Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seventy-five. Compared


What is the most precious resource in the world? Liu Hao can tell you very clearly: Population!

This is true of any world!

Just like in Liu Hao's own earth, when the monsters rose, the Dragon Kingdom relied on an army of tens of millions to forcibly resist the impact of the beast tide and ensure that the Dragon Kingdom did not collapse. Don't choose to argue with the Dragon Kingdom, no longer fight to the death, and form a tacit understanding of the middle and lower classes, continuing the current stable situation, making the Dragon Kingdom alone on the entire earth stable and prosperous, thriving.

Similarly, because of the population of more than one billion, even if there is one top-notch out of a population of 100 million, there can still be more than a dozen masters sitting in charge, distributing it in all directions, forming an airtight defense line.

In almost the same land area, the population of bald eagles at that time was no more than 300 million, and the number of outstanding people in proportion was only about three people, which made it impossible for them to ensure the deterrence of every beast tide. Corruption is unavoidable, if one step is not in place, then there will be no precedent step by step, and the decline of national power will become inevitable.

Maybe you think that in the early days of monsters, guns and ammunition have obvious effects, but this statement is not correct at all.

Ordinary beasts, if you are accurate with your marksmanship, you can take them down with one shot, but among the ordinary beasts, those with rough skin and thick flesh, such as wild boars, when you face a big wild boar with a small-caliber pistol, you can kill them with one shot. After the shot, they have already rushed in front of you and kicked you up violently, and your shot, if it didn't directly hit the fatal point, would not have much effect at all.

Even if the beasts are like this, how can the monsters on the path of evolution be simple?

Both the defense and the speed of action of monsters have been greatly improved, even for monsters that have just entered the first level. For first-level monsters, you have no large-caliber guns to target them, and there is no possibility of breaking the defense at all;

When a monster clan, that is, a high-level monster, appears among the monsters, the actions of the entire group already have wisdom. Beasts are basically the target of their protection. Usually, when a wave of beasts breaks out, monsters from the third rank and above are basically involved;

As for monsters above Tier 3, the effect of large-caliber heavy machine gun bullets on them is already very low. For those with rough skin and thick flesh, the bullets will be embedded in the skin at most, and can hardly cause any damage. ;

In the face of such a beast tide, the best way to heat up weapons is to wash the ground with shells, but how much can a country have in store for shells? With hundreds of millions of monsters attacking, it is already very impressive if you can withstand one round. In the entire earth, only the Dragon Kingdom, the Bald Eagle and the Polar Bear are the three countries that can waste so much.

Then after that, it can only be hand-to-hand combat. Relying on the defense line and relying on the large population to fight each other is the only way out.

When the Dragon Kingdom lost 10 million soldiers, it was heartbreaking, whether it was a bald eagle or a polar bear, almost all the troops had been wiped out;

The second wave of beasts can only be organized by the common people, but the common people are only common people after all, how can their willpower be compared with the army? When 20% of the war damage occurred, the mentality of the people's army had collapsed on a large scale, and those in power just saw through the deep meaning, so how could they dare to do this?

The only way is to shrink the front line and ensure a limited layout area. Those places of retreat can only be occupied by monsters, and there is little possibility of getting it back.

Old Europe is a typical example. Although it is called an alliance, is it actually not independent? It itself is not much different from a semi-colonial country, and there are not many soldiers at all. When the beast tide comes, except for a few populous towns, almost all other areas are occupied by monsters;

For example, after the first wave of beasts, the only remaining cities were Paris, Marseille, and Bordeaux, but after the second and third waves of beasts, only Paris could survive, and the population of the entire Gallic chicken was lost. For the most part, it has almost become an isolated island country, and it is only now that there is a slight relief. This is because after the overall increase in the population of monks in Paris, there have been masters who can guard their own territory;

The emergence of masters is still due to the large population, which stands out according to the proportion. The Gallic chicken can do this, but it does not mean that other countries can. Surprised, if one day you hear the news of their country's cancellation, you will not be surprised at all.

This is the normal state. Compared with the old Europe, the populous Three Kingdoms are living well. Now they are divided into more than ten autonomous states, most of which have joined the Yaozu and become believers raised by the Yaozu. how?

