Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and sixty-eight. Enter the world of Transformers

1068. Entering the World of Transformers

The way of a hundred schools of thought has become the last life-saving straw in the Transformers world. Liu Hao felt happy after seeing it. He originally thought about whether to pass on some Buddhist and Taoist practices, but now he has no interest at all. He feels that this is very good. In a few years time, the human beings on this earth are bound to form a unified written language;

This is an advanced version of "Book Tongwen", which forces you to change, otherwise you will be eliminated by history.

Perhaps at some point in the future, due to the recovery of aura, physical training will gradually increase, but you have to know that this earth is no better than the earth where Liu Hao is, and it is impossible for aura tides to come again and again, which means that The difficulty of body forging in Fangshijie is much higher;

What's more, Liu Hao's physical training and cultivation methods in the earth have synthesized several worlds to produce a brand new and systematic system. How can it be comparable to the Transformers world?

After all, the world of Transformers, between fantasy and science, has been seriously biased towards the science department, and now it has been forcibly reversed, and the background cannot catch up with other worlds.

In the future, after the rise of the Transformers world, humans will compete with monsters, and the meat obtained from killing monsters can strengthen the physique of the human race to a certain extent, but it is impossible for every human being to enjoy it. The principle of being strong is the same in any world;

This will inevitably cause those practitioners of the Way of the Hundred Schools to continue to stand out, and it will also cause the Way of the Hundred Schools to become a high-end club that all races squeeze into.

Once it becomes a trend, it will inevitably become the mainstream, and even the only mainstream;

At that time, the bias of civilization can only develop towards Yanhuang civilization, and its replacement will become inevitable.

The number of orcs fed back by their spiritual consciousness may increase in the future. Liu Hao is not sure whether this is caused by the active guidance of this side of the world consciousness, and he doesn't care. It may not take eighteen years to grow up, but ten years is still inevitable;

But ten years later, in the world of Transformers, the written language has been basically unified, and at worst it has become the only official language, and other language civilizations have been included in the ranks of dialects. There is no need to worry about these.

Liu Hao is a little fortunate that the entrance of this passage happens to be deep in the Rocky Mountains, guarded by monster races, and it is almost delusional for humans with bald eagles to enter their own earth through the passage;

Although Liu Hao also knew that all countries in the Transformers world also knew that there was such a channel, so what?

After all, it still depends on strength. Facing the tens of millions of monsters in the Rocky Mountains, it doesn't make sense to send any number of troops;

the only possibility,

Even if a real master appears in this world one day, at least the level of Taiyi Jinxian will be required, and only then will there be a slight possibility of passing through;

And at that point in time, the future that Liu Hao was looking forward to had already arrived.

In the sky above New York City in Transformers World, Liu Hao sits on a white cloud, looking down at the world, with a weird expression;

Down below, the traditional bald eagle has been completely changed, and animal husbandry is almost non-existent. In the land that can be planted, wheat is the basic;

That’s right, after all, there are 150 million people who need to be fed, and basic security is the most important thing. Steaks in the past may have become a valuable item now, and this is because the bald eagles now hold most of the east coast in their hands. , with many ports connected to the outside world;

Otherwise, they wouldn't even have meat, would they?

In the intersecting situation where the bald eagle and the monster race fought, many monsters were killed every day, but so what?

Beheading is one thing, but whether the meat can be brought back is another matter.

Basically, bringing back one head without beheading a hundred is already quite remarkable.

On the criss-cross front, the number of troops sent out by the bald eagle can return is very limited, so how much can we expect?

That is, the big consortiums of the Bald Eagle offered a huge bounty, which stimulated many adventurers to try, and then blocked the battle damage;

But even so, the people are not fools. Humans are social animals. Since it is impossible to completely isolate them, they still have to spread. After word of mouth, until now, no matter how high the reward is, anyone who wants to take risks I will weigh in my heart whether it is worth it or not;

They thought that these big consortiums were offering bounties for monster meat for experiments, but how many could actually flow into the laboratory? One ten-thousandth is very remarkable, and the others have also been poured into the tables of the owners of these large consortiums, becoming their treasures for improving their physical fitness.

