Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and fifty-five. Transactions

1055. transaction

Tony Stark is a little panicked now, restarting the weapon production line, but found that many orders sent to the world have not been responded to, and after a little thought, he understands what's going on;

After much deliberation, he found that he could only look for the black market in the country of small books, but soon, he found that the black market was also out of stock, and the kind that didn't work even if he spent money. As a last resort, he found other weapon companies and offered His response still made him uncomfortable;

Nowadays, these weapons companies are not short of orders. The Hexagon can say as much as you can produce, and they will accept as much as you want. Where can you get Tony Stark?

"Jarvis, help me contact the leader of the small book black market!"

It was also Tony Stark who was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. He asked Jarvis and Ultron to search earlier, but the answer he got was empty. How can he not understand that he also has artificial intelligence? Now, he doesn't care about offending the other party. Those alien warships outside space are the real threat.

The intensified search efforts of Tony's artificial intelligence were naturally noticed by 'Yi', and were also told to Liu Hao's ears.

Liu Hao has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. What he likes is Tony Stark's ability to develop spaceships. Perhaps the current Stark has not fully developed it, but it has already begun to take shape;

For Liu Hao, these design developments are indeed a lot of big things. If he has time to spend some time, he can handle them, and even do better;

However, he doesn't want to personally change the scientific research process of the Marvel universe. Civilization is not a good thing if it flies over, on the contrary, it is likely to suffer a big loss in the future because its foundation is not deep enough;

In this regard, Tony Stark is more suitable as a native of Marvel Earth;

For the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth, Liu Hao really worked hard and calculated all kinds of things.

In the future, when the aura accumulates to a first-class level, the fantasy system will surely rise to the fore. However, even at that time, there will still be only a small number of monks above the immortal rank. In other words, if ordinary people want to go out of the planet, they need to rely on technology Strength will do.

This is also the reason why Liu Hao locked Tony Stark early.

From the mouth of 'Yi', Liu Hao discovered Tony Stark's troubles and shut down the weapon production line, causing Tony Stark to be removed from the ranks of arms suppliers by the Bald Eagle;

At this critical moment, Tony Stark was not able to take the lead, whether it was materials or parts, which made him more deficient than the major arms dealers of the Bald Eagle, and almost all experiments were stagnated;

That is to say, there was no other way, which made Tony Stark eager to contact Orochimaru, the person behind the black market in the small book country;

Speaking of which, the research and development process of Tony Stark's space battleship has also been under the monitoring of 'Yi', and even all the blueprints are under Liu Hao's control. As long as Liu Hao is willing, he can easily make these Materials provided to Dragon Kingdom on Marvel Earth;

It's just that some rules still need to be followed, and taking by force is never the right way, Liu Hao knows this truth very well;

Trading becomes the only option;

"Hello, Tony!"

When the voice of 'Yi' sounded in Tony Stark's laboratory, Stark heaved a sigh of relief after being slightly stunned. At least he understood that the artificial intelligence he made was still far behind that of 'Yi'. Weiss and Ultron did not make a reminder is the biggest proof;

At the same time, he also understands that there is an inextricable relationship between this small black market and Liu Hao hidden in it;

Tony Stark really wanted to ask Liu Hao what he thought of the aliens,

But after thinking about it for a while, I also understand that Liu Hao will probably not make a move like last time, or at least, he will only watch on the sidelines until he sees that Marvel Earth is not in crisis;

In this regard, Tony Stark can also understand. He himself is not a guy who wants to rely on other people's help for everything. He is proud in his heart. insult.


Tony Stark discovered that until now, he still doesn't know the name of the artificial intelligence in front of him, and he doesn't know whether it is the artificial intelligence or the black market leader behind the scenes, or Liu Hao himself?

"Mr. Stark can call me 'Yi'!"

Tony nodded, but his heart was shaken. An artificial intelligence with the title "I" means that this artificial intelligence has awakened self-awareness long ago, or it is no longer artificial intelligence, but can be called 'Artificial intelligence' or 'artificial life' would be more appropriate.

"Mr. Stark should have discovered that aliens from the solar system have arrived?"

The voice of 'Yi' sounded again, and Tony Stark still nodded;

"Currently, all major countries have noticed this situation. Although they have tacitly not issued an announcement, in private, various defensive weapons have been fully invested in the manufacture, which has led to the emergence of many materials and parts that Mr. Stark needs. There is a shortage, and even these materials and parts will not be accepted by suppliers for a long time."

'Yi' very straightforwardly pointed out what Tony Stark was anxious about. Before Stark could answer, 'Yi''s voice sounded again:

"Mr. Stark believes that this time the aliens invaded again, if the countries on the earth go their own way, can the aliens be kept outside the earth?"

These words filled Tony Stark's heart at once. There are some things that he has been avoiding;

Here, there is Tony Stark's natural distrust of the Bald Eagle Black Palace and the Hexagonal Building, as well as his unfounded self-confidence in himself, believing that everything can be settled well by himself. Stark likes to fight alone, at least when it comes to technology, he has always relied on himself.

But what about now? No matter how confident Tony Stark is, he has to admit that it is impossible to rely on himself to resist a civilization with a higher level of technological development from outer space, no matter whether it is his own technological level or his own financial resources, It is impossible to rely on one person to win this war;

What's more, it can only be done by the union of the major countries of the entire Marvel Earth, and it is dangerous and dangerous.

Originally playing with technology, Tony Stark understands the crushing caused by the gap in technology best. He can handle the most powerful fighter in Marvel Earth with a second generation of Mark, let alone more than 20 generations now, even if he is white-headed. The Eagle fighter has been upgraded, and Tony Stark still believes that his steel suit is still the most powerful individual weapon on earth.

