Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1064. Global live broadcast

1064: football

The global live broadcast of a football match had an impact far beyond the imagination of Liu Hao and Luo Bing. The whole world knew that the city group of the Australian Base of the Dragon Country could hold the game cheerfully under the crisis of the monster clan and monsters, which was more fulfilling. It shows that this is definitely a paradise on earth, an absolutely desirable place.

In the old European city of Madrid, a bald man is sighing;

Also on the outskirts of this urban area, in other worlds, the eyes of Cristiano Ronaldo, who should have received several Golden Globes for his success, were full of annoyance and longing;

This guy is still out of luck. Whoever let him catch up with the recovery of spiritual energy, he was abandoned by the Superman era just after his rise, and the Melo era has ended before it came, which is pitiful.

In the country of Samba, a slightly obese rabbit tooth is also full of longing in his eyes. Like Xiaobei, he also belongs to a group of people who are not very talented in cultivation;

Until now, Ronaldo can only live with difficulty in the slums. After watching the football live broadcast, he realized that he still has a skill to use. He also thought in his heart whether he could take a risk and go across the ocean to apply for a football coach?

There are many former football superstars who think like Ronaldo and Beckham;

Sometimes you are such a scumbag, there are only so many talent points, you are a genius if you click on the right position, once you are born in the wrong era, often you have worked ten times harder than others, and what you get is just a drop of sea water, which still cannot quench your thirst kind of.

The era of spiritual recovery is much crueler than this. The former is a difficult problem in life, but what about the latter? It is simply a choice to survive.

No wonder they feel such longing.

In fact, if they can really reach the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom, they will definitely be able to do what they want.

A live broadcast has already ignited the enthusiasm of human beings on the earth, and it also represents the opening of the market. Outside the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom, there is no competitor at all, and I don’t mind raising a few more people at all, let alone the ability to come The kind used.

However, making this determination is very difficult, just like the old Europe, they seem to only think about it, and the long road is not something that Zidane, Ronaldo and others can easily walk through, even Ronaldo in Samba, The chances of being able to safely reach the Australian base of Longguo are pitifully small, and perhaps the most likely to arrive are Xiaobei's family who happen to live in Los Angeles on the west coast of Bald Eagle;

You must know that there are still air routes between the two places. Although there are few places and they are very popular, they are still very safe in terms of safety.

Football, after all, is the number one sport in the world, being liked shows its charm;

Fierce competition, quick transitions between offense and defense, and occasional flashes of graceful skills all deeply attract people's attention;

It’s not that the Longguo Australian base has held football leagues before. In fact, they have held them for two years, but they only do promotion around the base. , I didn't know that once it was promoted, it was greatly welcomed;

Those domestic traders who travel between the Dragon Country and the Australian base came here to watch a few games, and when they returned to their homeland, they couldn’t see it anymore, which caused many mails to fill Luo Bing’s mailbox;

When this guy saw it, his heart moved, and he made some detailed communications with the upper echelons of the country, and soon got the support of the country, and the global live broadcast appeared in front of him;

Before the live broadcast, there were naturally a lot of advertisements on the Internet,

Whether it's Xiaobei's family, Qi Baldzi and Luo Rabbit, etc., it's not a coincidence at all. The coincidence is just for outsiders to hear.

Judging from the feedback, the effect is even beyond Luo Bing's imagination;

Don't look at children who are only eleven or twelve years old, no matter their strength, endurance or speed, they are not much compared with adults before their spiritual energy is revived;

The reason for choosing this age group is also a lot of argumentation. Once this age is exceeded, the data of many personnel in various aspects will often be greatly improved, and the gap between high and low will widen;

For example, those with greater strength can even blow a football with one kick. Think about it, on the field, a defensive player can be thrown seven or eight meters with a single swing of the hand. Can this game still be watched?

Football is football, if you really like blockbuster movies with special effects, there are a lot of monsters in the wild, if you are not addicted, you can go to PK by yourself.

