Falling in love with you reading network, the dimension invades the real earth

1063: football

Qinglong Liu Hao has been sitting in the Dragon Kingdom Australia Base, a super urban agglomeration with a population of more than 7 million people, which is beyond Luo Bing's control;

Although Longguo has arranged a lot of people to help, facing the pressure brought by the improvement of the cultivation base of the great luck practitioners in several worlds, it is still not small. It is Liu Hao who just cut off his obsession and added an avatar to make Qinglong Liu Hao is staying at the base, and when he arrives, he will never dare to stab again.

In fact, it’s not like people from the Dragon Kingdom’s Australian base are fighting for power and profit. The biggest reason is the competition for resources. Under the expansion of human beings, the surrounding monsters naturally have more monks than food, and conflicts become inevitable;

After the first time, there will be countless times. It is easy to form hatred between each other. It’s fine in the wild. Anyway, if you can’t see it, just pretend to turn a blind eye. Bringing these hatreds into the base will have enough impact Disturbing.

The hatred between the various teams in the base is nothing more than nothing, but the Longguo Australia base and the Wei and Han cities established by Cao Cao are not far away, and there are also many intersections caused by hunting monsters in the wild, so how can they be respectful? Rubin?

In the face of interests, entrusting etiquette, justice, integrity and shame will definitely not be a good thing in return.

Therefore, these days are also thanks to the presence of Qinglong Liu Hao. After he arrived, he directly detained the big monster within a few thousand kilometers to the south to the small beach villa, signed the covenant politely, and jointly created a square A practice field of millions of kilometers, within this field, the cultivation base of the immortal rank cannot be sold;

Whether it is a human race or a monster race that has experienced experience, if you enter it, you will live and die.

Not to mention, this will dilute most of the conflicts;

In the eyes of the monsters in the Australian region, the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom is not a place of terror. It is Liu Hao who really makes them afraid. Several times before and after, when he came, he intentionally or unintentionally leaked his aura. How dare these big monsters Easy to touch? It's too late to stay away;

It is also because of this that many monsters of the monster race escaped far away, resulting in a sharp drop in the number of monsters around the Australian base of Longguo, and also caused the hunters to often run away, forming a pattern of more monks and less food, which naturally caused conflicts of interest ;

If the source problem is solved in this way, there will be no problem.

In the hearts of the big monsters, they also very much hope to have such an area.

In other regions of Australia, there are not many human races, and there is basically no restriction on the reproduction of monsters. The number is rising slowly. As time goes by, even the monsters themselves have discovered problems, too comfortable However, it is difficult for the big monsters to stand out, which is not a good thing for the monster race itself.

As soon as Liu Hao's proposal came out, they were all happy in their hearts. Although they were also worried that the human race would not obey the rules, so what? Can you still resist?

Since they always have to agree, after agreeing, try to see the effect. Besides, once they find that the human race abides by the covenant, they don't mind at all driving more low-level monsters into this million-square-kilometer training field.

Whether it is the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, Qinwang City, or the huge city built by Cao Cao, they also hope to have such a super training venue;

Cultivators above the immortal rank are still a small group, and those below the immortal rank are the real foundation. It also requires a lot of resources to polish their cultivation, and the meat of monsters is the biggest reliance. I don’t know how much they need to digest every day. Whether it is meat or fur, or even the bones and internal organs of these monsters, etc., they are almost used to the extreme, and an extremely huge market is formed. If these are really lacking, perhaps the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom should be inflated. depression becomes inevitable;

It can be said that the arrival of Liu Hao has fundamentally eliminated this hidden danger, and even in the eyes of the Yaozu, it is also a good thing, a win-win situation!

As for the human race who lost their lives during this process,

That can only be caused by one's own destiny, no one can blame anyone, these days, it is not a peaceful age, although every life is equally precious and unusual, but once you see it too much, it will become numb;

Everyone wants to strive for the top, it has been like this for thousands of years, and it cannot be reversed, why doesn't Liu Hao understand this truth?