And such the most powerful individual weapon, compared with those alien civilizations in outer space, perhaps Tony Stark still has some confidence in fighting alone, but the space battleship he arrived is already mighty, ghosts Do you know how many weapons are comparable to your own strongest steel suit?

Unity has become inevitable, and uniting all countries that can be united on the earth to deal with the next crisis is the only way.

"Mr. Stark, what do you think of human beings stepping into the interstellar age? I believe that with your talent, you will soon be able to create a space shuttle and go out of the earth, but if only you and your family walk out of the earth, will it be considered that mankind has stepped into the interstellar age?" ?”

This rhetorical question made Tony Stark speechless. He has been studying spaceships for a long time, not because he wants to step into the interstellar era. On the contrary, the place he feels best is Marvel Earth. I never thought of going to other planets to settle. The so-called research spaceship is just to find better materials, and to upgrade my steel suit.

It's just that I really can't say this. Anyway, I want to show my face. How can I make others think that I am just looking for some materials to build a spaceship? Gao Dashang's statement is for the interstellar era of mankind, how nice is it?

In the same way, he also understands the real goal of the owner behind the artificial intelligence in front of him. Is it to let the humans on Marvel Earth enter the interstellar era? That's right, only such a goal can make a strong man like Liu Hao admire him!

While thinking about it, Tony Stark locked on the word 'human', and suddenly understood the biggest problem of Marvel Earth today, that is, too much internal fighting and too much internal friction, unable to form a real complementarity, making many Whether it is resources or scientific research, they have done too much repetitive work, wasted a lot, and delayed the time for human beings to enter the interstellar era;

Perhaps these are the things that a strong man like Liu Hao looks down upon?

It's no wonder that there will be a black market in the small book country, just to exchange materials, technologies, etc. from major countries through black market transactions?

It must be, otherwise how could a strong man like Liu Hao make a move?

for money? Tony Stark himself didn't believe it. He really wanted money. With Liu Hao Clinic's power to treat all kinds of incurable diseases, no matter how the lion opened his mouth, he couldn't exaggerate it. For example, when he was poisoned by the palladium element before, he asked for a billion Still have to obediently give it?

Tony Stark had a look of enlightenment. He felt that his whole body had been sublimated, and he found that his previous structure was a bit too small. He only saw the one-acre three-point land in front of him. What kind of superhero? Flying around busy half dead, it's just beating petty theft, it can't change the overall situation from the root cause;

On the contrary, once human beings enter the interstellar era, not to mention everything, at least more than 90% of the contradictions on the earth today will be transferred outward;

For example, the biggest unemployment problem in the Bald Eagle Kingdom today, once the interstellar era comes, will definitely make many Bald Eagle people crazily invest in it, whether it is those who want to go out of the earth or those who rely on these emerging industries to support themselves No matter what, it will be a great good thing. The attention will be diverted, and there will be more things in hand, and the contradictions will decrease. Only this can fundamentally solve the current security problem.

Tony Stark didn't need to think much at all, he could deduce the next changes. Think about it, once a settlement is established on Mars, what will it be like to immigrate tens of millions of people? Not to mention other things, the development of various resources around it is enough to make people crazy, right? How is this similar to the gold rush in the West centuries ago?

Now, Tony Stark realized that he needed to make changes. He couldn't just play alone, and he should find a way to reveal some research and development in his hands;

He is not at all worried that his own interests will be damaged after the space shuttle he developed is acquired by major countries. On the contrary, he is confident that the research in his hand is only the first generation. Give him some time, the second generation It will appear immediately, and at that time, not to mention other things, just selling these designs will be enough for him to secure the title of the richest man in the world;

Moreover, he found that he always thought that it was a stupid behavior to find new materials by himself. No matter how awesome he was, he was just a person who pushed the major countries into the starry sky. You can use money and even technology to trade, and you can get things done by lying at home. How cool it is. If you have that time to wander among the stars, wouldn’t it be good to spend more time with Pepper at home?

Fortunately, no one knows about this unstructured idea. At any rate, I have not lost face, and I should change my own structure in the future. For example, the person who started the interstellar era is very suitable.

"Yi, I want to exchange the space fighter designed by myself to collect various materials and parts!"

Tony Stark, who had figured it out, didn't hesitate at all. The man who claims to be cursed by knowledge is not joking, and there is nothing lacking in decisiveness:

"I believe that the major countries are also frantically designing fighter planes that fly out of the earth. It is the best choice to keep aliens out of the earth. The design drawings in my hand will be their best choice!"

With his head held high, Tony Stark is extremely confident. He doesn't seem to care at all about the so-called design research of the major countries. In this regard, he is really one of the few.

"Okay, Mr. Stark, give me a list of the various materials and parts you need, and I will help you make a choice!"

"You don't need to choose just one or two, all major countries can trade them!"

"Yes, Mr. Stark!"

Tony nodded and smiled, and shouted in another direction:

"Jarvis, make a list of the materials we need, and the list of parts is also needed!"

"Good sir!"

The exchange between Jarvis and Yi is basically data, and the speed is so fast that Tony Stark is also amazed.

In just a few seconds, everything was settled, and after hearing Yi's farewell, Tony Stark also understood that the other party was still leaving.

"Jarvis, did you notice Yi's arrival?"

"Sorry, sir!"

"I understand! It seems that the Chinese language still needs to be strengthened!"

Tony Stark murmured, his face uncertain. He didn't ask Ultron, because he understood that since Ultron didn't remind him, it also meant that his updated intelligence program hadn't reached his ideal level.

The victorious Tony Stark in his bones has more enthusiasm, and he is definitely one-on-one in the point of not admitting defeat.

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