Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1056. Sun Wukong enters the earth

1056, Monkey King Steps into the Earth

With Yi's participation, the speed of transactions with major countries is fast, and no one wants to miss such a complete and reasonable aerospace fighter design drawing, and the materials and parts are also quickly submitted to Tony Stark.

Here, it is said that the Black Palace is furious, but after the rage, they also have to restrain their minds. At this critical juncture, all the main conflicts can only be those alien invasion civilizations in outer space. How can they care about the loss of technology?

In other words, Tony Stark's design drawings have actually added more confidence to the major countries, even the Bald Eagle himself has to admit this;

With this blueprint, the connection between the major countries has become closer. They are all the same products, whether they are materials or parts, they are all common, and they can be distributed quickly to produce more. Only in this way will it be possible to face the next crisis head-on.

Inside the clinic, Liu Hao was satisfied. Thanos's attempt again had never been taken seriously by him. Even if Hela wasn't dealt with, wouldn't there still be Orochimaru? If he doesn't make a move, it doesn't mean he's really afraid of them.

The current situation is actually the most favorable situation. On Marvel Earth, the space fighters of all major countries are on the same level. How to compete for the first place in the interstellar era in the future depends on themselves. Blame myself for being incapable.

Liu Hao feels that what he should do is almost done. Next, he will not give greater support to the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth in terms of technology. He firmly believes that after the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth has these technical reserves Can no longer be thrown away.

In the future, the Marvel Earth Interstellar era will start, and the biggest conflicts will not be within the Earth, but the mines in the major planets outside the Earth, etc. It is not Liu Hao's turn to worry about these.

In the future, Liu Hao will give support in the fantasy department, not only for the Dragon Kingdom of Marvel Earth, but also for the entire Marvel Universe. How to say, the real enemy also comes from the abyss;

Liu Hao Earth, as the incarnation of obsession, Liu Hao is now taking Jingle Chunshui into the territory of old Europe. The once flashy old Europe is now desolate.

When there is no external force to intervene, the alliance reached by old Europe can be said to be good, but when the external force is strong, the so-called alliance is just a joke.

This is the reason for the old European alliance in the era of aura recovery. With the rise of monsters, the so-called alliance has no meaning at all. It is the biggest mistake to entrust your own safety to the bald eagle. People also have their own homes. When danger comes, The first thing to ensure is always your own territory and your home, and protecting others, it's just a joke.

At the time of the rise of the monsters, the bald eagle's garrison in old Europe had already begun to withdraw in an orderly manner. Of course, the evacuation failed to evacuate much in the end, and even the evacuated army could not return to North America. It has been devoured by sea monsters.

But the old European Union didn't care about this. The withdrawal of the bald eagle garrison directly broke the backbone of the old European. After the monsters attacked the remaining residents of the major cities and towns, you have to ask who they hate the most? They will definitely tell you with one voice, the bald eagle is also.

It's no wonder, the rations we saved and spent are used to feed you, so that you can protect us, but you withdrew at the most critical moment, don't you hate who you hate?

The horde of beasts set off by monsters is like a huge wave passing through the border, leaving nothing but devastation, and this kind of horde of beasts appeared three times in Old Europe, each time getting stronger and stronger.

Destroyed one after another, so far, the old Europe has lost more than 70% of its population in the beast tide, and the survivors can only huddle in those big cities and struggle to survive.

Old Europe has completely declined, and even the civilization they are proud of may be interrupted. What kind of gentleman culture has now completely disappeared. In the gathering places of major cities, slavery has become the mainstream instead.

The strong are always strong, this is the rule, but this rule is most vividly reflected in the old Europe today. The strong own everything, and the weak can only be reduced to vassals. Yuyu wants to have nothing to resist.

This is what Liu Hao saw, his consciousness swept over him, and even he had no interest in stepping into these cities, he didn't want to be disgusted by himself.

He turned his attention to Northern Europe. Northern Europe originally had three major countries with a population of tens of millions, but now there are only three moderately large gathering places. It would be very remarkable if the population could reach one million.

Liu Hao was not interested in these three gathering places at all. He looked at Nordic, but he was looking at a new race in Nordic, which was also a race that migrated from a world passage in Nordic or immigrated into Liu Hao's earth—the elves.