The number of adventurers began to decrease, forcing the bald eagle to recruit troops on a large scale, and it was mandatory. It cannot be said that the bald eagle's approach was wrong.

Why do they want to fight endlessly with the monsters on this front?

In this situation, it is still the Yaozu who are persecuting the bald eagles, so they have no choice but to do so.

The reason given is very simple. If the bald eagle doesn't send troops to fight against the monsters outside the wall all the time, then the monsters will form a wave of beasts. At that time, it is still a question whether the 100-meter-high wall in front of you can withstand it. By then, the damage will only be greater.

Above the sky, Liu Hao somewhat knew that the Yaozu's calculation was forced. Before Fang Yun arrived, even if the Yaozu didn't have the idea of ​​unifying the world, they would definitely want to kill the bald eagle completely.

Here, it's not that Fang Yun opened his mouth or something. Liu Hao also knew that Fang Yun could not do this, but as long as Fang Yun appeared in front of these monsters, they had to think more about where Fang Yun's bottom line was. The front line is the product of Fang Yun's arrival. It can be used as a training ground for monsters, and it can also squeeze the remaining power of the bald eagle all the time and consume the opponent's vitality.

What about the bald eagle? It can be said that it is like a stick in the throat, a dilemma.

Thousands of people are lost almost every day, and they are all strong and strong. No matter how big the family business is, they cannot bear such a loss.

The bald eagle, who doesn't have much integrity, has thought of many ways, one of which Liu Hao couldn't bear to see, that is to fool, fool the black uncles in Africa, increase their immigration, and deceive these black millets to Here, as long as they arrive, they can't help them.

Don't think that other countries will reprimand the bald eagles. In the overall situation, almost no country would be happy that the bald eagles are wiped out by the demon clan;

It's not because of sympathy or because of the previous alliance, but once the bald eagle is wiped out, it will inevitably impact other countries, the next one is the chicken roll country, and then go to the entire Central America, and then South America;

Once the entire American continent is occupied by the monster race, will the monster race really be satisfied?

No one is stupid, and no one wants to be the next one. Since everyone thinks the same, they must support the bald eagle both openly and secretly;

Population, that is impossible, they are thinking of various ways to arm themselves, every population is the greatest wealth, their own can’t do it, but those of other countries are no longer within the scope of their consideration, and they even wish to More African black sorghums joined this consumption to give themselves more time to strengthen themselves.

That is why the entire African continent was basically sold out by various countries. For example, the Internet of the entire African continent was blocked, so that the information about the North American monster clan and the bald eagle's battle could not be transmitted to Africa. It is the previous paradise, scrambling to flood into North America;

As everyone knows, hell is waiting for them there. In Africa, maybe they are full and hungry, and there is no problem in living. However, in the territory of the Bald Eagle, these people can only be part of the cannon fodder, but within a few months, More than 300,000 black sorghums have been buried in the mouths of monsters.

With the support of the population of the African continent, the bald eagle finally breathed a sigh of relief. The population is still decreasing, but life finally has a little hope, especially after the method of self-evolution from the Dragon Kingdom, it is the participation of the whole people. At this point, it's impossible not to explode.

In New York City, the "democracy" chanted by the bald eagles in the past has long since disappeared, and it has been replaced by a military government structure. The combat readiness has been upgraded to the highest level, and fully armed soldiers patrolling the streets are even more normal;

Once the criminals who destroy the "great" situation are caught, the only way out is to be escorted to the jagged front line outside the wall. It is already very lucky for one in ten thousand of these people to return;

Once the bald eagles who don't reason with their own people get mad, their people will suddenly become quails, living in fear, not daring to cross the thunder pond.

