Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seventy-two. Thanos' Peep

After Gu Yi left, Liu Hao glanced at the outer space, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then his spiritual consciousness swept across the entire Marvel Earth, seeing the preparations of the major countries one by one, and secretly nodded in his heart.

The brains of the high-level executives of the major countries on Marvel Earth still exist. Even though they knew that this time the troubles were serious, they did not pin their hopes on the mercy of the aliens.

It was also in the past that Loki brought the Kirita people once, and there was a big battle, and the whole process did not even think about communicating, which made all countries on the Marvel Earth abandon their illusions, knowing that they made it clear that they are for conquest, and there is nothing to talk about Meaning, instead of this, it's better to fight it out, whether to win or lose, it's up to God.

There are naturally many noises in the society. Those who make wind and rain, the enemy is in the present, and they don't care much. That is, Liu Hao let "Yi" do the selection, otherwise it will only make more chaos.

The common people didn't know it, but Gu Yi knew it clearly, and only then did he have the idea to come forward. Liu Hao can still guess the hidden truth here.

It is nothing more than paving the way for the next supreme mage, letting Marvel Earth know that there is such an organization, such a superpower is guarding the earth, so that they don't need to panic, even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up.

From a low-key recluse to a high-profile birth, if Gu Yi didn't make sufficient considerations, no one would believe it.

Among them, there is the ancient one who is worried that Doctor Strange is immature, and there is the ancient one who understands that the era of Marvel Earth's aura recovery is coming, even if he continues to hide, he won't be able to hide for long.

Of course, Liu Hao has another guess, that is, since he can't hide it anymore, he might as well advertise it widely, use this test of Thanos as a platform to make a global advertisement, push the magic to the front stage, and promote it in the future Global arrangements are made in advance.

In this regard, Liu Hao did not intend to stop it. If he hadn't changed the magic spell into Chinese, it might have been another attitude.

He thinks this is also good, and no matter how magic will develop in Marvel Earth in the future, it is also good to thoroughly implant the Chinese foundation.

On the other side, after Gu Yi returned to the Himalayas, he called Doctor Strange, and after some orders, he handed over the time gem around his neck to the other party, which can be regarded as a complete account of the inheritance of the mantle.

He didn't say much to Doctor Strange. As a teacher, he prefers his disciples to decide their own future.

"I will go to other worlds, and the future of the earth is up to you!"

Hearing this, Doctor Strange only thought that Gu Yi's lifespan was approaching, and although he felt a little heavy in his heart, he could only nod.

The reason why Ancient One concealed it from him is because he discovered the weakness of Doctor Strange's other magical talent,

In other words, the future Doctor Strange may be able to rely on the Time Stone to live for hundreds of years, but it can only go so far.

Instead of that, it's better not to say it.

"This alien invasion, if I don't take action, the earth will only fall, and it happens that I will contribute my last strength for the earth, and other crises in the future can only be maintained by you!"

Doctor Strange nodded heavily, only pretending that the Ancient One was stating his last words.

"There will be no peace in the future Karma Taj!"

"Some things are like this. The great era has begun. This time it is only the vanguard of Thanos. Even if Kama Taj can hide, how long can he hide?"

"Do you need to help the earth cultivate more powerful people?"

Doctor Strange asked this question from the heart, and it was also difficult for him to decide on future consultations.

He doesn't like a large wave of superpowers appearing on the earth, which will cause greater chaos, but he also understands that the earth will be more peeped by alien civilizations and other latitudes in the future, and he himself is not absolutely sure to fight against it.

"The new knowledge of magic does not require a mysterious ring. Everyone can practice it, but the difficulty is not small."

Gu Yi didn't make any arrangements either. He knew even better that since Kama Taj had already appeared, Doctor Strange couldn't hide it, and countries would not allow it.

But in such a matter, Gu Yi still chose to let his disciples face it on their own. Doctor Strange didn't continue to ask him what he said. He was too clear about the character of his teacher, but if he didn't say it, he couldn't force it out.

After finishing his orders with Doctor Strange, Gu Yi went to find the old king in the library, and then Kama Taj disappeared from Gu Yi?