Say he has a heart like iron? That's all talk. If Liu Hao is really required to take care of these people like a nanny, that is the real crime. Once he leaves, how can such a population survive?

People have to rely on themselves. Although they all want to become immortals, whether it is for themselves or for the next generation to have a higher starting point, they can only strive for it bit by bit with their own hands, just like before the spiritual energy recovers. The difference is that this era is more dangerous. Once something happens, it is likely to be the loss of life.

In the Longguo Australian base, over the years, the base has also had a large number of newborns, even catching up with the proportion of the mainland. , It also surpassed the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom by a lot.

Fortunately, the Longguo Australian base has issued policies early on. Compared with before the recovery of spiritual energy, the population of the earth has dropped by more than a few levels. No matter which country it is, it is vigorously encouraging production. Are these kids left to fend for themselves?

It can be said that in this regard, the Dragon Kingdom is absolutely willing to pay. Before the age of eighteen, whether it is food, drink, food, housing, transportation, education, medical care, etc., all expenses are borne by the state, and there is no cost at all. It doesn't make sense.

After becoming an adult, according to your own wishes, you can join the army to continue your studies or enter a university. You don’t need to pay for it. Even the country is eager to have more talents, and it will never be willing to see anything that suppresses orphans and widows. In the legislation, the penalties in this regard are very strict.

I also saw that these policies issued by the Dragon Kingdom made the population of the base less worrying about the future, and they would not look forward and backward when they strived for the upper reaches, which greatly prospered the prosperity of the hunters in the Dragon Kingdom base.

You know, the population of the Dragon Country Australia base is very complicated. There are quite a few people from the world of Naruto, and more people from the world of One Piece. Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu brought more than one million people from the Three Kingdoms, and even from the east coast of the Bald Eagle. few;

At the beginning, these people came for the safety of the Longguo Australian base, but now, there is no need to worry about the safety of the base, so they naturally want to take it to a higher level.

This also caused the average rank of monks in the Dragon Kingdom Australia base to be the highest on the entire earth, even exceeding one or two ranks, and therefore, making the Dragon Kingdom Australia base even more desirable;

A typical example is the world of One Piece. The name of the Dragon Kingdom Australia base is well-known, and everyone knows it. Every day, there are many people who have gone through untold hardships and want to come here;

Along the way, once the Dragon Nation's local fleet escorted by, I don't know how many fleets chose to follow. From the beginning, most of them were for the survival of the common people. Now, the quality is getting higher and higher, and most of them are those who are not willing to be ordinary;

The Dragon Kingdom Australia base never refuses to come, and because of this, the population is expanding extremely fast, and the expansion of the city is going on every day. The construction team dispatched by the Dragon Kingdom hardly stops for a day. From the beginning, it only occupies a few square kilometers, up to now, the size of the city has surpassed that of Zhonghai City.

Here, also because of the scarcity of high-rise buildings, the highest is no more than six floors, and the only way to accommodate more people is by expanding the site, which is what it is today.

After reaching a training site of one million square kilometers with the big monsters in Australia, Liu Hao can imagine that this place will be more attractive, and even more people will come to the mainland of Dragon Kingdom, such as major universities, and they also like this kind of training site.

As for the monks above the immortal rank, they don’t need the trouble of finding the monster race. For them, the monsters from the Xuanwu world are the staple food. Let them be in charge, and each of them happens to be in charge of one side, and everyone is benefiting.

When the elders of the capital of the Dragon Kingdom held a meeting, Qinglong Liu Hao was watching a football match with Luo Bing;

This is a professional football stadium that can hold about 30,000 people. There are many such venues in the Australian base of Longguo. Even if the aura recovers, football is still the most popular sport. People became the child athletes they are today.

