Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty-three. The second meeting of the quasi-sage

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1033 The World of Martial Arts and Tomb Raiders

Zhen Yuanzi's guess is correct, that is, Liu Hao also wanted to let many prehistoric forces enter some worlds to spread Taoism, especially some connected worlds in the Dragon Kingdom;

No matter how optimistic Liu Hao was in his heart about the invasion of abyssal species, he would not dare to be careless. Knowing the strength of the opponent, it would be a strange thing if he didn't leave a more secure rear for himself.

However, for a long time, Liu Hao didn't know which world or those worlds to choose as the rear of the Dragon Kingdom. Logically speaking, the world of Bright Sword and the world under one person are definitely the best choices;

The Dragon Kingdom of Bright Sword World controls more than 30 million square kilometers. From the North Pole to the Australian continent near Antarctica, everything is in the hands of the Dragon Kingdom of Bright Sword World. It is enough to feed two billion people. That is to say, the Liu Hao Earth All the people of the Dragon Kingdom moved to the Sword World, and there is no problem at all.

Moreover, the technological level of Liangjian World, after so many years of support, has reached the level of the early 1990s, completely crushing other countries;

Under the combination of these conditions, it seems that it is really perfect;

However, there is one thing that makes Liu Hao hesitate, and that is the issue of monks in the world of bright swords. Almost ninety-nine percent of the monks in the world of bright swords are violent institutions such as the military. More common people are still developing technology, improving national strength, and building the country. Once the practice system of Liu Hao Earth is introduced into it, it will likely cause many problems, especially the thoughts of the people of Liangjian World.

One must know that Taizu is still governing the country in Liangjian World, and he would not like to see many gods come and go freely. To him, these gods and the like are ghosts, ghosts, and snake gods, and it is absolutely impossible for them to tolerate them over the people.

Also considering this point, Liu Hao had no choice but to veto it. In the end, he chose and chose. It seems that only the world under one person is the most suitable.

In the world under one person, before it was connected to Liu Hao's earth, there were already aliens. Although the cultivators disappeared from the world, the high-level people knew this well and did not intend to kill them all;

Coupled with the connection of the follow-up world, after the aura was poured into the world under the aliens, the number of monks began to increase on a large scale, especially under the exchange of the world under one person, the Dragon Kingdom and the military, the strength has been greatly improved Improving, to a certain extent, the Dragon Kingdom in the world under one person has the ability to suppress unstable factors.

They have long accepted the god-level figure of the old celestial master, and a more powerful mythical figure seems to be justified;

The only thing to worry about,

It’s just that the quasi-sages like Honghuang have bigger thoughts, not only want to preach, but also think about the rise of their own power in this world, so as to collect more luck for them to use. If this is the case, there will inevitably be shocks to the stability of society , That's what Liu Hao didn't want to see.

Furthermore, in the world under one person, there is one thing that Liu Hao regrets, that is, it is difficult for Liu Hao to become the rear of the Earth Dragon Kingdom, because he has a population of more than one billion, and he has no food problems. Once the population of Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom enters on a large scale, the problem will be really big, and it will definitely lead to the expansion of the Dragon Kingdom under one person. In the face of survival, it is better not to mention any peaceful ideas .

For Liu Hao, he really doesn't feel much about the life and death of other countries under one person, but if there is a large-scale loss of population due to the war, this karma will definitely fall on Liu Hao. It is definitely harmful but not beneficial, and it is a typical representative that you are absolutely unwilling to promote it if you have no choice but to do so.

Another point is that Feng Baobao and a group of chosen sons in the world under one person have long worshiped under the sect of Sanqing. Even if Zhen Yuanzi and other quasi-sages go to preach, it will be difficult to intercept much luck, and they may be evil three times in the future. For them, the Qing saints are definitely not happy, and maybe in the future they may blame Liu Hao for this, thinking that this is the result of Liu Hao's deliberate calculation, then the gain will not be worth the loss.

Excluding these two very familiar worlds, Liu Hao also felt a bit Muggle for a while. During this period of time, he thought about it, but he thought of two worlds that he knew all along but had no time to go to, that is Jin Yong's martial arts world where Xiaolongnv is. The world, and the world of tomb robbers where Fatty Wang, who was accidentally encountered in the northeast land, is located.

