Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and forty-one. Zhou Zhiruo Linghu Chong

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1041. Zhou Zhiruo, Linghu Chong

In the feudal era, the spread of information was very slow, but there was a group of people who had a strong control over the news, that is, the Jianghu, all kinds of people in the Jianghu emerged endlessly, and there were not many people who relied on this to make a living;

Guo Jing was looking for Zhang Wuji, and then seeking information about the Dragon Sword, like a wave of spring water rippling across the rivers and lakes.

Ten years ago, this news would have set off a bloodbath in the world, but now, it can only make people in the world curious, and everyone wonders if there are other uses for the "Yi Tian Sword" and "Dragon Slaying Sword"? Or did Yue Fei Yue Wu Mu hide some treasure in it?

There is a lot of curiosity, and various speculations emerge in endlessly, but there are very few participants;

Zhang Wuji's cultivation is not a joke. His parents are long gone, and there is only such a adoptive father left. I don't know where the horns are hiding. Although Mingjiao is gone, Daming has stood up;

It's okay to provoke a sect, but it's absolutely impossible to provoke an imperial court, and it's not something ordinary people in the world can afford;

What's more, there is a gang of beggars here. The gang of beggars is divided into the north and the south, but the man and the machine are still one. Who knows that Huang Rong has something to do, so will Qiao Fengfeng in the Southern Song Dynasty make a move?

These Jianghu people really guessed right, the beggar gang is divided into the north and the south, but here it is mostly superficial, and it is more to prevent the two courts of the Ming Dynasty in the north and the Southern Song Dynasty in the south from being suspicious of the beggar gang. The connection between the two beggar gangs is not old or young.

No, Qiao Feng personally sent the invitation to Miejue Shitai on Mount Emei, and Miejue Shitai came out to greet her in person, so she knew the inside story a long time ago.

In the invitation, there is a letter written by Huang Rong herself, without concealing it, she bluntly stated that it was needed by the "Emperor Ziwei", although she did not name her doubts about the "Emperor Ziwei" in the new letter, but also emphasized that her cultivation is unfathomable, This made Miejue Shitai have other thoughts in his mind.

'Yi Tian Jian', these years is no longer a magic weapon in the rivers and lakes, but it is still a symbol of Mount Emei. When I heard the news before, Miejue Shitai still sneered more, even if your beggar gang is powerful, you can't Just let me hand it over casually?

But now? Miejue Shitai knew very well that what Guo Jing and Huang Rong called "unfathomable" cultivation, not to mention surpassing Zhang Sanfeng, but definitely comparable.

Such an opponent, Mount Emei really can't afford to provoke,

To this day, she can still vividly remember the scene of Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday. It was a completely crushing situation, and she couldn't use what she had learned. She could only watch herself being slapped and watched helplessly. Yitian Sword' was taken away by Zhang Sanfeng, and it was called safekeeping;

In the end, if Zhou Zhiruo hadn't fought hard and went to Wudang Mountain to retrieve it, it was still a question whether the 'Yi Tian Sword' could return to Mount Emei.

It was also through that accident that Miejue Shitai's fiery temper disappeared a lot, she learned how to measure, she learned that there are strong hands in the strong, and she also knows how to assess the situation.

Now, in Huang Rong's letter, she has already emphasized that she is invited to participate in person. This is also an opportunity to face the "Emperor Ziwei" directly, and to see how strong the character Guo Jing and Huang Rong called "Unfathomable" is.

Miejue Shitai also knew that Zhang Wuji would definitely be there to participate. The presence of the original Mingjiao leader who was already comparable to Zhang Sanfeng in terms of cultivation level would cause a shocking battle? She was looking forward to it;

To Zhang Wuji, Miejue Shitai was not pleasing to the eye no matter what she saw. In her opinion, this kid seduced her good apprentice, and finally abandoned him. He even chose a girl from Mengyuan to go away to the grassland. It was really a crime. Damn it.

"I also ask Master Qiao to tell Guo Daxia that the poor man will definitely go there!"

"Hahaha, then a certain family has completed the mission today!"

"It seems that Mrs. Guo is still the head of the beggar gang?"

Juejue Shitai couldn't help provoking;

Qiao Feng didn't take it seriously when he heard it. Others don't know, but he himself doesn't know? My Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were taught by the old gang leader Hong Qigong. Speaking of which, Huang Rong is my senior sister, so what if the beggar gang listens to her senior sister?

