Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and seventy-four. The Forbearance of the Small Book


Tony Stark, who was flying around in the sky to put out fires, was already exhausted, and even felt that he might not be able to stand up today, and that he would be killed by aliens at any time because of a momentary trance;

Is it sad? Maybe there are, but there is still no time to think about it. The Thanos Vanguard has dropped too many alien umbrella bags in New York City, which can be said to be the densest area in the entire Marvel Earth;

Who let New York City still have space gems? In addition, the soul gem brought by the former Fan Luoji is also in a secret storage room of SHIELD in New York City;

These are the real targets of Thanos. Although we know that most of these cannon fodders are difficult to locate, we still have to hide them.

It is also because of this that almost half of the alien army in New York City and its surrounding areas has flocked here, which has brought great pressure to the bald eagle. For many hours, there was almost no pause. The weapons in the steel suit had long been exhausted, and now it was all relying on hand-to-hand combat, and it was impossible to last for a long time.

At this moment, the spiritual light emitted by Liu Hao entered Tony Stark's body like sweet rain, nourishing his already exhausted body, and he became alive almost instantly, feeling better than ever before, as if he This body of 30 or 40 years suddenly returned to that of a young man, unconsciously reminded of those cover girls.

As smart as him, how could he not know that there are noble people to help? Whoever it is, you don’t need to think too much to lock it in. Besides, there are a lot of information flashing in your mind, even if you don’t have time to digest it, you can understand that this is a method of cultivation, using your own knowledge as a carrier to achieve the goal of self-evolution .

From a scientific point of view, Tony Stark clarified the logic of practice almost instantly, but he also knew that this is not the time for research, and these ruthless and endless aliens in front of him are the main contradiction.

In fact, as a Marvel superhero, Tony Stark once had a bit of resentment towards Liu Hao, complaining why Liu Hao didn't take action to protect the earth, but after all, he is also a knowledgeable person, and he soon figured it out reason;

He knew that the loss of Marvel Earth this time would be huge, but if the flowers in the greenhouse did not go through the wind and rain, they would never grow up;

It's as if he had created the weak artificial intelligence Jarvis a long time ago. With Jarvis's strength, once a virus appears on the Internet, he will be able to kill it immediately, but is it really good?

At least other individuals and collective organizations will lose their vigilance against computer viruses under the protection of Jarvis. If things go on like this, perhaps one day the entire earth will forget the concept of computer viruses.

When a virus that even Jarvis can't handle appears one day, the disaster it will bring will be of a completely destructive nature;

Tony Stark is definitely a character who is confident to the bone, but it can be calculated that he does not think that he can fight against the collection of all human wisdom by himself. He is not so arrogant.

Because of this, he somewhat understands why Liu Hao sits cross-legged and watches. He also understands that in Liu Hao's eyes, such an alien invasion is no different from an ant fight. It's up to you.

During this period of time, Tony Stark spent a lot of time studying the Dragon Kingdom civilization, comparing the essential differences between the two civilizations, and his thinking has also undergone a great change;

The former Tony Stark, as a top scientist, did not believe in God, but he was still in awe and regarded it as part of his spiritual sustenance;

now what? After studying the myths and legends in the Dragon Kingdom civilization, Tony Stark became more skeptical about God. He once thought of God as a visitor from other planetary civilizations. The fundamental purpose was not to teach humans on Earth, but more to slave harvesting;

Because the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom told Tony Stark that there is an essential difference in facing disasters, not to rely on some god, but to inspire resistance from the bone marrow! It's not to fight for a ticket for Noah's Ark, but to dredge the waterway like Dayu, so as to truly save the people, and to implant the concept of man's victory over nature into the genes of the human race.

These two comparisons made Tony Stark better understand the reason why Liu Hao didn't make a move, because he knew that if Liu Hao made a move this time to help the earth stop the aliens, there would be a strong emotion in the hearts of the people on earth. The sense of dependence will no longer be prepared for danger in times of peace, and no longer will all resources be invested in the development of itself. If this continues, there will only be infighting in the future and the real destruction of the entire earth civilization.

