Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and fifty-nine. Yang Jian preached

1059 , Yang Jian Proving the Way

At Zhonghai University, Sun Wukong’s arrival was another round of onlookers. The news spread, not only the entire university arrived, but even the surrounding residents were no exception. Call out 'Great Holy Father', and soon someone will follow and shout, and in less than half a minute, the shouts will become uniform, and everyone will follow;

Just like those fans who watched the football before the spirit revived, except that the latter were only tens of thousands, but now the number exceeds 300,000.

It is also due to this era. After the recovery of the spiritual energy, all the so-called stars in the past have been abandoned by the people. It makes sense to think about it. If you can play the special effects in the movie yourself, you will feel the same when you watch it again. Just like that, it's very boring, and I don't even feel like criticizing others. If I have that time, I might as well cultivate myself;

This caused the lack of stars. The last time that made the people happy was the last time Liu Hao competed with the Yaozu in the Northeast, but Liu Hao was not interested in self-hype at that time. As time went by, people's attention shifted, gradually forgotten

The soul lacks a real person who can be entrusted to. The appearance of Yang Jian and Nezha has already called for this sustenance. Are the totem characters of Chinese civilization comparable? grab grab

Sun Wukong is a super popular figure from childhood to old age, not to mention university students, even the professors and experts in it. When seeing Sun Wukong, he must also think of the years when he was a child who worshiped Qitian Dasheng. of.厺厽 Literature written by bxwx.co 厺厽

This is the reason for the vast scene today. If you are someone else, don’t even think about it. The news spreads that the residents of more than ten miles nearby have rushed towards Zhonghai University. happy.

From 300,000 to nearly a million, I don't know how many places are densely packed, that is, Liu Hao and Monkey King stopped on the white clouds, and people's vision has been greatly improved after the recovery of spiritual energy. You can only see the size of an ant, and more is to watch the excitement and relax yourself as a show.

With so many people gathered, it’s just a matter of showing them. Liu Hao estimated that these people would be a little depressed afterward. Instead of this, it’s better to let Monkey King talk about the method of cultivation in public. After all, he is also his fan, so he should Give some favors.

As Liu Hao mentioned, Sun Wukong didn't hesitate at all. The method taught to him by the Bodhi Patriarch, apart from the cultivation method, there is really nothing that cannot be explained;

Patriarch Bodhi, as the incarnation of Zhunti's three corpses, is a real Taoist incarnation, and most of the methods taught to Sun Wukong are products of Taoism, so Liu Hao doesn't need to worry about doing cheap for Buddhism;

Although this guy doesn't have much prejudice against Buddhism, he still has a lot of embarrassment thoughts about Buddhism, especially Lingshan. Who made the countries in Hezhou, Xiniu, even the king's fate, be under the control of Lingshan? It is also afraid that the Buddhist sect will interfere in the Dragon Kingdom in the future. At that time, it will be really troublesome.淘戅戅

Sun Wukong was also an impatient person, and when he agreed, he sat down in a frightened posture and began to speak. Hearing him speak, Liu Haocai wrote the word "quiet" in the void, erasing the shouts of the crowd below, and at the same time There is no peace in the hearts of those who hear it.

This method was created by Liu Hao. It combines the ways of a hundred schools of thought, and adds the Taoist talisman method, but the most fundamental thing is that the characters in it are aligned towards the "Taoist text".

In order to promote a simple text to produce great power;

So far, even Liu Hao can only add power to less than a hundred words;

Originally, he also thought about imparting this exclusive method, but in the end he found that it was difficult even if he wanted to learn it. The biggest problem was the amount of knowledge. , the most basic bottom line is the quasi-sage, in other words, this is already a mode for the quasi-sage to use the power of heaven and earth.

That is to say, the Holy Mother of Wudang has gone to the Zongwu World during this period of time, otherwise she would definitely come forward to discuss the Tao when she saw Liu Hao's actions today;

In Zhonghai University, Sun Wukong began to preach, but Liu Hao didn't intend to listen to the lecture. He swept away his consciousness, locked on Yang Jian and Nezha, and left quietly with one step. Others have been immersed in the content of Sun Wukong's sermons, and have gone to study carefully.

