Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and sixty-seven. The monster race in the world of Transformers

1067: The Monster Clan of the Transformers World

After a lot of things were arranged and he didn't need to do it himself, Liu Hao no longer had the nature to stay at Zhong Hai University;

Grab and grab. The main one is the information given by Fang Yun. He doesn't have much interest in the world of Resident Evil, but he is very yearning for the world of Transformers;

The longing here is not to see how awesome these Transformers are;

But simply want to collect some hand-made.

As the incarnation of Liu Hao's obsession, most of his character has inherited Liu Hao's character before he crossed. To put it bluntly, it is just a small hanging silk;

In the previous life, although this guy was not a senior nerd, he was not much different. How could he not have the idea of ​​making various models of mobile phones? It's nothing more than not being rich enough in the previous life to realize this wish.

now what? The great opportunity can't be missed, and it's a real-life figure. Liu Hao even thought about whether to get these Transformers and build a small cabinet to display them in it, so that he can enjoy himself.

If this idea is known by Optimus Prime, Megatron and other Transformers, they will definitely explode their minds. These silicon-based life forms are arrogant in their bones. What carbon-based life forms are nothing more than a combination of carbon and water elements in their view That's all, it's fine if I don't treat you as pastures, how dare you treat us as figures?

But Liu Hao doesn't care, if it's the early stage of spiritual recovery, he still needs to weigh it. With his current cultivation, these silicon-based life forms are nothing more than ants to him, and he really wants to do it, but it's just an idea.

He muttered this in his mouth, but Liu Hao still thought about doing an experiment in the Transformers world, which is the distortion of the backbone of civilization;

At this level of cultivation, Liu Hao is almost sure that the world where the concept of movies and 2D concepts in his mind was born must have a leader behind the scenes;

It's just that he didn't know that these worlds existed in the first place, so they were transmitted to the world before he traveled in the form of information, and described in a story mode?

Or which super behind-the-scenes powerhouse created so many worlds out of boredom, and for fun, connected these worlds one by one, making them fall in love and kill each other?

Deep in Liu Hao's heart, he is more inclined to the latter, that is, someone deliberately did it, and the creator behind the scenes may still be inextricably related to the earth before he traveled.

This creator seems to be very ethical, following the source of civilization of these worlds as the backbone, which is the reason why he wants to try to distort;

Liu Hao wants to know whether this backbone of civilization is fixed and cannot be changed;

He is also a little entangled in his heart, that is, he hopes to change, so it is definitely a great benefit for him, because it will allow him to intercept more luck in these worlds;

At the same time, he also hopes that it is not possible, because only in this way can it truly prove that these worlds must have people behind the scenes, creating these worlds like building a house.

The Rocky Mountains, stretching from north to south, are even more majestic due to the expansion of the earth, and the monster races are raging in them. Although they are not as powerful as the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, they are not weaker than them in number;

Liu Hao walked leisurely in it, and wherever he passed, these monsters seemed to be unaware, still preying on their own, strictly following the ecological chain, this is also the unique survival of the fittest of the monster race itself.

厺厽 Variety literature kanzongyi.cc 厺厽. The monster race is no better than the human race,

The relationship with the offspring is deeply implanted in the blood, and is closely linked from generation to generation. Among the monsters, this relationship will only last for a period of time. The lower the level, the shorter the time for the blood to nurture , often before they reach adulthood, they will be driven away. At this time, they need to go out on their own, especially those carnivorous monsters.

After all, the Yaozu is a Yaozu, and they are no longer at the same level as beasts;

Logically speaking, since there is wisdom, it shouldn't be like this;

But in fact, such an ecological structure is still strictly followed.

Liu Hao has also thought about this deeply. In the past, he was always puzzled, but only when he came in did he realize it;

Without him, the Yaozu rooted in the blood is very clear, if they don't do this, the demise of many races in the Yaozu will become inevitable;

To give a simple example, in the African prairie, if the group of lions multiplies infinitely, making the group expand infinitely, then it is inevitable that the lion family on the African prairie will become the top group;

But in doing so, as time goes by, the source of meat for the lion group will disappear little by little. When these foods disappear, the lion clan will no longer dare to give birth. In the end, what if the lion group is the only one left? Can it be changed to vegetarianism?

