Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty six. Hint

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1036. hint

The good news is not without it. The Ming Dynasty was established, and the emperor was Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. This emperor who can rank among the top three emperors in the history of the Dragon Kingdom is absolutely good news for the descendants of Yan and Huang.

"Aura recovery, what is the density of aura in the world of martial arts?" Liu Hao is more concerned about this;

"Although it is not comparable to our earth world, it has also improved a lot, and the level of immortals is no longer a big bottleneck!" Dage Lao gave the answer;

Although the two did not communicate, Liu Hao knew that Zhu Yuanzhang must have the support of the Dragon Kingdom, but it is hard to say how strong the support is. Communicating with a modern person is completely different from communicating with an ancient person. His field of vision is wide enough, and there must be limitations of the times, which will make him have many doubts about Longguo's support.

"Zhu Yuanzhang, have you embarked on the path of cultivation?"

Liu Hao didn't want to ask this question at first, but after thinking about it, he still chose to ask, not for himself, but more as a reminder for others.

Sure enough, with Liu Hao's question, whether it was Zhen Yuanzi, Yun Zhongzi and others, they all looked at Elder Dage, expecting the answer from Elder Dage, which was related to where they would go next.

"I'm not going to hide it from you, Dragon Kingdom has long invested in Zhu Yuanzhang. Although Zhu Yuanzhang has not stepped into the rank of immortal, he is not far behind!"

With the words of Mr. Dage, many quasi-sages present also had an answer in their hearts. The snot like the Southern Song Dynasty was not within their consideration. The reason why they did not immediately choose the Ming Dynasty was more concerned about how long Zhu Yuanzhang could live. This is related to the question of whether Daming can withstand the Mongolian iron cavalry. Now that he has the answer, he also knows what to do.

"Oh, by the way, the Dali Kingdom in the southwest corner, the whole country has a lot of reverence for Buddhism!"

The elder Dage's words seemed random, and seemed to be a kind reminder to Manjusri Bodhisattva, but in reality, there was a hidden murderous intention, and it was even more a conspiracy.

There are many benefits, and once Manjushri Bodhisattva appears in Dali, he will be able to occupy a place of inheritance with little effort, but what happens next is very important.

With such great benefits, it is bound to be targeted by other people. Restrictions are absolutely inevitable. They will always pay attention to Dali Kingdom and will never allow Dali Kingdom to expand. This also lays the foundation for Dali Kingdom to disappear in the future. The Dali Kingdom was taken over by the Ming Dynasty, how much of the foundation of Buddhism here can be preserved?

Before Manjushri entered,

You have to make a choice. Based on the calculations of Dage Lao, after making it clear, at least Manjushri will not dare to go to Dali in person to speak out. Everyone knows that the higher the peak, the lower the valley. The possibility of rising is very high;

Instead of this, it is better to secretly teach some Buddhist exercises to the end, not only maintaining the foundation of Dali Buddhism, but also avoiding large-scale turmoil when Daming takes Dali in the future. As long as Dali does not become a Buddhist country, In the future, the Ming emperor will not destroy it, but this is a long-term solution.

Even, Manjusri Bodhisattva has already planned to let Daomen enter Dali Kingdom, and he will never stop it if he does not advocate or promote it. One family is all right, but it is a disaster to have only one family.

From the standpoint of Mr. Dage, he doesn't like a country within a country in the kingdom of descendants of Yan and Huang. Even if the world of Jin Yong's martial arts has nothing to do with Mr. Dage, he doesn't want to see it. The responsibility of the old man of Guoda Pavilion, a descendant of Yan and Huang, cannot be shirked.

"It is expected that the sages should also know that Temujin's western expedition has reached the other side of the continent. Wherever he passed, there is no opponent. However, the beliefs along the way are messy, and this is also the use of the sages.

According to the analysis of the Longguo think tank, even if it is Zhu Yuanzhang, the chances of defeating Meng Yuan on the grassland are very slim. This also means that in the next few decades, Ming Dynasty will coexist with Meng Yuan, but the inheritance of the sages, But it's not limited to the territory of Daming, right? "

As soon as Dage's old words fell, Fang Yun picked up the words without waiting for others to respond.

