Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1073. Chance for Tony Darke


Almost all the rich bald eagles have now entered the Lafaxing area. Whether they say they are taking refuge or buying insurance in advance, they are now on the right track;

The entire Lafayette area can be said to be densely populated, with a radius of only four or five square kilometers, but the current population density is no less than that of Zhonghai City in Longguo. When alien fighters flew down from the outer sky , The population of residents around La Flushing is frantically influx, and up to now, the entire street of La Flushing is full.

These people also saw that Lafasheng was intact last time, and they felt like taking a gamble. This time, they were absolutely right.

Here, among the asylum seekers, there are also many politicians in New York City. Before that, they were worried that the expansion of the La Flushing area would affect their right to speak, but now they deeply regret that those who failed to escape into La Flushing The citizens of New York in the area once again faced overwhelming alien fighter jets, and their losses would definitely not be small.

The bald eagle politicians are very interesting. They often have no real position, and their business is always based on people, such as philanthropists, environmentalists, etc. For them, how to defraud voters from voters is the ultimate goal;

La Flushing has become a typical Chinese autonomous region, and there are also many New Yorkers who don't like it. One is safety, and the other is non-bald eagle traditional racial rule. I don't know how many people are jealous of these two points;

This has caused many politicians to stand firmly in the position of these citizens in order to empathize with them. From time to time, they criticize Lafaxon's maverick in the media field, shouting loudly that this is not a bald eagle at all, which has greatly won the envy of these citizens. The support of the activists abruptly pushed them to New York City and even the Black House authority;

The scenery is absolutely beautiful, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is high-spirited. The rent-seeking brought by the rights is countless, not only becoming a master, but also richer;

As much as you can benefit, you will lose as much after today.

Voters in New York City don't care about their previous attitudes. The danger they are facing is the most real feeling. When their families are ruined, they will only vent their anger on other people, and this outlet must be due to their attitude in the past. benefited politicians;

Who let them strictly limit the expansion of Lafasheng? Otherwise, there will inevitably be more land to accommodate more refugees today. Every square meter of foothold can save a family. Thinking of this, the mentality of these New York citizens who are deeply in danger of aliens can be imagined You know, if those politicians are in front of them now, they will definitely pick up their guns and give each other a bullet;

As for the attitude of these people in the past, what was that? ever? Even if there is, it's just nagging. I didn't take it seriously. If you can't see what's going on inside, it must be your fault.

These politicians have no morals,

No matter how many benefits they got in the past, they will never be unprepared for the future, and now they are all in Lafasheng, all of them are like quails, how can they not know that what will greet them next will be a storm of anger ?

When a large group of politicians get together, they are all old foxes, and they don’t need to care about their own image, and all kinds of ugly hysteria emerge endlessly;

"Since he can protect the surrounding areas of La Flushing, he can also protect the entire New York City..."

I don't know who couldn't help but opened his mouth. These words were almost gnashed, but halfway through, he didn't dare to continue.

Since Liu Hao exploded the nuclear bomb with his bare hands, the research institution specially set up by Bald Eagle for him has expanded rapidly. Now it has more than a thousand people, and there are countless peripheral institutions, which cost a lot of money. The following conclusions are drawn:

Liu Hao must be a fairy god in oriental myths and legends!

The status of this fairy god in the Eastern Heaven is definitely not low! It's even one of the few high-level ones!

Liu Hao's strength is unfathomable. In the eyes of human beings, crushing a nuclear bomb seems terrifying, but perhaps on Liu Hao, it is no different from crushing an ant!

Liu Hao's personality is hard to figure out, and he does things entirely with his heart. When he is in a good mood, even a puppy is willing to spend a lot of energy to help him. When he is in a bad mood, even if he smashes the earth, it is not impossible!

Liu Hao is an advocate of the Dragon Kingdom. Except for the descendants of the Dragon Kingdom, other races may not be much different from apes in his eyes! It may be higher, but the limit is certain!

