Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and fifty one. Big profit

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1051: big money

"It's an eventful autumn!"

Liu Hao was sighing, but he didn't know that the five supreme gods of the Marvel universe were all nervous. Wherever the vast spiritual consciousness passed, the ripples in the universe would be directly fed back to them, making them understand that adding together may not necessarily be Liu Hao's opponent.

In fact, Liu Hao himself didn't realize that after the deity cut off his obsession, his cultivation base has been further improved, and he has already crushed the quasi-sage, and has completely distanced himself from the ranks of the five supreme gods of Marvel, even more like a gap. The kind that cannot be crossed at all;

It's also because he restrained himself a little, and he just hit a shot with dates or no dates, so he didn't realize where the World Tree was. If he thought about it carefully, he would find out, how could the World Tree grow in the world?

Of course, this is something to do later, let's not mention it for now.

In front of him, Liu Hao, who had restrained his spiritual sense, did not continue with the next move, and his attention was also attracted by Thanos, so he no longer entangled in the past.

"There are still more than three months to prepare, do you want to tell those guys? Gu Yi should know what he said, right?"

Gu Yi knew it, even if he didn't go to the river of time to check, Gu Yi still had a feeling, combined with the past, he also calculated the temptation of Thanos, he was also entangled in this meeting, after much deliberation, he didn't make a decision, and finally He found that he had to wear Odin to make his decision, so he drew a circle and stepped into Asgard.

"Your cultivation base has improved a lot!"

Odin seems to have been aware of the ancient one's elusiveness for a long time, and he didn't even open his eyes for a long time before he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes to look at the other party;

"I went to the world at the other end of the passage some time ago, and it was then that I realized that my cultivation base is nothing more than a sparrow!"

Odin's voice was very slow, but also very powerful, listening to Gu Yi's ears, it was another feeling;

"Is the sparrow compared to the swan? It seems that you have spent all this time in the culture of the Dragon Kingdom! When you meet opponents, you are also from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Gu Yi, you are so smart! Sometimes I don't even want to talk to you!" Odin squinted at Gu Yi, feeling that in front of this guy, no secrets can be hidden, which feels bad;

"Although I really don't want to admit it, I can't fight any of the masters I met!"

"How does it compare to the five supreme gods?"

"You mean they are also the supreme gods of that world?"

Odin didn't answer Ancient One's question directly,

Instead, he nodded decently, as if Gu Yi's guess was reasonable.

Gu Yi was complaining about Odin's Tie Hanhan in his heart. No wonder he gave birth to a son like Thor.

"Forget it, don't think about it. The other party didn't mean to embarrass me when I went there. On the contrary, you didn't mean to travel to that world?"

Odin couldn't think of a reason, too little information and felt that it was meaningless for him to guess more, he might as well talk about it later, he felt that since he was not beaten by the other party last time, it also proved that the other party was harmless for the time being, maybe It was because of the dark clouds, or maybe other reasons, but this letting go made him feel better.

"You should have found out too, right? Thanos is about to move again!"

"Is this a Titan? Ragnarok has not come because of my continued existence. It is impossible for him to know about this. Is he trying to test our existence?"

"What else could it be other than this?" Although Gu Yi asked back, his voice was still soft, as if he was chatting with a friend. From this point, it can be seen that the relationship between the two people is far better than imagined, no wonder Odin had no worries at all when he delivered Thor to Earth.

Once Odin's IQ is on the line, there is absolutely no problem at all. When it comes to big things, his whole person changes;

"It seems that you have other ideas, are you looking at other gems in Thanos' hands?"

"These six infinity gems entered the earth, representing the beginning of a new era on the earth, and I can't help but handle it carelessly!"

Odin nodded slightly. He didn't ask what the deep new era represented, or maybe it was his self-confidence as a god-king, and he didn't think that the new era of Marvel Earth would have any impact on Asgard;

Furthermore, the dark clouds of the abyss he saw from Liu Hao's earth also made him understand that it would be a bit troublesome to rely on Asgard to resist, and the strong people who stand out in the new era of the earth can also help Asgard make a contribution. No matter how bad it is, more cannon fodder is good.

"What does the Eastern Heavenly Venerate on Earth think?"

