Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1069. Treatment of Transformers Protagonist

1069、Transformers Protagonist Treatment

In the world of Transformers, Optimus Prime and his gang are fine, but Megatron and his gang are definitely in a bad mood.

As a Decepticon, Megatron is not a pacifist. He was attracted by the source of fire and came to the earth. He came here to occupy this planet, but what happened next seriously exceeded his expectations. The product meets a fantasy monster, what do you want him to do?

He was also very desperate. After meeting the monster clan with his confident force, he realized that he was not as powerful as he imagined. , can also fight impressively, and the number of monster races of the eighth and ninth ranks migrated from Liu Hao's earth is not small at all;

This caused Megatron to drop from the top of combat power to the ordinary powerful level, giving people a feeling that a small boss from the monster race can handle him, and forced to defeat Megatron's crazy gang with confidence;

After a few times, Megatron no longer dared to be arrogant on the earth. Seeing that Optimus Prime and the Autobots united with humans, they didn’t make any squeaking noises. It is impossible to withstand the endless monster army, no matter how much you despise humans in your heart, you have to admit that you must rely on the power of the human race;

It is also because of this that he exported a lot of military technology to the human race through Optimus Prime. It can be said that because of the Decepticons, the earth technology in the Transformers world has been upgraded by a large level;

But the effect is nothing more than that, and it can't stop the general trend of the monster clan at all;

It's a pity that they don't know this yet, thinking that these technologies have worked, but they don't know that the arrival of the previous party made the monsters fearful, changed their strategy, and stopped overwhelming the beasts to continue destroying humans on a large scale. Instead, he chose to cultivate the land occupied by the existing monster clan deeply and thoroughly digest it;

The Transformers don't know, and the human side doesn't know even more. In their view, the upgrading of weapons has made the monsters have scruples, making their previously defeated side into a stalemate now;

Bald Eagle's high-level mentality is joyful. It is already very uncomfortable to slip from a superpower to barely survive now. I thought it would be difficult to return to the peak, but I didn't know that there was suddenly the sponsorship of the dementia silicon-based life. Follow like a dog;

In their view, with the upgrade of these weapons, after defeating the Yaozu in the future, there will be no problem at all in regaining the land, and then what? With the crushing level of weapons in hand, it is bound to return to the peak, even stronger, the kind that other countries can't resist at all;

At that time, those domestic dogs will also choose to kneel and lick the bald eagle country again. Of course, these high-level officials hate it in their hearts, thinking that even if these domestic dogs kneel and lick again, they must be taught a lesson. For example, they must pay most of the reconstruction funds;

The high-level leaders like Bald Eagle don't know that their thoughts are just delusions.

They tightened their belts and frantically devoted themselves to the upgrading of weapons. The lives of the people became more and more dire. Their rights disappeared at this moment. Ten hours of work is the norm. Once they violate the protest, only Being sent to the front line to fight with monsters is the only way to go.

In order to rise again, the bald eagle is really hardworking, almost everything is pressed up, and in order to get more scientific and technological information from the Transformers, it is almost the same as crawling on the ground, as time goes by As time went on, the Autobots, who had an inseparable relationship with the Bald Eagle, also began to be suppressed, and the Decepticons suddenly became the most noble gang in the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

Needless to say, there is also Megatron deliberately doing this, for the source of fire in Optimus Prime's hands;

What do you mean by relying on the bald eagle race and forming an alliance against the demon race? That's all expedient;

In his heart, what Megatron wanted was to get the fire source and rely on its energy to instill more silicon-based life. In his opinion, the most essential problem of his own side being unable to resist the demon clan was quantity. Facing tens of millions of monster races, they only have a small population, so it is reasonable to retreat;

Conversely, once tens of millions or hundreds of millions of silicon-based beings are enlightened, will they be able to share the same status with the monster race?

Megatron had this kind of thought in his heart, and he actually knew it, but in terms of advanced combat power, he was still at a disadvantage, so what? How can I be reconciled if I don't try?