"This is a family, so why separate you and me?"

"It seems that Qiao Gangzhu also advocates the unification of the north and the south!" This is basically a temptation;

"They are all descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. Whoever becomes the emperor is their own business, and it is not for us people in the rivers and lakes to participate! Does the teacher still have expectations for the Southern Song Dynasty?"

Qiao Feng followed suit to explain his own ideas, and at the same time, he was tentative about the Emei School. In his opinion, Buddhism should stay out of the matter. If the Emei School has other ideas, then it is really necessary to make other preparations;

"The poor nun is a monk, and Emei has nothing to do with the affairs of the world. Speaking of the Southern Dynasties, the Sun Moon God Sect that has emerged in recent years, but the northern Ming Dynasty?"

"It is rumored that the Sun Moon God Sect that appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty in these years was established by the original Mingjiao believers, or in other words, it was established by some of the original Mingjiao disciples who did not want to participate in the imperial court. They took the name of the sun and the moon. It's obvious, if it's the Ming Dynasty in the north, it shouldn't be so obvious, right? The Southern Song court seems to be happy for them!"

Qiao Feng was just guessing.

"That's right, even if it was the Northern Great Ming's son, there is a high probability that it is not now! The original director of the Sun Moon God Sect, Wo Xing, is nowhere to be found, but the one in power now is Dongfang Bubai. I don't know if it was because of the Southern Song court's deliberate support! "

The two of them were actually changing the topic, and they didn't want to support any clear answer before. They seemed to be very interested so far. In fact, they were no different from greetings.

"A few days ago, I heard that Huashan sent many disciples into the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty, and even went directly to Fuzhou. I don't know what the purpose is?"

"What the teacher wants to talk about is that Huashan Linghu Chong is involved with the Sun Moon God Sect, right?"

"I can't hide it from Gang Leader Qiao. At this time, many sects in the Southern Song Dynasty should pay close attention to it, especially the Hengshan sect! The sect master Mo came out of the mountain in person, which shows how much he attaches importance to it!

Speaking of which, the Southern Song court has been like a frightened bird in the past few years. If there is a slight change, it will start to stab. This time, the poor nun is going to Xiangyang City, but he needs more guards from the leader Qiao along the way! "

"This is a matter of duty, Qiao should do it with all his strength!" Qiao Feng clasped his fists and responded heartily, knowing that the greetings were over, he said goodbye and left without further words.

Miejue Shitai watched Qiao Feng disappear for a long time before he sighed: "The beggar gang really has a lot of talents!"

Behind him, a beautiful figure came leisurely. Hearing Miejue Shitai's words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't take it seriously. The person who came was Zhou Zhiruo, whose cultivation had already surpassed Miejue Shitai's by a lot, so the arrogance in his heart was naturally much higher .

"Master, I heard that Hong Qigong, the five masters of the Central Plains, is still alive, but is it true or not?"

"It's been a long time since I've been alive, if the great changes in the world haven't happened, or if I've died, I'm probably alive now;"

"Previously, Zhang Sanfeng was given the title of No. 1 in the world, and Wang Chongyang, one of the five masters of the Central Plains, did not appear. Maybe he is gone?"

"Zhiruo, do you have a bottleneck in your cultivation? Do you want to challenge to make a breakthrough?"

"I can't hide it from the master! These days, my cultivation base has been immobile for a long time, and Zhiruo feels a little restless in her heart, thinking that it is better to move than to be still!"

Miejue Shitai sighed in his heart, his disciple's talent far exceeds his own, but the word "love" is the most harmful, and it has become an obsession in the disciple's heart. When he said that he went out to challenge, why didn't he just want to find trouble for Zhang Wuji? This trip to Xiangyang, it seems that it is difficult not to bring this disciple with me.

People in the Jianghu say that they are walking in the Jianghu, but in fact they are a group of guys who are full and have nothing to do. They don’t have a serious job on weekdays. His head was itching so much that even though he knew it was very dangerous, he couldn't help but want to go and watch it.

This is the arena. To put it bluntly, they are the ones who like to join in the fun the most.