After watching halftime, Liu Hao also had to admit that Luo Bing had done a good thing. The whistle sounded, and the Qidian Elementary School team entered the lounge with a 2:0 advantage in the first half, and the audience still sang enthusiastically;

These people are also under a lot of pressure, and they continue to have a release point. These games come at the right time;

Hunting and killing monsters in the wild to make money, or to make a living, is to risk your life. If you are not careful, you may never come back. 100% safe?

They all pinned their heads to their waistbands, and vented their long-standing worries with singing. Although it would not be able to solve the problem safely, at least it was much more comfortable.

Happiness is comparative! Compared with the previous era, today's life is naturally cruel; but compared with other countries and regions, this is also a paradise, and you can live a better life and reach a higher level if you work hard;

Even those who are timid and afraid to go out for fear of dying, can find some scattered jobs to support themselves. If they really have skills and are needed here, they can also raise a family for nothing. Fatty, thinking about it this way, doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Many unique industrial chains have been formed in Longguo Australia base;

For example, relying on the unique products of the Xuanwu world to hunt monsters, the fur peeled off by those monsters is the natural carrier of talismans. In terms of seal script, there are special monks' descriptions, which have produced large-scale trade with the local people, etc.;

Miaobi library

So far, the talismans produced in the Australian base of Longguo have been spread all over the world, among which the region of One Piece is the most popular. Those low-level people have no sense of security, and they want to buy one for self-defense after spending half of their wealth. This will prevent them from watching themselves being slaughtered like animals when they face the arrival of evil pirates.

Even in the Dragon Kingdom, these talismans are still in short supply. Although the way of talismans has been widely spread among the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, it also requires talent, and it is impossible for everyone to do it easily. It is a consumable, even if the talisman made of monster fur from the Xuanwu world can be used repeatedly three times, so what? Can't stand the consumption too, can't it?

Liu Hao also knew that the biggest source of talisman paper needed for talisman seals was the skin of monsters from the monster race, but those talisman seals that were finally made could only be used once, who could bear that? There are the most such talismans on the market, and the price is also low, but most of them are used in times of crisis, and they are the ones that can be used in large quantities, because they are not only low in price, but also much lower in power. There is a chance.

Grab and grab. I don't mention these, just talk about the present.

Luo Bing, as the person in charge of the Dragon Kingdom's base in Australia, has been in charge for several years. He is also a high-ranking member of the Dragon Kingdom's army, with the rank of general. , Naturally, the information is unobstructed, except for the highest level of top secret, there are few things that are hidden from him.

Luo Bing also knew about the abyss in North America at the first time. Although the distance between the two is not small, it does not prevent him from taking precautions;

After Luo Bing thought about it, the only way to go was to increase the population of the base;

It is difficult to control the improvement of cultivation base, but everyone knows the truth that there are many people, and the possibility of geniuses is also much greater, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone;

But where to attract the population, you need to carefully weigh it;

The Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom has about 3 million people from the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom, and more than half of the remaining 4 million are from the One Piece region. The population migrated here, and then, the people in the One Piece area were also the main objects of Luo Bing's attraction;

But Luo Bing also knows that the One Piece World Government has put more strict controls on this. Although it is not superficial, it is a fact that the number of people migrating here is decreasing;

This made Luo Bing set his sights on other regions, such as the west coast of North American bald eagles, Southeast Asia, etc.;

Luo Bing is not worried about the arrival of various races. There are also hundreds of thousands of white races in his own base. When he arrives here, won't he be assimilated by the Yanhuang civilization? The communication between each other, in just a few years, has completely turned to the language of the Dragon Kingdom, which is the biggest proof;

Among them, the universalization of the way of hundreds of schools has an incomparable merit. Think about it, it is all about learning cultural knowledge. Learning in the language of the Dragon Kingdom can increase your cultivation level, and you can also exercise your soul no matter how bad it is. This is the only benefit It makes people want to stop, even if they don't want to, they will resolutely abandon their own language and writing for the sake of the next generation.