Liu Hao is no stranger to elves. There are also elves in the magical world at the other end of the Qinling World Passage. Although they seldom walk in the world, they have not completely cut off communication with other races. At that time, I also observed that although I had no contact, there were many things I could figure out, such as language.

This similarity is what Liu Hao is most interested in.

He can say with absolute certainty that the elves in Northern Europe and the elves in the magical world at the other end of the Qinling World Passage in the Dragon Kingdom cannot be visitors from the same world, but elves from different worlds speak the same language, so they have to study it carefully.

"The breath of the world tree!"

Liu Hao murmured, and then slowly walked towards the north with Jingle Chunshui;

He felt that the breath of the World Tree was a little weak, and it seemed to be much weaker than the Eternal Spear in Odin's hand in the Marvel universe. This feeling made Liu Hao frowned, and it took a while to realize it.

"It seems that this is the difference between the first generation and the second generation! Zhenyuanzi's ginseng fruit is the biggest example!"

Knowing the possibility, Liu Hao still didn't mean to stop. After scanning again with his spiritual sense, Liu Hao was more sure that his guess was true. Far surpassing all the surrounding plants, it seems to be covered by some kind of magic, which makes it restrain its own brilliance, so as not to stand out from the crowd. This is a good way to hide.

Around this small world tree, there are no less than one hundred thousand elves, forming a unique gathering place. They seem to have a natural sense of intimacy. The monster races and beasts nearby see these elves, no matter how hungry they are. They will reveal their bloodthirsty nature, so it's no wonder they can be at ease in this vast Nordic forest.

Liu Hao has a feeling that the elves in front of him are the real pure-blood elves, and their every move has a natural meaning, which is much nobler than those elves in the magic world. This makes Liu Hao have a better understanding of this world passage. much interest.

Just as he was approaching the forest, he suddenly turned the disclosure and looked towards the east.

"It came very quickly! Monkey King Monkey King!"

Sun Wukong is definitely not a low-key person. As soon as he stepped into the earth, the breath around his body suddenly rose, as if telling the world that my grandson is coming!

How could such an aura escape Liu Hao's keenness? As soon as this aura appeared, Liu Hao had already noticed it, and immediately locked the opponent's position. If it wasn't the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, where is it?

Now, Liu Hao also had to think about whether to continue to deal with the elves or to appease the monkey first.

This monkey is not something that ordinary people can suppress, especially Sun Wukong, who has been defeated by the Buddha. His nature is even more free and easy. Although the earth has become thicker, it still can't stand Monkey Sun's desperate toss.

"It seems that only next time will work!"

Liu Hao also had something to say, and Jingle Chunshui behind him looked puzzled, which made his face even more wretched.

Liu Hao chuckled, waved his sleeves at Jingle Chunshui, and sent him directly to the Australian base of Longguo, where there are many female death gods such as Uozhihuali, which can be considered as a familiar training ground for Jingle Chunshui. He doesn't need to worry.

Before returning, Liu Hao continued to glance towards the west of old Europe. His consciousness had scanned him before, but there was a very familiar figure in the Paris gathering place, and it was still in the lowest slums. This person was a rotten wood. Byakuya;

It's just that for some reason, Kuchiki Byakuya is not feeling well at this time, and the wound is unclear. If someone hadn't rescued him, he might really die.

"Forget it, since we met, why not help you heal it! On the contrary, will Chinese cabbage fall in love here because of this? Hehe, I seem to be looking forward to it? Forget it, forget it, I'm still single Well, why bother so much?"

Liu Hao murmured for a long time, but I have to say that he was sour. The dead wood Byakuya had an ice cube, and the love affair was a little bit less. The person who took care of the Chinese cabbage was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and her face was still stained. The other party's talent is outstanding, maybe Kuchiki Byakuya was hurt because of this beauty?

The more he guessed, the more likely Liu Hao felt;

"It's not the time! Otherwise, it would be good to just sit by and watch the show!"

Shaking his head, Liu Hao didn't think too much, and appeared within the 100,000 mountains in the southwest of Longguo with just one step. In front of him, the monkey looked arrogant, sitting on the throne of the former city lord of Baize, holding a bunch of bananas in his hand. The golden cudgel was inserted beside the seat, and underneath, a group of monsters lowered their heads and brows, with helpless expressions on their faces.