"You are not bad. You have improved a lot since you came here. Can you prove Daoguo?"

"Return to Dijun, a few days ago by coincidence, I have already proved the Daluo Daoguo!"

Yang Jian became a little more polite to Liu Hao, more because he felt an ordinary person's leisurely in Liu Hao;

In the past, he only felt this kind of feeling in Taishang Laojun, even his old uncle Haotian was much worse. As a second generation of immortals, he was already familiar with all kinds of materials, so he didn't understand that this was already the result of the consummation of quasi-sage's merits and virtues. Back to basics as it should be.

It is also because of this that he has changed today. This appearance is in Liu Hao's eyes, but he has no intention of stopping him. He is a god of justice for three generations, and he really lets the other party and himself do whatever they want. Make Yang Jian uncomfortable;

On the contrary, Nezha still didn't change at all. Liu Hao came and waved his little hand to greet him with a smile. After realizing that Liu Hai seemed to be quite different, he paid more and more attention to it, as if he was thinking about something.

"Entering the river of fate, do you have any insights?"

Liu Hao's question was actually asking Yang Jian to prove that Da Luo Daoguo entered the river of fate where his own earth world is located? Or is it the long river of fate where the prehistoric world is located?

He knew that there was a big gap between the two. Although it could not be said to be a mainstream issue, they were not on the same level, regardless of size or scale;

It is not easy to prove the Dao Fruit in every world, or even extremely difficult, but if you enter a lower-level world from a high-level world, it will be much easier to prove the Dao Fruit. Of course, you must choose a low-level The fate of the world is in the long river.

They are both Proving Dao Da Luo, the difference in strength will not be that big, it is just that the amount of knowledge is different, but there are many differences between the two;

Among them, the biggest gap is the resistance of the world;

Grab and grab. For example, a small world is easy to be destroyed, and perhaps any strong person at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage can completely destroy it. Once the world is destroyed, the fate of this world in the chaos will also be cut off, and it will not be too long Time will disappear into the invisible;

At that time, the so-called enlightenment of Daluo will only become empty, even if you escape to other worlds, you must re-certify;

This is good. In fact, once their own worlds are completely destroyed, most or even all of their luck will disappear. Even if they escape to other worlds, very few of them can survive.

It is also for this reason that any monk who proves Daluo Daoguo will protect his own world with all his strength, so that they are the most precious treasures in this world. They are all prosperous and all are damaged. Once they have the opportunity, they are absolutely willing to go all out to upgrade themselves own world level.

Before bringing Yang Jian into the earth, Liu Hao really didn't consider this point, but after he understood, Yang Jian had already begun to prove the Tao, so he could only recognize it at this time, and it was impossible to interrupt it before letting him return Honghuang comes again.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to prove the Daluo Daoguo, and often there are only one or two out of ten thousand, which is very remarkable;

厺厽 Zhuiwen Novel Network zhuiwen.org 厺厽. To give an example, among the heavenly courts of the prehistoric demon clan in ancient times, there were as many Da Luo Jinxians as lackeys, but how many of them can prove the Dao Fruit of Da Luo?

So far, why is Emperor Jun Taiyi the only one who has returned from the prehistoric demon clan? Even Emperor Empress Xi and Chang Xi still haven't heard from each other?

It's not that Dijun Taiyi doesn't want to, if they can, they would like to be able to summon him back, two more monster clan powers are better than anything, the fact is that they understand that neither Xi nor Chang Xi has proved Daluo Daoguo, let alone the monster clan There are other big Luo Jinxians in the heaven.

Such a rare ratio also predestined how precious those who have attained the Taoism of Daluo are. As far as Liu Hao knows, among the twelve disciples of Chanjiao, not everyone has attained the Dao of Daluo. and no one knows;

The reason why Yuanshi Tianzun called his twelve disciples the "Twelve Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education" was nothing more than his expectation. to pared.

Having said so much, I am also telling the practice world how precious Daluo Daoguo is, and because of this, even if Yang Jian finds something wrong with Daluo Daoguo's proving on earth, he can't interrupt it, otherwise he really returns to the prehistoric, maybe this There is no possibility in my life.