Don't underestimate the group of little radishheads in the field. Although they are only eleven or twelve years old, in terms of strength and speed, etc., they are no worse than Ronaldo before his spiritual recovery;

Or maybe the revival of the aura has led to the improvement of human wisdom in general, and it has also caused children to be more intelligent, which makes them far beyond imagination in terms of technology and tactics, and is no worse than the World Cup. The situation was so intense that even a cultivator like Liu Hao seemed to be full of passion, and he wanted to go out and do a big fight himself.

It is also because of the age of double-handed competitions that there is no distinction between men and women off the court. It is not uncommon to see nearly half of the eleven athletes on the court being girls, which makes participation universal. It gave these children a joyful exercise, and it could prompt them to step on the road of self-training early;

As far as this matter is concerned, when Liu Hao came again, he couldn't help but praise the promoter Luo Bing from the bottom of his heart.


"Head hammer from Guo Nu, an unimaginable long pass across a huge arc, and an assist from Lin Hai Tingtao!"

"Eighty percent of the credit for this goal needs to be handed over to Lin Hai Tingtao. It was he who, with a beautiful swing of the ox's tail, abruptly broke through from the pincer attack of two defenders and was ahead of the third blocker. Nice long pass!"

"The arc of this long pass reminds me of Beckham in the old days. I don't know if this beautiful man can survive today. You must know that I have been a fan of him for a long time, and I dreamed of being able to To get a signed jersey from him, I don't know if this dream will come true!"


The on-site commentator spoke very fast, and the roaring applause echoed throughout the football field, which was also mixed with a lot of sighs. Even children's football is also divided into home and away games. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful it is, it is impossible to have so many applause and support.

In an apartment building in downtown Los Angeles, the country of bald eagles that they didn’t know, the Beckham family mentioned by the commentator was watching the game. As a senior football player, his love for football is absolutely fanatical;

After the recovery of spiritual energy, football will inevitably gradually decline. When the monsters rise, how can they care about these things? The biggest problem is already the problem of survival. After several times of beast hordes, almost all competitive sports have disappeared.

The fact that the game is gone does not mean that humans have no interest in it. On the contrary, the more there is no place to watch, the more imaginative it is to see a game, even if the strength is far lower than what I imagined, it can still be tolerated .

However, this is almost a delusion. Who in a stable city has the leisure to do this? It is impossible to participate if there is no last pause, and those who have time will only use more free time to practice. The real foundation is the high strength.

The same goes for the Beckham family. Originally, his sons were all good football players, but so what? Even if his sons and daughters want to play football now, his father will break their calves with a stick.

As a wealthy family before the spirit revived, now they can only squeeze into a small apartment. This is change. All football dreams and happiness are dead.

But today, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, Longguo’s Australian base began to broadcast the game live globally. By coincidence, the Beckham family saw it, and they couldn’t turn their longing eyes.

Beckham has been to Longguo many times, even if he can't understand Chinese, he can still understand what the commentator said about himself, his eyes became hot, and after sucking it several times, two streams of tears poured down like a torrent , at this moment, he just wanted to cry aloud.

Cultivation requires talent, and Beckham can only be said to be unsatisfactory in this regard, that is, as a star player, he has developed super high perseverance and strengthened himself all the time, which kept his family from being knocked down to the bottom;

But compared to before, it is still a day and a day. I am used to eating meat, so now I am miserable. Didn't I see that my wife Victoria, who loves to dress up, hasn't put cream on her face for a long time? If it goes on like this, it won't be long before she can only become a yellow-faced woman. Comrade Xiaobei's heart hurts like a needle prick.

"Dad, I want to play football too!"

A waxy voice rang in his ears, and Beckham quickly wiped his hands on his face a few times, wet his hands, but still couldn't wipe off the moisture on his face, he tried his best to show a smile, wanting to He said something to Xiaoqi, but he couldn't say a word for a long time, bitterness crawled all over his face, and his nose was sore.

"Honey, let's immigrate! I know where the game is going to be! Once there, honey, you can apply for a coach!"

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