Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and fifty-seven. The use of Monkey King

1057 , Wukong's Sense of Identity

On the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, Liu Hao and Sun Wukong completely ignored the many big monsters below, talking and laughing happily, but the big monsters below did not dare to show the slightest displeasure, let alone make the slightest sound, so they could only stop. Waiting quietly in place, never missing Bai Ze so much as at this moment, the days without thighs are so tormenting.

After chatting for a long time, Liu Hao suddenly realized the problem of the environment. He glanced at the big monster below, and couldn't help but suddenly realized, my good guy, this guy Bai Ze is really not an ordinary person, and he has been entangled with so many big monsters in just a short time , Could it be that this guy has gathered all the big monsters around him?

Underneath, that familiar white wolf must be the White Wolf King who splits and reunites with the Golden Eagle King in the Himalayas, right? I don't know what happened to the golden eagle. I really admire this guy. I hope he is still alive. After all, Bai Ze is not the type to fight, even if he doesn't surrender, he won't kill him, right?

However, Bai Ze's actions seem to be good. If these top monsters are gathered here, the remaining monster clan will become leaderless, right? Fighting each other is inevitable, and it can give the surrounding human races a break.

The competition for the space between the human race and the monster race is already a tacit understanding. Even Liu Hao will not intervene. He knows very well that the more he intervenes, the more he will harm them. How can he keep these people for a while? Can you keep them from generation to generation? Only by letting them get used to competing with the monster race for the way of survival can they truly survive and reproduce. This is the permanent way.

And with Liu Hao's existence, Bai Ze also sees clearly that what should be contended for, but what kind of beast tide is to be launched to attack the human gathering place, but it is impossible to even think about it. The family will definitely attract disaster.

And Bai Ze also likes this kind of competition. For him, the monster race at the bottom will not take it seriously at all. What he likes most are those who can stand out from the bottom of the fight. In this regard, there are hunters of the human race Killing the pressure is the best thing.

Neither of them opened their mouths, but there was a tacit understanding in their bones. It was more or less because of this reason that Bai Ze gathered these big monsters to the Southwest Hundred Thousand Mountains;

He is also afraid that these big monsters will make things out of control as soon as their brains get hot, so he gathers them up and trains them. At that time, whether to release them again to become the king of the mountain or keep the 100,000 mountains in the southwest to practice with him is all right. But, or simply send it to Honghuang, it is not impossible to discuss.

During this period of time, Bai Ze has also realized that the monsters who survived cruelly on the earth are not only iron-blooded, but also seem to be no worse in talent than the monsters born and bred in the wilderness today. Isn't this what the monsters are most willing to see? did you arrive? He is also more happy with his direct descendants.

Speaking of which, Bai Ze was originally a character without much ambition. The ambition here refers to personal ambition, but on the side of the Yaozu tribe, Bai Ze has a lot of ambitions.

Originally, Bai Ze had always pinned this ambition on Emperor Jun Taiyi, but now that Emperor Jun Taiyi returned again, Bai Ze suddenly found that the original two geniuses had been knocked into the dust;

Compared to the monster clan, neither Dijun nor Taiyi is in the first place. For those of them who have died once, only their own cultivation is the real priority. Stud will not feel the slightest pain when he goes out.

That is to say, when he realized this, Bai Ze's inner thoughts changed drastically. He forbeared, made himself more low-key, did not touch the hearts of Di Jun and Tai Yi, and even pretended not to notice;

After being dispatched to the earth, Bai Ze suddenly understood that the obsession in his heart would not disappear with time, but would become more and more pure. Take what you need.

Liu Hao glanced at the trembling big monsters below, and was also happy to chat with Monkey King here for a while, and he was also very happy with this kind of small estrangement at no cost;

Seeing Sun monkeys arrive on Earth,

Liu Hao knew that the day for a new round of prehistoric monks to set foot on the earth is not far away. The next time, maybe a group of or even major forces will come in mighty force. In the next few days, how to put it, it is necessary to raise the cultivation level of the people in the Dragon Kingdom to a higher level;

At this time in the Dragon Kingdom, the Da Luo level is still very rare, and there are many Da Luo Jinxians in the Honghuang. Maybe they are nothing in the Honghuang. Once they arrive on the earth, this level of cultivation is enough for them to dominate. Liu Hao I don't want to gamble on the quality of the prehistoric monks;

The world is not benevolent and treats all things as dogs. Perhaps in the eyes of these monks, the human beings on the earth are just a member of all living beings, no different from ants;

Liu Hao absolutely does not want to place his safety on the mercy of these monks. He can't control other places, but in the territory of Longguo, he must give these monks a good shock in the future, and this candidate is the Monkey King in front of him.

