Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty-two. Zhen Yuanzi's conjecture

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1032 , Zhen Yuanzi's Conjecture

As far as Liu Hao is concerned, he hopes that Zhen Yuanzi can spread the concept of the land of the mountain gods on the earth. Not to mention anything else, Liu Hao is very comfortable with the land in front of him who speaks fluent Mandarin, not to mention the other party. The ancient etiquette of the Dragon Kingdom is like one of our own.

Facing the greeting card that was handed out by bowing, Liu Hao took it directly, reached out and took out a spiritual fruit to reward the other party, waved him to back down, and then he took the words and explained it to Zhang Bairen in detail.

When I first heard about the abyss species, even Haotian was shocked. He didn't think Liu Hao would deceive him, and Zhen Yuanzi directly posted the invitation post, which further showed the reliability of this matter.

"The world beyond the abyss is much higher than the prehistoric level?"

Zhang Bairen grasped the core idea, which is also what he cares most about.

"Of course! In the chaos, there may not be many worlds like the Great Desolation, but there must be many! But in the chaos, there is only one abyss, which is where all the worlds destroyed by the chaos return. I don’t know how much it has suppressed Honghuang!”


Zhang Bairen didn't care about his own gaffe, his chest was already heaving, and he needed to take it easy;

"Such a high-level world invades the earth, is Daoist really sure?"

"Fellow Daoists think that a mere earth will really allow the abyss to invade on a large scale?

Perhaps in their view, it is just a shallow pond, that is, those batches that are close to the abyss will be sold;

Perhaps the level of monks who invaded the abyss will become higher and higher in the future, but it also leaves us with a lot of time to grow;

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, since ancient times! "

Zhang Bairen suddenly understood the deep meaning of Liu Hao's words, that is the benefit, otherwise it is understandable that Liu Hao, as a local creature, put all his efforts into it, and Zhen Yuanzi and his party eagerly joined in, there must be something unusually attractive to them.

Liu Hao saw a flash of light in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and he didn't hide it, and mentioned the rewards given by the Dao of Chaos, which made Zhang Bairen straighten his chest;

If we talk about the benefits of merit,

As the Jade Emperor, Haotian can be said to be the most understanding group of people in Honghuang. The merits bestowed by Honghuang Tiandao are so coveted, not to mention the merits from Chaos Dao;

It can be said that even if it is desperate for this, there are definitely many people who are willing to do it. Now, he completely understands why Zhen Yuanzi is so anxious, because he is afraid that he will return with great fanfare and bring a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals Are you coming? It seems that this is the only reason!

After calming down, Zhang Bairen couldn't bear to be in a hurry, and he felt even more grateful that he was sent by Haotian. This soup was settled, and he didn't care much about how much he could share. From Liu Hao, he also learned about the abyss. It is impossible to be wiped out by them at once, and they don't have that strength;

Then this kind of fruit will last for a long time in the future. As the lord of the heavenly court, he has an advantage that no one else has, that is, there are many soldiers and generals who surrender to him. No matter what the heavenly soldiers and generals get, he can share a little Gathering less into more is his biggest advantage.

"I don't want to have such a surprise!"

"In the prehistoric age, the difficulty of proving Hunyuan is not needless to say. Fellow Daoists naturally know that although the invasion of the abyss is dangerous, it is also a great opportunity. It depends on whether we can seize it." !"

"Hahaha, the words of fellow Taoist are very suitable for me!"

Zhang Bairen laughed out loud, completely disregarding whether he was flamboyant or not. With such a ray of hope right in front of him, he couldn't be overly happy. In the prehistoric world, the chance of proving Hunyuan was only one in a billion, but what about now? The possibility of directly increasing to one in ten thousand, in Zhang Bairen's view, this probability is already too high, and for this reason, he will not frown even if he invests all his wealth.

"Fellow Daoist accepts this invitation, but I think you will have a good idea of ​​what to discuss in the future!"

"Thank you fellow daoist!"

Zhang Bairen's thanks were very sincere, and he took it with his rare hands.

"It's okay. Speaking of which, Pindao also hopes that more monks will join in resisting the invasion of the abyss in the future!"

"It seems that Fellow Daoists are quite wary of the abyss!"

"A place that can bury chaos and destroy the world. I don't know how well the abyssal creatures bred in it are, but I can figure it out just by guessing. There must be no shortage of Hunyuan powerhouses. Perhaps there are also a lot of higher "Heavenly Dao" realms." , and on top of that?"

"What Fellow Daoist said is true! It seems that the poor Taoist also needs to make more preparations!"

