

"Get up, fellow Taoist Zhenyuan, do you have something important to convey to you?"

"The Immortal Ancestor learned of the arrival of the Great Heavenly Venerable..."

This guy has a lot of clichés, and his cautious appearance seems to be afraid of offending Liu Hao and the two of them. When he got the task of Zhen Yuanzi earlier, he knew the dignity of the two people in front of him. Once he offended them, there would be no good fruit to eat At that time, even if Xianzu will seek justice for him, so what? Maybe he was already dead.

This is the weak and sad part of the land of the mountain gods. Most of them are selected by Zhen Yuanzi because of their merits, but their own aptitude is relatively low. They rely on combing the land veins to earn merits and practice themselves, and their progress is very slow. Perhaps the average immortal Liu can't do anything to them, but in the eyes of the real Almighty, they are nothing but ants. When facing Liu Hao and Zhang Bairen, one can't be too careful.

But there is one thing that is much better than Honghuang;

That is, Zhenyuanzi has absolute control over the land of the mountain gods on the earth, which also makes Zhenyuanzi give them much higher protection than Honghuang, and he also cares much more. The land in Journey to the West is called around, The scene of being bullied by various goblins must be very rare on Earth.

And among these lands of mountain gods, in the future, a densely populated place like the Dragon Kingdom may still receive a lot of worship. If the incense is good, the practice will be much faster. It is a problem, whether these crooked nuts will accept their gods has become a big problem.

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