Falling in love with you reading network, the dimension invades the real earth

1062. Frontier base problem

Although Yang Jian's cultivation base is much higher than that of Nezha, his consumption is still not less than that of Nezha, and even a lot more;

Thousands of ways to play, different routes lead to the same goal, really reached the top, how can there be no restraint;

However, as long as you fail to step into Hunyuan, you must follow the restraint of the laws of heaven and earth;

The abyss, in Liu Hao's eyes, is still mysterious and unpredictable. So far, he has not been able to clearly identify the tendency of the abyss species. Even if the abyss species in front of him are biased towards the soul side, he still dare not give a definition to the other party;

But these abyssal species in front of them are biased towards the soul attribute, which has already caused many constraints for Yang Jian.

Nine-turn Xuangong is the supreme skill practiced by the prehistoric Taoists on physical attributes. It is not a joke to become a saint after nine turns. After reaching the ninth turn, one can break through the way of heaven and achieve Hunyuan;

But the level of this skill is too high. If it is only in the prehistoric world, it is not only basically hopeless, but absolutely impossible. Without him, the resources will be difficult to support. You can't absorb most of the aura in the prehistoric world alone, right? You don't have this ability either, do you?

Therefore, there are very few practitioners of the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu in the prehistoric world, and even Yang Jian is the only one who is practicing in the prehistoric world, and because of this, he has obtained the position of a legal guardian of the Taoist sect;

The Buddhist sect is also greedy for such profound skills of the Taoist sect, but the background is much worse. After the two bosses of the Buddhist sect became holy, they spent a lot of effort and deduced the skills needed for their own Dharma protection. That is the Bajiu Xuangong .

Sun Wukong practiced this method, and because of this, he was able to catch up with Yang Jian's practice for hundreds of millions of years in just a few years. In order for Sun Wukong to catch up, Buddhism also worked hard;

I don't know what benefits they gave to the Heavenly Court. The Pantao Garden and the Dousita Palace were all ruined by the monkey. In addition, the Taishang Laojun personally took action and threw the monkey into the eight trigrams furnace to refine it for seventy-seven forty-nine days. It is so big that it can be said to be the best in the world.

This also shows that whether it is the Nine-Zhuan Xuangong or the Bajiu Xuangong, they are all like a pyramid. It is easy in the early stage, but more difficult in the later stage;

Of course, this doesn't mean that they are not strong. How can it be simple as the bottom-of-the-box exercises of Buddhism and Taoism?

It's just that the strong returns to the strong, but it doesn't mean that these two exercises have no weaknesses at all;

Why is Sun Monkey, who is steel and iron, on the way to learn the scriptures, will be put on the road to death by a mere magic spell?

Without him, this curse is not aimed at the body at all, otherwise the point of locking, how can it be able to scratch Monkey King's head, it's almost the same,,;

Because he is aimed at the soul at all, and this is precisely the weakness of these two exercises. Compared with monks of the same cultivation level, the two are not strong enough in this respect, and they can only be regarded as average. wandering online

When you don't accept the target, you can make it right, but at least in this respect, neither Yang Jian nor Monkey King is good at it.

This is also the reason why Yang Jian below had to increase the output, obviously consuming more energy than Nezha, otherwise, I always felt uneasy.

After beating and killing for a long time, Yang Jian let go of his caution, and found that even if the abyss spores in front of him evolved extremely fast, they could not pose a threat to him in a short period of time. The number was nothing more than a headache.

He began to try various Taoism methods, and compared them one by one with the best ones Liu Hao told him. His experience finally deepened. In less than a stick of incense, his output was on par with Nezha, and he became more comfortable. Also not used.

As a guardian of Taoism, Yang Jian has no lack of Taoism at all. As long as he thinks, the entire Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain is basically open to him. He is usually arrogant and rarely goes to school;

It's no wonder that a nine-turn Xuangong has already exhausted his energy.

Where would you want to be distracted?

From this point, it can be seen that Yang Jian's talent is strong enough, and he can learn it at will. The technique of Tiangangdisha can also fight with Monkey King, and now, he has used the three real fire and other spells in a decent manner. Restrain those little monsters from the abyss.