Liu Hao didn't know whether this was the law of survival imposed by the Dao of Heaven on the Yaozu, or the tacit understanding formed by the bloodlines of the Yaozu over countless years;

But he also knows that the reason is irrelevant, this kind of monster race is the best monster race, otherwise, in order to solve the problem, their future venting point will definitely come to the human race. disaster.

Transformers' World Passage was established deep in the Rocky Mountains, and it is thousands of kilometers away from the nearest human city, and the human race in this human city has been relocated long ago, so it is no wonder that this passage It has been hidden until now, perhaps apart from Zhen Yuanzi, only Fang Yun and Liu Hao know about it.

Previously, Liu Hao knew that there was a world passage here, and Zhen Yuanzi told him about it, but he had no idea what kind of world that world was. It wasn't that he didn't want to see it, but that he understood Gui Jing and didn't want more;

巘戅 Variety literature kAnzO\u0026#戅. Running so many worlds, if you can't get a good profit, it's better to cultivate more in the worlds you participate in, just like fishing for fish. In such a big river and lake, knowing that there are a lot of fish in it, so what?

The best choice is to fish in areas where fish schools are already known, and the benefits obtained in this way are far more than netting around.

It was the world of Transformers that made Liu Hao what he is today, and he also wanted to see what the world ravaged by monster races would look like.

Although I had a lot of preparations in my heart, I was still shocked when I arrived in the world of Transformers.

Grab and grab. These monster races are really bullshit. They forced a superpower bald eagle to only a little territory. It is very good to have an area of ​​one million square kilometers. The population of nearly 150 million is at this point. In the territory, the bald eagle finally experienced the difficulty of dense population.

The only good news is that the East Coast of Bald Eagle Essence has retained a lot, and the most awesome New York City is still in their hands.

The whole of North America has almost become the grazing land of the monsters. Liu Hao saw a group of little monsters driving the cattle, yelling at the cattle and eating the fat water plants. It's just a beast, it doesn't inspire spiritual wisdom at all, and its only function can only be used as meat to provide to the vast number of monster races.

What is this? Is the structure of the Yaozu civilization?

Liu Hao has a strange expression on his face. If the spiritual energy of his own earth is not instilled in this world, it is really possible for the monster race to continue doing this, but the current grazing cannot last long. In his opinion, it will take another seven or eight years In this year, ninety-nine percent of the beasts in this world should be enlightened.

But it doesn't mean that the monsters are not good. Being able to graze and produce meat by themselves will allow the monsters who enter this world to multiply quickly. It is estimated that there is a high probability that this is why the mother can quickly occupy most of North America. ?

When the monster race has an IQ, even if it is so awesome, it is no wonder that a bald eagle and Transformers in this world can only shrink into a corner.

Just when Liu Hao wanted to sigh, he was stunned by a message fed back by his spiritual sense. After a while, he saw a strange expression on Liu Hao's face, a look of wanting to laugh but holding back;

It's really a rare scene. The love between monsters is widely spread in the Dragon Kingdom civilization, but it is unexpected that it will take root in this Transformers world.

This is a ranch, but the owner is a bit weird. You should know that the surrounding area is dominated by monster races, and the human race is gone, but in this ranch, there is still a big man who has stood firm until now, and he seems to be living well. very happy.

This is a strong man with blond hair and blue eyes, but his wife is a jaguar. Fortunately, this jaguar seems to be used to walking upright, but even so, it is still difficult to conform to the aesthetic point of view of the human race. I don't know how this blond bald eagle man has been able to endure until now;

When I think about it, I can only be greedy for life and afraid of death, but when faced with the choice between being eaten raw and being called as a guest in the curtain, choosing the latter seems to be a logical choice. Perhaps leading this bald eagle man to collapse the most is There is no reproductive isolation between the two. They were originally seeking to survive, but now they have become a family, and they are left with children, two little lions who are half human and half demon.

This special thing must not be hidden from Fang Yun who came before, and I don’t know what he thought at the time. At least Liu Hao is now worried about these two half-monsters. It is definitely impossible for the human race to accept them. Seeing them , the first thought, is definitely slicing;

厺厽 Jiudu novel 9duxs.com 厺厽. What about the Yaozu? Maybe, but discrimination is still unavoidable, that is, the female cougar is not bad, maybe this is the real reason why they are still safe and sound.

