Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and sixty-six. Please God

1066、Invite God

This is something beneficial, why not do it?

After all, he is also Haotian's nephew. If you want to say that Yang Jian doesn't have any political literacy, that's impossible. If you really let him spend his time thinking about many things, he will soon understand them;

Liu Hao explained to him, and he immediately agreed. Sitting here, he has a lot of power, but there are not many things. More is to be the referee for possible conflicts between the parties in the future, to balance the forces of all parties, and not to let one party dominate. Big;

And these things don't consume much of his time at all. Even if there are some official duties, he can just pluck out a hair and make an avatar. This gives him a lot of time to practice before him, and it can be said that all the benefits have been taken up.

Such a benefit, he was chosen, and Yang Jian quickly figured out the reason. He didn't think Liu Hao was suspected of using him. On the contrary, he thought it was a heavy trust, before all the forces entered here with great fanfare. , it can be said that the Dragon Kingdom has entrusted the safety and security of hundreds of thousands of people to itself. You must know that this is the forefront of the front line.

Of course, this matter is not in a hurry. Whether it is the construction of the base or the dispatch of personnel, it will not be done in a short while. Now the real problem of monitoring the abyss is due to luck;

After counting the time, Liu Hao didn't let Yang Jian and Nezha stay here. In Zhonghai University, Sun Wukong should have finished his sermon, so he can't be left there alone. That monkey is not a stable guy.

In addition, this time he also needs to bring Yang Jian and Nezha. The two of them will probably only sit in the Vancouver base of Longguo in the future, and they need some people of their own. , you can let them choose some direct descendants, regardless of others, they can help with some official affairs to some extent, and that's enough.

At Zhonghai University, when Liu Hao returned with Yang Jian and Nezha, Sun Wukong’s sermon came to an end. Millions of people listened so fascinatedly, and it can be seen that Sun Wukong’s sermon really went all out this time. From Liu Hao’s point of view Come on, except for the core skills, there is a high probability that this monkey has nothing to hide.

Preaching sounds the same as teaching, but in fact there is a big difference;

Lectures are targeted. For example, when explaining mathematics, they are more about teaching you how to solve problems;

But preaching is not like this. Among them, there are two types. One is to explain spells, which is very similar to teaching you a certain subject. run track.

This kind, if you learn by yourself in the form of a book, you will only feel that you are reading a book from heaven, and you can recognize every word, but 99% of people can't understand the meaning of it at all;

But when these contents are explained to you by a powerful person, they are completely different;

Powerful preaching is not merely stating these things to you;

Once these words are explained in the form of sound, it contains the Dao understood by this great power, and it sounds to you, as if the Dao is running in your heart, even if you are not immersed in the operation of the Dao, it is true for you It also has endless benefits;

For example, what you have learned by yourself will work on its own within the sound of the Dao, and will continue to improve towards a higher level, which is the approach to the Dao;

Even if you are thinking about your own spells during this process, you will still be clear-headed and feel that all kinds of contexts are in front of you. In the past, spells that may take several years to get done may have been completely enlightened after listening to the sermon. At that time, it has already rounded itself, like making an arm.

This is the real horror of listening to a sermon;

This is also the reason why, in the prehistoric times, when the monks heard that there was a powerful person explaining the Dao, no matter how far away, even if they traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, they would resolutely go there;

Back then when Hongjun became enlightened, the guests of the Zixiao Palace could reach it even if they crossed the edge of chaos. During this process, we only saw the powerful people who successfully entered the Zixiao Palace, but we don’t know how many losers were buried in it;

This is the first time such a loss has been reported,

When Hongjun preached for the second time and the third time, didn't countless people want to listen to it? Are they not afraid of danger? It's just to be able to listen to the sage's preaching, and ignore these dangers directly. Even if you know that you probably won't be able to reach it, and you know that you will probably become the nourishment of this chaos, you still go there resolutely;

I heard it in the morning, and I can die in the evening!

This is the inner confession of the ascetic.

To smell is to listen!

