Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seventy-eight. The arrival of ancient 1

1078、Ancient One Comes Across the Boundary

For Marvel Earth, what we see today is the biggest impact on human civilization in thousands of years.

I believe in the existence of gods, and I can become one of the gods through practice;

There are basically two concepts.

The former is faith, a kind of spiritual sustenance;

The latter is hope. For thousands of years, human beings have been extremely eager for their own evolution. Even if they know that they want to become a god, the chances are bound to be pitifully small, but so what? No one can resist this temptation, even if it takes all the effort.

This is the impact of the emergence of magic on human beings. Even if the alien invasion is in sight, they must stay in the back row.

Liu Hao checked the Internet for a long time, and smiled sassyly. The technology side still cannot be compared with the fantasy side. No matter how convenient the former is, so what? It's just convenient, but what about the latter? It is a possibility that the life span can be greatly improved. Do I need to say more about how to choose?

He has a feeling that Marvel Earth will soon enter the era of magic. Combined with technological means, the life of magic will be developed to the extreme, and modern magic towns may be promoted throughout Marvel Earth in a short time.

In the future, those farmers may all have a kind of magic, such as using soil magic to plow the ground, such as watering, using partial water magic, and so on.

Of course, this does not mean that the technology of Marvel Earth will be eliminated. On the contrary, Liu Hao believes that the technology of Marvel Earth will start to improve significantly. The interstellar era may take several years, and it may not be two years before it will open. .

Most of the science and technology on the earth is following the war, and the civilian use of military technology is often the biggest driving force for the development of science and technology;

Once magic prevails, military power will inevitably be transferred to the fantasy system, and will begin to develop towards individual combat power. All major countries will scramble to cultivate their own high-end combat power. At that time, one person can resist an aircraft carrier fleet, which also means that the aircraft carrier fleet is not as good as eliminated;

No one is willing to spend tens of billions to build a fleet that is likely to be destroyed by the enemy, and no one can afford to lose it.

However, it is impossible to let the existing technology be left alone, so a breakthrough must be found for them, and interstellar navigation is the biggest one, and it may be the only one;

With the inclination of resources, the acceleration of the interstellar era is a foregone conclusion. Moreover, in this process, cooperation will also appear on a large scale. At any rate, aliens have come twice. Who knows when the third time will come?

No country dares to gamble,

Win-win cooperation is the only way out.

Seeing that the Thanos army is still rampant outside, there is no problem with the mirror space created by the magicians, it is nothing more than a matter of time;

Under the leadership of Liao Zhong and Natasha, Lafasheng's Guoshu Legion is still fighting vigorously, perhaps because of fighting, or perhaps because of helping Marvel Earth resist the invasion from other planets. The cloud has improved more or less, and breakthroughs abound.

Among them, the biggest improvement is still Natasha. As one of the protagonists of Marvel Earth, it is reasonable to be taken care of.

Stepping into Danjin, Natasha immediately felt the difference in herself, and her control over her own strength was improved. She felt that she could do it with as much strength as she wanted. After killing aliens a few times, Hit his vitals again, killing him with one punch, no more, no less;

These are just the basics. The biggest difference is that Natasha feels the flow of air around her body. When she alternates fists and feet, she can even guide the air flow around her body for her own use and increase her output;

This feeling is like having your own domain, although this domain is very small, only dangling about half a meter around your body, but compared with before, it feels like there is a sky and an underground;

Before, he could only rely on himself, but now, he has the idea that the world is under his control.

This kind of feeling, in the eyes of a monk like Liu Hao, would only sneer, but to Natasha and the others, it is definitely a sublimation of the soul, not to mention other things, the improvement of self-confidence is not comparable to other things of.

As soon as this feeling appeared, Natasha's expectations for the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts reached the top in no time. Just now, she was thinking about whether she would spare time to learn magic, but she also threw it all away at this moment.

Although Natasha doesn't have the concept of achieving the same goal by different routes, she already fully understands that as long as she persists, it is not impossible to step into the realm of the "immortal" in the oriental legend by relying on the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is no need to specialize in other things and waste so much energy for no reason. Besides, the appearance of magic does not mean that she can quickly obtain the cultivation method;

Natasha is no longer a direct descendant of S.H.I.E.L.D., in other words, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. obtained the magic cultivation technique, Natasha would have to pay more if she wanted to get it, and finally escaped from this big hole. Do I need to pay myself back?