The Dongfang Tianzun in Odin's mouth was referring to Liu Hao, and it was during this period of intensive research on the culture of the Dragon Kingdom that he called out this respectful title.

"Your Majesty won't take care of such trivial matters. You should also understand that he comes from the world at the other end of the passage. For him, inheriting his own orthodox lineage is what he cares about. Other than that, only the five supreme gods in the world can let him Divide your mind!"

Odin was a little taken aback when he heard Gu Yi's words. Combined with the Taoist culture he had studied during this time, he had to admit that what Gu Yi said made sense. As long as the Marvel Earth was not smashed, they would not interfere at all, right? In other words, the opponent of the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth will take a shot to cover it? That's it at most!

"I have seen many changes from you. Could it be that Tianzun taught you the Taoism?"

"Your Majesty didn't keep this secret. He not only taught me Taoism, but also Buddhism. A few days ago, seeing that I was good at magic, he also taught me the magic he knew. It seems that this magic is also something he learned from other worlds. come to learn."

Gu Yi didn't mean to hide it at all, and Odin was a little tired of hearing it, and even felt a little envious, but he also knew that because of his own spiritual system, he was very repulsive to accept other methods, especially the Eastern Buddhism and Taoism. Famen, but what about magic? He was also thinking about whether to ask Gu Yi for advice, but in the end he gave up. Anyway, Gu Yi was also taught by others. Did Liu Hao tell Gu Yi not to teach privately?

Through the change of Odin's eyes, Gu Yi immediately judged Odin's inner drama, and he smiled slightly;

"Magic knowledge, if you want to learn, I will pass it on to you, and your lord also asked me to teach it more. It is said that it is for the future situation to change. I don't know why this change! But if you can make your lord treat it carefully, there is no danger. Isn't it small?"

Odin suddenly thought of the dark cloud. At that time, a group of masters who he felt pressured looked at each other from a distance. Maybe they felt that the future was uncontrollable?

"You think this magic is good for me?"

"Thousands of methods are useful, not only for you, but also for Asgard!"

"Alright, thank you very much!"

"You don't need to thank me, this is what His Majesty got, and with his permission, if you want to thank me, thank him in the future!"

Odin nodded in agreement with Gu Yi's statement, but he didn't know that this nod directly put a shackle on his head, how could the karma owed to Liu Hao be so good?

This is not only to improve Odin himself, but also to improve the practice mode of the entire Asgard practice system;

In other words, the entire Asgard owes Liu Hao karma in the future, and they may have to pay with their lives in the future. Before repaying, Liu Hao can only let Liu Hao continuously draw their luck and become Liu Hao's account. part of.

This is also the reason why Liu Hao didn't teach Odin, because that would be too high-profile, and charging a god-line group's luck enshrinement at once will definitely have a great impact on the entire Marvel world, but going around or changing Liu Hao never expected to become what he is now.

Just when Gu Yi passed on the knowledge from the magical world to Odin, Liu Hao, who was far away on the Marvel Earth, suddenly noticed the difference, and the degree of fit in the Marvel World improved a lot;

For example, although Liu Hao did not have the rejection of the Marvel world before, his fit increased from a negative number to about 1%. Now, he has directly increased his fit from 1% to 30%. His luck surpasses that of most mortals;

You know, the 28th principle is the mainstream in the Marvel world, 20% of the creatures occupy 80% of luck, that is to say, 80% of mortals have no more than 20% fit in the Marvel world, Liu Hao has already left This group began to feed back to the people under his account, such as Zhang Kuai and others.

Xiu Yao thought that the clouds of luck of Liu Hao's observers had colors before, but in fact it was because Liu Hao's observation objects were all protagonists, and at worst they were familiar characters in the Marvel world;

If it were an anonymous person, the clouds of luck above each one's head would be pale white. Once three injuries and five labors occur, they can only be filled with life. A small cold might kill them on the spot. Even if you are a prince or general, you can't escape, this is the disadvantage of shallow luck;

And what about people like Natasha? But they are all protagonist-like characters, not to mention catching a cold, even jumping off a cliff, most of them will be fine, and someone can pass by and rescue them with horny bumps. This is the benefit of high luck.

Think about it, how many people are there? They accounted for 80% of the world's luck, and it was scary enough to think about it.