Compared with the old Europe, the Three Kingdoms of Azerbaijan are still happy. In the south of the Three Kingdoms, there are still more than 200 million people standing firm on their banner, and these populations can only be compared with the sum of all the countries in Western Europe.

It also represents the future, and the three countries in Azerbaijan are much more promising than the old European countries;

That's the benefit of population!

This point of view is also valid for Marvel Earth.

As the earth rotates, the area illuminated by the sun gradually expands to the west, and it will be laid in East Asia in a few hours. Liu Hao's attention has also begun to shift. He doesn't want the Dragon Kingdom to suffer too much loss in the battle of Thanos' vanguard. Otherwise, the rise of monsters will become a huge problem after Marvel Earth's aura recovers and erupts.

Liu Hao also knows that Marvel Earth is unique, and there are a lot of supernatural beings and mutants. When calculated, the foundation will be much stronger. This also means that Marvel Earth will not lack high-end combat power to deter the problem in the future, even if monsters rise and the world collapses. most likely will not happen;

Of course, this must be based on the fact that Thanos didn't snap his fingers, otherwise half of the population would die, and the disaster would be absolutely terrifying. It might not be impossible for the entire Marvel world to be occupied by monsters.

The bald eagle, Liu Hao did not make a move, but it does not mean that Liu Hao did not leave a hole card in the Dragon Kingdom;

Long before the Thanos army appeared, Liu Hao threw his own weapon, the Tiger Soul Knife, in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. Although most of the breath was sealed by Liu Hao, a little leaked breath was enough to make the invading foreigners A sense of fear arises in the minds of the stars;

This sense of fear must also make them dare not step into the Dragon Kingdom continent easily, or in other words, dare not go there in large-scale gatherings. As long as it is not a large-scale army attack, Liu Hao believes that the Dragon Kingdom will not worry;

What's more, in the sea area of ​​East Asia, the Dragon Kingdom has set up two major battlefields in Xiaobenzi Kingdom and Wanwan Island. The conflict between the two battlefields is enough to attract those aliens who want to enter the Dragon Kingdom.

This is equivalent to demarcating the battlefield. In addition, with the barrier of the Dragon Kingdom, it will also be excellent news for the countries in the west of the Dragon Kingdom. At least there will be no problems in the Dragon Kingdom, and their country can be regarded as preserved. .

However, it also means that Australia and Southeast Asia can be spared. Once Southeast Asia is washed away, the three countries in South Asia, Afghanistan, and even the Middle East will still face the scourge of aliens;

Liu Hao feels that Thanos's army can only attack here. Karma Taj's magicians are already ready to move. The newly appointed supreme mage Doctor Strange is no better than the ancient one. This time is also the period when his sense of justice is bursting. , Thinking that you can exchange for world peace with your own strength, it is already the limit to be able to endure until that point in time.

In fact, Liu Hao still overestimated Doctor Strange. When the sun appeared in East Asia and alien warplanes appeared in the sky above Xiangjiang, Kama Taj couldn't bear it anymore, and a large team of magicians walked out of Xiangjiang Temple , began to participate in the resistance of the alien invasion in an orderly manner, which greatly eased the pressure on the South Asian region.

For Thanos, the appearance of Doctor Strange is good news. He saw the time gem hanging on Dr. Strange's neck through the camera, and almost laughed out loud, and never targeted these pioneers again. After issuing an order, he began to sit on the Diaoyutai and watch the big show, but the camera was locked on Doctor Strange from afar. Through the video, he evaluated the combat effectiveness of the new supreme mage of the earth.

Compared to Ancient One, Doctor Strange can only be regarded as a bigger ant. With Ancient One, Thanos dare not come at all, but once Ancient One leaves, Thanos has no scruples at all. In other words, Doctor Strange's combat power is basically Not being looked down upon by Thanos.

After watching it for a while, Thanos also lost interest in his heart, and instead locked the camera on Hela far away in South America;

"Odin's daughter, God of Death, Hela! Compared with Odin, she is still far behind!"

Thanos muttered to himself, but there was still a trace of scruples in his voice, but he didn't notice that among the crowd nearby and watching the battle together, the expression on Loki's face with low eyebrows was very strange.

