1065: Prospect

Luo Bing left happily, but Liu Hao was still sitting in the football field, waiting for the start of the second half;

"Swapped? This seems to be the daughter of Uzumaki Naruto, right? Uzumaki Hinata? Doesn't she have supercilious eyes? If it's turned on, it's just looking at the audience, what's the difference from cheating?"

Liu Hao looked at it with a smile, his mind was slightly restrained, and he heard the voice of Uzumaki Naruto shouting from the thousands of spectators in the arena. Looking up, it was Uzumaki Naruto's family, beside him His son seemed to be almost an adult, which made him sigh how quickly time passed.

On the other side, Luo Bing returned to the military headquarters. After making the arrangements, he thought about it and drove up the clouds to make a look forward. At any rate, he also entered Daluo. At that time, Nezha Yang Jian had already played a round, and at this time, he was summing up the gains and losses.

When Luo Bing saw Liu Hao's obsession, he was slightly stunned, and the doubts in his eyes flashed away;

"General, have you chopped off the third corpse?"

His questioning voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that others would hear him, but who is not a smart person present? Hearing Luo Bing's question, all of them grew ears, especially Yang Jian and Nezha, who stopped after discussing and looked at Liu Hao obsessively from time to time.

Good and evil are easy to cut, but obsession is hard to get out.

Hong Huang, this information is known to everyone, but that's all, everyone understands what it means to have three corpses, good, evil, and holding three corpses together? The next step is to combine the three corpses into one, and go straight into Hunyuan. This has never happened in the whole prehistoric age, and once made the monks doubt whether the way of killing the three corpses said by Taoist Hongjun is feasible.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Liu Hao smiled sarcasticly, and then nodded slightly;

This action made Luo Bing's eyes ecstatic. As a Dragon Country person, he is too aware of the pressure of the prehistoric people. Even if he knows that they are of the same origin, the worries of the high-level people are still inevitable;

Everyone knows that it is difficult for the strong side to take care of the weak side's ideas, and the weak want to reason with the strong, so how is that possible?

Long Guo, who has gone through years of suffering, knows too well that the real truth can only be believed when the two sides are evenly matched. No matter how bad it is, the stronger side must understand that although I am not stronger than you, I am definitely not easy to mess with. the job.

In the face of many saints in the prehistoric times, where does Long Guo have any confidence?

This is why when Liu Hao won the title of Ziwei Great Emperor in Honghuang, the entire Dragon Kingdom executives were relieved, and even deliberately made publicity for this moment, and also told the people of Dragon Kingdom that we are not so weak .

But Emperor Ziwei is nothing more than a position of honor after all, how much right to speak can he have in the prehistoric world? Longguo has done a lot of research on this, and the data analyzed by the Beijing think tank can hold several big houses, and the conclusions drawn are more symbolic than practical.

In other words, Hong Huang recognized the Earth Dragon Kingdom, and recognized the same species and the same origin.

After that, the arrival of many quasi-sages also proved this point;

At that time, the Emperor Ziwei's honor was not easy to use at all. The reason why these quasi-sages did not put on a superior posture in the Dragon Kingdom was more because of Liu Hao's cultivation at the time. Equal strength can be truly treated equally.

Luo Bing, as one of the top executives of the Dragon Kingdom, knew this well, and it was for this reason that he was ecstatic after Liu Hao's obsessive incarnation nodded, because he understood that the status of the Dragon Kingdom was now deeply tied to Liu Hao. Together, it is almost a prosperity and a loss;

The higher Liu Hao's cultivation level is, the more the Dragon Kingdom will be respected by Honghuang. Although no one has made it clear, both the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom and the many forces in Honghuang regard the Earth Dragon Kingdom as Liu Hao's basic territory ;

This kind of territory concept is like admitting that Beiju Luzhou is under the management of the monster clan in Honghuang. If other forces think that they are awesome,

You can also enter and exit Beiju Luzhou at will, and even preach in Beiju Luzhou with great fanfare;

Of course, there is little human effort, and the great saints will not really do it. In their view, the human race is the protagonist of the world. The same time consumption, the benefits brought by the human race are definitely higher than those in Beiju. On the side of the Luzhou Monster Clan, there was no doubt about what to do.

The same is true for the Earth Dragon Kingdom, the difference is that the forces of all parties found that this place belongs to the human race, and it is still of the same root and species as the orthodox human race in the wild, and it has also been approved by the Nuwa empress and the three emperors of the human race. Honghuang, not to mention comparable to Datang, the orthodox land of the human race, but not much worse.