This is the reason why the Child of Destiny cannot touch it!

He trained Zhang Kuai, and the other party has not caught up with Natasha's luck so far. From this point, people can understand how difficult it is to obtain luck. Why do the sages of the prehistoric world value orthodoxy so much? Isn't it because Taoism is directly related to luck? Once it becomes the mainstream of the world, it can occupy 80% of luck, and it can directly increase the distance between saints, who wouldn't want it?

It's no wonder that the brains of this person will be beaten into a dog's brain.

Odin didn't know anything about this, and thought he had taken advantage of it, but he didn't know that he sold himself and his own group completely. The more he was fascinated by this, the more thoroughly he sold himself.

I have to say that he is also a poor man, or the pitiful part of Western civilization;

There is no systematic training system, and everything is basically relying on Odin, the first gods, to explore on their own, and to instigate each other, lest they be surpassed by others, so that they will not be able to complete their own training system for millions of years. Liu Hao thrust in abruptly and plucked the sweetest fruit.

After knowing the reason, Liu Hao almost laughed out loud. After waiting for a long time, he didn't find that the five supreme gods were looking for trouble for him. He couldn't help complaining that these guys had no guts.

"Ancient One has already started to spread magic, and the Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism system of Marvel Earth Dragon Kingdom should also work hard to promote it!"

Liu Hao muttered, and glanced in the direction of Longguo. He saw a group of buildings rise up in the mountains in the north of the capital. Inside, more than ten thousand people were studying the way of talismans, and the smile on his face increased.

He turned to Zhang Kuai and shouted:

"Zhang Kuai, there is no need to hide when the relevant departments of the Dragon Kingdom come to you, just teach them the practice system of the Hundred Schools!"

"Can you?" Zhang Kuai's voice revealed surprise. Since he stepped into the arena, there have been many people who came to look for him, but without Liu Hao's permission, how could he dare to do it? In his heart, he really wants to teach, not to mention other things, he is good at medicine, how can he not know that this is definitely a good life-saving exercise?

It has to be said that after practicing the medical system, Zhang Kuai already has some benevolent heart, which made Liu Hao secretly admire.

"Why not, teach them everything you know!"

"Thank you doctor!"

Zhang Kuai wished he could go home immediately, but he also knew not to be in a hurry, and the movement of grabbing the medicine in his hand was much lighter.

Liu Hao chuckled, and he was also looking forward to how Longguo's hundred schools of thought would be promoted. Although he knew that it was impossible to learn the full name in a short period of time, those professors who intensively studied the hundred schools were blessed, even if they were promoted. It is much slower than my own earth, so the first few positions are no longer a problem, right? Once they step into the cultivation system of the Hundred Schools, these people will inevitably become the biggest seeds of the Hundred Schools of Marvel Earth Dragon Kingdom in the future, and will be used by Liu Hao.

Compared with magic, Liu Hao recognizes Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in his own family's civilization system. He doesn't want the Marvel world to become a pure magic mainstream world in the future. If this is the case, he will be a sinner instead.

He looked up at Longguo and Kunlun Mountain. The spatial fluctuations became more and more obvious. The Kunlun, which hides the void dimension, should appear soon? He doesn't like that crooked nut iron fist, so let's kill it!

Liu Hao made the decision lightly, causing a group of people in Kunlun Dimension to shiver suddenly. They felt that a huge cold wave was sweeping over, and none of them was inevitable. On the contrary, the "Dragon" who was often challenged was very angry. There are many, and the vitality becomes more and more obvious.

Liu Hao withdrew his gaze slightly, and looked towards the hinterland of Longguo. This is Shaolin in the Central Plains. A familiar figure lived here very comfortably. This guy had already shaved off three thousand threads of trouble. A scripture, I put my whole body into it, and there are words in my mouth.

If General Ross of the Bald Eagle saw this man, his eyes would definitely widen. This man is clearly Bruce Banner in green underpants. Now, why should he worry about an uncontrollable transformation?

"Buddhism was also introduced to Shaolin through Banna, but these people are still too precious, could it be that they were greeted by the relevant departments?

That's right, the Divine Spear Bureau doesn't know about green pants. Through this guy, they probably know about the Buddhist practice system, right? "

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