Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and thirty-seven. The saints set foot in the world of Zongwu

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1037. The Saints Set foot in the Zongwu World

Zhongnan Mountain, since the arrival of Yun Zhongzi, it has become his dojo. Although the passage connecting Jin Yong's martial arts world and Liu Hao's earth is also in Zhongnan Mountain, there are hundreds of miles away from the dojo designated by Yun Zhongzi. to the distance in kilometers.

For Zhuansheng, this distance is just a matter of taking one more step. In such a situation, it is absolutely rare for Yun Zhongzi to be able to endure it until now without compromising.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Yun Zhongzi's main body entering the magic world. It is understandable that he chose to keep a low profile when the main body has not fully adapted to the magic world.

But the most fundamental reason is that a huge military camp has already formed here, with a permanent population of more than 100,000. Therefore, even if Yun Zhongzi is very curious, he has to consider the impact of acting rashly.

You may say that there is no problem at all for a dignified quasi-sage who wants to hide his body, and this is true. If Yun Zhongzi goes in and out of hiding, the strongest in the barracks will not be able to find the slightest bit;

But what's the use of simply sightseeing? Longguo has given full respect to Yun Zhongzi, and Yun Zhongzi must also give feedback. This mutual respect is the biggest premise, and therefore, there was a previous quasi-sage meeting. They would rather give Liu He will not be willing to face the resentment of the more than one billion people in the Dragon Kingdom directly.

Fortunately, it seems that everything is fine now, and they are progressing according to the development they want in their hearts. This is why a group of people have landed on the clouds;

The arrival of the barracks, Liu Hao and others did not cause much commotion. On the contrary, Mr. Dage was frequently looked after with curiosity, but he was only curious without other expressions such as awe. This also made Zhen Yuanzi and others look up one cent.

The passageway in the world of martial arts is very conveniently located. On Liu Hao’s side of the earth, the entrance of the passageway is located near a cliff, neither high nor low. Now it seems that there is no problem. Anyone who comes here can reach it with a light jump. In the early days, anyone who was able to enter this passage cave had to have an adventure, which is why only Yan Zhen walked through it by chance;

And the other end, even more coincidentally, is the inner space of the Ancient Tomb Sect, where the little dragon girl lives.

Especially in the early days, the entrance of the passage is directly placed in the house, even if you find this passage, it is not so easy to be allowed to walk through it, besides, in the early days, the rank of the little dragon girl is much stronger than that of the Dragon Kingdom, Otherwise, it would be impossible to teach Yan Zhen. You must know that Yan Zhen's cultivation base is not low at all, and he is about to step into Taiyi.


In the early days, if Long Guo wanted to go to the world of Zongwu, he had to discuss with Xiaolongnv, and also needed to ask Yan Zhen to intercede, so that he could get three or five places;

That is to say, after the two sides gained mutual trust and Longguo invited the little dragon girl to visit Liu Hao's earth, the quota began to increase on a large scale;

Up to now, Xiaolongnv finally gave up the residence of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and because of this, the Dragon Kingdom was allowed to develop and support the Zongwu World more.

Xiao Longnv was already alone in the Zongwu world, and Li Mochou, a senior sister in the dimension, didn't know where she was now. For her, the Zongwu world is not as close as being in Liu Hao's earth, and her personal disciples are still in Liu Hao's earth;

Now that the ancient tomb camp has been put down, the selected residence is simply placed in the earth. Now, this site is also nearby, and a place with beautiful mountains and rivers has been selected, and Long Guo is responsible for helping to build a small courtyard. The Ancient Tomb Sect was established across borders.

After entering the Dragon Kingdom, many habits have changed over the years, but the personality has not changed much. It is cold, lonely, and the attributes of the house are still the same. It has links to the Internet and the outside world. It also has a good understanding of many things in the outside world. The matter of stepping into the earth, in the Zongwu world, is also the Yanhuang civilization. Although there is no deliberate statistics, many legends still exist, such as Nuwa, Sanqing, etc.;

This is why Xiao Longnv was not at a loss when she saw Liu Hao and others coming.

In the world of Zongwu, Longguo's approach is very authentic. Although many things have not been discussed with Xiaolongnv, once the Zongwu world changes drastically, it will be notified to Xiaolongnv in writing, and the concept is specially marked for this, and Xiaolongnv is also supported. This is also the reason why Xiaolongnv gave up her sect's residence;

Regarding the fact that Zhuang Zhou and others wanted to go to the world of Zongwu to spread Taoism, Xiao Longnv thought about it for a while, and nodded in approval. However, Zhuang Zhou originally wanted to accept Xiao Longnv as a registered disciple, but Xiao Longnv shook her head Rejected, in Xiao Longnu's view, she already has a master. The ancients were much more ethical in this respect than the modern people. They really treated the master as a parent, and they took advantage of it wherever they saw it.