Such benefits are not comparable to Beiju Luzhou at all, and it is impossible for many prehistoric forces to give up;

It is also because of this that neither Liu Hao nor Long Guo obstructed this in the slightest;

On the one hand, it is because of this reason, knowing that blocking is meaningless; of course, on the other hand, the Dragon Kingdom also needs these systematic and advanced inheritances, and it can be regarded as a matter of mutual benefit;

The only worry is that the Dragon Kingdom will lose itself and become controlled by many forces when it gets these. It is getting heavier and heavier, because the higher-ups understand that no matter how strong Liu Hao is, he is only a quasi-sage. Who can understand what will happen once a saint arrives?厺厽 Nine Cakes in Chinese 9bzw.com 厺厽

Based on this, in Longguo, the high-level people are almost in the same mind, that is, they hope that Liu Hao can go further. If Liu Hao can step into Hunyuan, then Longguo will really have confidence.

Liu Hao also couldn't understand the idea of ​​the high-level executives.

The positions are different, and Liu Hao understands some things, but even if they tell the higher-ups, they will still be worried, because the higher-ups want 100% guarantees, not based on other people's thoughts.

Therefore, Liu Hao didn't deliberately explain anything, so what if the prehistoric sages didn't have such extreme ideas? Even if Longguo's high-level officials believed it, they had to worry about what they should worry about.

It was ecstasy for Luo Bing, but shocking for Yang Jian and Nezha.

When we met for the first time, what was Liu Hao's cultivation? How long has it been? The three corpses were cut off, and they were about to step into Hunyuan. This speed was unheard of in the ages. It completely stunned the two of them, and all their thoughts were completely deprived;

Grab and grab. After a while, Yang Jian and Nezha woke up from the shock, and then looked at each other with bitterness. The excitement caused by the previous promotion disappeared at this moment;

The good thing is that neither of them are easy-going people. After hundreds of millions of years of practice, their minds have long been very resolute. Although they have various emotions, they finally turned into greater vigilance and provided more motivation.

Liu Hao, who has been observing, saw the changes between the two, and he also admired in his heart. After all, they are characters in legends, and they should not be talked with ordinary people.

On the side, Fang Yun slightly nodded in praise when he saw it;

"The three corpses have been cut, but has entered a new realm?"

"Of course, I'll call it 'The Second Saint'!"

Liu Hao didn't explain more about the difference between the "sub-sage" in his mouth and the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, and Fang Yun didn't confuse the two. How can he not understand the reason, and there is no need to explain it.

"It seems that if you want to step into Hunyuan, you still need the three corpses to join together!"

"It should be like this, but I never thought about taking this path!"

"Oh? Are you really tough enough, the law?"

"Of course!"

"Is there anything else to say?"

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from you. You have also come into contact with many quasi-sage incarnations, and you should know that these incarnations have their own thinking, which is no different from ordinary people. How can it be so simple to make them one?

In the way of beheading the three corpses, obsession is a checkpoint, which keeps countless quasi-sages out, and the integration of the three corpses is the second checkpoint. Hunyuan, how can it be so easy to prove? "

Liu Hao's words made not only Fang Yun stunned, but also Yang Jian and Nezha also fell into thinking.

The so-called checkpoint is the bottleneck. As a monk, I know too well that the more you walk upward, the stronger the bottleneck will be, like a gate of great power, which can resist all impacts, so that many monks can only be passed by. Life and death stuck on the spot, no progress in life;

In the prehistoric world, obsessing over the incarnation of the three corpses almost keeps all quasi-sages out, so what about the "three corpses in one" that is stronger than this level?

Needless to say, it will only be more terrifying!

After a little thought, one can understand that each of the three avatars has the same level of cultivation as the deity, would they be willing to sacrifice themselves?

Although I don't know how Daozu Hongjun forcibly merged the three incarnations, there must have been unimaginable heroism in it, right?

Feeling concerned is the mood of Yang Jian and Nezha at this time.

Nezha, in particular, was a little tangled up for a while, wondering if he should follow the path of the three corpses;

On the contrary, Yang Jian felt a sense of relief. He felt a little grateful that he had chosen the Nine Turns Mysterious Art, and it would be fine to walk up layer by layer, without having to worry about the three corpses having their own thoughts.

