Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seventy-seven. The impact of the fantasy department

1077. The Impact of the Fantasy System

?There are quite a few mutants in Marvel Earth, but this is the evolution of human body parts caused by genetic mutations. In other words, mutants can only be born, and the genetic mutations in their bodies are naturally present. Wait until a certain point in time Maturity, or in other words, when the genes in the body have accumulated to a certain stage, they will mature and give birth to mutants;

From another point of view, it is impossible for mutants to be acquired. Liu Hao remembered that there was a plot in X-Men that Magneto wanted to induce genes of ordinary people through a certain scientific method, causing their mutations. But in fact it failed and failed to take shape, but this is a good thing;

Because the genetic map is not that simple, how can it be so easy to find a gene mutation inducer common to all human beings?

If a single individual is reasonable, but the whole is impossible, the only consequence is that the genes in these people's bodies collapse, and they will die on the spot.

For ordinary people, this road is simply impossible, and the sensational effect caused by the emergence of magic can be imagined.

Originally, based on Liu Hao's idea, Doctor Strange would be cautious about the spread of magic, which means that magic will still be controlled by Kama Taj for a long time to come;

However, Liu Hao was somewhat astonished by the wisdom of the masses;

When the magic spread on the Internet for the second hour, 'Yi' sent a video to Liu Hao;

In the video, a fat man about fifteen or sixteen years old has an ecstatic expression, but his tone is serious, describing how to become a magician;

This second-year boy's fantasy ability is absolutely top-notch. He only put the word "meditation" in the magic into action, and that's all, but he really made it happen!

Through the video, Liu Hao's spiritual sense quickly locked on the position of the little fat man in the territory of Longguo, and he sensed an extremely weak spiritual power and magic power from him, which shocked the little fat man's magical talent, which is unheard of .

He simply calmed down, relaxed his mind, sensed the existence of magic elements in the air in a state similar to meditation, tried to capture these magic elements, and succeeded after a few times, although each time only It can capture seven or eight small light spots, but getting started is getting started, this is a fact that no one can deny.

Liu Hao came to a conclusion by observing the other party, even if the little fat man did not get the magic knowledge spread by Kama Taj in the future, he could still step into the magician path through his own method;

At the beginning, this little fat man's mental strength was still low, and he could catch seven or eight light spots at a time, but this kind of action was also training his own mental strength. As time went by,

When his mental strength improves, the number of magical light spots he captures will gradually increase in the future. When he reaches a certain critical point, it can be said that he has created a meditation technique himself!

Although this kind of meditation technique is extremely rough, it is even useless for ordinary people to hold it in their hands, but he himself is an exception. Who made this little fat man have an unusual affinity for magic elements? It's simply a one-in-a-billion super talent!

The little fat man thought that everyone was like him, so he chose to share in ecstasy, but in fact he got cursed. Not everyone has this transcendent affinity for magic elements. If we say that the affinity for magic elements of ordinary people is 30- Between 50 and 50, the little fat man's magic element affinity has a value of more than 200, while the full score of humans is only 100.

From this point of view, the little fat man is simply a heavenly being, almost comparable to an elf.

Such a talent, it's a pity to waste it, and the other party is still from the Dragon Kingdom, so there is no reason to let it go.

But Liu Hao also hesitated, not because he chose to let it go, but because he had already handed over the spread of magic to Gu Yi, and now he has been replaced by Doctor Strange, so it is natural not to slip up;

After thinking about it, Liu Hao laughed again. There was no need for him to overwhelm him. Since the little fat man could find a simple method that suits him in more than an hour, given him time, he would naturally be able to form a magic introduction that suits him. ;

And if this is the case, it is more suitable for him than the meditation he taught. What he has to do is to keep his attention on the other party all the time, prevent this little fat man from going astray, and don't let him make himself crazy.

But Liu Hao still underestimated the enthusiasm of the people all over the world. Since the release of the video of the little fat man, there have been countless scolders, but there are also countless followers. Among them, more than 99% of the population are useless at all, and their legs are still numb. as ever;

Although there are always some highly talented people, although they are not as easy to sink into tranquility as the little fat man, once they succeed, they can sense the existence of magic elements, and these people immediately confirmed the authenticity of the little fat man's video speech;

Perhaps it will take a long time for them to capture the magical elements into their bodies, but they don't care. Since the first step is feasible, it proves that the second step is already correct. If so, what is there to be afraid of? ?

It's just a matter of time. They can afford to wait. It's better than waiting dryly for those magicians to spread magic knowledge, right?

In terms of magic, the talent is superior to others, and now he is one step ahead. Even when Kama Taj is spreading magic on Marvel Earth, so what if these people still fail to get started? Through their efforts, their spiritual strength has been tempered a lot, and the distance between them and ordinary people has become greater, and it will become inevitable to stand out in the future.

In the future, these people will definitely become the strongest, even the strongest among the magicians of Marvel Earth, just like this little fat man, with the same technique, others can meditate for the first time after three days of entry, and he can almost enter in seconds;

When others managed to capture the magical elements into their bodies, this little fat man might have already broken through the ranks one after another, which is totally different.

This is the crushing of talents, not to mention that people have already started preparations early, and expanding this advantage again will only drive others to despair in the future.

Of course, this is something to be said for the time being. At present, many people in Long Country have tried to find out the possibility through the video of the little fat man. After a while, this possibility will be spread to the ears of the special organization of Long Country. At that time, it was inevitable for the little fat man to be incorporated. This is also an excellent thing for the little fat man. With the support of the country, there is an essential difference between resources and self-exploration. At that time, there may be a special team to come Served him.

