Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and forty-two. Bai Ze Luozi Divine Sculpture

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1042: The Godly Sculpture of Bai Zeluozi

Pulling one hair moves the whole body, it has been like this since ancient times;

As soon as Guo Jing and Huang Rong in Xiangyang City made a move, the whole rivers and lakes began to dance;

Zhuang Zhou, who was far away in Zhongnan Mountain, soon learned of the news, counted his fingers, and his spiritual consciousness swept over the little dragon girl who was breaking through in retreat, shaking his head slightly, but thinking in his heart that he would miss it again. It takes a lot of suffering.

However, Yang Guo, who was Zhuang Zhou's calculation of Xiaolongnu's marriage partner, was holding a letter at this time, which was sent by Guo Jing specially. Guo Jing didn't want his nephew to miss such an important event that could have a far-reaching impact;

From Guo Jing's point of view, when Liu Hao summons Yue Fei in the future, no matter whether he can benefit from it or not, even if he can watch it, he will be able to comprehend some fate.

Guo Jing's thinking is also in the hearts of many masters of the rivers and lakes.

It’s funny to say that this world of martial arts has been upgraded from martial arts to immortal, but in fact, many accumulations are not enough, all kinds of Taoism are extremely rare, and even many exercises are very ambiguous, as if it is still a martial arts model;

For example, the internal force confrontation has turned into real energy, and they are still used to melee combat, and there are almost no long-range spells. They are also suffering, and they know that they are lagging behind, and they want to quickly keep up with the times. They can think and do it. There are two different things at all, there is no reminder, and it is really far away to let a group of people figure it out.

No, when I heard the name of 'Emperor Ziwei', even though doubts dominated, it still couldn't stop these high-ranking monks from being eager to learn, and Yang Guo was one of them;

And his good partner, Shendiao, seems to be a little demon, becoming more and more intelligent. Once the opportunity is opened, it will be a matter of course to join the demon clan. Even if it is not for the divine sculpture, Yang Guo would like to visit it;

But he also has some taboos. The name of the divine eagle has been widely circulated in the Jianghu. Many people in the Jianghu know that Yang Guo is accompanied by a handsome golden eagle. Perhaps these people also thought about the monster, but in the end they still No one came to trouble him. On the one hand, it was due to his own strength, and on the other hand, it was because the divine eagle did not do anything to harm the human race.

But are these factors also under the approval of the so-called 'Emperor Ziwei'? But as soon as other people saw that it was a monster, they would kill it casually, right?

Yang Guo was struggling, but he didn't know that the divine eagle that had set off to hunt had already been spotted by Bai Ze.

I am thinking about how to arrange it with relish.

In the world of Zongwu, the spiritual energy has only recovered for about ten years, and the monster race has not yet risen. However, there are already demonized beasts in the deep mountains and old forests, but it is also extremely difficult. Although the physical fitness has improved, the spiritual intelligence is still pitifully weak. Ignorant and ignorant, after all, compared with the human race, they have no practice method, hunting and killing each other to evolve, and it takes less than thirty or fifty years, which is really difficult to do;

If Bai Ze hadn't scanned the world with Liu Hao and the others before, the nature would definitely be much lower, but since he found out, he would not be able to leave. Others have their own goals, but Bai Ze has been observing the divine sculpture for a long time, so he can't see this guy Before the spirit energy revived, there was a human race to take care of it, conveying the inner true energy to conceive and nourish it, and this made the god handsome today?

If it were another human race, Bai Ze would not hesitate at all, and would kill the master of the sculpture at will, but seeing Yang Guo, Bai Ze became depressed instead. It can also be seen that such an important chess piece is no longer something he can kill if he wants to.