On the other side, little Nezha resorted to three-headed and six-armed techniques, flying weapons in his hands, especially the flames affixed to the Huntian Ribbon ignited, defending himself impeccably, but all the little monsters in the abyss that swept over and approached were all turn into ashes;

This kid had an excited expression on his face, as if he had found something very interesting, he grinned and wowed non-stop.

"Do you want to release this place for others to experience before the abyss invades?"

Fang Yun's voice rang in his ears, Liu Hao nodded slightly;

"Although the method of restraining the abyssal species can be spread, but I haven't tested it myself, it is hard to guarantee that I will become handicapped in the future. Instead of this, it is better to find some people to consume these abyssal spores. You can see Do these abyss spores have a limit!"

"Is it the limit? It's difficult for the continuous abyssal breath to pour into the earth; but your method is also very good, it's better than doing nothing and waiting!"

"That being the case, let's just set up some camps nearby!"

"According to your words! Those monster races in the south also built a few cities for them, so that they also have something to rely on in their hearts, so that they won't collapse when the breath of the abyss continues to spread towards the south in the future!"

"Of course! Sometimes they don't have their own property, but they can always give it up very simply. Giving them their own city can also arouse their inner resistance!"

"It's just that once the camp is built and the forces of all parties appear on the scene, all kinds of filth between each other will be inevitable in the future!"

"Some things can't be avoided if you want to! People's hearts are unpredictable, and everyone has their own interests to consider. As long as the threat of the abyss remains, even if there is a little dirty, it will not affect the overall situation. Let them go!"

"Alright, since that's the case, then it's up to you! I help those monsters build cities, and I can also set up a forward for myself!"

"You have become the teacher of these monster clans, it's time to call some teachers to teach them in depth, but I don't recommend that you connect the camp of your own world with the monster clan!"

"How can I not understand this truth? The prehistoric demon tribe Bai Ze has already set foot on the earth, and there will be more demon tribes coming to this world in the future. I teach these demon tribes not to take them into account. How can I be so stupid?" thing?"

Fang Yun gave Liu Hao a blank look. He didn't understand that Liu Hao was persuading him not to be greedy for immediate interests, and to avoid competing for population with the monster races that will come in the future. Fang Yun didn't care about it. The monster race is always somewhat repulsive, even if the rejection is minimal now, but it is impossible to even think about getting him to take those billions of monster race beasts into account;

How to educate the demon clan, how true is it in the depths of your heart? If he didn't have the intention to use these monster races as a line of defense, how could Fang Yun care? And at that time, can't you teach yourself that the world has come to Earth?

As soon as Fang Yun's words came out, Liu Hao felt relieved a lot. He didn't want to have a conflict with Fang Yun in the future. At that time, maybe he would intervene, and he had to intervene. His position will not change, he must be firmly on Fang Yun's side, the Yanhuang human race is his foundation and the focus of his real attention.

"The world that Odin belongs to at the other end of the bald eagle passage, do you need to inform them?"

Fang Yun didn't want these people to stay out of the matter, and it would be good to have more strength, but he and Liu Hao thought of going together.

"It's not just them, the rest of the Bald Eagles are no exception. Whether they form an alliance with Odin Asgard or set up their own camp, they are up to them, but they must not be left out!"

Liu Hao's words are categorical. At present, although the experience is the harvest period, these camps will be the first line of defense in the future. You can't resist the possible risks in the future just because of the immediate benefits, right?

Moreover, Liu Hao would not be reluctant to give up such a mere benefit, and was even more than happy to let them know, expecting them to expand the camp to the maximum.

Fang turned his head and smiled at Liu Hao. Neither of the two of them revealed their inner calculations, but they had a tacit understanding in their hearts. In the future, the overt and secret instigation will definitely be used on the remaining population of the Bald Eagle, even Aspen from the Marvel world. Gard must also fall into this calculation.

Even Fang Yun thinks that these benefits need to be spread to old Europe. This is not only to count the remaining population of old Europe, but also means that the world connected to old Europe will also be an alliance against the invasion of the abyss in the future. They also cannot be ignored.