One can imagine the preciousness of Sun Wukong's sermons without any secrets, that is, the monkey will be like this after being moved by the enthusiasm of the people of the Dragon Kingdom. It must be impossible for him to preach like this.

But you said that this is Liu Hao's scheme against Sun Wukong all the way, so that's not true. Liu Hao thought of the power of Sun Wukong's superstar idol, but he didn't expect to gather a million people at once. He only reminded him when he saw this. In a word, in the final analysis, it is still the moving of Sun Wukong's heart;

Who can know what the situation of this monkey is in the wild? It seems that the scenery is boundless, and everyone who sees him will say "Great Holy Lord", but in fact, who is sincere?

Sun Wukong can be quite good. There is a lot of sarcasm in this title?

But this title, when these millions of people shouted, the kind of heartfelt liking hit the softness of Sun Wukong's heart, and this is how today's sermon is, and it is more of a release of inner loneliness. Honghuang, he found that this is his real destination.

Compared with Hongjun who preached for three thousand years, Sun Wukong's understanding of Tao can only be limited to this time, but this time is already a great opportunity for the millions of people below, and the listeners will benefit for life. After some time, these people will absorb this harvest, and it is absolutely inevitable that they will be promoted. It is not surprising that those with higher talents will be promoted by one or two big ranks at once.

After Sun Wukong, who was sitting in the white clouds, stopped talking about the avenue and opened his eyes, he saw that the faces of the people sitting round after round below were filled with endless joy, and their hearts were also very satisfied. With the breath given by Liu Hao, he disappeared above the white clouds in a single jump;

Not long after, these millions of people woke up one by one, eager to check themselves, and even burst into laughter. After a long time, the roaring sound gradually stopped, and everyone solemnly bowed to the white cloud that was staying in midair. ;

Millions of people are like one person. After bowing down, they stayed for a long time. Seeing this scene, in the eyes of Monkey King, tears almost filled his eyes. He felt that he had not done enough, but even so, he still got it So many sincere thanks;

Liu Hao at the side saw a small spot of light on most of these people's heads. This scene made Liu Hao stunned. This is clearly faith;

Liu Hao doesn't think that Sun Wukong's preaching will be able to accept the earthlings who have long been accustomed to the colorful world as believers;

Looking carefully, Liu Hao discovered that after these people split out a spot of light, the population of the spot that split up again dropped sharply, from almost 100% to less than 1%. It would be great to have a hundred people;

But these hundred people can be considered to have completely become fans of Monkey King, commonly known as fanatics.

In the future, these hundred people may continue to contribute their faith to Monkey King, but no one can predict how long it will last.

Sun Wukong can't see these light spots of faith, but it doesn't prevent him from discovering the addition of faith, even if it is a one-time thank you, the number of millions of people combined is also not to be underestimated, but Sun Wukong did not absorb these beliefs to cast itself;

In exchange for fighting against Buddha, these beliefs are definitely a super supplement, and you can directly integrate into the Buddhist golden body to temper yourself, not to mention raising the level, progress is inevitable;

But it is different here with Sun Wukong, whether it is the Eighty Nine Mysterious Kungfu or the Great Immortal Art taught by the Bodhi Patriarch, there is no need to use it as nourishment;

This made Sun Wukong a bit in a dilemma. He also knew that it was the best choice to hand over these reservations to Shanshi Fighting Buddha, but after thinking about it, he felt that he should not receive this benefit;

Seeing Sun Wukong's appearance, Liu Hao gave a suggestion with a smile:

"If you are in trouble, why don't you paint a picture and give them the 'Invoke God Art', which can be regarded as giving them a chance! If they encounter difficulties in the future, it may save their lives!"

"Very good! Junior brother is really talented!"

Sun Wukong is even happier now, he is an open-minded person, and he is also a person with rich emotions. Whoever treats him really well, he will treat others well, such as Bodhi Patriarch, even if Sun Wukong now knows that he is probably in love with him. Using him, Sun Wukong still respects Bodhi Patriarch very much in his heart, and Tang Sanzang, after getting along with him, doesn't he regard him as a relative now?