Zhuang Zhou didn't expect this at first, but when he saw the little dragon girl, he was more or less mentally prepared. Facing the rejection of the little dragon girl, Zhuang Zhou didn't care at all, and he didn't mean to become angry at all. It's even more eye-catching.

"From your practice of martial arts, Pindao can also see that it is my Taiqing lineage. Since I met it, it is fate. Today, Pindao will pass on the Taiqing Immortal Technique to you. Would you like me?"

"Thank you Zhuangzi!"

Xiaolongnv Zhenshou bowed profusely, which also made Zhuang Zhou smile sarcasticly, but Yun Zhongzi and others beside him turned their heads towards Zhuang Zhou;

Others may not know it, but they do understand it too well. The "Taiqing Immortal Method" is basically Lao Tzu's conclusion, and it cannot be learned by his own disciples. Zhuang Zhou's ability to teach it to Xiao Longnu shows how much he attaches importance to Xiao Longnu;

Even if the two did not recognize their status, outsiders must regard Xiao Longnv as a member of the Renjiao and treat each other with courtesy. Even Yang Jian Nezha must call Xiao Longnv his junior sister when he sees Xiao Longnv.

That is to say, he is as free and easy as Zhuang Zhou, so he dares to do it so casually. It seems that he is not at all worried that his master will find him trouble. This is the benefit of the only disciple.

"I see that your mortal fate is not over, and it is even more difficult to escape. Since Pindao has decided to go to your world, you have nothing to do with you, why don't you go with Pindao!"

When Zhuang Zhou said this, Liu Hao was slightly surprised. He knew the reason in advance. He was just thinking about how Yang Guo should deal with Xiaolongnv when she left the world of Zongwu. The marriage in the world of mortals is clearly seen, and it is really powerful. From this point of view, Zhuang Zhou in front of him really has his eyes on this disciple who has no status at all, and because of this, he considers him from the bottom of his heart.

When Xiao Longnu heard Zhuang Zhou's words, there was a slight change on her face. She was a little surprised, but also a little pink and shy. After thinking for a while, she chose to nod her head slightly in response.

A teacher, teaching karma and solving doubts, although he didn't recognize his name, but from the moment he accepted Zhuang Zhou's teaching of immortality, his heart was somewhat opened, he accepted the arrival of a new teacher, and regarded Zhuang Zhou as a teacher.

The Ancient Tomb Sect is clearly on the side of the Quanzhen Sect. After leaving the passage, he was the first force to enter the Zongwu world. It is said that he is from the lineage of Laojun, and there are legends. The one who established the Quanzhen Sect was Wang Chongyang. It is called "Chongyangzi" and "Chongyang Zhenren". According to legend, it is obtained from the golden elixir skills taught by Han Zhongli and Lu Dongbin. They traveled to Zhongnan Mountain and established the Quanzhen Sect, with alchemy as the core;

Needless to say, it is impossible for the Quanzhen Sect in the world of Zongwu to be taught by Lu Dongbin and Han Zhongli, but since it has something to do with it, in the eyes of Zhuang Zhou, Zhen Yuanzi and others, it can only be Belonging to the lineage of Renjiao, this is also the result of the tacit understanding between them quasi-sages.

Therefore, after entering the world of Zongwu, they stood on the white clouds and looked at Quanzhen Sect for a few times, even Yun Zhongzi had to choose another place, but Zhongnan Mountain in this world had no chance with him.

On the contrary, when Liu Hao looked at Mount Zhongnan, he was taken aback for a moment, and he saw a familiar person in it;

Zhou Yan, the last time Liu Hao saw each other was at the eighth level. When he went to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Dajiao, Zhou Yan was wearing a plain robe at that time, and he also had the eighth level. With his cultivation base, plus a little boy, his looks are almost catching up with him;

Therefore, the impression is very deep. I heard that Yan Zhen said that he was originally from the Quanzhen Sect. Now it is reasonable to practice in the Quanzhen Sect in this world. This matter must have the participation of the Dragon Kingdom. Liu Hao I was stunned for a moment, but I didn't say much, I just thought it was what I imagined.

Withdrawing his gaze, Liu Hao directly dispersed his consciousness and scanned the entire planet. When other people saw it, they followed suit. After everyone withdrew their consciousness, Zhen Yuanzi asked:

"Emperor Ziwei doesn't seem to be worried about being rejected by the world?"