Liu Hao smiled. Facing Zhang Bairen's words, he did not continue to emphasize that there are some things that can only be understood after seeing them.

Invited by Zhen Yuanzi, Zhang Bairen was still in the mood to visit the earth. After chatting with Liu Hao for a few words, he turned and left. The direction was the other side of Longguo, and he didn’t know how Zhen Yuanzi’s ashram was set up in Longguo. Where, next time you meet, you really have to ask, otherwise others will not know anything about you, and people who don't know will think that there is something dirty about you and Zhen Yuanzi.

When Zhang Bairen left, Jingle Chunshui beside Liu Hao exhaled heavily. Liu Hao's own aura was completely restrained, but Zhang Bairen could not. Now, it's pretty good.

"Could he be the Heavenly Emperor in the Dragon Kingdom legend?"

"Oh? It seems that you have a lot of understanding of the Dragon Kingdom civilization!"

"How could I not understand it, I just didn't expect these legends to be true!"

"Hahaha, that person just now is not the real body of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"Is it just an incarnation? It's really scary. If the real body comes, I will probably be crushed by the opponent's momentum, right?"

On Jingle Chunshui's slightly wretched face, there was a rare look of caution, and today's blow to him is definitely not small. Although he felt that his cultivation was not high, he was considered the second batch of the earth;

Looking at it now, it is nothing at all. Compared with a real strong man, his cultivation level is nothing more than an ant. Existence that was completely crushed into pieces.

In fact, it was just as he thought, if Jingle Chunshui hadn't followed Liu Hao, Zhang Bairen wouldn't have looked at him at all, and just ignored the matter.

"Cultivation is basically sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat! If you stay in the soul world, your future achievements will only be limited!"

"That's right! The reason why the chief captain didn't stop the other captains from going out is because he saw the problem! Those gods of death in the soul world need to let go of their restraint in the future!"

Qinghai Lake is where Zhen Yuanzi's dojo is located. This guy is not a person who likes to be lively. He chose this place, but he saw that it is far away from the world, and the surroundings are empty and the scenery is excellent.

When Zhang Bairen arrived with the clouds, Zhen Yuanzi was already waiting outside, and he also saw Zhang Bairen's arrival, so he went to the land of the mountain god to inform the other quasi-sages;

"Fellow Daoist has chosen a good place!"

"Hahaha, Zhang Daoyou is safe and sound!"

Zhen Yuanzi laughed. Judging from the address, Zhen Yuanzi also knew Zhang Bairen very well. Not many people really understood the taboo that the other party didn't like calling himself the Jade Emperor.

Without the obsession, the three corpses of good and evil think more about their own independence, but when the obsession is cut off, the two corpses of good and evil feel less repulsive to the unity of the three corpses.

But in the entire prehistoric world, how many people have lost their obsessions?

Both are incarnations, and Zhen Yuanzi is well aware of Zhang Bairen's taboo. He treats each other as a separate individual as soon as he speaks, which also means to draw the relationship between the two closer. As expected, the smile on Zhang Bairen's face has also softened a lot .

After 17,000 kalpas, the voices of Haotian's reincarnations are all human races, and even their names have not changed. They have been reincarnated again and again, and they have gone through the world of mortals again and again. How much memory has been accumulated? , No one is better than him, which also makes him care about these more than anyone else.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, but Zhen Yuanzi sighed:

"If I hadn't handed over a prayer card to fellow Taoist today, I would not have known that Emperor Ziwei had already cut off his obsession! After hundreds of millions of years of practice, he was overtaken by fellow Taoist Liu Hao. The world is really strange!"

"Oh? Pindao thought fellow daoists knew about it a long time ago. It seems that our newly enthroned Emperor Ziwei is not simple!"

Zhang Bairen's words were not intended to be provocative. Although he had met Liu Hao several times, each time he felt covered by a fog, and the fog was getting deeper and deeper. He always thought that he had seen through the other party this time. But the next time they meet, it will still shock him.

"Fellow daoists who first entered the earth may not know that this earth is not only connected to the prehistoric world, but there are already hundreds of worlds connected to it, and the number is still increasing every once in a while, as if it is endless;

Emperor Ziwei was originally a creature of the earth. He had experienced in many worlds early on. How could it be simple? "

"I see!"

A dazed look appeared on Zhang Bairen's face, but he thought that Liu Hao was able to cultivate himself so quickly, learn from the heavens, and spread the myriad worlds. These two points definitely accounted for most of the reasons. The former was the way to improve himself , the latter is accumulating its own "luck", and the combination of the two can be said to be invincible!