The only uncomfortable point is that the one closest to the source of the fire seed failed before, and it was not easy to seize the opportunity. When Optimus Prime and his gang pk, the mortal monster army came to kill them. After the fight, they knew that the opportunity was lost. had to escape;

But I don't want to, after that time, there is no more news about the source of fire;

Deep down in Megatron's heart, he also knew that most of the fire source had fallen into the hands of the Yaozu, but there was always a hope that the fire source was still hidden in the hands of Optimus Prime and his gang, which is why he deliberately turned gray The reason why Eagle executives ignored or even abandoned Optimus Prime's faction.

After all, the Autobot King Kong is just a silicon-based life form for home use. In terms of military technology upgrades, how can it compare to a silicon-based life form for war?

On the towering wall, Optimus Prime stood with his chest folded, watching the criss-crossed battle lines below;

This battle line stretches for thousands of miles, with a width of nearly three hundred miles;

The terrain above this front line is extremely complicated, with dense water systems, no shortage of small mountains, wilderness, ruined cities, there are also many. From Optimus Prime's point of view, it seems that the Yaozu deliberately chose such a place. The environment forces humans to stalemate with their consumption;

Like everyone else, Optimus Prime also believes that this stalemate and consumption will not last for a long time, maybe a few months, maybe a few years, once the next wave of monsters and beasts set off, it will be like a monstrous wave Coming, the wall in front of me is impossible to resist. At that time, either you will die or I will die;

In his heart, Optimus Prime didn't think that the Bald Eagle Kingdom would be able to resist at that time, even if he and Megatron taught them all the science and technology they knew?

Technology is not achieved overnight. It is one thing to give it to you, and another thing to digest it. It is even more difficult to manufacture it after digesting it. Then there is the problem of mass production of raw materials, which is also a natural moat.

Originally, Optimus Prime had been persuading the top leaders of the Bald Eagle to share these with the world, which once made them loose. Unfortunately, this delivery has changed since the arrival of Megatron. Up to now, if he proposes, it is likely to Those bald eagle executives thought that their position had changed, didn't they see that they had begun to alienate their own group?

A little bit of estrangement arises, and sometimes it cannot be made up in a few words.

Looking at the broad battle line that seems to be calm, but is actually full of fighting inside, Optimus Prime once thought about whether to take the Autobots and a group of Transformers for a try, and try to see if they can cross this territory that has been occupied by the demon clan , go back to the city where Megatron fought last time, and look for it to see if you can still get the fire source.

He also knew that most of this could only be a delusion, not to mention the question of whether it could be crossed, even if it arrived there, so what?

Now there is no reaction from the source of the fire, and after a little thought, it is clear that it must fall into the hands of the monsters. They have used some means to forcibly block the energy so that it will not leak out. They couldn't receive any information, so they couldn't lock the location of the fire source, and it became a needle and thread in the vast sea, how elusive!

Optimus Prime and Megatron didn't know that they remembered the battlefield almost at the same time, and remembered the faces of the group of monsters who might get the source of fire;

All of this was basically Liu Hao's random method on Baiyun, which made them think of the source of the fire seed in unison, in order to use this as a traction to lock the source of the fire seed, and then take it in their hands.

Liu Hao doesn't want the planet below to become a place where silicon-based life can be seen everywhere in the future. There are human races and demon races enough, and another one, the Three Kingdoms?

Forget it, and besides, he also wants to see what the fire source is? Why can a piece of machinery, an electronic product be transformed into a silicon-based life form?

Through this traction of cause and effect, Liu Hao quickly locked the position of the current owner of the Fire Seed Source. He was still surprised to see this position. Without him, it was too familiar, and it was clearly the lioness who caught the human male favorite;

"Is this man the protagonist of Transformers?"

Liu Hao subconsciously said something to himself, raised his eyes to look at the other party with the technique of gazing, and burst out laughing;

It was quite easy for him to guess right, luck is not shallow, it is almost the same as Megatron on the bald eagle wall, no wonder he was able to escape with his life even if he was caught by the monster clan, but the way of escape was a bit weird, Not only did he have a monster wife, but he also had children with her, and became the ancestor of the orc clan that may appear in the future.

"It can't be the ghost of the will of the world, can it?"

It's no wonder that Liu Hao has to think too much. The monster clan invaded, and the original destiny trajectory of this world has long been thrown away, the watershed has been cut off, and a road has been forcibly carved out;

In other words, the original plot has long been meaningless, but the original Child of Destiny is still alive. Perhaps in the eyes of the will of the world, since 'Sam', the Child of Destiny, can win the Transformers to the human side, can he also bring the Transformers to the human side? Yaozu also win over?

