Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and sixty. Hongjun shot

1060 , Hongjun shot

At this moment, Liu Hao was thinking about Yang Jian stepping on two boats to prove the Tao, that is, leaving his own mark in the long river of fate, and also engraving his mark in the long river of fate to which the earth belongs. It sounds so cool Incredible, but is that really the case?

Grab and grab. It should be noted that in the long river of fate, there is also a need to fight for crossing;

To give a vivid example, proving the Daluo Daoguo is like trying to swim upstream in a rushing river. It takes as much mental effort as you can, until you are exhausted;

Once you reach the position that you recognize in your heart, at this time you are like a big fish that has jumped out of the water, what you see is not everything in the deep river, maybe at this time, you still can’t see the two sides of the big river , but you can see those small fish and shrimps that think they are swimming freely nearby, which will make you feel that you have surpassed others in a dimension, in other words, you are no longer on the same level as others.

At this time, at the position where you step out of the river, there will usually be a blue lotus throne. This throne is guided by the river, no matter how urgent the river is, it will not waver at all. The point you occupy is your Taoism dictates;

It does not matter how many effects this Dao Fruit has, but one thing is very intuitive;

That is, as long as your world is not destroyed, even if you die in the future, once someone summons you with great effort, you can already condense a complete soul with the help of the Daluo fruit in the long river of fate, and then conceive a traveling body. It is the state when you enlightened Daluo;

And don't think that the re-conceived ones can only stay at the time of proving the Dao Daluo;

On the contrary, it is not so at all;

You have obtained the Dao Fruit of the Daluo, and in the future, every understanding of Dao Dharma will be engraved in this Dao Fruit. The meaning of this sentence is that this Dao Fruit will record all your cultivation knowledge. If you die and return, this knowledge will not be lost. At that time, as long as you spend time, it will only be a matter of time before you return to your original peak.

This is the real horror of Daluo Daoguo. If you kill him at countless costs, there is still no guarantee that one day he will return and rebuild it. It is often easier to break through the original shackles. Most likely, it will be a more terrifying enemy.

It is also because of this, generally speaking, if there is no escape route, not many people will go to the death with a Da Luojin Immortal Daoist.

Seeing this, maybe you will say, since it is so good, why not find someone to kill yourself, and then re-summon to rebuild and break through the original bottleneck? Just like cheating, every time you hit a bottleneck, you will have a higher chance of breaking through, right?

This statement sounds reasonable, but in fact it ignores a problem, that is the 'state of mind'.

Cultivators, no matter how they explain it, they are going against the sky, seizing the good fortune of the heaven and the earth to perfect themselves. What they pay attention to is to go forward. Once the body dies, this momentum of going forward will be interrupted, and it will return in the future It is also difficult to continue;

Today's Emperor Jun Taiyi is the same reason. When the demon clan was in the heaven, how high they were, and they regarded all creatures as ants. At that time, even the saints had to praise their inner courage;

But now?

Bai Ze is the one who has the most right to speak. He also knows that the ones who came back are only two big monsters, Dijun and Taiyi from the demon clan. Breaking through the original shackles and entering a higher level is nothing more than two more powerful monks in the prehistoric world. How much does it have to do with the Yaozu?

In addition, there is another reason why these Daoist practitioners are absolutely unwilling to die easily, and that is the truncation of luck;

Once the body dies, the luck originally accumulated in him will naturally begin to drain. It would be fine if there are people offering sacrifices to him in the years after his death.

This loss will be slower, but only a little slower. As time goes by, it will be a matter of time before this luck dissipates.

Furthermore, would the one who could kill you at your peak always be on guard against your return? Waiting somewhere to ambush you or something?

No one will hand over their initiative to others, this is a monk.

Da Luo Daoguo, it sounds to outsiders that returning after death is the biggest benefit, but the parties often look down on this the most.

In their view, the biggest advantage of Daluo Daoguo is that they can sink into the long river of fate and comprehend the Dao when they practice. It is effective, and it is the kind that is ten times higher. Even when the saints sit cross-legged and realize the Tao, often their spirits are already sitting in the long river of fate.

Therefore, those who have proved the Daluo Daoguo are often more likely than others to step into the quasi-sage, and even as long as there is no accident, these people have almost ninety-nine percent of them entering the quasi-sage.

This is the real ladder to heaven.

