Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1061. World of Transformers and Resident Evil

1061 Transformers and Resident Evil world

"Are you helping someone take care of their children?"

A joke sounded in Liu Hao's ears. The person who came was the incarnation of Fang Yun, who sat in the North American prairie to train hundreds of millions of monsters and guide them into the way of a hundred schools of thought;

"Yang Jian and Nezha are still very special!"

"That's right! Looking at their outfits, they have already integrated into the earth!"

Grab and grab. Liu Hao chuckled, whether Yang Jian or Nezha, they all wore very casual modern attire, even the hair was put away, and the ones exposed were short hair, no wonder Fang Yunhui sighed like this .

"The aura rising from the 100,000 mountains in the southwest is Monkey King, right?"

"That monkey is full of personality. If you let him keep a low profile, he will fight with you. Once he comes to Earth, he can't wait to show his existence. He is the only one who can do that!"

Fang Yun smiled a little at Liu Hao's words;

"Is the Monkey King here?"

"Don't you already know it in your heart?"

"Hahaha, I just can't figure out how the Buddhist sect will leave Dou Victory Buddha in the prehistoric world! It seems that someone will come later, I guess, could it be that the Buddhist sect will also introduce Tang Sanzang to the earth?"

"You're such a quick brainer, it seems that reading is really useful!"

Liu Hao made a joke, and Fang Yun got the answer and laughed;

淘戅起文章文章网戅. "For the interests of the earth, the major forces in the prehistoric world have already guessed, but they don't have many answers about how much it is. The quasi-sacred incarnation who came here deliberately blocked it;

However, even so, there are more speculations in their hearts. Even if there is no division of interests, they are worried that others will get more, and each of them wants to get the biggest piece, so naturally they will do everything;

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven is not fighting and defeating the Buddha. Many great powers in the prehistoric era are very clear about this. To a certain extent, it also represents the side of the Nuwa Empress. Naturally, there are many fewer obstacles. It's more reasonable to come together. How can I put it, although they are a team, they represent the interests of all parties! "

"After all, profit is eternal!"

"What are you lamenting? Could it be that you still have expectations in your heart?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing more than a sigh!"

Fang Yun laughed, he was one of the traversers anyway, so how could he not understand it? But when we met again today, Fang Yun didn't come to make a joke, I saw that he quickly restrained his smile, and said slowly:

"Daoist Zhenyuanzi told me about several world passages in the Bald Eagle Kingdom. Some time ago, I went on a tour, and I was a little terrified!"

When Liu Hao heard this, he was also very surprised. What made Fang Yun's heart skip a beat was definitely something serious. He didn't ask, but turned to look at Fang Yun, waiting for the other party's next words;

"Among the mountains and rivers in the Rocky Mountains, there is a passage, which is controlled by monsters. I don't know how many monsters passed through the passage and entered that world."

When Fang Yun said this, he sighed again. Needless to say, the world at the other end must not be a fantasy system. Facing hundreds of millions of monsters and monsters mixed with the army of monster clans of big monsters, the world on that side must be is in big trouble;

Sure enough, Fang Yun quickly went on to say:

厺厽 Zhuiwen Novel Network zhuiwen.org 厺厽. "Speaking of which, the world at the other end is also the world of mortals, and it is also one of the earths. The other end of the link channel is still the Rocky Mountains, the country of the bald eagle, and even the location is the same!


Most of the bald eagle country in that world has fallen into the hands of the monsters, and the hundreds of millions of people have been swallowed up by monsters! "

These words, aside from Fang Yun, Liu Hao can also imagine that the monster clan in the bald eagle territory of his own world can be said to be the most confrontational one with the bald eagle country, and even life and death. In the early days of the Yaozu, that is, when the monsters were in power, it was normal for all kinds of missiles to wash the ground. It was also during this period that the seeds of hatred had been planted by both sides;

The bald eagle at the other end of the passage can be described as a disaster for no reason, a disaster that was associated with it, but this disaster is too big, most of the bald eagle country is occupied by the demon clan, and hundreds of millions of people have been reduced to the rations of the demon clan, even Liu Hao is in his heart. No more gloating.

Beside him, Fang Yun's voice sounded again:

"That side of the world is a little different. On the earth, there are some mechanical intelligent creatures. They are of different sizes, but they all have the ability to transform, or electrical appliances, or cars and airplanes, etc., to face the monsters below the fairy rank. Beasts are not a problem; however, the number is too small, even if you stand on the side of the human race, it is difficult to resist the army of the monster race!"

