Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and fifty. Nick's coquettish operation

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1050 , Nick's show operation

"Kolson, I need you to report to the Black Palace face to face!"

Nick Fury paused and continued:

"Natasha is one of the members of the Women's Federation. You know, she is also the only woman. This is a matter of voters. I believe the Black Palace is also happy to promote it. Of course, you can name it. Natasha's polar bear blood, Natasha followed the Dragon Kingdom to learn the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts;

I believe that the Black Palace is very happy to have such a representative figure born! "

"I understand, Director, so, I'm going now?" Coulson was impressed by Nick Fury's super flexibility, thinking in his heart that no wonder you are the Director, and your rank is still several times lower than the other party's grade.

"Go, I believe that the Black Palace can't wait!" Nick Fury's face was full of smiles, as if this was what he had planned long ago.

"Good Director! But, Director, the Black Palace has seen the influence of the arena, will they let Steve also play? You know, the Bald Eagle also needs a character with real influence!"

"I have also considered this matter, and I will communicate with Steve!"

Nick Fury nodded slightly. He knew better that the Black Palace had already made a plan. When to play, it is estimated that many plans have been given, right?

The arena is directly facing the live broadcast of the whole world. How can the bald eagle, which is already strong as a cultural output, let it go?

In terms of star-making ability, the bald eagle is definitely second to none even on Marvel Earth, and the captain of the bald eagle, Steve, naturally represents the country of the bald eagle, and is also one of the superheroes. It has long since been promoted to the world. Within the plans of the Bald Eagle Black Palace and the Hexagonal Building, there was even a special promotion department set up for this purpose.

This kind of thing not only exists in the bald eagle, but also exists in other five permanent countries. Perhaps it is not to make it a world representative, but it must also win the worship value of its own country;

However, such a plan cannot be handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. for arrangements. Nick Fury knew this well, and had no idea of ​​taking a share of the pie in the past, but now that Natasha is playing it right, he has other ideas.

No matter how many thoughts Natasha has in her heart, one thing has not changed, that is, Natasha is directly affiliated to SHIELD and is also a senior agent of SHIELD;


Starting today, the tasks assigned to Natasha will be greatly reduced, even to zero, but from another perspective, can Natasha be opened as a signboard of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

S.H.I.E.L.D., a special department, is an organization affiliated with the United Nations, dealing with global issues;

But in fact, Nick Fury is too clear, but only after leaving the country of bald eagles, that is, the younger brothers and paparazzi of bald eagles will recognize that in a real big country, no bird will bird you;

And he himself is not just a dog under the bald eagle.

What is the response to the threat to the earth? The merciless kind.

If Liu Hao hadn't appeared before, the bald eagle thinking in Nick Fury's bones would definitely have the upper hand, and he would never go to the interests of other countries outside the country of the bald eagle;

But now? Liu Hao is a proper native of Longguo. He doesn't have any Bald Eagle ID at all, let alone open a clinic in your country to do business. What kind of bald eagle is the most awesome National Taxation Bureau, dare to go to collect taxes? Don't even think about it, even the Black Palace doesn't dare to accept it, so you can only turn a blind eye and act as if you don't know it.

This is simply due to strength, crushing you, so that you can only compromise.

Nick Fury, who is used to controlling the situation, wants such a status too much, but he understands that everything is based on strength, and he also completely gave up. He knows what he knows, and it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. Only hopeful and sighing;

Not being able to do this, Nick Fury was still unwilling. During this period of time, he hadn't thought about using other ways to improve his status and even the status of S.H.I.E.L.D. After thinking about it, he found that the biggest suppression was instead From Bald Eagle Black House and Hexagon;

These two organizations will never allow S.H.I.E.L.D. to break out of their control. In other words, the bald eagle has given S.H.I.E.L.D. You can't break free, the rope around your neck is not so easy to break free.

Originally, Nick Fury also gave up. He knew the source of his strength and couldn't get rid of it;

But now, he has more expectations in his heart, and he is somewhat unwilling that SHIELD continues to be in a dark environment. He wants to put SHIELD on the table and become a real gun for the United Nations to maintain the safety of the earth.