Unlike Thanos, Loki knows Asgard too well, and Hela escaped from the seal, but in Loki's view, the first thought is definitely to conquer Asgard, not to help the earth Protecting the human race, this is not in line with Loki's personality design for Hela;

In other words, the reason why Hela did this was definitely for a reason, and it was definitely not done willingly and happily. Then, it means that someone gave orders to Hela behind, or forced Hela to take action?

But no matter who it is, this person behind the scenes is definitely not easy to mess with. Since he can intimidate Hela, at least his strength is comparable to that of his cheap daddy.

Does this mean that the legendary "Twilight of the Gods" has not yet come?

A thought flashed through Loki's mind. He felt that his cheap daddy was probably still alive and well. Maybe his big sister was forced to play by his cheap daddy Odin to perform for the audience. What Thanos saw, if this is the case, does it mean that the earth will be a huge pit? In order to trick Thanos into the big pit of the earth?

The more he thought about it, the more Loki felt that his idea was very correct. Of course, he didn't have the slightest intention to tell Thanos. For him, the more chaos was the better choice, and Loki couldn't do anything better than fishing in troubled waters.

It is absolutely impossible for Loki and Thanos to be in the same mind. Even Thanos is equally clear about this, but Thanos is a hero, and he doesn't care at all about the other ambitions of his subordinates, as long as it can be used by him. Furthermore, Loki is nothing in the eyes of Thanos, let alone crushed to death, but it is not much worse.

Loki doesn't have much ambition for the six gems, but after using the mind gem, Loki has never forgotten the mind gem. Loki, who has the title of God of Deceit, feels that the mind gem fits him perfectly.

Loki thinks it's a good thing for his cheap father to dig a pit to bury Thanos. As long as they fight to the death, it won't hinder him from stealing the Soul Gem. After he succeeds, is it up to him whether to stay or go?

Not to mention that Thanos and his gang have different minds, let alone that within the Marvel Earth, the flames of war have spread to Asia, and the high-end combat power of the Dragon Kingdom has been revealed to the world for the first time. Gained a great reputation.

The Dragon Kingdom is no different than the Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle fears the rise of mutants, but the Dragon Kingdom never worries about this.

With the super assimilation ability of Yanhuang civilization, there is no need to worry about the loss of control of super power. On the contrary, these super power population will only strengthen the strength of institutions such as the Shenspear Bureau, and help the Dragon Kingdom to stabilize its homeland security.

This is why there is no such villain as Magneto in Dragon Kingdom.

How come there is a saying:

"When you shout a certain slogan the loudest, it is often the time you lack it the most!"

For example, the various slogans in the past in the countryside: "Give fewer children and grow more trees"; it shows that the families in Longguo at that time wanted to have more children, but did not want to plant trees.

This sentence is also valid in Western countries such as Bald Eagles. The so-called freedom means that they often lack freedom in their bones. The so-called racial discrimination means that their racial discrimination cannot be eradicated.

When Marvel Earth is chanting that the mutants are terrible, it is when the horror falls on the mutants.

This point has never happened in the Dragon Kingdom, and it also means that the mutants in the Dragon Kingdom are nothing special at all. Maybe he will enthroned you, but he will never use it to persecute you. This is similar to racial discrimination.

Because of this, when the country needs them, these mutants will stand up and face the invasion of aliens. In their bones, they never think that their status as mutants will break away from the ranks of descendants of the Yellow Emperor, and they are nothing more than a step ahead.

On the contrary, in New York City at this time, there are still many mutants pretending to be grandchildren, hiding among the refugees and not daring to show their faces. They have no trust in the Bald Eagle ruling class at all. They understand that once they come out today, they will never go back. Ordinary days.

Only those mutants who have been exposed for a long time will go all out to fight the aliens, but they are also not to protect this country, let alone to protect those ordinary people;

The Bald Eagle Black Palace has isolated them from ordinary people, making them no longer regard themselves as part of human beings in their hearts, and there is no concept of protecting the people and the country at all.

The reason for the action is more to win sympathy, and to protect the people is also for others to see, which is no different from those politicians who win votes from voters.

Especially the mutant brotherhood organization of the Magneto component, if you focus on them a little bit, you can see the purpose, where there are many people, they will appear there, while resisting aliens, they are still acting crazily , It's just that those who know these, seeing that they have contributed, don't bother to uncover their purpose.

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