Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty-four. Dage old attendees

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1034. Elder Dage Participates in the Qunsheng Meeting

On the way there, Mr. Dage had already considered the problem of welcoming him, and had already made up his mind to enter alone. Even in his thoughts, Liu Hao might not be able to come out to welcome him because of other people's obstruction.

Perhaps, in terms of cultivation, there is still a huge gap between Dage Lao and Zhunsheng, who is just a low-level person who has just entered the immortal rank, but in terms of psychological endurance, Da Ge Lao is no worse than anyone else, even in the face of That's right, the quasi-sage has no fear at all.

In fact, Zhen Yuanzi and the others hoped that Liu Hao would not go out to greet them, and thought of stopping them, but in the end Liu Hao leaked a little bit of breath, which made the others stop. It also made them fully understand that the Liu Hao in front of them can be equal to them, but it doesn't mean that he really doesn't have the slightest temper.

Liu Hao stood up and walked away slowly to meet the elder Dage, but Zhen Yuanzi and others turned their attention to Fang Yun.

"Fellow Daoist and Emperor Ziwei have known each other for a long time, right?"

Fang Yun chuckled and didn't take it seriously; he didn't even need to think about it to understand what these people were going to say next? It was nothing more than provoking the relationship between him and Liu Hao. Who made the way of a hundred schools of thought have such a coincidence between the two?

"Speaking of it, it's much earlier than fellow Taoists! Emperor Ziwei's way of a hundred schools of thought has also been complemented by Pindao. He has preached in many worlds, but Pindao can benefit from sitting at home. !"

Fang Yun is not a real ancient, he is a traveler, so how could he underestimate the old man of the Dragon Kingdom? Today, if Liu Hao hadn't secretly reminded him, he would have stood up and went out to greet him together. It can be said that he and Liu Hao are closer in terms of interests, and it is not something that other people can provoke with just a few words.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang Yun said these words, Manjushri, who seemed to be asking casually just now, fell silent.

Seeing that other people did not speak, Fang Yun did not intend to stop, and said slowly:

"A few days ago, before all fellow Taoists entered the earth, Pindao gave lectures in various universities with the support of the Dragon Kingdom. After a short time, Pindao beheaded the good and evil corpses. Is there a big relationship between them?"

Now, even the most calm Zhuang Zhou couldn't sit still. Although it is difficult to know whether there is a direct causal relationship, they also understand that there must be a lot of connection. Daofa, the light on the earth has the support of the Dragon Kingdom and the government, and the benefits are definitely not small, and the speed of the benefits is also very large.

This makes them have to think more,

Thinking about whether to share more benefits with Longguo, the worst thing is, and you can't be the first bird of the suppression, otherwise, once the other party remembers it in your heart, you will only be the one who suffers in the end.

Which one of them is not an old fox, how can they not understand that it will be very uncomfortable to be missed by such an old man of the Dragon Kingdom, and there is no need for the other party to make any restrictions, just a deviation in attitude is enough to be fatal. It is inevitable to catch up with yourself. Is it necessary to gamble with your own personal interests?

Liu Hao is no longer here, and it is impossible to keep his spiritual sense here to observe. Naturally, he does not know what happened. If he knew, he would definitely thank Fang Yun. At this time, he has already walked out of Zhenyuanzi Wuzhuang Temple At the door, seeing Mr. Dage descending from the clouds, the one who accompanied him was Li Aotian from the Ouchi.

"Old man, long time no see!"


The elders of Dage leaped over and held Liu Hao's hands tightly. If the worst situation did not occur, it meant that there would be more benefits to fight for. This is the source of the elders' real excitement.

"Before Dage came here, I also discussed two worlds with them. One is the martial arts world of Little Dragon Girl. I don't know how this world is, but it is the main world of Yanhuang civilization. It is a matter of mutual benefit!

The other one comes from a world channel deep in the Changbai Mountains in the northeast. It is also difficult for us to develop it because of the monster race and beasts. It is better to introduce the monks of the wild. Although I have never been to that world, but by chance, it is also possible I came into contact with a person who traveled through the passage to our world. His name is Wang Kaixuan, and he is a fat man. I don’t know if Mr. Dage has an impression? "

"I know this person, and it has been recorded in the data. Over the years, we have also sent several teams of soldiers to explore, but there is very little feedback on the results. Either they cannot reach the passage, or they never return. In the end Can only stop.

However, your choice is also excellent in my opinion. The Northeast monster race and monsters are also very stressful for us. The introduction of prehistoric forces, regardless of other things, can at least make our military in the Northeast much easier! "

"That's good, don't blame me, Mr. Dage, for making my own decisions!"