For example, just now he asked Coulson to go to the Black Palace to report on Natasha's problem, which is also a temptation, a temptation to put the superhero of the Women's Federation on the stage for publicity;

Once the black palace nods, then his next step will be to link S.H.I.E.L.D. with superheroes, and gradually let the people of the world understand that there is such an organization working hard to maintain the safety of the earth. He believes that as long as this concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it will definitely make people S.H.I.E.L.D.'s authority has been enlarged, thus becoming a veritable legal institution for maintaining the safety of the earth.

Therefore, Natasha, who is now fighting in the arena, has become a pioneer instead. Not only can she not be blamed, but she must also fully support her to make it the real face of S.H.I.E.L.D.

With the answer in mind, Nick Fury felt comfortable, and began to think about the composition of the Women's Federation team:

For example, can Steve, the captain of the bald eagle, convince the Hexagon to make the captain a representative of the bald eagle military?

The Hulk can be built into the crystallization of human wisdom. At any rate, he is also a scientist who can be hung on the wall. The human design seems to fit well.

It doesn't seem right. If the Hulk becomes the crystallization of human wisdom, Tony Stark's character design will be a bit troublesome. In comparison, it seems that this character design is more in line with Iron Man. He is really using science anyway. Green Pants are a typical variation.

Nick Fury corrected his mistakes and gave Tony Stark the persona of the crystallization of human wisdom directly. In turn, the Hulk can only assume the persona of mutant races;

Coincidentally, it seems that there are enough mutants on the earth, and this character design can also be welcomed by mutants. As for whether the Hulk is a real mutant, I believe no one will be willing to reveal it, whether it is Professor X or Magneto. They are all smart people. After receiving the kindness released by themselves, they may even get unexpected feedback.

The characters of the three main combat powers are set up, and Nick Fury is in a better mood;

Turning around, he found that Natasha and Hawkeye were in trouble;

Originally, he wanted to link Natasha directly with S.H.I.E.L.D., but now it seems inappropriate. Natasha is most suitable as a 'female representative'; and only in this way can he truly gain the support of the people of the earth. , especially the support of women, and then when the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Discover and recruit?"

Nick Fury murmured, it seems that this is the best way, anyway, Natasha was originally a S.H.I.E.L.D. To S.H.I.E.L.D. and recommended to the Women's Federation Team?

The more he thought about it, the more Nick Fury felt that this arrangement was the most suitable. In fact, he didn't need to deliberately emphasize this matter. He just needed to arrange a coincidence when Natasha became more famous in the future, so that a certain reporter would make a full investigation. Informing the society of this matter, in this way, will make the people of the world unwavering.

As for Hawkeye, he is a senior member of S.H.I.E.L.D. It just so happens that the opponent's ability is neither high nor low, and he won't drag down the Women's Federation team, and he can't become a god-like figure. It's best to join it as an ordinary agent.

This time, Nick Fury was completely comfortable. He was thankful for his smart head. He felt that playing with IQ like this was the mainstream. What kind of women's federation was he not a pawn in his hand?

"No, there are no black people here, and there are no other races. Do we need to find a way to recruit them?"

As a black man, Nick Fury is too aware of the destructive power of his compatriots. To put it bluntly, he has low self-esteem. If such a leading figure does not have his own people, his compatriots will definitely cause trouble, unless he can also be included in this poster , But this matter is not reliable at all, even if I am willing, it is unrealistic, counting and counting, the top priority, but I really have to find a black superhero to join it.

As for other races, it is also a further expansion of Nick Fury. Anyway, they have reached this point, so why not add more people? ; he would not admit that it was for the box office.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Nick Fury picked it up to see that the caller showed Coulson, which made him smile a lot more.

"Director, the matter has been reported to the Black Palace, but..."

Coulson paused, did not hear Nick Fury's question, and did not choose to wait, but continued;

"The commander of the Black Palace Ohei means that we have recruited Natasha to join the Women's Federation team at his request!"

The corner of Nick Fury's mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he had to admit that he was bigger and could only obey;

"Is there any other request from the leader of Austria and Hei?"