"It's different here. This world is dominated by the civilization of descendants of Yan and Huang. In those myths and legends, everyone must exist. Today, they have obtained permission to enter and exit, so there is no need to worry;

In the world of other civilizations, Pindao would not dare to make such a big splash! "

"So that's the case, it seems that I learned a lot when I came here with fellow daoists! Hahaha!"

"You old man, if you don't confer the land of the mountain god, what are you still doing here?"

"Oh? It seems that Emperor Ziwei has reminded the poor Taoist? I also invite fellow Taoists but say it's okay, if it can bring convenience to the poor Taoist, the poor Taoist still has some fruits in his hands!"

"That's okay, fellow daoists, you don't need to go through too much review of the canonization of the land of the mountain gods in other regions. However, in the place where the descendants of Yan and Huang are located, please ask the fellow daoists to carefully review the personnel of the lands of the mountain gods in various places. This place is not like my earth, let alone the wild, Once chosen, it will be difficult to monitor what they do for a long time in the future, so once they do evil, they will not only bring karma to fellow Taoists, but will definitely cause great harm to the people here!"

"It seems that Fellow Daoist has some scruples in his heart. Could it be that there are many hidden secrets in it?"

The person selected by Zhen Yuanzi, there will be no review. This is related to his future merits and karma. Naturally, he is all kinds of cautious. He knows that Liu Hao must also know, but if he knows, let him give this implicit reminder. It must be that there is a lot of information that he doesn't know yet. Are you afraid that you will be deceived?

Liu Hao is really worried about this point. The Northern Ming Dynasty under Zhu Yuanzhang's rule is not a big problem. If it is the Southern Song Dynasty, he is too aware of the integrity of those Song officials. Among the common people, these people are based on Confucianism. It's glamorous on the outside, but it's no exaggeration to say how dirty it is in the dark;

Sima Guang is the biggest example. His "Zizhi Tongjian" is simply a family opinion. In the eyes of others, Emperor Qin and Hanwu are tyrannical kings. They say they are Confucianists, rather than Confucianism. The generation who formed cliques to the limit, Wang Anshi Didn't such reform pioneers die at their hands?

From the perspective of future generations, Wang Anshi was the one who truly contributed to the people in the Song Dynasty, but in the Song Dynasty, not only the officials, but even the people hated him to the bone. According to the words of the people, these people will definitely suffer in the future.

Liu Hao knew this, so he reminded Zhen Yuanzi. When Zhen Yuanzi asked back, he sighed and left the historical materials of Wang Anshi and Sima Guang to Zhen Yuanzi to judge for himself. , that's all I can do.

"So that's the case. It seems that Confucius' Confucianism has also been misinterpreted by later generations!"

"Aren't they all benefits after all the calculations? Fellow Daoist Mo family also has restrictions among the prehistoric human race, and today I feel the same way!"

Liu Hao felt much more at ease now, maybe if he was a different person, he would still doubt it, Zhen Yuanzi, who was preached by Honghuang Mozi, could really understand, a good family theory, he was bound by each family to "Jianai Feigong", Abandoned cleanly, and the Gong family was directly classified as a lowly status. If Zhen Yuanzi didn't feel a little bit unhappy, then he would be a ghost;

Seeing Confucianism being messed up like this today, Zhen Yuanzi definitely felt gloating in his heart. It would be very difficult for those who pretend to be Confucianists to deceive Zhen Yuanzi.

On the other side, Zhen Yuanzi had an idea, his eyes showed a hint of surprise, and when he looked up at Liu Hao, he suddenly asked a question:

"Fellow Daoist seems to be thinking of setting up the position of Star Lord here?"

Liu Hao didn't respond to his words, but Haotian's body on the side tensed up, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

If it is said that enfeoffing Xingjun, the authority of Emperor Ziwei can really do it, but this is also a great power in the heaven. Once Emperor Ziwei claims it, his rights as the Jade Emperor will definitely shrink a lot, so he can't help but not worry.

"Hahaha, you are an old man, but you have to provoke; it is the responsibility of the emperor to entrust the star king, and the pindao doesn't want to do it for him. It's just that the pindao has taken a fancy to two heroic spirits, one is Bao Zheng and the other is Yue Fei. ;

The latter, Pindao, wants to let him serve as the assistant minister of the "Wu Qu Xing" in this world, while the former, Pindao is still under consideration. "

After Liu Hao said these words, Haotian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that even if Xingjun canonization was held in his hands, Wenqu and Wuqu still had to be handed over to Liu Hao, and a compromise was inevitable. Otherwise, everyone would be really unattractive. Liu Hao pointed out the purpose, which also means that he really has no intention of getting involved in the canonization of other star kings. If he keeps pestering him, he will appear to be a villain.

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