But it doesn't mean that Bai Ze will do nothing. He also doesn't want to miss the rare talent of the Divine Condor. This is why he has observed his movements for a long time. Although he knows that he can't hide it from Zhuang Zhou, he still chooses to fulfill it. The cause and effect of the share teaching, it may be an unexpected benefit in the future;

In the midst of ignorance, like a five-year-old child, the divine sculpture only feels that he has fallen into a boundless world;

After soaring for an unknown amount of time, I saw a vast figure of a goat at the end of the sky, but on top of the huge head of this goat, there was a long golden horn that soared into the sky. can't breathe

It struggled and screamed, it seemed that there was more power in its body, and its heavy body could move a little more. Many ignorant confusions in the past seem to be clear at this moment;

This made it very happy. As the king of the sky, it was extremely proud. It seemed to feel the power of resistance. There was a voice in the dark telling it to continue looking towards the goat's golden horns;

This glance gave him endless dizziness, all sense of direction disappeared at this moment, the whole body seemed to be no longer his own, and the whole neck seemed to be tightly strangled by a big hand, unable to move at all. a little noise;

This completely involuntary feeling is long and long, as if this moment has gone through endless years, and short and short, it understands that it is just a breath;

When the eyes were no longer blurred, it looked down, measured the height, and exhaled heavily in its heart. What was even more fortunate was that its wings were still stretched, although it could not be flapped, it could still fly , it is waiting, waiting for the recovery of its body consciousness, and let it bet right;

Counting only a few hundred, it found that its body gradually began to feel, and severe tingling sensations appeared around these bodies that had withdrawn their senses, as if countless sharp long needles were crazily piercing in and out of these parts, and it grew its mouth , his eyes widened, the scream he imagined still failed to utter, and what made him even more uncomfortable was that there were also countless long needles stabbing pain in his throat.

When this tingling sensation spread all over the body, its first thought was not pain but joy. Fighting against the endless stinging pain, it waved its wings fiercely and watched itself levitate up from the falling process. , a joy of escaping life appeared in my heart;

Suddenly, it seemed that these severe tingling sensations began to gradually dissipate. When the suspension reached the highest point, the pain seemed to be just an illusion, and a force emerged from the body, and this force seemed to be stronger than before;

It opened its eyes and looked at its own body. This time, it found that its body had shrunk a lot. It seemed that the growth just now was also an illusion. The entire body had returned to its previous size. Rapidly improving, it would think that the previous experience was all a dream.

"White Pond!"

This word appeared in Shendiao's mind, and then he didn't seem to need to think about it at all, he understood what Bai Ze was? He understood the concept of the Yaozu better, not only that, but the word 'Bai Ze' was firmly engraved into its sea of ​​consciousness, moreover, these two words were very different from the human race characters he had learned before. difference.

This was done on purpose by Bai Ze, and the two characters are the monster clan characters created by the ancient Kunpeng demon master in the prehistoric era. They were originally created in response to the Taoism of heaven and earth, and they themselves contain endless dao rhymes. The two characters of the monster race are like visualizing 'Bai Ze', and it will be a matter of time before the divine sculpture comprehends a unique practice method.

Above the sky, Bai Ze caressed his unique goatee, watching the divine sculpture happily disappear at the end of his eyes, with a faint smile on his face;

He also knows that the best visualization object for this divine sculpture is the phoenix, and the golden-winged roc under it. It is beyond his control;

He didn't want to use the pawn that he had chosen so hard to make a wedding dress for others, and choose his own body to engrave a mark in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. This is a surefire strategy. As for the follow-up, it is up to God;

Or maybe because he knew he couldn't kill Yang Guo, but now Bai Ze can look at the problem from the perspective of a third party. After seeing it, he found that the relationship between this divine sculpture and Yang Guo is very pure, just like a partner. They have depended on each other for many years, and they are not the "mounts" I thought before.

This also made Bai Ze more pleasing to Yang Guo, and he no longer wanted to kill him.

The monster race is proud, how can I say it, it is also a race that dominates half of the prehistoric world. Although they have withdrawn from the battle of the prehistoric protagonists, the pride in their bones still exists. For a demon saint like Bai Ze, it is absolutely unacceptable to be reduced to the mount of others Forgive me, in Bai Ze's heart, if he wants to be reduced to someone else's mount, he might as well die, even if this person is a saint.

Therefore, he also didn't want to see the chess piece he was looking at become someone else's mount. The relationship between the divine sculpture and Yang Guo made him see the difference. Is it time for the sun to rise?

"This little guy is lucky!"

Bai Ze said this to Yang Guo, and he only noticed it when he really wanted to see it.