The Dragon Kingdom mythology professor told him that facing those seemingly irresistible gods, gods and demons, the only way is not to crawl to the ground, not to escape and beg for mercy, and to face them directly is the only way. Only this kind of civilization can truly stand firm, even in the After falling to the bottom for a certain period of time, there will inevitably be a time to return to the peak, and the new peak will only become stronger and stronger.

It is impossible for Liu Hao to know about the change of Tony Stark's mentality, and he is not the kind of voyeur, but judging from Tony Stark's behavior, Liu Hao still has some guesses, for example, hiding the truth from the bald eagle Black Palace, through the small book black market established by Orochimaru, has made many transactions with Longguo for many scientific researches. This idea of ​​common development is worthy of recognition, and some encouragement is also necessary.

It is also for this reason that Liu Hao gave Tony Stark this opportunity. He not only had the idea of ​​experimenting, but also a great affirmation of the other party.

Regardless of whether the future can be realized or not, let’s just talk about the present, and the battle in New York City has just begun;

The bald eagle fired countless missiles, which also caused great damage to the alien parachute, but it still couldn't stop more and more aliens from landing on the earth, especially around New York City, that is, the surrounding areas of New York City The number of extraordinary humans is the largest, otherwise the current New York City would have been flattened.

Wanting to cry without tears is not enough to describe the current Bald Eagle Black Palace. The last time the number of military deaths announced to the public exceeded 300,000, it is likely to be more than 500,000. What about this time? It will only get worse. The data fed back to the Black Palace bunker has climbed to 500,000, and this is just the beginning.

The bald eagle is really miserable this time. They thought that the aliens this time are still the same civilization as the Cherytas last time, but in fact they are not at all. Whether it is the incoming fighter plane or the umbrella bag, the speed is not the same as the last time. The slow-moving things of the tower people are fast, precise and ruthless, and weapons with large-scale lethality are also everywhere.

Facing such an opponent, the Bald Eagle was stunned in the first round. The number of soldiers in the temporary military base they established was too dense, even though there were many defenses, they were still broken by aliens;

One death is a regiment, and even the whole division-level unit is wiped out. It directly scares the Bald Eagle Black Palace and the Hexagonal Building to the point of peeing their pants. It is said that no fewer than ten generals have committed suicide for this. No one can imagine They lived to face the accusations from the families of the soldiers after the war, and they simply settled the matter.

The only thing that makes them fortunate is that the aliens did not drop these super weapons on major cities. Perhaps in their eyes, the threat is the first target that needs to be eliminated. Once these threats are eliminated, these weapons will be dropped on major cities next. Is it the city?

The more Bald Eagle Hei Gong thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible, and the more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes;

They are experts, and they have tried this countless times in the Middle East.

At the beginning, it seized air supremacy, then fixed-point bombing threatened the target, and then it was carpet bombing to destroy the will to resist.

This is basically a copied version of the bald eagle's three axes in the Middle East.

Don't these alien invasion forces in front of us do the same? In the sky, there are not many bald eagles' own fighter jets left, otherwise there would be no such large-scale airdrop of troops, which means that the bald eagle's air supremacy is almost lost, and the entire sky of the bald eagle can only be allowed to invade by aliens The team flies and bombs wherever it wants to bomb;

The second version of the ax has been hacked down, so I don’t know how many threat points have been marked by aliens in the Bald Eagle territory, and how many Bald Eagle military facilities and troops will be lost in the future;

If these military facilities and troops are lost, the real bald eagle will not have much resistance, and can only let the aliens carry out devastating attacks on major cities, and then destroy the inner resistance of the entire bald eagle people. At that time, there was almost no difference between the Bald Eagles and Iraq in the Middle East that they attacked.

Thinking of this, all the high-level bald eagles hiding in the cellar trembled, their faces were pale, and there was endless fear in their eyes. They failed to issue the next order for a long time, and even caused the bald eagles to fight outside. The army added new losses.