"I don't know if there will be a group of orcs in a few generations?"

Liu Hao muttered to himself, but suddenly he felt that this might happen. This is a world dominated by Western civilization. Be it their legends or myths, are there still few orcs?

It seems that orcs are their ancestors, and it is also an indispensable concept. If you don't interfere, other monster races will follow the example of this cougar in the future, find some male pets and so on to breed, and over time With the passage of time, a group of orcs may have risen in this way.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hao shivered. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was too great. Could it be that the will of the world felt that these western human races had no possibility of rising in the face of the monster race's invasion? Do you want to leave them a post like this?

He turned his attention to the front line of the confrontation between the bald eagle and the demon clan. There were no large armies fighting, but the fighting on the entangled border was still going on all the time;

The bald eagle side relies on technology. Every soldier is equipped with thermal detectors and the like, but the monsters are also not afraid at all. Although their spiritual sense is not sophisticated enough, it is not a problem to lock these bald eagle soldiers;

They are almost transparent to each other. The only advantage of the bald eagle is the long-range weapon. Once it is approached by the monster race, there is only one way to die;

I have been reading novels for a long time. Behind this front line is the Great Wall defense line established by the Bald Eagles. The shortest point is more than 100 meters. Let the bald eagle still live in fear until now.

Liu Hao also knew that it was probably Fang Yun's visit, which made the monsters calm down a lot. Otherwise, if a group of fairy-level monsters were entangled in the attack, the so-called solid defense line of the bald eagle can only be regarded as paper, and it will be broken once poked .

But then, Liu Hao denied the reason for Fang Yun. He really wanted to wipe out the remaining population of the bald eagle. The Yaozu had already done it, right? Could it be that keeping them is also for the Yaozu to have a training ground?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao expanded his consciousness and directly wrapped the entire planet, only to realize that the monster race is not easy.

The territory occupied here in North America can only be regarded as what the monster race shows on the surface for the people to see. The hidden places, such as the Amazon jungle, such as the endless mountains in the southwest of the Dragon Kingdom, such as the depths of the vast and boundless prairie in Africa, Wait, there are many monster clan guards;

They are waiting, waiting for the local monster race in the Transformers world to open up their wisdom. At that time, maybe the monster race will really show their fangs.

Liu Hao guessed right, if Fang Yun hadn't come to check it out, by then, how many human races would be left in this world would really be a problem;

However, after Fang Yun came, it was impossible for this to happen. The monster race did not evacuate the seeds in the deep mountains and old forests, and it was also to gain an upper hand when competing with the rising human race in the future. Regarding this point, even Fang Yun did not go No matter, it is enough for him to spread the Tao of a hundred schools of thought to the Dragon Kingdom in the Transformers world, relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, this is the pride in the bones of the Yanhuang people.

Fang Yun didn't care about it, and Liu Hao didn't care about it. He also saw the budding of the practice of a hundred schools of thought from this world dragon kingdom. Perhaps the impact brought by the North American monster race was too great, which also forced this world dragon The country did not hide it at all, and promoted it deep into the school, and even disseminated it as the most important knowledge;

With such a big fanfare, it is naturally impossible not to be known by other countries. Judging from what Liu Hao has seen outside the Dragon Kingdom, there are already many countries competing to learn from it. Picking up, until now there has been a stumbling follow-up, those babbling children were corrected by their parents to speak, judging from their situation, they simply want to make fundamental changes and resolutely move closer to the Dragon Kingdom civilization.

No wonder they, in terms of crisis awareness, Xiaoben is absolutely top-notch. The bald eagle's father is gone, and the sense of urgency in their hearts is absolutely incomprehensible to others. Seeing that there is a way out, how could they miss it?

According to Liu Hao's spiritual feedback, the population of Xiaobenzi in the Dragon Kingdom is not small, and this is the case in Xiaobenzi, as well as in other countries. The springing up of various Chinese classes in old Europe is the biggest example. It is impossible for them not to follow up;

Even inside the bald eagle huddled on the east coast of North America, those Chinese descendants have now become fragrant buns. You must know that in the past, they are the first batch of cannon fodder.

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