She likes the current life, she practices in the Xingyi Martial Arts Hall on weekdays, and takes time to guide the newcomers in her spare time. She is almost a master sister in name, at least in the eyes of outsiders;

Don't underestimate the identity of the master sister of the Xingyi Martial Arts Gym. Liao Zhong, the curator, is now a New York State Assemblyman. Arbitrary? As the senior sister of Xingyi Martial Arts, she has no shortage of social status;

Besides, Natasha has already become Marvel Earth's 'Valkyrie' after more than a dozen fights in the arena. In terms of popularity, she is definitely the first-class, even the highest one, shining brighter than any star , under such a celebrity certification, if you really want to treat her, you must also consider the possible social shock.

It can be said that today Natasha has truly escaped from the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Bald Eagle and other agencies, and truly controls her own destiny in her own hands.

In addition, she is also the representative and benchmark of retirees set by S.H.I.E.L.D., and those agents who were born and died are watching. Once something happens to Natasha, what will those agents think?

For this reason, S.H.I.E.L.D. should take care of Natasha more, and not allow other forces to do anything to Natasha.

The national art of the Dragon Kingdom, the way of hundreds of schools, and magic; plus the ninjutsu spread by Orochimaru, it is enough for humans on Marvel Earth to choose. Moreover, Liu Hao also left the way of talismans for the Dragon Kingdom and sent the Hulk to the Dragon Kingdom. The country also means that the Buddhist skills have been passed down.

With so many choices, it is enough for humans on Marvel Earth to rise in the upcoming era of aura recovery.

How much, Liu Hao also knows that among these inheritances, magic is most likely to stand out in the future. He even wonders whether magic will become the mainstream of Marvel Earth in the future. Warcraft evolution?

If this is the case, it will be interesting, and it will be of great reference value for Liu Hao's research on world consciousness;

In the future, there will be templates for transforming other worlds. To teach different inheritances according to the backbone of different worlds will not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also intercept the luck of these worlds faster, and kill two birds with one stone. Take what you need with these worlds.

Outside the clinic, the war between the Thanos army and the countries of Marvel Earth has entered a stalemate, which also means that the biggest crisis of Marvel Earth has passed this time, and victory can be expected in home games. I'll take care of it later.

Liu Hao knows that the next time Thanos arrives, he won't be so grand and mighty, and more will only bring his own descendants, that is, those mid-to-high-end combat powers that Thanos can look up to. Not here to destroy Marvel Earth.

As the director of the Family Planning Commission, what Thanos wants to destroy is the population rather than the place of survival, and there is no need to bring hundreds of millions of cannon fodder.

The countries on Marvel Earth don’t know the date, but Liu Hao has figured it out in his mind. There are still about two years left. Going to Thanos will also need other Infinity Gems, and he will finally come to Marvel Earth to end.

After scanning around for the first time, Liu Hao lost his focus and stepped out to reach the peak of the Himalayas. Gu Yi was sitting here, overlooking Doctor Strange entangled with many aliens.

"It seems that you are still a little worried!"

"I have been in the position of supreme mage for hundreds of years, how can I just let go?"

"What you're worried about is the dark dimension below Karma Taj?"

"I can't hide it from you, once Domma finds out that I'm leaving, he will definitely cause a storm;"

"This is the catastrophe of your disciple. Although there are some bumps, it doesn't matter; you just leave a spiritual thought and meet him when he is confused. In the end, he still has to rely on himself!"

Gu Yi nodded slightly, stood up gently after a long time, glanced again, threw a piece of jade pendant into Kama Taj, and then followed Liu Hao to travel the space, when he appeared again, he was already in the Asgard world passage Location;

The two didn't stop, they directly stepped into the passage and entered Liu Hao's earth;

"Here, it seems to be the land of the bald eagle?"

"It's all the earth, but this earth is much vaster than your world. It connects all the heavens and worlds. In the future, this planet will definitely not be peaceful!"

"Those are the demon race?"