This candidate was carefully selected by Liu Hao for a long time;

First of all, although Sun Wukong doesn't want to admit it, he can't get rid of his identity as a monster. Even if he declares that he is not in the five elements, the monster clan still recognizes him as a member of the monster clan;

The problem is that Sun Wukong doesn't see it that way. Except for the monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong doesn't regard other monster races as his own at all. On the journey to the west, every bite of a "monster" is the biggest proof. With such a cultivation base, there is a natural deterrent to the Yaozu. Even those veteran quasi-sages of the Yaozu have to stay away when they look at the face of the Nuwa Empress.

Secondly, Sun Wukong's origin determines that he has considerable deterrent power against many great forces in the prehistoric world. When Sun Wukong's cultivation was still low, these people had to sell his face, not to mention beheading a corpse now. Sun Wukong, who has become a quasi-sage, to put it nicely, even if Haotian meets Sun Wukong now, he still needs to say "dao friend";

How to hand over this responsibility to Sun Wukong, and let the other party happily take it over, this requires Liu Hao to make a good calculation;

In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined;

In the southwest, Longguo cast a ninety-nine-foot-tall statue of the Nuwa Empress early on. Although the Nuwa Empress herself did not give her spirit, the people of the Dragon Kingdom worshiped it a lot, especially after knowing the prehistoric world. As far as the existing Longguo human race is concerned, not to mention 90%, more than 80% of the Longguo people also regard the source of their ethnic group as the human beings created by the Nuwa Empress.

The most important thing is that Empress Nuwa gave Liu Hao the "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map", which is tantamount to fundamentally acknowledging the relationship with the dragon kingdom of the earth;

With these, Sun Wukong, who is like the mother and son of the Nuwa Empress, will at least have a sense of intimacy in his heart. Although in the mind of Sun Wukong, the human beings in the Dragon Kingdom on Earth are not comparable to those monkeys and grandchildren in Huaguo Mountain, but second only to them is enough. up;

On the other hand, as a native of Longguo on Earth, who hasn't read Journey to the West? Even if there is no book, the TV series will never miss the appointment, but anyone who has watched it has no reason not to like this monkey. In other words, the people of Longguo naturally have great recognition and closeness to Monkey King;

With this mutual close relationship, it is logical for Monkey King, who is already very sensitive to emotions, to accept it.

In fact, this is a win-win situation;

For the Longguo human race, there is an extra guardian from the outside world;

For Monkey King, there are also more than one billion human races who like him, and even among these people, there are many admirers and even believers. This is also of great benefit to Monkey King.

Although Sun Wukong left "fighting and defeating Buddha" in Buddhism, you can't say that Sun Wukong himself is not a Buddhist. 'Fighting against Buddha' must be very happy.

Such a matter of mutual benefit, even if Liu Hao has a lot of calculations, if they are discovered in the future, everyone will just laugh it off and say 'thank you'.

Standing on the Great Wall for Protection of the Southwest, looking at the towering statue of Nuwa, no one can but admire;

This is the reason for the revival of spiritual energy. In the previous era of science and technology, regardless of the money and time spent in casting such a majestic statue, a lot of calculations have to be invested in the power of wind resistance alone, and there are still many possibilities of failure. ;

Regardless of the fact that statues with a height of tens of meters or even over a hundred can be seen everywhere in the age of science and technology, they are at most this height, and if they go up, the money investment brought by each meter is multiplied geometrically. Only the blessing of recovery can make the statue of the Nuwa Empress into today's stalwart;

When Sun Wukong glanced at it, his mind was shocked, and a kind of blood-connected emotion rose in his heart. After a while, he turned and looked at Liu Hao, as if he was asking something;

"In this world, the human races are complex and have different colors. However, in this land, there are human beings of the same root and species as the Great Tang Dynasty. They respect the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and even more respect the Nuwa Empress as their mother. Naturally, I have to offer my heart, and this place is the closest to the world leading to the prehistoric world, so I cast my heart here!"