If you said that Liu Hao didn't have any secret joy in his heart, you would be wrong;

He wished that more monks would prove Daluo Daoguo on the earth. In this way, although these monks could not be completely tied to the earth chariot, they would be deeply involved with the earth anyway. damage, but a little destruction of the earth, weakening 30% to 50% is still necessary;

For a monk, once it is weakened by 30 to 50%, it is also fatal;

淘戅起文章文章网戅. Of course, losing the same lifespan as heaven and earth is enough for these Daoists to weigh in.

In other words, the more monks prove Daluo Daoguo on the earth, the more monks will spend a lot of effort to protect the earth. Who doesn't need this kind of almost free labor?

As for whether they will compete for the luck of their own world, Liu Hao really doesn't care much about it. The matter of luck can't be done by violent means. After thinking about it, Liu Hao thinks that these people can only build a mountain gate. There is no way to go, but the establishment of a mountain gate and the inheritance of Taoism, isn't it also a way to protect the earth?

Liu Hao is not a guy who pays attention to details. It is impossible not to give others any benefits. Taking all the benefits is not a long-term solution. Why doesn't he understand this truth?

Faced with Liu Hao's question, Yang Jian understood it in his heart. He himself experienced it himself, so how could he not notice it at all?

In fact, when he was proving the Tao, when he entered the long river of fate, the choice was in front of him. Of course, among them, there was also the reason of his direct lineage of the Taoist sect, and the reason why the overall luck of the Taoist sect shifted towards him , If you are someone else, if you want to have a choice, you should wash up and sleep.

Before Yang Jian answered, he thought for a while, as if he was thinking about whether to tell Liu Hao, but then he became firmer, heaved a sigh of relief, and spoke softly:

"When proving the Daluo Daoguo, the soul breaks away from the body and enters a void, and there are two traction forces guiding it, one is larger and the other is smaller;

Originally, there was no room for choice, and the soul was naturally involved by the larger one;

However, at this moment, a big hand came through the void, touched my soul a little bit, and I found myself divided into two, submerged in two long rivers of fate! "

Speaking of this, Yang Jian made a pause. He thought that this big hand was made by his master, but Liu Hao knew that it was impossible. It's Hongjun, this old Buxiu said that he didn't care about Taoism, how could it be possible in fact?

In any case, it is related to one's own luck, and those who do not affect the overall situation can still be impartial. This fourth-generation direct descendant and a Taoist protector can naturally let him take action, so it is impossible. I don't know how much Hongjun has spent for crossing the world. If he wants to pay no price, Liu Hao also thinks it is impossible. Even if it consumes mana, it must be improved by thousands of times.

"What this Taoist ancestor did, you don't need to worry!"

Liu Hao could tell from Yang Jian's expression that this guy was worried, even if something unexpected would affect the future, it gave him peace of mind;

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Yang Jian felt relieved, and when Nezha beside him turned his head to look at him, he had an envious look on his face, which made him even more happy;

Also seeing Nezha's expression, Liu Hao chuckled, stretched out his big hand and rubbed Nezha's head, this little Zhengtai looked very cute, although he knew that Nezha had a mature mind, but whoever saw it , will also subconsciously treat Nezha as a child, even Liu Hao.

Nezha has experienced this kind of experience a lot, and it’s okay in the wilderness. His name has spread to the three realms, and no one dares to be rude to him, but it’s completely different when he arrives on the earth, especially those rotten girls who want to die even if they risk their lives. Pounced on and kneaded, Nezha suffered a lot in this regard at the beginning, but the other party didn't have the slightest malice, so what if he just got angry? Can you still kill the opponent?

After suffering many losses, Nezha learned how to protect himself. Now when he goes out, he mostly transforms into other appearances. At least transforming into an adult body is a necessity.

But once he returns to the dormitory, he will return to his original state, and Yang Jian will not do anything to him, but today he did not expect Liu Hao to treat him as a child. It is conceivable that he is depressed, but he can't get mad either, he can only give He rolled his eyes and protested, resigned to his fate.

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