Liu Hao, who has been paying attention, knows this well, and understands that the bald eagle will probably not be able to escape this time. Once the military power that has lasted for hundreds of years is completely destroyed, even if there is no loss of research materials and production factories, he wants to It will not take a few years to rearm to the original peak;

This means that in the next ten years, the bald eagle will lose its status as the superpower of Marvel Earth;

After the war, the bald eagle unearthed the buried nuclear bombs in the potholes before it could stand up weakly.

But so what? The pattern of countries on Marvel Earth will undergo tremendous changes. The arrival of a diversified world is in line with Liu Hao's thoughts. After all, it is still a world dominated by Western civilization. It is better for Dragon Kingdom to keep a low profile for the time being.

The bald eagle lost the most, and the next biggest loss was Australia. Whoever let the sunlight cover the essence of eastern Australia during the day naturally made them suffer from alien attacks;

Compared with the bald eagles, the Australian bandits are even more pitiful. They don't have many military facilities, and even their own are even rarer. The military facilities and troops located in their territory were destroyed by aliens in the first wave. After it was wiped out, any poor power it had was also annihilated by the fly ash, and then there were various prominent landmarks, such as the Sydney Opera House and its like, which are now in ruins.

From the military force to the attack of civilians, the pants of the Australian bandits were directly wet;

On the contrary, the South American countries, because of Hela's timely appearance, allowed them to survive, and the loss was almost negligible. What's more, Hela replaced Ye Hehua in one fell swoop and became the real goddess.

The earth is turning, and the sun has been spreading towards the east. Such a magnificent war in the western hemisphere is naturally known to the Eurasian continent in the eastern hemisphere. The old Europe is lucky to have escaped, and it also exploded with prehistoric power to actively prepare for the upcoming war;

And Asia, which will soon be its turn, is even busier at this time;

Wanwan Island is also facing the situation of Liu Hao's previous life in Marvel. In the past, all kinds of wrangling were going on all the time, but today, these voices have completely disappeared. Countless fighter jets from the Dragon Kingdom forcibly landed on the island's major airports. One hundred thousand troops took over all the military bases in the islands, and countless warships and fleets transported the missiles produced by the Dragon Kingdom and placed them in various locations;

Those separatists who shouted the loudest before greeted them only with guns, and then they were served with bullets of a few millimeters.

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom will not say any kind words to you. The sun is spreading from the Pacific Ocean, and the first thing to bear the brunt is Wanwan Island. It will also be the forefront of the Dragon Kingdom's resistance to alien invasion. The pressure facing the Dragon Kingdom will be unprecedented, who dares to bet? How can you care about so many bibi things?

Not only on Wanwan Island, but also in the country of Xiaobenzi, many dragon troops also appeared in the military base originally occupied by bald eagles. The bald eagles themselves are almost destroyed.

The empty military base happened to be used by the Dragon Kingdom, and the Little Book Kingdom had every bad idea about it, and it was almost a welcome with drums and drums. For this reason, they even demolished their own toilets urgently, lest they let the The army of Shangguo had other bad thoughts in their minds.

If the enemy can be kept out of the country, the aliens' loss to the Dragon Kingdom can be minimized. This is the truth that everyone knows, but it is not easy to make such a decisive plan, and I have to admire the Dragon Kingdom. The resoluteness of the high-level, it is said that these troops did not say hello to Xiaobenzi before they set off from Xiaobenzi country. They did not give a notice until they arrived in the sea area of ​​​​Benzi. Strong, I can't tolerate your objection.

The senior management of the small book is also full of dog nature. When the bald eagle garrison left, their sense of security was completely lost. When the dragon squad came, how could they refuse, even if they knew that it was easy to ask God to send God away? In the future, those military bases that originally belonged to the Bald Eagle will inevitably fall into the hands of the Dragon Kingdom!

so what! Let's pass this level first before talking about other things.

Can't make it through, where is the existence of the country?

How can the high-level executives of these small books not understand? In terms of forbearance, Xiaobenzi is definitely a professional! \u003c/div\u003e

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