For a different opponent, even if it is a buddhist quasi-sage, these big monsters can stand up and confront each other, but the Monkey King in front of you, which of these big monsters is not stingy, one of them becomes angry from embarrassment, but no matter who you are, Let's kill it first, you can't just lose your life for nothing, you should bow your head, you have to bow your head, it is justified to send this monkey away early.

"Wukong, are you here alone?"

When Liu Hao's voice appeared, Monkey King was not the only one who was surprised, but the group of monsters below were even more relieved, feeling like they were lucky enough to survive.

"Junior brother, my old grandson misses you so much!" Sun Wukong threw the banana in his hand when he saw Liu Hao, and jumped in front of Liu Hao with a stride, his big furry hand rested on Liu Hao's shoulder, his face There is no hidden meaning in the joy on the Internet.

"The Tathagata old man originally arranged for Master and others to come with my grandson, but then he stopped for some reason. My grandson doesn't want to wait any longer. I'm here to find my junior brother sooner! Hehehe!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking a series of words, he realized that Liu Hao in front of him seemed to have improved a lot, and he couldn't even see through himself. The more he looked, the more he felt that Liu Hao in front of him was an ordinary person. He had only seen it on Patriarch Bodhi, which made him a little confused, wondering if his cheap junior was already at the same level as his Bodhi master?

"You are here alone, how will Tang Sanzang and Bajie make arrangements? Will you come here later?"

Regardless of the doubts in Sun Wukong's eyes, Liu Hao directly asked what he wanted to know. In his opinion, Haotian had already sent his incarnation here, so how could Tathagata be behind?

After so long, Liu Hao still didn't send his avatar here. After thinking about it for a while, Liu Hao knew that Haotian was simply hiding in the dark. Even if Tathagata didn't know, he wouldn't let go of sending Tang Sanzang and his gang into the earth, right?

He is eager to know what kind of accidents are involved, and the monkey grandson in front of him is the biggest breakthrough.

"My old grandson doesn't know much about it. I only know that Junior Brother Sha has re-entered the Heavenly Court, and that Bajie also went to the old man to report. As for Master, he also returned to Lingshan!"

Sun Wukong was also a bit bleak as he said that, anyway, they have traveled westward together for more than ten years. After getting along day and night, even though they fight and fight, they have already become a family. Now that they are separated, they don't know what the future will be. Can they still call each other brothers like they used to?

Even Sun Houzi didn't dare to make a decision lightly on this point. He has experienced it before. How is the relationship between the Seven Great Sages who swore in the past? Except for the Bull Demon King, the great sage of peace, who still has a lot of contact with him, the others either turned against each other or avoided seeing them.

Birth determines that Sun Wukong values ​​feelings more than others, and is more sensitive than others. On the journey to the west, the hostility and even murderous intent in the eyes of the brothers who were originally called brothers can be detected at a glance by his grandson monkey;

Now, when leaving, whether it is Bajie or Brother Sha, Sun Wukong always has a feeling that after leaving, the past friendship should start to be lost, and when they meet again, they will probably be fighting like before. Bar?

On the contrary, it was Liu Hao in front of him. The keen Sun Wukong found that there was no change from the beginning to the end. He was close and natural. Such casualness made Sun Wukong enjoy it very much. It was not Liu Hao who asked the question, and Sun Wukong explained everything clearly. There is also a monkey monkey here. The soft exclamation in my heart.

"Is that so? This is also reasonable. You also know that Bajie was originally a disciple of Master Xuandu, right? Why is your brother Sha also a general next to Haotian? Now that his merits and virtues have been completed, it would be better to return to the old place. You can't all go. Lingshan, right? Your master Tang Sanzang, Lingshan will definitely welcome you, but Bajie and Sha Wujing are not necessarily!"

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand to scratch and scratched his cheeks, and finally had to admit that Liu Hao's words were reasonable, not to mention Bajie and Drifting, it was the incarnation he cut out that defeated the Buddha, and the way Lingshan looked at him There is also a lot of rejection. Thinking about it this way, it seems that it would be better for the two juniors to return to their old birthplace.

Thinking about it this way, Sun Wukong felt a lot more comfortable. He felt that he might have thought too much before. After all, he was also a brother who traveled all the way west. How could it be possible for them to become unfamiliar after being separated for a while? Maybe they will also come forward soon Come to this world. At that time, my old grandson must treat them well.

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