Withdrawing his gaze, Bai Ze hesitated. In the East China Sea, when his consciousness swept over it before, there was a shark who seemed to be quite intelligent. However, he was a member of the Shui Clan, even in the prehistoric, it was also under the rule of the Dragon Clan;

But in this world, it's not impossible to intervene, but Bai Ze thinks more. As an ancient monster, why can't Bai Ze not see that the green dragon Liu Hao who came to this world together has a strong dragon aura?

Although he didn't know the reason, he had to consider the factors. After thinking for a long time, Bai Ze chose to give up and turned his attention to another continent, that is, Africa. There is no need to be too taboo about the orthodox human race of descendants of Yan and Huang. The silverback gorilla that has been noticed before is the best pawn.

Bai Ze turned and left. When he passed near Kunlun, he took a look in the distance, but he saw the trace of Yun Zhongzi. The two looked at each other, nodded and passed by.

Speaking of Yun Zhongzi, he was also very depressed. Originally, Zhongnan Mountain had no place for him to stay, so he had to choose another place. As a dispatcher of Chanjiao, he naturally had to choose a sect that was inextricably linked with Chanjiao;

In this martial arts world, there are not none, and there are quite a few, but the real source of teaching can only be Kunlun. Who made Kunlun the Yuxu Palace dojo?

Originally, Yun Zhongzi didn't need to come here in a hurry. After all, this place is far away from the Central Plains, and its influence is very limited, but it's really impossible if he doesn't come. Who made the Kunlun faction in Kunlun Mountain have an infighting mind?

That's all, when he scanned with his consciousness before, Yun Zhongzi discovered that the Mengyuan iron cavalry had swept across the surrounding Xixia, and seemed to have the intention of entering Kunlun Mountain. If he didn't come, the Kunlun faction's catastrophe might be imminent.

While Bai Ze was watching from a distance, Yun Zhongzi had already settled the Kunlun faction's infighting and re-elected a new leader;

In fact, there are a large group of people from the Kunlun faction, few of whom Yun Zhongzi can take a liking to, and most of them would like to slap them to death, but this place is far away from the Central Plains, and every population is very precious, which makes him have to Put away the murderous heart;

He is smart. Seeing Meng Yuan raise his troops, he waved his hands and allocated these despised troops to Meng Yuan's iron cavalry. It can be regarded as waste utilization. If there are more of these people, the Kunlun faction martial arts will be passed on anyway. Not bad, but it can also spread the Yanhuang script to a few more people. He believes that with the temptation of these skills, the upper and middle classes of the Mongolian Yuan cavalry are happy to turn their eyes to the Yanhuang culture even if they want to have higher strength.

In this way, it can be regarded as a strength of the previous agreement reached with Liu Hao and others.

Today's Kunlun Sect only has three or two big cats and kittens, and the new head is the daughter of the previous head, Tong Xiyan, who is also the only kind and pure person in the Kunlun Sect, who entrusted Yun Zhongzi to come. , and there is no need to be martyred in the future, her luck is not high, but with the blessing of Yun Zhongzi, it is enough to continue the Kunlun inheritance, which is enough.

For Yun Zhongzi, as long as Kunlun exists, it is enough for others not to get involved. The real place to play chess is still in the Central Plains, and he is not in a hurry. He counts Liu Hao's moves and is more than happy to watch from the sidelines;

That is to say, the arrival of Yun Zhongzi, and the arrival of Chanjiao Guangchengzi and others will never be so comfortable. You must know that the current Wudang Madonna has already gained momentum in Longhu Mountain, even if it is Manjusri Bodhisattva Stay in Shaolin, and take the floor-sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion into his sect;

In comparison, explaining education is really a bit behind.

But Yun neutron is not the most uncomfortable, the most uncomfortable must be Haotian;

Logically speaking, as the emperor of heaven, there must be more offerings in the world, but it is not the case;

After walking through so many places that are the backbone of Yanhuang civilization, Liu Hao knows best that there are many Taoist temples, and there are really very few people enshrining the Jade Emperor. Compared with many Taoist temples, it can only be regarded as mediocre, and the incense is even rarer;

The other one is in Sibao on the outskirts of Xuzhou. It is also a Taoist temple dedicated to worshiping the Jade Emperor. It is called the "Jade Emperor Palace".

Haotian sensed this, but was very disappointed.

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