"The director is wise!" Coulson gave a rare flattery; "The commander said that the women's federation team seems to be missing a black superhero!"

Nick Fury sighed in his heart. After all, he is a compatriot of his own race, and he wanted to go with him. Unfortunately, this guy is still not smart enough. Doesn’t he know that he needs to please Liu Hao?

It's just that he wouldn't say that, he just replied with the word 'um' casually, then hung up the phone in his hand, let out a breath of foul air slowly, and his body was completely relaxed.

How did they know that this decision brought Natasha unexpected benefits. The typical point is that Liu Hao found that the luck cloud above Natasha's head began to change rapidly, from half-purple to suddenly spreading, and in an instant In a short time, the entire cloud was dyed purple, and then, in the center, a trace of milky white appeared, but this trace of milky white was very close to the color of the fairy's Qingyun.

This change made Liu Hao stretch out his fingers to calculate a few times, and then burst out laughing. He also had to admit that Nick was so smart;

"It seems that it is not impossible to put Zhang Kuai's idea on it!"

Not only did he figure out Nick Fury's workaround plan, but he also figured out that Nick Fury wanted to recruit Zhang Kuai from the clinic to the Women's Federation team.

Regarding this, Liu Hao thought about it carefully, and felt that this seemed to be a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation;

He understands very well that the real protagonists of Marvel Earth are the Women's Federation. In other words, the Women's Federation is a gathering place for luck. Once you join it, even if you don't share much, it will definitely benefit Zhang Kuai. I don't want to say how to deal with it in the future. , First gather the benefits in front of you and then make any calculations.

One thing, Liu Hao's analysis also needs to be verified, that is, if Zhang Kuai joins the Women's Federation, perhaps the speed of cultivation of the Hundred Schools, which was difficult to improve, will no longer be a problem. If it is to be suppressed, it is definitely the rejection of the civilization of the Marvel universe as a whole. If this is the case, he will have to do something.

Liu Hao thinks that he is low-key, but it doesn't mean that he is easy to bully. If he really wants to make himself sad, he must let the five supreme gods of Marvel have a good drink.

He looked up at the sky, pinched his hands a few times, and the sneer on his face began to appear;

"Magic fits so well? Is it a problem with the World Tree?"

Liu Hao suddenly thought of this. In the magical world at the other end of the Qinling Passage, although Liu Hao did not see the World Tree, he still clearly felt the existence of such a spiritual root, and the same is true in the Marvel world. These two World Trees seem to have the same origin, just like brothers. Could it be that this is the essence of magic?

"Do you want to go and see?"

Liu Hao was also a little hesitant. If this really supported the essence of magic, if he went so rashly, he might have to directly confront the five supreme gods of Marvel. Although these guys are a collection of conceptual gods, they also understand their own power Where Yuanquan's support lies, he must also be worried that he will do something bad. I have kept a low profile for so long, is it necessary to intensify the conflict?

"The six infinite gems, wouldn't they be the product of the World Tree? Fruit?"

It’s no wonder Liu Hao thinks this way. In this deity’s place, the fruit produced by the star fruit tree is so similar to the infinite gemstones. Each one has its own specific rules, and it directly becomes a spiritual treasure. When combined together, it becomes an ‘innate treasure’ , Thinking about it this way, the fruit of the world tree seems to be unreasonable, right?

It's all named after the World Tree, will it bring the laws of the whole world? Then the fruit that bears comes with a kind of law, so it can be said that the pure law information of Infinity Stone seems to fit a little too well, right?

He remembered that the weapon in Odin's hand was forged from the fallen branches of the World Tree, which made him a little eager to try again, and his divine sense reached out into the sky and universe, and scanned around fiercely;

It's a pity that he still didn't find the hidden location of the World Tree. Instead, he accidentally discovered the information of Thanos. This guy really had no patience as he expected, and he couldn't wait to test Marvel Earth.

"This time, the scale is much larger than last time. If it's just the countries of the Marvel Earth, it's really irresistible. How will the ancient one choose?"

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