"Hahaha, you don't need to worry about these things. I still don't understand the recovery of the spirit energy. It's more superficial that the strong eat the strong. If you don't talk about some things, it doesn't mean that they don't exist. I can appear here today because you are in Longguo? I still know!"

"I am a native of the Dragon Kingdom. If I can fight for the interests of my family, I will stay out of it. However, there are some things that need to be fought for by the government itself. Only you can truly represent the Dragon Kingdom! With this time , there will be a next time, and it will form a habit in the future, which is what I want!"

"Understood! Thank you!"

Dage Lao clenched Liu Hao's big hand with more strength.

"Let's go, don't let them wait any longer, and I won't speak anymore!"

"Understood, no matter how many benefits we can fight for today, it represents the Dragon Kingdom itself. If you speak up, it will make them feel that the Dragon Kingdom needs to add your qualifications to let us go to the table again. Compared with the immediate interests, this qualification , is what the Dragon Kingdom really needs!"

Mr. Dage's words made Liu Hao nod his head. After all, he is the leader of a big country. Only after being used to the five big hooligans can he truly understand where the most essential interests lie.

Dage Lao was a little uncomfortable at the beginning of the negotiation without the cover of the table, but his psychological strength made him adapt quickly. A group of people sat cross-legged on the ground. After Liu Hao came in, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. When Fang Yun interjected occasionally, he helped Dage's boss to make some sharp moves, which more or less left Dage's boss with a little time to think about the next question and answer.

"Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or other worlds, immortal gods are not allowed to participate in the governance of the human race. This bottom line must not be crossed!"

Dage Lao’s voice was loud and loud, facing many quasi-sages, he was not afraid at all, as if the pressure brought to him by the strong man on the opposite side did not exist at all. On the way to the arrival, this bottom line was also the result of deliberations by the think tanks , It is also what many elders must fight for even if they offend all the quasi-sages.

Whether it's Sanqing's family or Zhenyuanzi Baize, the bottom line is that they don't care about it, and they don't have much idea about it, that is, Zhang Bairen's arrival today, otherwise, there is no need to discuss it at all.

As the Emperor of Heaven, Zhang Bairen is used to ruling the Three Realms. Even in name, it is necessary. In itself, this is related to the consummation of his Emperor of Heaven. Facing the words of the elder Dage, he was the only one who frowned, feeling a little bit in his heart. accurate;

He was upset, not only because of Da Ge’s determination, but also because other people seemed to be happy about Tianting’s being excluded. A prehistoric world is enough, and other worlds still need to abide by the rules of heaven, but they don’t I am willing, I am not afraid, the interests of the sect must also be fought for in the future, right?

"Amitabha! The bottom line in Dage's heart is the Dragon Kingdom, right? Or it includes many kingdoms of descendants of Yan and Huang?"

"As long as the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the great world countries, the rule of the human race can only be ruled by the human race!"

This is not a discussion at all, but an announcement. Even Zhang Bairen looked up to Dage. This human race, who is only a fairy, did not shrink back at all just because they were quasi-sages. It gave them the feeling that what came today was The saint will not let him show the slightest compromise.

"Elder Dage seems to be a member of the immortals!"

Zhang Bairen spoke leisurely, but no one supported him, so he could only look for a breakthrough from the elder Dage.

"Hahaha, the Jade Emperor doesn't know that, regardless of his level of cultivation, the position of the elder of the Longguo Grand Pavilion can only serve two consecutive terms, a total of ten years! After retiring, he can only live in seclusion and must not interfere in political affairs!"

Zhang Bairen turned his head to look at Liu Hao, Liu Hao nodded slightly, which made Zhang Bairen depressed, so he just came, how did he know this, this time it is not a gap, but a golden body.

"Besides the kingdom of the descendants of Yan and Huang, the elder Dage doesn't seem to care?"

It was the Holy Mother of Wudang who asked the question. Everyone else was concerned about the bottom line of Dage Lao, but she was venting that Manjushri had other thoughts, thinking about establishing a Buddhist kingdom outside the descendants of Yan and Huang? Follow the example of many Buddhist countries in Hezhou, Xiniu, and put Buddhism above the country?

This question also made other people discover Manjusri Bodhisattva's intentions, and they didn't have much thought about it. From the perspective of the Sanqing sect, the human races other than the descendants of Yan and Huang are not orthodox at all. The human race is a problem, and they don't bother to care about it at all. What they think about is whether the Buddhist Congress established by Manjushri Bodhisattva in the future will affect the kingdoms of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and must be eliminated. Can it be passed to the east?

"If Buddhism establishes Buddhist kingdoms in many worlds, the Dharma will not spread to the lands of the human race!"