Liu Hao still doesn't understand, this is clearly the world of Transformers, Autobots or Decepticons, how many are there? In the movie, it seems that they are not good enough, but in fact they are just like that. The weaker ones can only deal with third- and fourth-order monsters, and the strongest Optimus Primes. Any fairy-level monster clan can beat them It's too late, and I don't know if the source of the fire is still in their hands, otherwise, most of these Transformers will not be able to save a few;

Fang Yun has passed, and this is probably the only way to go. It was originally the hatred between the Yaozu and the Bald Eagle Human Race. The matter has come to this point. After Fang Yun passed, it is impossible to slaughter the Yaozu monsters in that world. There is a high probability but a restriction;

"How about the Dragon Kingdom in that world?" This is what Liu Hao cares most about. He also knows that Fang Yun can't ignore it, but he will feel at ease if he asks.

"The world is now recovering due to the infusion of spiritual energy from this side of the earth. After a while, it will also reach a critical point and will soon turn to the fantasy system;

As for the Dragon Kingdom in that side of the world, there is no problem. There are few fairy-level monsters in that side of the world, and the aura is not enough. They go and return as soon as possible, so they have little impact on the countries outside the American continent. Because of the country of the bald eagle, the Dragon Kingdom is also vigorously developing its military and has taken many precautions;

After I went this time, I also passed down the ways of the hundred schools, and even suppressed the monsters to restrain them. I guess they would not dare to go to the Dragon Kingdom to cause chaos!

However, the North American continent is up to them and the bald eagle to decide the outcome. The hatred between the two sides is so overwhelming that it is already irreconcilable. Based on my prediction, most of the American continent in the future world will be occupied by the monster race. The worst thing is that North America cannot escape. Lost! "

Fang Yun's words made Liu Hao ponder. How strong the monster race on his own earth is, it doesn't matter, but if you want to say how weak he is, that is relative. In the mortal world, when these monster races go, those missiles The like really doesn't have much effect, so what if it's a nuclear bomb?

Grab and grab. The bald eagle also fired a lot of nuclear bombs with a high probability, which made the hatred in the hearts of the monsters who went to that world soar, so that Fang Yun's mediation still resisted, and it was really endless!

"How many people are left in the Bald Eagle Kingdom in that world?"

"It's less than 100 million. The Maple Leaf Country does not exist. The Monster Race has occupied the Amazon Forest. The Chicken Roll Country is also panicking. If the Monster Race hadn't kept their eyes on the Bald Eagle Country, the Chicken Roll Country, and even those small countries in China and the United States, would they be able to survive? Retention is a problem;

But according to my prediction, these countries will not survive for long. The local beasts in that world have already shown signs of evolution, guided by the monster race, and their speed is faster. It is almost impossible for the human race in the American continent to catch up. With the passage of time Over time, these human races will either migrate to other continents, or they can only become the rations of the monster race in the future! "

"Are you hesitating?"

"That's right! You also know that in my world, I already hate monsters and barbarians. After all, they are all human beings. It would be a lie to say that I don't want to save them;

But when I made up my mind to spread the method, I realized that there is no way to spread it. The way of a hundred schools of thought, the language of the Dragon Kingdom is the foundation, even the way of practicing Buddhism and Taoism is still the same! "

"It seems that you still made a move to engrave the language and characters of the Dragon Kingdom into their hearts in a conscious mode?"

"I can't hide it from you. I have selected some people, all of whom are knowledgeable and pass down the ways of a hundred schools of thought. It depends on whether they will share it with others! If they hide their secrets, I can't do it either!"

Facing Fang Yun's handling method, Liu Hao shook his head. The effect of Fang Yun's actions would only be very low. These people have acquired the knowledge of the language and characters of the Dragon Kingdom, and the cultivation methods of a hundred schools of thought. Their first thought was definitely not to use these methods Scattered, but thought of various ways to immigrate, and immigrated to the Dragon Kingdom;

The most unrighteous scholars are not just talking.

"Do your best to obey the destiny! The way of a hundred schools of thought has been passed on to the Dragon Kingdom in that world, and they will definitely promote it. At that time, other countries will only follow up quickly when they see that they have a practice method, learning the language and characters of the Dragon Kingdom, and demonizing it. The family is like a sharp sword suspended above their heads, and for this reason, they must learn desperately, and you don't need to worry about it!"