In terms of civilization structure, these two worlds are originally dominated by the descendants of Yan and Huang. If Zhenyuanzi Haotian and others entered, it would not take much time to integrate well;

Especially the former, which is the world where Xiaolongnv lives, can directly upgrade martial arts to Xianxia, ​​which can very well raise the level of this world. For the will of this world, it is absolutely welcome. There is no need to worry about the introduction of inheritance and perfection, it seems to be really suitable.

However, Liu Hao is also worried, that is, since Longguo has known the world of Little Dragon Girl for a long time, it really needs to understand how far it has been developed. At least, Little Dragon Girl must have visited Liu Hao's Earth , has accepted disciples from Liu Hao's earth early on, what level of cultivation has reached now? Did she spread many cultivation methods to her own world?

Wait, wait, etc., it is also necessary to attract the Longguo Guofu to participate;

Thinking of the participation of the Longguo State Mansion, Liu Hao realized that this matter really cannot be bypassed by them. Even if these quasi-sages have reached the sky, it does not mean that they are very capable in governing the party. It is necessary to understand the principle of specializing in surgery;

The world of Jin Yong's martial arts is also an earth. Although the Yanhuang Kingdom occupies a small area, it represents a lot of unowned territories. From this point of view, it seems appropriate to build it as the rear of the population of the Dragon Kingdom on Earth. , the worst thing is to grab more land in other continents, and there is nothing to worry about.

The world of Xiaolongnv is like this, so the world of tomb robbers Fatty Wang is in seems a bit unsatisfactory. However, the reason why Liu Hao chose this world was not because of this idea, but because he wanted to practice this neglected world. It's a pity to hide in Changbai Mountain in the northeast like this and not be able to get assistance from Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom.

And in itself, Fatty Wang's world of tomb robbery is also full of metaphysics, which means that there are still many schools of thought and inheritance of Taoism in the prehistoric world, and it also means that the speed of acceptance of the inheritance to this world must be very high, and they don't need to be promoted. Too worried.

Furthermore, the location of Fatty Wang's Tomb Raider World is really good. Once it is developed, it can also establish a natural defense line for Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom in the northeast, and make better preparations for the possible future invasion of the abyss. Defense comes.

With so many considerations, when Zhang Bairen finally asked, Liu Hao was not too surprised. After a little thought, he pushed out these two worlds;

"The world of martial arts that Fellow Daoist mentioned is right next to Zhongnan Mountain?"

Yun Zhongzi took up the topic. He had noticed this world a long time ago, and he knew better that the one guarding this passage was a very cold-looking little girl. The law seems to have a great relationship with his elaboration of teachings.

It was also Yun Zhongzi himself who went to the magical world within the Qinling Mountains, otherwise, he really couldn't help but go to investigate.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yun Zhongzi has also noticed Xiao Longnu!"

"Exactly, this fellow Taoist's learning is relatively messy. He mainly studies Taoism, and it seems to be from the same line as Lao Tzu's master.

Yun Zhongzi didn't hide it too much, and stated his own observations one by one. After listening to Liu Hao, he also understood the reason;

"The source of the exercises that Xiao Longnu learned is the Quanzhen Sect of her world, which is the inheritance of the old master, so it is understandable that he majored in exercises and leaned towards human teaching. As for other methods, most of them came from here. , exchange gains with the Dragon Nation organization!"

At this point, Liu Hao also elicited the meaning of the Longguo Guofu organization. As soon as he said these words, others immediately discovered the importance of the Longguo Guofu. Opportunity, if there is a recommendation from the Longguo Guofu, the obstacles will definitely be much less, and it is inevitable to get twice the result with half the effort.

"Fellow Daoist seems to be happy that we will spread Taoism to these two worlds!"

Zhen Yuanzi didn't speak up immediately, but changed the subject instead.

"Hahaha, although Pindao has heard about these two worlds for a long time, he didn't go there in person. Perhaps the way of a hundred schools of thought has been spread in the world of martial arts through the Dragon Kingdom Mansion;"

"I see!"

No matter what Zhang Bairen said, he is also the emperor of heaven. How could he not know the meaning of Liu Hao's words? It is not surprising that the system is used as an exchange;

But by doing so, the one who benefits the most is Liu Hao, who has already spread his family's inheritance without knowing it. He doesn't need to do it himself. Who doesn't like it?

Even Zhang Bairen understands how many worlds he preaches, how many can he spread? You must know that preaching is not something that can be achieved in a short while, nor is it completed by teaching a few apprentices of one's own Taoism. Dissemination is the kingly way, and only in this way can it be guaranteed that even after you leave, it can be passed on for a long time. Only then is merit and virtue complete.