Zhuang Zhou made his decision. The human race in his mouth is the country represented by the descendants of Yan and Huang. Journey to the west and spread Buddhism to the east has already caused his master Lao Tzu to fall into a lot of gossip. How can he endure the world like this?

"Exactly! There are gains and losses. Since Buddhism likes to build a Buddhist kingdom, naturally you can't let you take all the benefits!"

"Amitabha, can't fellow Taoists also establish their own orthodox kingdoms?"

"It is the words of a sage that my Taoist sect does not participate in the affairs of the human race, but it cannot be done!"

Yun Zhongzi also made his attitude clear. Even if the Three Qings are dirty, in another world, they must form one body. This is beyond doubt. He knows that if his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun comes, he must also express this attitude.

"It seems that the selection of emperors in the world is the responsibility of Emperor Ziwei, and Buddhism is not worried at all about Emperor Ziwei's meddling in the prehistoric Xi ​​Niu Hezhou?"

Zhang Bairen, the old fox, was very upset when he saw Liu Hao's appearance of staying out of the matter, and brought the topic to Liu Hao with one sentence, and even had the idea of ​​provoking Liu Hao and Buddhism.

Before Liu Hao answered his words, Manjusri Bodhisattva's heart skipped a beat. Good guy, is Emperor Ziwei still sitting here? Just because people don't speak up, doesn't mean they don't have demands, right? In the final analysis, there is no need to explain the relationship between the family and the Dragon Kingdom, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are one;

"Amitabha! What does Emperor Ziwei think of the emperor of the human race?"

"Hey, I didn't want to participate, but you guys must pull me in!"

Liu Hao called himself 'Zhen', which meant that he was speaking as Emperor Ziwei;

"It is my responsibility to replace the emperor in the world. However, I am also a lazy person. If the human race chooses by itself, I will be happy to stamp it. This will allow me to focus more on cultivation. What do you think?"

"Pindao thinks that what Emperor Ziwei said is reasonable. The matter of the human race, the self-determination of the human race, is much better than us going inside without knowing it! Just now the old two-term tenure of the big cabinet, the poor dao thinks it is very reasonable! But that The world of martial arts that Xiao Longnu lives in doesn't seem to be the case, does it?"

Fang Yun blurted out that he seemed to be negating Liu Hao, but in fact he was confirming the previous content of the elder Dage. Once everyone turned their attention to the human ruler of the martial arts world where the little dragon girl was, it was tantamount to acknowledging the content of the speech of the elder Dage. Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom where Hao Earth is located, or the modern Dragon Kingdom in the Sword World, the World Under One Man, etc., they are not allowed to participate in the governance of the human race.

Why can't the elder Dage hear it, and secretly screamed beautifully in his heart, and his impression of Fang Yun has improved a lot, but he didn't show it at all on his face. Facing Fang Yun's doubts, he didn't intend to answer, so Liu Hao interface past;

"That's true! I didn't go to that world. I really don't know who the emperor is. Maybe there are many descendants of Yan and Huang in it. It's just that you really want to participate in it? It's not a good thing for Yin Shang to seal the gods and gods. Do you want to do it again in the martial arts world?"

Liu Hao's words directly grabbed the painful feet of a group of people, and he preached that they were willing to set off a war of immortals and gods, but they felt sympathetic. Can guarantee? When the Yin and Shang conferred the gods, no one expected how many battles the saints would have in the end, right? What if they are also implicated by then?

"Emperor Ziwei's worries are not unreasonable! Pindao's entry into these two worlds is just to confer the land of the mountain god and improve the authenticity. Whoever is in power, Pindao doesn't care much. The matter of the human race, the self-determination of the human race, Pindao very much agrees !"

Zhen Yuanzi is not as powerful as the three religions. He does not have the thighs of a saint, and he does not have much conflict with other forces. Besides, he is willing to see the self-government of the human race. It's very humble. From this point alone, he doesn't want the major forces to become bigger.

"That's fine! We are also here to preach. Others are just trivial things. Accumulation of luck is a good thing, but once there is too much accumulation and there is a peak, there will be a trough. Fellow Daoists, you can guarantee that your inheritance will be in the trough." Isn't it time to be rooted and rise?

If you want to come here, fellow Taoists don't want to sit in one world all the time, do you? That being the case, it is a good thing for the autonomy of the human race to be handed over to the human race itself. Of course, it is also necessary for the human race to guarantee that we will not destroy our orthodoxy! "

"Great kindness! The words of Zhuang Zhou's fellow Taoist priest are recognized by the poor Taoist!"

Zhen Yuanzi answered immediately, and after the others thought about it, they had to admit that this was the best result.

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