Outside the earth, the mighty alien warships have been prepared, and the technological level is simply crushing the Marvel Earth. Even Tony Dak has to admit this.

At this time, his face was gloomy, and his heart was aching. He only hated that he had too little time, and his talents were too late to be used.

However, in more than two months, Tony Duck has improved a new generation of steel suits, and the first generation of space shuttles can also be tested, but so what, it is still a mantis with no chance of winning.

He only hopes that Liu Hao can come forward, otherwise the earth will really have no future.

The protoss of Asgard, Tony Dak really didn't count them in, what are they doing to help you desperately on the earth? To have a Thunder God would be the utmost benevolence!

Standing on the brand-new Stark building, Tony Stark frequently looked towards the direction of Liu Hao Clinic. There were many people like him, and Nick Fury was one of them!

In the eyes of these people and even the top officials of the country, Liu Hao is their greatest hope, and it is also their reliance that they still have the determination to resist now!

Liu Hao also understands these reasons, Hela, the god of death, is the tool man he prepared, but now that Gu Yi chooses to make a move, he is naturally too hot to watch.

A phantom appeared from the Himalayas, specious, this phantom was Gu Yi, and the big show began.

Ancient One made a lot of preparations, Thanos was not at the scene, and it was difficult to tell whether Ancient One was a candle in the wind or a fake. The video obtained through the wormhole signal will only regard this scene as an overdrawn life. last blow.

Who made this phantom look a little unstable?

One was spying and probing, the other was acting and digging holes, the two cooperated seamlessly.

This phantom is rapidly expanding and becoming thinner, as if it will be annihilated at any time. When the phantom penetrates the atmosphere, it is already difficult to see the appearance, and even the original color of the phantom's robe has disappeared without a trace. It seems that even the strength to maintain this color can't be done.

Thanos thought so, and while laughing, he also had a look of sighing that his opponent had passed away, and completely deleted the name Gu Yi from his list of enemies.

As for the fact that Gu Yi's last blow made all the starships he dispatched out of ten, Thanos doesn't care at all. He has too many such teams, and he can catch them by just walking around in some galaxies. A lot of them are for his own use, but in his eyes they are nothing more than cannon fodder, and they deserve to die if they can find out the situation of Gu Yi.

As for another possible threat "Odin", from the perspective of Thanos, it is mostly as he thought, so why not save it?

He waved his hand and gave the remaining tenth of the fleet an order to attack the earth, and then sat quietly on the throne and watched.

For Marvel Earth, even a tenth of the amount is still irresistible.

But the comparison before and after gave the countries on the earth the greatest confidence, and they also knew that the legendary guardian of the earth had made a move. Since this is the case, there is nothing to be afraid of, just do it!

Countless aircraft spread towards the earth from outside the atmosphere. As the main battlefield of the plot, this time it is still in the country of the bald eagle. It is also his bad luck. It happens to be in his hemisphere during the day. Fortunately, this time is a global disaster, and he does not need to fight alone.

There are also countless fighter jets flying. These fighter jets are smaller and more flexible. It doesn't take much thinking to know that they are equipped with brand new power. The diffused Ark reactor has finally made a contribution at this point in time.

The bald eagles even had a sense of joy when they hit the right side, but when they saw a lot of steel suits flying up, their faces turned dark again, feeling that a piece of flesh had been dug out of their hearts.

On these steel battle suits, the polar bear has the most logos. Needless to say, it can be understood that the polar bear has digested the second generation of Mark, and even created its own characteristics. The combat effectiveness is also not to be underestimated.

On the contrary, Tony Duck didn't have much entanglement. His equipment had been upgraded dozens of generations. He really didn't pay attention to the second-generation Mark. On the contrary, he wanted to see the second-generation Mark. How much resistance can there be!

The matter made Tony Duck a little depressed. It seems that apart from better flexibility, there are not many advantages to speak of. The missiles that can be installed are too small and too few. Apart from hitting the vital points of the alien fighter, it will cause damage to the enemy. The threat is so pitiful!

And this is also the weakness of Tony Dak's new suit. Even if the supporting micro-missiles are developed, it still seems that they have not been able to catch up with the progress.