Don't think they can immigrate to other countries;

Since the rise of the North American demon clan, all countries have completely stopped the immigration of the bald eagle population. This country has tacitly helped the bald eagle to ensure that the population does not lose. No matter which country, once the population from the bald eagle is found, the only idea is, is repatriation;

The so-called wealth in the past has almost no meaning at this moment, and those bald eagle billionaires who have ruled the world before are no exception at all.

Even most of my own home has been taken away. Everyone knows that the bald eagle has fallen. Before that, the dogs raised by the bald eagle's family can be said to be the happiest ones;

For example, Xiaobenzi, since the bald eagles had to send back the army stationed in their territory, Bailu, who was originally superior in Xiaobenzi's country, has suddenly become a second-class person, and those patrolling police chiefs are willing to check it out Things like that, even the punks on the street didn't have the slightest fear of these Bai Lus, and I don't know how many deliberately made trouble.

A small book like this is not bad, but Australia, a collection of gangsters and offspring of criminals, is too much;

They are the first country to close the passage of bald eagles. They are afraid of the influx of bald eagles. In order to prevent the influx of bald eagles, they even dispatched military ships to the surrounding waters to check every bald eagle population. A passing ship, this action directly made the whole bald eagle jump;

It is also because they are so excessive that the country that the bald eagle hates most now is Australia.

In fact, the senior leaders of the bald eagle also knew that the reason why Australia did this was mostly because of the persecution of the old Europe, which caused the domestic dog that originally belonged to the bald eagle to bounce back. With Australia taking the lead, it is logical for other countries to follow up. Isn't it readily available?

We are also afraid, afraid that the ships from the bald eagle will bring the monster race into our country, so we have to do it. Besides, you are fighting with the monster race like this now, isn't it just a matter of population? We can't add insult to injury, can we?

After that, it was all countries who killed African countries together, and the current situation came into being.

But it is already a fact that the bald eagle has completely become a second-rate country. Those fleets that were originally based in important places around the world have lost their voices after being recalled. Needless to say, they have already been knocked down by the monster clan. Which country is willing to deal with them?

You said nuclear bomb?

Pull it down, do you really think that the monster race is still a beast?

These monsters originally from Liu Hao's Earth have already suffered from nuclear bombs, and have already learned how to use these weapons. When they entered the world of Transformers, they occupied the surrounding nuclear bomb reserves that originally belonged to the bald eagle. Negotiate with the Bald Eagle Black Palace with them, forcing the Bald Eagle not to use these first;

Up to now, the bald eagle has been forced to only the most elite areas of the east coast, and the population density has increased tenfold, so they dare not use nuclear weapons, otherwise the monsters will give them a few, and the remaining How many people can be left with 500 million people? That would really destroy the country.

The senior management of the Bald Eagle now thinks that this is pretty good now, although they don't know what the monster clan is doing? What are your plans in private? But it doesn't matter, the bald eagle also needs to buy more time for itself, whether it is to digest the technology from Transformers, or the cultivation of hundreds of schools that came from the Dragon Kingdom not long ago, it will not happen in a short while. Can handle;

That being the case, the bald eagle is very satisfied with the consumption in front of it. Doesn't this just happen to be supplemented by the entire African continent?

They are really not afraid of consumption. Among the population damaged by war, their own population ratio is only about 10%. It is best to consume it for ten or eight years. field.

As everyone knows, the bald eagle's idea is good, but they still think too highly of themselves, not to mention ten or eight years, even if they are given a hundred years, they will never want to compete with the monster race;

That is to say, Fang Yun came here in a crooked manner, which saved their current scene. Similarly, because of Fang Yun's arrival, the Yaozu was full of scruples and did not dare to expand wantonly;

In Liu Hao's view, the Transformers World of the Future is more of a training ground for monster races and local humans. I only hope that they will continue to contribute their fighting power to their own earth in the future, and only in this way will they be more valuable.

Of course, what Liu Hao values ​​in his heart is still the big country on the other side of the sea. They are 100% in line with the practice of the hundred schools of thought, and they are not comparable to other countries.

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