Gu Yiyao pointed to a mountain range at the end of his eyes. The mountain range can only be regarded as a small hill on Liu Hao's Earth, but on Marvel Earth, it has already surpassed the highest peak of the Himalayas;

The mountain range is more than a hundred kilometers away from here, and there are many monsters in it. However, high-level monsters are very rare, and most of them are training places in the cities around the bald eagle. Liu Hao can tell at a glance that for this experience In the field, the bald eagle must have spent a lot of energy, at least the high-level monks walked through it several times;

"Those are also considered monster races, but they can only be regarded as low-level!"

Liu Hao replied casually, and then took Gu Yi directly to the highest peak of the mountain range, looking down at the four directions, which can be regarded as satisfying Gu Yi's curiosity.

"If such a monster race enters my world, human beings will be in big trouble!"

"Beasts are evolving, why not human beings? The world is not benevolent and treats all things as dogs. They are all living beings. The way of heaven will not favor one side, and it is up to them to compete! This world is like this, life and death have a destiny, and the fittest survive!"

"How cruel!"

"So what if it's not like this? If you can protect human beings for a while, it's hard to protect them for generations. There are so many heroes in the heavens and myriad worlds. My cultivation level can only be regarded as low-level in some worlds!"

"Is it last?"

Gu Yi was slightly shocked, and an incredible light flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah! It can only be regarded as the lowest level! I have been to a world. This world is composed of a continent, and its vastness is even more shocking. Putting the entire Milky Way above this continent is just a cover. On top of that, there are countless Hunyuan powerhouses, and there are also countless people in the realm of heaven above Hunyuan;

With my cultivation base, if I enter it, whether I can protect myself can be a problem! "

"How terrifying!"

Gu Yi was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know if he didn't come out, and only after he came out did he realize that the world he was in was just a rural place;

Seeing the change in Gu Yi's expression, Liu Hao smiled inwardly, and continued:

"What's even more shocking is yet to come. That world is simply carried by a living being to walk through chaos. It carries a world with itself, and many powerful people live on it. You can know how monstrous this living being is!"

Gu Yi has already made a slip of the tongue, even if he is confident enough, he has to admit that he was completely frightened;

"This creature is Xuanwu in the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom!"

This sound, Liu Hao was very slight, it came to Gu Yi's ears, but it was like a big bell, shocking him so much that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Since there is Xuanwu, there will be Qinglong, Baihu and Suzaku, so are there others? Such a terrifying world is connected to the earth below, once they arrive, what will this planet look like? Maybe for them, it's just a pinch?

Originally, Gu Yi thought it was amazing that he could get rid of eternity, but now it seems that he is really just a frog in the well.

The reason why I said this to Gu Yi is not to make Gu Yi act more cautiously in the future. Gu Yi is not a random person, but more to encourage Gu Yi. After all, I have been with the other party for so long. No, in the future, if Gu Yi's cultivation base is improved, it will also be a high-end combat power, and it will be somewhat useful in the face of the abyss.

Liu Hao knows that once the abyss is serious, it cannot be resisted by his own Earth. So, no matter how much he helps, it is not an exaggeration. Isn't this why he cultivated Marvel Earth? Cannon fodder, Liu Hao really didn't think too much.

When Gu Yi woke up from the shock, he found that there was another person beside Liu Hao, who was dressed in a blue robe, and he looked eighty-nine times like the Liu Hao he knew well. If he didn't take it seriously, he would only regard the two as twins;

If you look carefully, you will find that the aura of the two figures is almost the same, but there is an essential difference in the temperament of the two figures;

The Liu Hao he knew was an iceberg. Although he tried his best to show kindness, it still made Gu Yi seem to be facing a god and demon. Once he got angry, he would be the kind that would destroy the world;

But this newly appeared figure gave Gu Yi a feeling that the world was under his control. Gu Yi didn't think it was an illusion, and only when he turned his mind did he realize that this was the appearance of his own way to the outside world.

The person who came was Qinglong Liu Hao. When Gu Yi was shocked, he had already arrived, and he had already exchanged information with Baihu Liu Hao, and even reached many agreements.

Baihu Liu Hao's personality is extremely cold, which really makes him do nothing on Marvel Earth. After a long time, he might really go crazy. Instead of this, it's better to exchange with Qinglong Liu Hao. The agreement reached by the two today is just this point , and then Qinglong Liu Hao will replace Baihu Liu Hao to enter the Marvel World to sit in command, and he himself will look to the land of the abyss, and his heart is even more eager to try.

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