"Tiemuzhen is proud of himself. It's a pity that he can't use such a large area of ​​land. The poor believe that the way of hundreds of schools should be introduced to it, so that they can help them manage the land and population. Yuan disappeared, and eventually turned into the territory of the descendants of Yan and Huang!"

"When barbarians enter Huaxia, they will be Huaxia!"

Dage Lao naturally has no reason to deny it. For the Taoist school, the language of the Dragon Kingdom is the biggest foundation for preaching, and it is easy to pass on the exercises, but it is not easy to spread the Taoist civilization. They also hope that Temujin's population will be fluent. In Mandarin, Fang Yun's proposal naturally has no objection.

In their opinion, Fang Yun, the pioneer, is the best. After they passed down the inheritance in Ming Dynasty, they can turn over and continue to preach in the land laid down by Temujin without wasting time at all. It's just right, and it must be supported.

What about Haotian? Through Liu Hao's secret voice transmission, I also know the many countries I have talked about all the way. I don't even know that this emperor of heaven is called Haotian, but what kind of Allah, Ye and Hua, etc., must also be given to the target of elimination. Where can I object? I support it the most. Yes, maybe it was him.

Zhenyuanzi is better, but the civilization attribute mountain god land is still the Yanhuang civilization system, and he is happy to cooperate.

Manjusri Bodhisattva didn't care, he had already let go of the idea of ​​building a Buddhist kingdom, so it didn't matter. Everyone else nodded, and he agreed along the way.

The last Bai Ze, on the contrary, mostly soy sauce, he is more looking forward to finding the awakened monster race with ancient blood in that world, but he doesn't care much about the others;

He knows better that it is not his turn to appear on the stage, at least until the aura of that world has accumulated to a certain level, and the massive awakening of the monster race's wisdom will be his spring;

At that time, even if he is not wandering in the country of descendants of Yan and Huang, the big earth has too many places for him to play, such as Africa, such as the rainforest of South America, and no one will compete with him for these places. He doesn't care what happened to today's meeting, come, It is enough to remind others that Bai Ze and Yaozu need a share.

By choosing these two worlds, Liu Hao originally meant to give them a try, and the controllability is naturally great.

One is originally in the Dragon Kingdom, and the other is that these two worlds are dominated by the Yanhuang civilization. After entering, there will be no conflicts between the gods of other civilizations.

Just like the Marvel world, once many quasi-sages are introduced into it one by one, it will be strange if the five supreme gods in the Marvel world can still sit still;

That is to say, Liu Hao's white tiger incarnation is very low-key in the Marvel world, looks very harmless, and has been recognized by the Marvel world earth step by step;

At the same time, they did not rush out of the earth to participate in the battle of the universe, which made the five supreme gods in the Marvel world have to let go of their targeted thoughts;

But even so, their eyes on the Marvel Earth will still not be the slightest slack, and it is related to their dominance in this universe, and they cannot help being careless.

If the abyss is not connected to the earth, Liu Hao may take other actions, such as trying the height problem of the five supreme gods in the Marvel world, and one day he will be in a better mood, maybe he will find a certain supreme god to have a big battle such as;

Doing so will naturally greatly improve the Yanhuang civilization in the Marvel world, and it will inevitably make the five supreme gods compromise on this, but the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, even if they compromise, their attitude must be a last resort. If given the chance, they will definitely choose to hit the rocks and root them out from the ground up.

Such a result must be what Liu Hao doesn't want to see, he can't gamble with the Yanhuang civilization in that world, not to mention the abyss is the real enemy now;

Compared with the Dragon Kingdom on Liu Hao's Earth, the Marvel world is closer to the front line, and bears the brunt of the brunt. Naturally, it is on the same front as Liu Hao. With such combat power, if you can't use it for yourself, it's too much. Pity.

Seeing that many agreements reached in the meeting came to an end, Liu Hao threw out the Marvel world. In comparison, the Marvel world is fully representative;

The reason why it is brought up now is also to remind Zhen Yuanzi and the others to let them understand that in these worlds connected to the earth, there are also opponents who can fight against them;

Moreover, in other people's world, whether it is the will of heaven and earth or luck, they must be on their side. If you do it rashly, it may cause a lot of trouble, and it may even be confessed there by accident.

"Is it a god system that is completely different from the prehistoric civilization system?"