This is the majestic trend, just like the wheel of history, rolling forward is unstoppable.

Luo Bing had seen through this point, and came up with this plan. During the break of the live broadcast of the football match, the advertisement followed, which straightforwardly described the immigration policy of Longguo Australia Base. As long as you can arrive, you will be given When you distribute your ID card, you are recognized as a member of the base;

This point is enough to make people excited, but then, the policy on children in the announcement is the biggest attraction;

Longguo Australia Base, it can be said that the welfare of children is definitely the most invested. It almost helps you to grow up to adulthood. This is equivalent to completely taking over your worries. This is absolutely indescribable for those with families. .

In Los Angeles, the eyes of Beckham and his wife are already shining. Neither of them is a class with good cultivation talents, otherwise they would not be reduced to the result of living in a small apartment;

Let's play Novel Network. They are like this, but it does not mean that their children are also as inferior in cultivation talent as they are. It makes sense to think about it. The generation born after the recovery of the spiritual energy has already traveled in the spiritual energy before it was born. What about the talent? Where could it be?

It's just that the talent may be good, but the Xiaobei couple's cultivation is not high, so how can they get many resources to provide for the future generations to practice? This couple gave birth to seven children, and it took the Xiaobei and his wife painstaking effort just to feed and drink the whole family.

"Honey, we need to make a decision!"

"I understand! Starting tomorrow, I will go to the port to inquire about the news!"

"The key is the boat ticket! I don't know what agreement the Dragon Kingdom and the monsters in the sea have reached. Now they are the only ones who can swim in the sea!"

Although Victoria was sighing, she was also reassuring herself, telling herself and Xiaobei that it would be safe only if they got on the boat of Dragon Kingdom, and only they could take their family to the destination.

In Los Angeles, there were quite a few people who made this decision with Xiaobei's family, but most of them were family members, and it was this kind of family that Luo Bing wanted to attract.

Not to mention these people's affairs, in the football field, a short soldier quickly rushed to Luo Bing's side, and whispered something in his ear. Although the voice was small, Liu Hao heard it clearly, and there was a trace of the color of astonishment;

厺厽 Wanbar Novel Network wanbar.net 厺厽. He casually shot a white light towards the sky, but after a few breaths, another spiritual light returned and entered the arena, entering Liu Hao's eyebrows, and a sudden look appeared on his face;

"Dragon Kingdom Vancouver base? It's not bad, it can not only be used as a training ground, but also the first line of defense against the abyss world, killing two birds with one stone!"

Liu Hao whispered to himself, and Luo Bing beside him nodded slightly;

"The higher-ups hope to transfer a group of troops from us. How many people do you think the general thinks is good?"

"Let's go to 100,000 people first! Send those who are stuck at the peak of the ninth rank in the army!"

"Could it be?"

"As long as you know it, although it is a bit dangerous, the chances will be greatly magnified! It just so happens that someone needs to do a test!"

"Understood! If it works, this will be the greatest reward in history!"

Liu Hao didn't object to Luo Bing's words. There is an essential difference between the immortal rank and the lower rank. They are distinguished by evolution. Immortals are advanced evolutions, and those below them are just pediatrics;

This is not just a matter of improving cultivation, but an essential difference. In the Dragon Kingdom, there are now an unknown number of people who are stuck in this bottleneck, and the number of people who have broken through this level is less than 10,000. This shows the difficulty. There is such a shortcut, these people who are stuck in the bottleneck are absolutely willing to give everything, and they will not take any danger at all.

It can be said that if you walk through it, you will be in heaven, but if you can't walk through it, so what?

Everyone knows that without advanced cultivation, he will be eliminated sooner or later, but it is just a little earlier. Compared with the income, it is nothing at all. It is very reasonable for Luo Bing to call it the greatest reward.

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