These words are not exaggerated by Liu Hao, and the essence is the same, but Liu Hao put forward an idea. With this point, Longguo also attaches great importance to it, and the height of this statue is what it should be.

And Sun Wukong listened to it, and felt the same way. This is also because Liu Hao himself was entrusted with the re-opening of the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain, so that Sun Wukong had contact with Nuwa Empress, and he understood his own footsteps, so he could do this. It was changed to Journey to the West book That monkey might just laugh it off.

With such emotional resonance, it will be much easier to do next;

When Liu Hao brought Sun Wukong to appear under the statue of Empress Nuwa, the eyes of the people offering incense all around them were bright, and it is said that they were staring at the monkey with radiance;

It's also because Sun Wukong's outfit is too coquettish, purple gold armor, cloud-piercing boots, and two wings on top of his head soaring into the sky. But whoever has seen Journey to the West doesn't know that this is the standard equipment of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King?

That is to say, it can't be determined, otherwise these people will not care too much, and they will never give up until they rush forward to ask for an autograph.

Sun Wukong was also uncomfortable being looked at by the glowing eyes of these people, but his heart was itchy. He was very sensitive, and he couldn't tell the meaning of these eyes. There was a trace of worship in that kind of joy, and even more With a lot of recognition, how not to like it?

He wished that these gazes would look a little more, and he forcibly endured the discomfort, and the imaginary anger from embarrassment did not appear at all.

This made Liu Hao realize that he really did the right thing;

Originally, Liu Hao also wanted to let Sun Wukong get in touch with more humans. The first ones were naturally the people of the Dragon Kingdom. In Liu Hao's view, once Monkey King got used to the joy and worship of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, he would meet the eyes of people outside the Dragon Kingdom in the future. Vigilance, such a strong contrast can give him more recognition.

Of course, even if it is contact, you can't bring Monkey King to a place where there are turbulent crowds, and these pilgrims around Nuwa Empress are good choices. Whether these people come to play or offer incense, they must be right in their hearts. Empress Nuwa has many recognitions;

Seeing such a scene, Sun Wukong will definitely let go of his vigilance, and he must be happy that his mother is enshrined. Even if something he doesn't like happens, he will choose to endure it. This is why Liu Hao directly put Sun Wukong The reason for bringing me all the way here;

In fact, Liu Hao also underestimated the recognition of Sun Wukong by the people of the Dragon Kingdom. Even if the aura revived and the legendary gods appeared one by one, Monkey King, the Monkey King, was still the most popular one. Otherwise, why would there be so many Sun Monkeys adapting stories? To put it bluntly, it is no joke that everyone in Dragon Kingdom loves Monkey King.

The popularity is getting more and more, and I don't know if the news has spread. Even though it is still unclear whether Monkey King is the pretender or the deity, it does not hinder these pilgrims from watching the fun, and pin their love for Monkey King on On 'Monkey King';

"Are you Monkey King Monkey King?"

A little man squeezed through the crowd and saw Monkey King's appearance. He couldn't care less about other things, so he ran up to Monkey King, stretched out his small hand like a lotus root and grabbed Monkey King's skirt in his hand, with great joy, Asked again with a timid tone;

"Do you recognize my grandson?"

Sun Wukong is absolutely happy in his heart, any little person can recognize him, who would reject the visual sense of this high-gloss idol? Even Monkey King is no exception.

"Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, has a body like black iron, golden eyes, immortality, and seventy-two transformations!"

The little man didn't hesitate at all, and described Monkey King's characteristics in a few words, which made Monkey King's heart overflow with joy;

He laughed a few times, scratched his head and scratched his ears, and finally tore off a hair on his forehead. When he blew in his hand, the hair fell to the top of the little man's head and took root. However, the hair seemed to be very firm, as if Its hair is raised up high, but it is also very cute.

Liu Hao smiled and watched the interaction between Sun Wukong and the villains. There are many monsters in the southwest border, and such villains are really rare. Those who can appear here are mostly descendants of those garrison troops. come to visit;

Therefore, to be able to meet Sun Wukong, it can only be said that this little man and Sun Wukong are really due to fate. If this little man has a chance to meet Sun Wukong in the future, it may be that the relationship will be even higher, that is, he will be accepted as a disciple. Hao will not be too surprised.

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