Of course, Yang Jian's situation at this time was unprecedented.

Liu Hao understands Hongjun's actions very well. After all, he is also a direct descendant among the direct descendants. It is related to his profound luck.

厺厽 Follow the book and read zhuishukan.com 厺厽. But Hongjun's method of dividing Yang Jian into two made Liu Hao have to think;

Is it for an experiment?

This was Liu Hao's first and only thought;

He couldn't think of any other reason for Hongjun to do this. Now that he had made the move, Liu Hao didn't think that Hongjun couldn't draw all of Yang Jian's spirits into the long river of fate.

Then, leaving a part in the long river of destiny where the earth is located can only be for observation, to see how effective this is, and what kind of impact will it have on the future? Whether it is good or bad for Yang Jian.

淘戅chasing books to see zhUishUKan\u0026#戅. Suddenly, Liu Hao woke up. Hongjun had done such an experiment, and he would definitely not be willing to be known by others. In this way, it must have taken a lot of effort for Hongjun to make a move, and he couldn't even give Yang Jian an order to do it. arrive?

"Yang Jian, at this time you have to mention it again, let alone tell others, remember! Nezha, you didn't hear what Yang Jian said today, but remember it!"

Both Yang Jian and Nezha are smart people. When Liu Hao suggested that Daozu Hongjun should take action, they already knew that this matter was definitely not easy;

In the prehistoric world, unless the world was about to be destroyed, the Taoist ancestors came here leisurely, from which we can see how forbearing the Taoist ancestors are, and they are definitely the kind of people who will never make a move unless there is a major impact;

In other words, to pull Yang Jian's soul, it must be a major event that the old man has weighed and weighed again. How can he tell others about such a major event at will, even his own master can't easily disclose it!

With Liu Hao's order, the two nodded their heads cautiously, lamenting the luck that the monkey didn't follow, otherwise with the monkey's big mouth, it probably wouldn't be able to hide this matter.

Monkey King still doesn't know that he has missed a big secret. Now, this monkey is in a happy mood. One sermon has millions of people listening. How lucky is that?

As everyone knows, Sun Wukong despises Lingshan in his heart. The four masters and apprentices went to Lingshan after untold hardships, but they didn't know that they were not learning scriptures, but buying scriptures. How stingy and xenophobic it is to go out of Lingshan.

What about yourself? Facing millions of listeners, it is basically teaching everything. Except for the practice skills taught privately by the ancestor Bodhi at the third moment of the child, this monkey has nothing to hide. This also shows that Sun Wukong is deep in his heart. Now that he completely regards himself as a part of the human beings in the Dragon Kingdom, this recognition has been completely consolidated.

In Yang Jian's dormitory, the three of them looked back at Sun Wukong, looked at each other, and smiled slightly, without saying a word.

Liu Hao stretched out his big hand again and rubbed the small head of little Nezha. He thought it was better not to say some words. How to choose depends on little Nezha himself. Nezha, his cultivation base is making rapid progress, and it may not be long before he should step into the Daluo Golden Immortal. At that time, he should also consider whether to prove the Dao in the wilderness or the earth;

Even if Liu Hao didn't say anything, at this time, little Nezha doesn't understand that it is much easier to prove Daluo Daoguo on earth, and Daozu Hongjun can take the lead to lead Yang Jian's soul into the river of fate, which means the river of fate must be more meaningful;

Little Nezha, don't expect that when he proves Daluo Daoguo on Earth in the future, Daozu will continue to attack, but he can't do it again, how can he not understand?

Besides, the little Nezha doesn't think he is higher than Yang Jian in terms of his status in the Taoist sect. Not to mention Yang Jian's status as a guardian of the Taoist sect, even his close relationship is much more reliable than him. How to say, Yang Jian is also Haotian's nephew, Haotian is still Hongjun's boy, layer by layer, he is his own;

What about little Nezha? Although he is also a disciple of the third generation of teaching, but if he still doesn't understand the original calculation of Taiyi Daoist when he recruited disciples, he would be a fool.