When Zhang Bairen asked, he even glanced at Manjusri Bodhisattva. In his opinion, Buddhism is already a god outside the system, but now he realizes that it is not as he thought, he came out of the prehistoric world, but became his own person;

Suddenly, he understood why he had emphasized that 'language is the foundation of everything'. Even the language is completely different from the system of descendants of Yan and Huang, so how could there be consistent myths and legends?

"There are so many heavens and worlds. If you fellow Taoists travel to more worlds in the future, you will find the difference between the world systems. Among them, the round sky and the local world, and the world of stars and stars are the most important. The former can be used as a reference in the prehistoric world. Although there are differences in the civilization system, they can all lead to the same goal in the end, while the latter is much more complicated, and you will understand the specifics after observing it in the future!"

Except for Zhang Bairen, the other quasi-sages present have already known this. They have entered the earth for so long, and they have read many books that should be read. Even without Liu Hao's current summary, they have guessed most of it. Liu Hao said just now, The more important thing is to remind Zhang Bairen, in the way of reminding Zhang Bairen, to tell other quasi-sages, don't think that they are quasi-sages, so they can enter and exit any world at will.

"Did Emperor Ziwei meet saints in other worlds?"

As the landlord, Zhen Yuanzi asked him the information that everyone wanted to know, but they heard that there is a round world besides the wild, and they had more thoughts in their hearts;

Because they understand that the world with a round sky and a round place can only be created artificially, and they think that the level of the created world will not be too small, and the appearance of saints or Hunyuan monks will not shock them at all.

At the same time, they also have a more sense of urgency in their hearts, that is, in the future, they may encounter visitors from the world at the same level as the prehistoric. Will these visitors compete with them for Taoism in the future? Even to compete for territory?

"How can it be so easy to meet a saint or a Hunyuan monk? It's like entering the prehistoric world. If the Empress Nuwa and others hadn't noticed the cause and effect of the poor Dao, they would not have come to the world. Perhaps the quasi-sage is not bad for one world." Yes, but Zhunsheng is just an ant in front of a saint."

Speaking of this, Liu Hao paused for a moment, and Zhen Yuanzi and others also nodded in agreement. From their point of view, it was already top-level, but in the eyes of saints or Hunyuan monks, this height is no different from ordinary people. However, objects that can be destroyed easily do not attract most of their interest at all;

Maybe even if there are saints and Hunyuan monks in these worlds, the other party will just happily take a look at what you do, and treat it as a pastime, because in their view, all your efforts are just playing tricks.

"However, as far as the present is concerned, there are fewer worlds that Pindao has traveled to. Except for the world where Xuanwu Dazun is located, there is no legend of a saint. On the contrary, there is a strange world in Australia. When you are free in the future, we It’s not that we can’t go and check it out, maybe there may have been saints or Hunyuan monks in that world at the beginning, but now we don’t know it!”

What Liu Hao said is the 'perfect world'. It is impossible for a mere quasi-sage to suppress the eternal bottleneck of a world with a drop of dirty blood. If this drop of dirty blood did not come from the Chaos Demon God The dirty blood can only be left by the Hunyuan cultivator in the beginning, but what the other party thinks is beyond what Liu Hao can guess now;

But Liu Hao doesn't think that this drop of tainted blood is left unintentionally by the other party. You must know that blocking the way forward of one world is not a small taboo in the chaos. All living beings in one world lose their future because of you Lu, there is no karma in it and Liu Hao will not believe it.

Or is the monk who left this drop of dirty blood dead now? If this is the case, this person can only be the pioneer of the perfect world. Is it because there is a chaotic demon god coveting this world outside the perfect world?

Many possibilities can only be Liu Hao's guesses, and they are not something he can participate in with his current cultivation, but he also knows one thing, that is, the perfect world is harmless in a short time, even if he brings many quasi-sages in front of him to visit for a while. Fan also can not cause too many storms;

This is also what Liu Hao wants to do in the future. He doesn't think that relying on Shi Hao and a few people can break this block in one fell swoop, even if he wakes up the powerful monks who have been silent in the long river of time one by one, the probability is the same very slim;

At that time, even if Liu Hao and others participate in it, they still cannot achieve their goals, but they will definitely be able to get the affinity of the perfect world. helpful.

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