Liu Hao's words also made Fang Yun heave a sigh of relief. After thinking about it, it is true that in order to survive, people's potential is absolutely infinite. Once they know that the Dragon Kingdom has a method of cultivation and evolution, why should all countries follow up crazily? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-saving straw. What difficulties cannot be solved? A mere language, compared with life, is not a problem at all;

On the contrary, this made Liu Hao feel a little happy. The world of Transformers can be regarded as the backbone of Western civilization. With Fang Yun doing this, the remaining Western attributes will definitely not last long. Perhaps in less than ten years, the language of the Dragon Kingdom will become The only official language will also become a skill that must be mastered, and at that time, it will be logical to replace it.

Fang Yun also played the wrong way, and solved Liu Hao's major troubles in the Marvel world in one go. For this reason, it is worth celebrating.

Liu Hao is not worried at all that the Dragon Council of the Transformers World is hidden, and the language and characters are in hand. After a little thought, the Transformers World will choose to make it public to the world. With more powerful people, the Dragon Kingdom in the Transformers world will be safer.

"Could it be the case for several other world passages?"

"Not necessarily. There is a world passageway in the mountain forest area of ​​California. There are few monsters there. So far, few creatures have set foot on this passageway. Although the world on the other side of the passageway has not been ravaged by monster races, it has also collapsed. 90% The human beings above nine have become zombies, and it is the world that dies by itself;

Now, under the infusion of aura, there is also the possibility of evolution among those zombies. Perhaps in the future, a brand new race will be born among these zombies of the living dead! "

Liu Hao was a little dazed when he heard this, isn't this the world of Resident Evil? It is estimated that even if it is not, it is almost the same. There are many kinds of zombie movies about Bald Eagle. Fang Yun may describe that ninety-nine out of ten human beings become zombies, and the only one is Resident Evil.

"Could it be possible that the monster race will be infected if they go to that world?"

"That's not the case! I went to the zombie world to investigate. The reason why humans become zombies is also a virus developed by humans. These viruses are super infectious to mortals, but they are limited to this, even if this virus gets Our earth is also unsustainable;

厺厽 Reading Biqu yuebiqu.com 厺厽. As long as the monsters of the monster race in the past were not killed, their own vitality would be immune; of course, once they died, it would be inevitable that their corpses would become new monsters and zombies! "

Fang Yun's words are understandable. It's no wonder that few monsters go through the passage to that world. There is not a good cultivation environment, and there is danger. It's too late to avoid it, right?

"With your medical methods, there is nothing you can do about it?"

"Haha, the doctor's method is to save the patient. Those zombies have already died, so how can we save them?"

"That's right! It's me, Meng Lang! Since that's the case, how about taking this world and turning it into a rear base?"

"It's also suitable!"

Fang Yun nodded slightly. In the future, the invasion of the abyss will take many years of fighting. It is also good to have such a base for hoarding supplies. At worst, it is also an excellent resting place!

As for the T virus, neither of them paid much attention to it. It is terrifying to mortals, but to the two of them, it can be easily destroyed;

However, although the two reached an agreement, they did not have the idea of ​​acting immediately. They both wanted to wait and see if those zombies would evolve new intelligent creatures after being instilled with spiritual energy. Such a huge testing ground has already been built. , It's a pity not to take a good look at it.

Neither of them mentioned it, but they had a great understanding;

Ahead, Yang Jian and Nezha have already tried various combat plans against the abyss spores, and now they have formed their own set of countermeasures;

"Although Yang Jian's cultivation base is higher, he can fight against this little abyss spore species, but he is not as good as Nezha. Could it be because of Nezha's physique?"

巘戅Reading pen fun YuEBiQu.com戅. "When those abyss spores saw Nezha, they didn't seem to be as crazy as Yang Jian. Haha, it seems that this lotus body still has some effect!"

"I don't know if it's the effect of the lotus body? Or the plant attributes!"

"Your words reminded me, but I feel that even some effects are very limited. The abyss corrupts everything. Their primary goal is to target living creatures. Plants may rank lower among living creatures, but they are still living creatures anyway. Look at those Let us know what the land looks like now!"

Fang Yun nodded slightly. Below, although Nezha's pressure was much less than that of Yang Jian, there were still a steady stream of abyss spore monsters killing him, which proved what Liu Hao said was true;

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