"Fellow Daoists have also come to Earth for a long time, have you never thought about spreading many Taoisms to other worlds?"

Zhang Bairen has no intention of being ashamed to learn to do it, as long as it is of great benefit to himself, how can he give up? That's why he asked Zhen Yuanzi such a question, but what he saw was Zhen Yuanzi's wry smile;

"How can it be so simple?"

When Zhen Yuanzi said this, he paused for a moment. In other words, he also tried this method, but unfortunately, not to mention the small effect, it was still very difficult;

"All the heavens and worlds, every world has its own defenses, or in other words, its own repulsion. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the repulsion. If you don't settle these things, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. !

There must be a unique method for what Emperor Ziwei did, but this method, if we want to understand it, we need to pay a lot of money! "

Zhang Bairen listened, and nodded slightly, asking Liu Hao how to obtain it is a shortcut. However, the cause and effect must be linked to the benefits obtained. The greater the benefits obtained, the greater the cause and effect owed to Liu Hao. Their cultivation base, cause and effect, can be avoided if they can be avoided.

"Speaking of which, Pindao also has some guesses;" Seeing that Zhang Bairen didn't answer, Zhen Yuanzi continued:

"When Emperor Ziwei first entered the prehistoric world, you also know that he was too low-key at that time, not going out of Chang'an at all, and waiting for others to come to his door;

Pindao guessed that Emperor Ziwei was probably trying to get the permission of many lucky people in the prehistoric era;

Therefore, Pindao guessed that if he wanted to learn the Dharma and preach in other heavens, he must also need the nods of the lucky people in these worlds;

It's as if Pindao was now confiscating the land of the mountain god on the earth, and he was also reminded by Liu Hao. In other words, on the earth, Liu Hao is the one who is truly lucky! "

"Thank you for letting me know!"

Zhang Bairen's thanks are very sincere, and he admits this small cause and effect, but in his heart, he thinks that the reason why Zhen Yuanzi told me this is probably because he felt the pressure from Liu Hao, and was overtaken by a latecomer. It's absolutely impossible without an idea.

Zhen Yuanzi really has such an idea. Of course, more, he still wants to get Haotian and form a group to ask Liu Hao the key to many worlds, that is, to ask who is the person with great luck in those worlds, and then It is to start a journey to other worlds, learn the Taoism and even the rules of those worlds, and spread your own unique Dao, so as to further your own cultivation.

They are all powerful at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and every move has a deep meaning, and don't think that Zhen Yuanzi is an honest person, so he won't calculate anything, if he is so honest, he can't live from the ancient times to the present.

"I saw fellow Taoists meeting with the incarnation of Ziwei the Great before, and I guessed that Ziwei the Great will start another journey to the heavens, so we must not be left behind!"

"Fellow Daoist said it is true! Emperor Ziwei already had three corpses chopped off, and if he is pulled down again, the next time we meet will be facing Hunyuan! So, how should the poor Dao and others deal with it?"

Zhang Bairen just spoke a little bit through Zhen Yuanzi, and understood what Zhen Yuanzi's purpose was. Although he felt that the other party was using him as a gun, but the arrow was on the string, he had to shoot, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't afford to wait, how could he afford to wait?

If Liu Hao really proves Hunyuan before him, will Emperor Ziwei be able to overwhelm Jade Emperor? In terms of the most nervous, it really can only be him. If he doesn't do this early bird, how can others be willing to do it?

From this point of view, even if I bite the bullet, I have to do it.

The two reached an agreement, looked at each other, and then smiled wryly.

"Fellow Daoist Yun Zhongzi is here! He is the Dao of Good Luck, and now he has passed down the art of refining in one world, but he has driven him to the front!"

"Oh? What's wrong with this?"

"Pindao doesn't know the exact reason, but after many inquiries, he also found that there is a figure of Emperor Ziwei in it. From Pindao's point of view, it is probably Emperor Ziwei who is doing a test!"

"It seems that Emperor Ziwei has long been waiting for our inquiry?"

"Pindao also thinks the same way, but he can't know what needs to be paid, and we don't know what Emperor Ziwei wants!"

"It's better than being out of doors!"

"Fellow Daoist is right!"

After Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. In the distance, a white cloud floated towards him, and it was Yun Zhongzi who arrived;

Not long after, Bai Ze also came from the Three Kingdoms, followed by Zhuang Zhou, Our Lady of Wudang, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Liu Hao, and Fang Yun.

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