Don't think that this monkey has no education, he has stayed with Bodhi Patriarch for many years, and he has learned what he should learn. Maybe he is not an expert in calligraphy and Danqing, but he is by no means ignorant;

A picture of Sun Wukong, the great sage of Monkey King, appeared under his splash of ink, raised his head and roared, as if he was a real person, and wanted to jump out of it, but Liu Hao also underestimated the monkey, and compared it in his heart, I also have to admit that I seem to be a little behind.

After Sun Wukong instilled the collected beliefs into this painting, it became even more majestic, as if the Monkey King who made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace that day was right in front of his eyes, and it was even more visible. The original ink-colored picture also became mottled under the contamination of these beliefs stand up;

Good guy, those cloud-piercing boots, purple-gold armor, and golden cudgel are all like rubbings. If someone with a lower level of cultivation sees this painting, their minds will definitely be shocked on the spot. It is impossible to crush.

As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and gain and loss are one.

Sun Wukong didn't know at this time that he would give this benefit at all, and he would get more in the future;

Thinking about it, I think it should be so;

The 'God Invite Art' was not lost even before the aura was revived;

Up to now, although it has not become the mainstream, and there are few rumors, the reason is that the earth is limited, in other words, it is difficult to invite the gods to worship;

However, after the earth and the prehistoric world are connected, it is also destined that more and more gods will come in the future. At that time, the magic of inviting gods will also develop faster, but Monkey King will get the upper hand;

For example, when two people are asking God, one is asking Monkey King to come down, and the other is asking Tathagata to come down, the former will give a response soon, but the latter is always busy, what will happen to you in the end? choose?

The earth is not like the prehistoric world. When someone saves the life of Monkey King with a magical technique, the Internet will immediately inform him, and everyone will pay attention to it. Needless to say, in the future, the object of the magical technique will be handed over to Monkey King. It became a matter of course, even if not all, occupying more than half would be inevitable.

Once it becomes a trend, the strong Yu Qiang will make it even more difficult for the latecomers to take a piece of the pie.

In Liu Hao's opinion, it's better to hand it over to Sun Houzi, who is scheming with other gods in Honghuang. The monkey in front of him is absolutely kind-hearted.

You know, every time you invite the gods, when you consume the belief points in this painting of 'Monkey King Monkey King', the god inviters will also give feedback when inviting the gods, submit your own belief points, and once you enter Once it comes out, there may be some money to be made, which will make the time of this painting order longer, which means that you don't need to create a statue for yourself and burn incense for others to connect with it;

Don't think that Sun Wukong didn't get any benefits, the belief point is gone, but once it spreads, the recognition of Sun Wukong will never be surpassed by other gods, or even far surpass them. The recognition of the world, this recognition is the source of luck, with luck, do you need other benefits?

Liu Hao didn't mention the deep meaning of it, Sun Wukong didn't know anything about it, his current thinking is very simple, he thinks that he should not receive this benefit and directly feed it back to the provider, that's why every drink and peck has a deep meaning;

This monkey instilled all his beliefs in Danqing, and he was in a dilemma again. He couldn't just throw it in Yang Jian's dormitory, right?

When Liu Hao saw it, he stretched out his hand to take it, and threw it out casually. He saw the painting spreading out, gradually blurring, directly covering the entire Zhonghai University, and blending into the land, like a hidden formation. This painting has a place to go, and it can also invisibly give Zhonghai University a blessing, killing two birds with one stone.

"Wukong, you are new here, and you can spend some time practicing at Zhonghai University to learn more about the differences between the two worlds. I will take you to meet the president of Zhonghai University. Whether you want to be a student or a teacher is up to you!"

"What kind of knowledge is my old grandson? I know that if I become a teacher, wouldn't I mislead my children? It's better to be a student!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be so humble. This world is no better than the prehistoric world, and there are very few powerful people. Your cultivation base is already at the top!"

"Oh? Could it be that you want my old Sun to teach some disciples?"

Liu Hao shook his head and didn't explain much. There is a big difference between students and disciples. For this explanation, it is better to wait for Sun Wukong to understand the rules of the earth's society before letting him choose.

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