If this is the case, you have to say that the will of this world is a little mentally retarded. You can influence the races in your own world, but the monster races come across the world. How can you influence them if you want?

As soon as Liu Hao arrived in the Transformers world, he knew very well that the level of this world was not a little bit worse than his own earth. It can be said that it is very small, and it is very good to keep the protagonist Sam in front of him;

"From the original child of destiny to today's tool man, and a tool man to reproduce offspring, you are also pitiful!"

While talking gloatingly, Liu Hao reached out to take the "fire source" from the place where the female cougar was stored, and then took a deep look at the two little orcs who were half-demon and half-human, and stepped into the place where they appeared again in New York. The city above the blank cloud.

"Interesting, the appearance is so similar to the Rubik's Cube in the Marvel world, won't it remind me to think about it?"

No wonder Liu Hao wanted to say that, holding it in his hand, Liu Hao found that this 'Fire Seed Source' had a similar effect to the Marvel World's 'Soul Gem';

All of them contain a lot of energy, and these energies all contain the breath of the soul. It is no wonder that the "fire source" can bestow life, and it has long been a family of Transformers.

It's a pity, it seems that it can only be the Transformers family!

This is the answer Liu Hao got after researching, and it also made him completely lose his original expectation. With his cultivation base, this 'fire source' is nothing more than tasteless.

"Forget it, someday I will find other materials, maybe I can use them to refine a spirit treasure!"

In one sentence, the return of the 'Fire Seed Source' was determined, and Liu Hao was thrown into the corner of the storage space at random, and perhaps he would not even have the qualifications to be remembered in the future.

It has to be said that the biggest reliance of the Transformers family is just a dispensable collectible in the hands of some people. This is the sorrow of the weak.

Down below, whether it is Megatron or Optimus Prime, there is a feeling that a corner of the heart has been dug out. In the midst of the confusion, the luck of the Transformers family has dropped a lot. These luck, Needless to say, it was also intercepted and put away by Liu Hao, and he was happily walking towards the direction of Longguo;

Liu Hao really didn't have the idea of ​​owning these luck. He took so much at once. Who knows if this world will wither after he leaves? If you really wanted to do that, it would be a serious crime, and the karma brought about by the destruction of the world would be uncomfortable.

Therefore, he immediately had an idea that the luck of the silicon-based life family he had intercepted could just be used to enrich the luck of the Dragon Kingdom in this world and raise the height of his Yanhuang race;

How to put it, this is also a world dominated by Western civilization. No matter how good the luck of the Dragon Kingdom is, it will not be much better. With this supplement, it is bound to be raised to a higher level. With the improvement of the luck of the country and the clan, there may be bumps in the original. The way of the hundred schools of thought touched will also be greatly promoted, and it will be able to quickly occupy the mainstream of the world and replace the original civilization structure.

This is the most important thing in Liu Hao's opinion. For this reason, he put aside his thoughts on the mobile phone figure. Before leaving, he glanced at the bumblebee parked in a certain corner. Choosing to give up, this guy's luck is no worse than Optimus Prime;

And the main character Sam hasn't died yet, maybe they will meet again in the future, it's better not to disturb their friendship, I don't know that this guy Sam can make peace with the beast-shaped monster race, the bumblebee contaminated by such a disgusting guy is placed It makes me sick to think about it, so forget it.

In the capital of Longguo, a pale golden five-clawed golden dragon hovered in the Forbidden City. Its breath was melodious, its eyes closed peacefully, and it was growing with every breath. However, this growth was very low. If Liu Hao hadn't cultivated enough, he couldn't see it at all;

This is the Luck Dragon of the Dragon Kingdom of the Transformers World and even the Yanhuang Clan. Compared with the Luck Dragon of the Dragon Kingdom of the Liu Hao World, it is not at the same level. There is a big gap in size and color. No wonder he is like this, the situation of being suppressed by civilization is not comfortable at all;

But Liu Hao also found that compared with the Dragon of Fortune in the Dragon Kingdom in the Marvel world, it seems to be almost the same. Sending an avatar to go, perhaps when the future Thanos arrives, he will definitely suffer the catastrophe of snapping his fingers.

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