Therefore, little Nezha did not expect Hongjun to help him lead the soul into the long river of fate in the wilderness, but in his heart, he thought that it would be better to return to the wilderness to prove the Tao when he had a sense in the future;

In Liu Hao's view, there is a high probability that little Nezha will choose this way. He also does not think that Yang Jian's matter can be repeated again and again, just like a bug in a game. If you see a loophole, the fate in the chaos is probably the same. If you want to repair yourself, if you make another shot, the cost will only be greater, and it is even a question of whether it can be done.巘戅Fantasy Fiction Network

This made Liu Hao understand that Yang Jian is likely to become an extremely special existence, perhaps in the long river of destiny to which the earth belongs, because the spirit and soul are divided, resulting in not getting the most ideal and most suitable position;

But in the long river of fate, since Hongjun has already made a move, Yang Jian is absolutely not allowed to continue to lose, and it must be the best and most suitable Dao fruit for Yang Jian. Only in this way, Hongjun's observation experiment is meaningful.

This aroused the interest in Liu Hao's heart again. After thinking about it, he thought about it. He glanced in the direction of Monkey King, left a mark on the spot, and waved Yang Jian and Nezha to step together. near the North American abyss;

The vast black cloud is still so disgusting that all the viewers feel sick, especially the little Nezha. At the first glance, the little face is a little distorted, and it took a while for him to regain his composure.厺厽 Fantastic Novel Network 7huan.com 厺厽

"What is this?"

Little Nezha's exclamation made Liu Hao understand that the blockades of various countries still have some effects. Even if those who have not seen it with their own eyes know this information on the Internet, they will not feel fear, thinking that it is nothing more than a very different world passage. That's all, I thought it was a little threatening, and it wouldn't be too dangerous.

In this regard, Liu Hao also understands that this is the best solution. Sometimes it is dangerous, but it is not more dangerous than panic. The real horror is that a group loses its wisdom.

Liu Hao had no intention of explaining, so he casually tapped two flashes of light, telling the two of all kinds of information about the abyss, including the good and the bad, and after the two had digested it, the shock on their faces was even more indescribable. start to dissipate.

Although these two guys are more than billions of years old, they are not old at all;

In fact, there is one thing that the monks can really see the difference from the surface, that is, the age and status of the deity's personality;

For example, Sanqing, Lao Tzu is old-fashioned, and he can see clearly, as if he has seen all kinds of life, without desires and desires;

Primitive is the middle-aged astrology, majestic, high above the clouds, overlooking the world, this age will not be impulsive, but it is also the age stage that the desire for power is the most important, those who are high and powerful are like this, typical examples are Dijun, Hao Both Tian and Tian have three-strand long beards, and they look middle-aged, so why not they are Tathagatas?

What about Babel? A young man with fair face and no beard, looks like he is around twenty years old, and his body is full of youthful colors. This age is also the most impulsive time. Once you get mad, no matter if you are flooded, if you reach the limit, no matter what world you destroy, Yin Shang Fengshen is the biggest example.

After talking about Sanqing, Yang Jian and Nezha in front of him are the same;

Yang Jian's appearance is also young, about twenty-five or six years old, the kind who admits death and has a hard time thinking about it. After serving as the god of justice, even though he knew that the rules of heaven were not made by Haotian, he still blamed his mother's death on On the uncle's head, he didn't bother to pay attention to the other party at all. Those who heard that little arrogant look couldn't help laughing.

What about little Nezha? One brat, that is, he has restrained himself a lot after conferring the gods, but once he loses his temper, he is also a brat who doesn't care about anything.

But being small does not mean that Yang Jian and Nezha are really afraid of the abyss. On the contrary, the two digested the information Liu Hao told them, but they were very excited. That is the merit from the great way! How can it be possible in the prehistoric times? Great fortune too!

If Liu Hao was not by his side, the two of them would have rushed over to experiment a long time ago.

"You two, let's go and try it. Although I told you to wait for information, you will be impressed only by trying it yourself. Whether you two can step into a higher realm in the future may depend on the opportunity in front of you!"

"Thank you, Monarch!"

The two of them are not ignorant fellows, and several quasi-sages deliberately temporarily blocked the news and told the two of them, so why didn't they know that this was the opportunity that Liu Hao deliberately bestowed on the two of them? When thanking, it is naturally very solemn.

Liu Hao nodded slightly, and the two couldn't wait to fly towards the vast land below the black clouds. This land was also polluted, the stench was pungent, and the color of corruption was endless. Even if the two were prepared, they had to Admitting that the away game is very uncomfortable.

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