Just like now, Zhen Yuanzi has conferred all the mountain god lands that should be canonized on Liu Hao's earth, but this is just the beginning. The key is to ensure that these mountain god lands grow;

After they grow up, it is time to spread the land of the mountain gods, telling many creatures that they can go to worship these lands of the mountain gods;

In this way, if something happens, you can also go to the nearby land of the mountain god for help. Only when this system is approved by Liu Hao's earth creatures can it be considered complete.

It is also because of this that Zhen Yuanzi has to sit in charge of Liu Hao's earth all the time, of course, not for 24 hours. He is an avatar, and if he is busy, he can manage three or five worlds.

But in the same way, Zhen Yuanzi's silent management alone is completely different from entrusting some chores to the local ruling class.

This point has already impressed Zhen Yuanzi deeply in the Dragon Kingdom. Compared with the smooth promotion in the Dragon Kingdom and the quick approval of the local people, the time required in other countries is ten times the difference;

And the success rate of the former is beyond doubt, while other regions that lack the help of the local ruling class also have the possibility of failure, and this possibility is not low.

Under the comparison of the two, Zhen Yuanzi didn't need to think about how to choose. Isn't it just to share some benefits with others? He is not enough to eat alone, even before living on the earth, he also understands that a win-win is the real win.

With this case, Zhen Yuanzi does not reject the participation of Longguo Guofu at all;

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to exchange the elders of the Longguo Guofu to discuss the Daoism?"

With these words, it was Zhen Yuanzi who gave the other quasi-sages a step down, Zhang Bairen nodded slightly, the visitors from the Three Purities and Three Religions had no objections, Fang Yun would not refuse, Bai Ze thought about it, and he could only nod.

Reaching this agreement made Liu Hao very happy. Only he understands that this is not only a simple benefit of the Dragon Kingdom's participation in it, but also a kind of respect for the rulers of the world. Equal communication is what Liu Hao really wants, not the kind of equality that needs his blessing to be valuable.

In the capital, the elders of Dage and others got the message from Liu Hao. The few elders who stayed in the capital quickly met and exchanged for a while, and quickly reached an agreement that the elder of Dage would participate on behalf of the Longguo government. They knew very well that they would not fight for it. , then there will be nothing, such an opportunity is in front of you, and you must never miss it.

The only pity is that it is impossible to carry the entire think tank, everything has to be decided on the spot by the elder Dage himself, and the pressure can be imagined;

Fortunately, there is still a little time on the road. When the elders left, the remaining cabinet elders had assembled the top think tanks of the government, and began to analyze the possible problems one by one, and began to summarize countermeasures. It also made Dage Lao have no rest time at all during the march, and he had to stop to communicate until he arrived at Qinghai Lake.

"The breath of Xuanyuan Sword! It seems that the movements of the three emperors of the human race are one step faster than ours!"

Zhang Bairen sensed the Xuanyuan Sword carried by the elder Dage from a distance, and couldn't help sighing. These words also aroused many thoughts of other quasi-sages.

"It's also a coincidence. In the prehistoric world, Empress Nuwa probably saw that the poor were unable to protect themselves, so she bestowed the 'Mountain, River and Sheji Map'. The Yellow Emperor asked Empress Nuwa to give the 'Xuanyuan Sword' as well. ';

Now that the cultivation base of Pindao has improved and he has the ability to protect himself, he gave the Xuanyuan Sword to the Dragon Kingdom, which can be regarded as a symbol of the multiplication of the human race! "

How could Zhen Yuanzi and the others understand Liu Hao's words, if they only listened to the explanation, they would be fools;

Reminding them that it is true that Empress Nuwa has been concerned about the earth for a long time, is also telling them that the human race of Dragon Kingdom on Earth has long recognized Empress Nuwa's status as the "Mother of Human Race";

In other words, the human race in the dragon kingdom of the earth also has the backing of saints. You can take it easy in the negotiations later, and you can't use your own cultivation to oppress the comers. Otherwise, the empress Nuwa will know about it in the future, and she is not sure what to do.

The effect of these words is not small, even if these quasi-sages agreed to come to participate in the negotiation, but deep down, they still look down on each other. Into the depths of their bone marrow, if there is really nothing to make them scruples, even if Dage Lao participates in this meeting, he can only get a limited amount.

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