The Xiangyang matter had nothing to do with these people at all, but when they heard that Guo Jing and Huang Rong wanted to collect the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber, they subconsciously moved towards Xiangyang City regardless of the reason;

Among them, Linghu Chong from the Huashan faction was included. This guy finally got out of the mountain gate, like a domestic dog who broke free from his collar, and was so free and easy.

A pot of old wine, two catties of beef, one day of dizziness, such a day is life;

It's a pity that it won't last long. Although Linghu Chong is a major disciple of the Huashan School, the Huashan School is really nothing in this world. At best, it is only a second-rate level. The silver in his hand is really not enough for him to live such a free and easy life.

Thinking about it, I think it makes sense. In the entire Huashan faction, there are only three or two big cats and kittens. Although they occupy Huashan, they can actually produce very limited. Go, only some fertile land under the mountain gate is leased to the surrounding people in exchange for usable funds, and distributed to Linghu Chong, how many can be left?

Xiu said that it was Linghu Chong, even his master Yue Buqun, if he wanted to change into a red dress, he would have to think twice. In this feudal era, dyed robes were not generally expensive.

In terms of earning ability, this gang of quacks is not as good as those escorts at the bottom. unknown?

Often escorts escort valuables, and after being robbed by the so-called evil gangsters, these valuables can always be transferred to the hands of various sects, such as praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles, so what about these orioles? Is it possible to comfortably return these valuables to their original owners?

In short, even though they have taken advantage of it, they are still respectable and decent.

As far as the government is concerned, these people from the rivers and lakes are cancers at all, and their own set of rules cannot be put on the table at all.

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang of the Northern Ming Dynasty always wanted to recruit these heroes of the rivers and lakes. Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in Mingjiao himself, knew all too well the filthiness of it. It is impossible to really wipe out these people in the rivers and lakes. Instead of doing this, it is better to put a shackle on them so that these people will not be unscrupulous.

This is also the reason why many sects are willing to set up institutions in the Southern Song Dynasty. For example, Huashan School, although their family property is scarce, they are happy to wander in the Southern Song Dynasty. but out;

Of course, the purpose is also clear, the high-level exercises that may exist in the Lin family of Fuzhou: the evil sword manual.

Although Yu Canghai's plan would not be spread widely, it was also not kept secret. When Yue Buqun heard about it, how could he sit still?

Speaking of it, the Huashan School is also depressed. Since the battle between the Huashan Sword and Qi Schools, many exercises in the Huashan School have disappeared. In the rivers and lakes, he is only a second-rate school. If Huashan hadn't been a long-standing sect, such background would have been cleared out of the level of the second-rate sect long ago.

Can Yue Buqun not be in a hurry? But where is it so easy to obtain advanced exercises?

Don't think that the spiritual energy has been revived. Originally, these exercises are useless. In fact, they are still great. Most of the more advanced cultivation methods deduced today are advanced from these basic martial arts exercises. In other words, the more advanced The better the martial arts skills, the stronger the cultivation method that can be deduced.

Of course, not everyone has the ability to deduce the method of cultivating immortals. Both talent and understanding are indispensable, which also makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker;

For example, Zhang Sanfeng, such a guy who can forcibly create his own Tai Chi skills, his talent and understanding are basically at the max level. When he was still practicing martial arts, he had already touched the edge of cultivation, and now it is even more desperate. The difference is that when others are still hovering around becoming immortals, they have been golden immortals for a long time. The so-called super-class Wudang is talking about them, and the Huashan School can hardly be compared.

Over the years, Yue Buqun has also collected a lot of martial arts skills through various channels for reference to improve his own Huashan School background, but unfortunately, they are all less popular and can have little effect, so after hearing about evil spirits Only when the news of the sword book is heard, the faction will be raised out of the mountain. It can be said that it will not stop until it achieves its goal.

It's just that Yue Buqun couldn't express this idea. He is a gentleman's sword, and the personality on the surface is very important. How could it be him to do such a lowly thing?

Therefore, in Linghu Chong's heart, the reason why his master came to Fuzhou was to lead his disciples out of the mountains to practice in a very quiet manner.

Since it is an experience, there is nothing left or right, so why not have a better time? Now that he has broken free from the dog chain, how can Linghu Chong be honest? It's not like I heard that Xiangyang has a lot of fun to watch, so I turned around and left after looking for an opportunity. As for whether the master blamed it, that's a matter of later, let's talk about it when I'm happy.

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