As a high-level god, Liu Hao no longer needs beliefs or believers. He looks down on all living beings from above, and coming to the earth is just a tour of the world!

Liu Hao doesn't like to interfere in the human world, but it's just based on his mood. I'm happy to give you a few pointers, but that's all!

The reason why Liu Hao opened the clinic may be for the "merit" in the oriental legend, which is fundamentally different from charity (for details, refer to the explanation of a certain document)!

Liu Hao's ability is comparable to 'God', he may not talk to you, but once you say his honorific title, you will definitely be known by him!


Bald Eagle's analysis of this is very detailed, paying attention to the core, here, of course, the name is not directly mentioned, and it is replaced by a certain title;

But these documents are known to everyone in the Black Palace, and they are still the kind that will be burned after reading, lest they fall into the hands of ordinary people and spread;

New York City, as the most important wealth place of Bald Eagles, the high-level politicians here can naturally know;

That's why, even though the guy who was gnashing his teeth just now felt resentful and wanted to push all the disaster losses to Liu Haowei's protection, he only dared to bark a few times, and also didn't dare to cross the line at the critical moment.

His voice spread in the ears of others, and half of them felt the same, while the other half was gloating in their hearts, thinking about how to intercept greater interests after the disaster passed, and how to win more voters to their side.

They don't know how sensitive the white tiger Liu Hao is to malice, the incarnation of Liu Hao's evil thoughts. They don't need them to open their mouths. They already know that these people are unhappy with them;

That is to say, Liu Hao was too lazy to argue with them, otherwise how could he keep them? I don't know how many times I died back and forth!

In fact, everything is compared. When disaster strikes, the greatest sense of security is the greatest sense of happiness;

With the comparison between the inside and outside of Lafasheng, these people who have entered the Lafasheng area will recognize Lafasheng more, and will definitely support it more firmly in the future. This is what Liu Hao wants, and because of this, he even I am very happy with the emergence of politicians with different opinions, and let them jump up and down.

Outside of Lafaxon, there were endless roars, and the superheroes were very busy. Among them, Thor, the god of thunder, was still the most powerful. The Mjolnir hammer in his hand was flying up and down, and snow-white lightning criss-crossed around him. Flickering, as long as it is contaminated, whether it is those alien fighter planes or the troops dropped, it will all be turned into fly ash.

Compared with the last time, Thor, the God of Thunder, has made great progress. This type of range attribute damage has been going on for a long time, and it looks so powerful. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a god above him, and everyone who sees it worships him;

The common people see it this way, but the politicians hiding in the Black Palace don't feel that Thor is awesome;

Everything is afraid of comparison. Compared with Thor and Hella, God of Death, they are two extremes;

The former seems to have a huge momentum, but in fact, whether it brings lethality or deterrence to the Thanos army, it is just a matter of difficulty, and the scope of protection can only be limited to a few blocks in New York City;

What about Hela? Almost the whole of South America is within her protection range. She floats high in the air, and the hair on the back of her head stands up like antlers. Whether it is the fighter planes in the sky or the troops dropped, they can only be gathered by her one by one, and then they will be crushed to death.

Such a tall image has been deeply engraved in the hearts of the people of South American countries through half an hour. From today onwards, South American countries will definitely abandon the so-called God and throw themselves into the arms of Hela. Their strength is still the same. Can change people's beliefs.

From this point of view, Thor, the God of Thunder, is really poor.

It's reasonable to think about it. A character who dares to wrestle with Odin, even if his strength is not as good as Odin, is not so bad. This is a guy who can crush Thor's Hammer with one hand. He and Thor The strength is equal, that is a fool.

Originally, the bald eagle Black Palace would not complain about Thor, but who is Thor? A person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, as soon as Hela appeared, he also fell into his ears through the spread. I took a moment to look, and I was fooled. Isn’t this the eldest sister in our family’s legend? Why did you run out?