Marvel is a world dominated by technology. Even if the top leaders of various countries still know the existence of the fantasy system, they have contacted and even researched it through various methods, but so far, they still have little or no gain at all;

The harvest here is that it is impossible to introduce the model of the fantasy system into human beings, which also means that it is impossible to form a path for the collective evolution of human beings. Now that the magic is released, the enthusiasm of the people is high. Isn't it the same for the top leaders of various countries?

Xiangjiang, Dragon Kingdom immediately dispatched experts to contact;

In New York City, the bald eagle rushed under the hail of alien bullets in order to reach an agreement with the other party before other countries contacted the magician;

It's a pity that they are doomed to fail this operation. Doctor Strange doesn't think this is the time to spread the magic, and those aliens are still flying overhead. How can I have the mood to discuss this with you?

Although Longguo was full of enthusiasm, he also thought of this before setting off. Going to Xiangjiang is just a greeting and recognition, which is also in line with the communication mode of Longguo people;

But the bald eagles don't think so. In their eyes, there is nothing that cannot be traded. This is also doomed for them to close their doors. That is to say, Doctor Strange still belongs to the population of bald eagles. Otherwise, they will probably fight today. , I don’t care if you are a superpower or not, but I won’t accept your arrogance.

Tired of listening, a vortex teleportation will transport you to the desert area, and you will continue to compete against the yellow sand in the sky.

The mentality of the bald eagle is very interesting. Most of the domestic military bases have been overturned by aliens. Those remaining military forces can still fight against any country, but they can only fight against it. The world garrison has no possibility at all.

Weapons can be produced, but soldiers cannot be replenished in a short while after they die. After defeating the aliens, can the bald eagle recruit soldiers like before? Regardless of whether the bald eagle's national music is willing to be cannon fodder, the money spent in it is simply not something that today's bald eagle can afford.

The U.S. dollar is no longer the only international currency in Marvel, and after this war, whether it can even continue to maintain the share of international currencies has become a problem, which means that the Bald Eagle's national strength has declined significantly.

The top management of the Bald Eagle is not a fool, can you not understand?

But it is one thing to be clear, and it is another thing to be willing to admit it. The more they want to maintain their inner arrogance at this time, they wish that the whole world would know this arrogance and put it on their faces. became the mainstream;

The guys who finally crossed the line of fire and arrived in front of the magician team just now have such a way of thinking. The magicians of Kama Taj will not be used to it. It is already very embarrassing to Doctor Strange without teleporting them to the sea. .

The bald eagle is not the only country that has come into contact with this group of magicians. None of the institutions stationed in New York City are willing to miss it, but there are very few who can pass through the line of fire. Most of them turn into ashes on the way. Even if they could walk nearby, they would be teleported away again before they could open their mouths. The exact location was simply random.

Compared with the ancient one, Doctor Strange's prestige in Karma Taj is pitifully small. If there is no other kind of magic passed down by Liu Hao, Doctor Strange is also the most powerful one;

But now? The old king in the Karma Taj library is not much different from Doctor Strange. Without the help of the time gem, it is unlikely that Doctor Strange wants to suppress the old king. Otherwise, with Doctor Strange's strength, it would have been a mess long ago.

But this does not mean that these magicians have no temper. They were unwilling to have too much contact with the outside world. Doctor Strange gave them another order, so naturally he did not have the intention to receive them well. Besides, there are so many aliens in New York City, these people Don't think about how to resist the alien invasion, but everyone thinks about this franchise, it's strange to give a good face.

With this defeat, all countries have calmed down, and New York City has once again returned to fierce confrontation'

Maybe Karma Taj's magic system is not easy to get started, but once you get used to it, it also has extraordinary effects. Among them, the mirror space is the most praised by Liu Hao. This kind of magic method can save people in the battlefield. It can be said to have extraordinary effects;

It's a pity that they are not the ancient one after all, and the mirror image space they could have long ago is very limited. A large group of magicians can only cover half of New York City, but even so, most of the surviving people are isolated, and they are finally safe. up.

How many people will leave the troubled New Yorkers after this time?

It's not just the headache of the bald eagle. Liu Hao thinks that this amount is definitely not small. Compared with possible wealth, life is the most precious. If life is gone, what do you need money for?

No one can stand the attacks of aliens destroying the city again and again. Who can stand it from the half-family who survived last time to being alone now? Isn't it crazy? Should we wait for the aliens to come again for the third time? At that time, perhaps the whole family will perish.

Those who can work and survive in New York City, to a certain extent, can be regarded as the social elite of the bald eagle, the 20% of the population in the 28th law, the loss of these people, for the bald eagle, it is absolutely painful to the bone marrow;

The bald eagles don't dare to bet on whether the aliens will have a next time, this is beyond their control;

Dispersing the functions of New York City? Bald Eagle thought, but once dispersed, will New York City still be the New York City that dominated Marvel Earth in the past? Not to mention anything else, it is impossible to maintain the stock market status of a listed company that has almost integrated half of the world's wealth. This is really unacceptable to Bald Eagle.

For this, the Bald Eagle will still bite the bullet and continue to rebuild New York;

However, next time, the bald eagle will not dare to secretly suppress the expansion of Lafasheng, maybe at that time the bald eagle will encourage the spread of Lafasheng, because only in this way can Liu Haole protect a larger area , Only then can the stock market in New York City restart again.

This is the lesser of two phases, and it is a choice after no choice.

Liu Hao could understand this possibility after a little thought, but it was his turn to decide whether he would like it or not.

The expansion of La Flushing also means that the influence of Chinese Americans in New York City has doubled;

If you change the world, Liu Hao has no interest at all, but Marvel is dominated by Western civilization. If you want to gain more luck, it is more beneficial to take root in the land of the bald eagle. It is easy to understand how to decide!

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