In the sky, the enemy and the enemy invested more than 100,000 fighter jets, spreading across the entire hemisphere. Every minute and every second, some explosions spread, and some fighter jets would fall from time to time. The tragedy was unprecedented.

After more than an hour, the aliens began to drop troops towards the earth, dandelions spread in the sky, countless ground missiles flew up, and the entire sky was stained with orange.

On the ground, the bald eagles are better. There is no shortage of weapons or troops, but South America is really finished. They are already poor, and there are only three or two big cats and kittens in the house. What can they offer to resist?

In the Marvel Arena, Hela, who was watching the movie leisurely, heard Liu Hao's order, the target is South America, and this is the right time, the desperate South American countries need a real savior!

Moreover, the appearance of Hela can also make the peeping Thanos more firm in the speculation of Odin's accident. Otherwise, how could Hela, who was imprisoned by Odin, appear?

When Thanos saw Hela appearing, his wrinkled face was even more joyful. He was already counting the days when he would go to Earth next time, and he even couldn't wait.

"It's time to collect soul gems!"

I said to myself, took up the red wine in my hand and drank it, and there was no discomfort in my body. It seemed that today's red wine tasted like never before, it was so special, so in line with my own taste!

"Where did the red wine come from today!"

"Father, he is from the Gallic Rooster planet in the Lyra star field, and it is very similar to the Gallic Rooster race on Earth!"

"Hahaha, it seems that it won't be long before you can taste the difference!"

Thanos was in a great mood, and watching the video, Haila pinched ants and entered countless vanguard troops in South America without the slightest impact.

He didn't care, but when the bald eagle heard the news, his heart was bleeding. How could his thigh belong to someone else?

If I had known that this would be a difficult time for Bald Eagles in China, it would have been even worse if there were not enough superheroes, and if some mutants hadn't let go of their prejudices.

But even so, the loss is still not ordinary. New York City, which has just been rebuilt, is still the mainstream, and it may not be long before it will be rebuilt. The only good news is that the surroundings of Lavasan are stable as before, and those aliens seem to turn a blind eye.

But what they don't know is that this place is equally lively, and the Dragon Kingdom martial art is prevalent. Compared with the last time, the number of people who can fight is a hundred times more. There are almost tens of thousands of people participating in strangling the aliens, and the leader is the black widow Na Tasha et al.

These people are the seeds that Liu Hao managed to support, and they don't want to waste it like this. Naturally, they are protected. They put aside their worries, and now they can fight very unrestrainedly. !

Another place that Liu Hao focuses on is naturally the Dragon Kingdom. Although it is at night, there are still many aliens going through the night. Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom has long been prepared. In terms of the number of missiles, the Dragon Kingdom will not lose to any country.

The title of World Factory is not a joke. If there is a need, it is open to creation. The Dragon Kingdom, which is in a state of combat readiness, is the most terrifying country on Marvel Earth.

In addition, Liu Hao has also developed in terms of the number of individual combat power. The Dragon Kingdom is still the first, but it may be a non-protagonist country, so there is still a little gap between the advanced combat power and the Bald Eagle!

Liu Hao didn't care much about this. Isn't it easy to cultivate? Just grab a bunch of them and throw them on your own Earth for a while, and there's nothing to worry about.

What he pays more attention to are those monks who are cultivating the talismans that he spreads. Maybe it needs to be explored by himself, or maybe it is still the vague sense of rejection from the will of the Marvel world, and there is no one who makes Liu Hao's eyes shine.

And what about the Baijia system? Not to mention that there is not much combat power to speak of, the standard for entering this battlefield has not been met, and I don't know if it will be able to rise when the next Thanos arrives?

Liu Hao turned his head to look at the cheerful Zhang Kuai who was fighting nearby, and smiled. This guy really regarded the battle as a testing ground, and ignored the defense at all. It's impressive!

Near their battlefield, a leisurely figure was swaying, looking at the corpses of aliens from time to time, and put them away happily when they saw different types.

It is Orochimaru, it is really right to bring him to the Marvel world, and it can be regarded as completely stimulating this guy's research enthusiasm. These alien corpses can bring little effect to Orochimaru, but he is still enthusiastic about it Hey, it's no different from a network fan!

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