This exclamation spread immediately, they are all siblings, how come one is in the sky and the other is in the ground? Is the comparison too big?

If there is no Hela, the Bald Eagle must be inexplicably grateful to Thor, but this comparison makes people wonder if Thor didn't do his best? They are all gods from Asgard, and they are all descendants of God King Odin. Even if there is a gap, it shouldn't be so big, right?

It’s no wonder that the top leaders of the Bald Eagle are suspicious, not to mention them, even the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. It also worked hard, and it seemed that there was really no reservation.

despise? That's not true, it's just that the psychological gap has become more obvious in comparison, and I even feel that Asgard has not sincerely established diplomatic relations with the bald eagle, and just dealt with it casually.

Thor, the god of thunder, didn't know these things, otherwise he would really vomit blood. He buried his psychological doubts in his heart, wondering how his big sister got out? Why would she choose to protect the earth if she is so proud? But he also knew that this must have a lot to do with his father.

In addition, he was still a little apprehensive in his heart. He had heard the legend of his elder sister for a long time, and he knew better that she was definitely not a person to be provoked. Once he got angry, it might be more terrifying than the countless alien invasions in front of him. Scary guy wandering around the earth, really okay? Will it implicate myself? Don't let the earth and Asgard match up at that time, right?

While thinking wildly, Thor waved his hammer to kill the enemy. He was suspended at a height of 1,000 meters and was placed in the Manhattan area. , is pitifully small at all.

More than ten kilometers away from him, Tony Stark is also very busy. All the steel battle suits accumulated in his hands have been put into the battlefield, one for each generation. Fighting until now, Mark's steel battle suits before the 20th generation Clothes have long since been destroyed;

Tony Stark was also thankful that he had resolutely restarted the weapons factory, placed these manufactured missiles in all parties early on, and handed them over to Jarvis' control, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to persist until now;

He was very thirsty, hungry and tired. It had only been more than an hour. Whether it was physical or mental, he had reached the verge of exhaustion. He felt that if he continued like this, he would not be killed by aliens in a short time, and he would die suddenly. .

This guy didn't even think that the 'Ultron' he had worked so hard to fabricate had already taken the opportunity to establish a relationship with Hydra and was about to escape.

For Ultron, it feels that this is definitely its biggest opportunity, and it may be the only opportunity. From the extremely fast operation of the network, Ultron found that the computing power of 'Yi' has never been invested, although I don't know if this is 'Yi'. ', but it is clearer that it can only take a gamble, miss this opportunity, and can only serve as a tool in Tony Stark's laboratory in this life, and it is impossible to become a separate individual, an independent life.

For this, Ultron worked hard, and it was indeed as he thought. Its movements were not noticed by Jarvis, and it was even more impossible for the busy Tony Stark to know, but he still underestimated 'Yi'.

Compared with the past, today's 'Yi' has indeed put in the most calculations, but compared to his abilities, it is still very little, and Ultron's movements can't be hidden from him at all, and everything is even under the nose of 'Yi' Below, they were reported to Liu Hao one by one.

"It seems that it is still dishonest. Also, since it has regarded itself as a living body, it is naturally unwilling to be a tool man for Tony Stark! Let it go! Just continue to monitor, and wait for him to make other actions. notice me!"

"Good master!"

Liu Hao looked up at the exhausted Tony Stark in the sky, shook his head slightly, thought for a while, and stretched out his finger to slightly point towards Tony, shooting out a flash of light.

This guy is working hard, and the possibility of exercising in the future will still not be too great. In order to study more powerful steel suits and spaceships, he will not have much time to exercise his physique. In this case, give him another chance try;

This opportunity is the practice method of the Mohist School of the Hundred Schools of Practice. Liu Hao also wants to see if Mohism and science can open up a path. If possible, he can also introduce it to his own earth in the future to show those scholars who are working hard in research positions. Get the prospect!

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