I'm chasing after literature. Yang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, and soon Nezha also relaxed a lot, and laughed at himself, he didn't even know how long it would take for Daluo Jinxian to arrive, so what do you want to do so much? Just worry about yourself!

In fact, how could those quasi-sages not understand what Liu Hao said? It's just that it's not advertised;

Unlike Liu Hao, a monk who has advanced by leaps and bounds, which of the prehistoric quasi-sages has not achieved their current achievements after hundreds of millions of years? Moreover, he has devoted himself wholeheartedly to this road, and there is no turning back at all, so he can only bite the bullet and stride forward;

Of course, in the prehistoric world, there is still a hope, and that is the saint.

This saintly position is also a shortcut for the great powers of the wild, and it is a path that can be found at the worst. It can be said that it is a two-handed preparation, and it is not a disadvantage.

These truths, you know what you should know, and what you shouldn’t, it can only be said that you have not stepped into this level, just like Yang Jian and Nezha.

It is inevitable to be in a trance when hearing this news suddenly;

Liu Hao didn't want them to continue entangled in this dead end. How to choose in the future can only be decided by himself, and he will not give any opinions. Right now, changing the topic is the most important thing;

"You two have a trial, can you get anything?"

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Hao asked this question, Yang Jian and Nezha immediately smiled; the two looked at each other, and Yang Jian stood up and answered:

"Amidst the ignorance, a stream of merit landed on me. Although it is very rare, it is extremely pure. It seems to be much higher than the merit obtained in the prehistoric world!"

"The Great Dao in the chaos bestows merits! The level is naturally different, absorbing and strengthening one's own physique, in the long run, it is no small matter to push oneself into the innate demon god, if there is enough amount, it is to make oneself step on It is not impossible to enter the talent of the Chaos Demon God;

Of course, the amount is bound to be terrifying;

You also know that if this merit forms a wheel of virtue and virtue behind the mind of the soul, it will definitely have a great promotion effect on one's own enlightenment!

How to choose is up to you! "

"Thank you, Dijun, for reminding me! We know!"

Yang Jian and Nezha both clasped their fists and bowed to thank each other, but the joy on their faces was even more joyful;

Yang Jian, after all, is a person who practices the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, and there is no need to choose at all. He will definitely use his body to absorb it to strengthen his physical talent. This choice is more for Nezha, and it is also through these words. Pass the information to Luo Bing, so that Luo Bing can pass it on to the senior officials of Longguo.

But Liu Hao just stopped at the point, and didn't continue to entangle in this topic. He changed the subject:

"Yang Jian, you have just practiced, and you should know that your soul is weak, do you think otherwise?"

Yang Jian is so smart, from Liu Hao's inquiry, he didn't know that Liu Hao wanted to raise something with him, so he hurriedly bowed and clasped his hands again:

"Yang Jian also read a lot of books a few days ago, but..."

It's just that Yang Jian is the most special one among the three generations of disciples of the Taoist sect. Does his status as a guardian of the Taoist sect make him have any scruples?

Liu Hao chuckled:

"The way of the hundred schools of thought is of great benefit to the cultivation of the primordial spirit, but it does not require you to fall into the arms of the hundred schools of thought, it is just to assist in the practice. Your foundation is still the nine-turn profound art!

厺厽 Chasing yo literature zhuiyo.com 厺厽. Of course, you don't need to worry about the displeasure of the original sage, the ancestor of the military strategists of a hundred schools of thought was in the wild, but Jiang Ziya took it!

If you are worried, you can choose to minor in military strategist, that is, you can make up for your own shortcomings without being rejected by others! "

"Thank you, Monarch!"

"It's just right, here is a matter for you to do, and it can be regarded as complementary to the way of the military!"

"But according to the emperor's order!"

"Is there any order or no order! But it's your choice, you can do it if you want to, and if you don't want to, who will force you to fail?"

Liu Hao rolled his eyes at Yang Jing, that is to say, he was the incarnation of obsession, and his previous life's attire fully explained everything;

After hearing Liu Hao's words, Yang Jian didn't really take it seriously, but it didn't prevent him from being relieved and listening carefully to what Liu Hao had arranged for him.

Naturally, the Long Kingdom built a base on this land, and Yang Jian had already planned to sit in the town. This would be the right time to inform him. He believed that Yang Jian would not refuse. After all, he had already obtained the merits of experience. How could he miss such a good thing? ?

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