He wasn't worried at all that those people from old Europe wouldn't come. The hustle and bustle in the world was for profit. As long as there was interest, no matter how far away they were, they would definitely try their best to come.

The earth and the Internet still exist. Maybe the old European computers and mobile phones have not been upgraded again for more than ten years, but it does not mean that they will give up the Internet and exchange information with people in other regions;

As long as they exchange information, those people in old Europe must understand that they are far behind now, and they will definitely fear being eliminated or even exterminated in the future. People will go to sea one after another, and they will also swim to the North American continent to establish their camp.

In addition, the Atlanteans in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean can also be attracted by people from old Europe;

You know, the old Europe and the Atlanteans have now stopped their conflicts, and the secret rivalry has forced the Atlanteans to closely monitor the old Europe. Once there is a trouble, they will soon be able to aware;

Previously, when he and Jingle Chunshui entered Old Europe, the scan of the mind revealed that many Atlantean populations were hiding in major cities;

Sometimes it’s like this, if you kindly tell them that this place is good, they will definitely murmur in their hearts, and even suspect that you have all sorts of strange traps, and then there are all kinds of evasions;

On the contrary, you deliberately keep it from them, and then spread the news through secret channels, so that these people can get the news with great difficulty, and these people will not have any thoughts deep in their hearts that you want to calculate them, seeing the benefits , Even if you cut the meat, you have to take a share.

This is human nature. Liu Hao is not worried at all that they will not come. He feels that it will not be long before the land of the former Maple Leaf country that was originally destroyed, those abandoned cities will be occupied by various surviving countries, such as Na'a Sanguo , once they know this information, they will absolutely jump, and they will definitely come regardless of everything.

Before they came, what Liu Hao wanted was to see which location was the best, occupy them first, and open up a fortress base for Dragon Kingdom in North America.

The location, of course, can only be on the west coast. After scanning around, he found that only Vancouver is the most suitable place. Not only can Vancouver be occupied, but Vancouver Island is also an excellent place;

Pushing the frontier to the city of Vancouver, and Vancouver Island as a natural rear, there is a strait between the two, although the distance is small, but it can effectively isolate it, it is simply a natural choice.

Now that the decision has been made, Liu Hao will not hesitate, and shoots a flash of spiritual light in the direction of Longguo. After a few breaths, he enters the capital and directly finds the elder Dage;

Afterwards, a new round of Ge Lao meeting was held immediately, but Liu Hao would not participate in the specific purpose. He has great trust in the Longguo State Mansion. Now you can see what the countries on the earth are like now, and only the Longguo The country is as stable as Mount Tai, and it is getting stronger and stronger, so why not worry about handing it over to them?

As for who will be in charge of this base in the future? But Liu Hao had a thought;

His eyes glanced at Yang Jian who was still fighting below, and his heart moved even more. It seemed that there was no more suitable candidate than Yang Jian.

This guy, who has studied at Zhonghai University for a long time, has already integrated into the Dragon Kingdom of the Earth, and he is the nephew of the Jade Emperor and a figure of interpretation from the prehistoric Heavenly Court. Haotian can only grit his teeth and admit it when he sees this. Jiao is the most happy to manage, and Yang Jian has become the head of the base, regardless of other things, Shanjiao alone will be tied to the chariot of this base.

In this way, Renjiao has no desires or desires, and will not leave this place alone. With Renzhan and Zhangjiao joining, plus the return of Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan in the future, it becomes logical for Jiejiao to join the base If Taoism is wiped out, can Buddhism be far behind?

Even if you can't draw the whole mind of Buddhism into it, it doesn't matter, a few more thighs are enough.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Liu Hao's face, and he once again sent out a flash of inspiration towards Longguo. After receiving it, the old man who was calling the old man for a meeting laughed loudly, very hearty.

"It seems that you have already calculated the territory!"

"Not only that, but there are also candidates!"

Fang Yun was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and when he saw Liu Hao's eyes fixed on Yang Jian, he instantly understood the calculation and smiled sassyly;

"In the original Vancouver Island, I will let Longguo establish a university, and then you will need to send more people to come!"

"It's a matter of duty!"

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