Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1079. The Foothold of Ancient 1

1079. Ancient One's Way

The way of beheading the three corpses, Gu Yi has also read the ancient books of the Dragon Kingdom in Marvel Earth, but he just knows it and doesn't know why;

Based on Gu Yi's guess, the so-called beheading of the three corpses and "good and evil obsession" is basically to get rid of the concept of good and evil in the heart, and to see everything in the universe from a higher perspective. It is regarded as the individual's 'subjective' thought;

It's not that Gu Yi's thoughts are wrong, there are three thousand ways, so how can there be any right or wrong?

What's more, Gu Yi's understanding can be said to be better than many Datong-level monks, and he has even formed his own set of thinking patterns, which is his own "Tao". If the method of the corpse is taught to Gu Yi, it may not be long before he will be able to step into the quasi-sage cultivation base.

What is the real method of the three corpses? Everyone has their own understanding, what Hongjun taught, did a few saints really copy it completely?

Not necessarily, otherwise, how could there be Lao Tzu's one-qi transformation and three cleansing? This is basically a self-derived version of the way of killing the three corpses;

The same is true for Buddhists. They still use "greed, anger, and ignorance" as their guides. Even later, Duobao Tathagata changed the method of beheading the three corpses. Instead of beheading the three corpses, they condensed them into Buddhist relics.

Can you say they are wrong?

How is this possible? All the way forward is the way. If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. Hongjun's way of killing the three corpses can't necessarily follow the road planned by Hongjun.

As for Liu Hao, he never thought about becoming enlightened by the method of beheading the three corpses, so he didn't care about learning from Hongjun, and he didn't bother to spend time exploring the method of the three corpses that best suited him.

In his opinion, having a few more avatars is just for manpower. Whoever connects his own earth to such a world, and splitting out a few can just choke more uncontrollable things in the bud.

He doesn't care, it doesn't mean that he will definitely let Gu Yi follow him all the way to Heihe, that's why, when he explained the method of beheading three corpses to Gu Yi, he also stated the method of Buddhist relics, that is, A little mention of Gu Yi, but that's just the end. As for the path that Gu Yi will take in the future, it is beyond Liu Hao's control.

In fact, Gu Yi also has a lot of choices, the method of the three corpses requires understanding, and Gu Yi really does not lack in this aspect;

Don't underestimate Gu Yi just because he came from a small world;

At any rate, Gu Yi is a world leader. In the Marvel world, above his personal cultivation talent, even Gu Yi is the top one at all, so how could his comprehension be poor?

Even if you put Gu Yi in the prehistoric world,

It must also be the top group of people.

It is conceivable that in a world like Marvel, which is almost an absolute demon, he can push himself to the spiritual level of Daluo Jinxian by various methods.

Now, with the method of Buddhist and Taoist cultivation taught by Liu Hao, the biggest shortcoming has been filled. Even the Daluo Jinxian who was born as a celestial being, Gu Yi can defend it hard.

Such an outstanding person does not need you to tell him what to do, he will form his own plan, and then go on firmly, and it is not something that other people can influence if they want to.

"Compared with the world you and I live in, the prehistoric world is much higher. I don't know how to distinguish it. Maybe the world under our feet will continue to improve in the future, but it is unknown if we can catch up with the prehistoric world!"

Qinglong Liu Hao sighed, vaguely, he felt that the earth he was born on was not simple, and he also felt that the prehistoric was very special, and he couldn't detect where it was specifically special;

He hopes that his world can be upgraded to the level of the prehistoric, but he faintly feels that the difficulty is as high as the sky, and it may even be on his shoulders.

His exclamation made Gu Yi have other thoughts;

"The improvement of the world level? Could it be that there is a set of effective means?"

"Hahaha, I really want to know, but so far, I still don't get much; of course, there are hidden gains!

For one world, if you want to upgrade your level, I guess that several elements are necessary. The first one is the level of aura. But it still has no acquired aura, and the gap with Honghuang is still not small;

Secondly, in one world, the shackles of a monk's cultivation are also very important. For example, in many small worlds, the highest is no more than the Da Luo Jinxian, and then no matter how hard you work, you can't break the bottleneck. This is the suppression of the world level. Once this world improves, you You will find that your own bottlenecks have also become loose. Once the opportunity comes, it is likely to be a matter of course!

The last necessary factor in my guess is the cultivator's system, whether it is the cultivation system imported from other worlds or created by oneself, it must form a cultivation civilization system;

It should be noted that one person is only as strong as one person's ears. For the world, the overall civilization can form the promotion of the will of the world! "

Liu Hao's words can only be said to be his summary of these years, who can be sure if it is right or wrong, but to Gu Yi's ears, it feels very reasonable.

Combining these words, Gu Yi found that his Marvel world seemed a bit out of place;

The Marvel world is too strange. In one universe, there are countless civilizations, each of which is different, but most of them are played by their own group. Moreover, among these civilizations, the civilization of cultivation is even more pitiful, even if it is self-contained, But it cannot be widely circulated;

And the most deadly point is that these practices do not distinguish between ladders at all. In other words, the future of a practitioner is very limited, and there is even no possibility of truly becoming a god.

For example, Odin, he is an innate race at all, even his children are just to stimulate the blood in their bodies, and their limit is impossible to surpass Odin;

This is also the reason why it is difficult for Thor, the god of thunder, to define what his cultivation base is. Based on Liu Hao's observation, whether you say he is Taiyi or immortal rank, you can't be wrong. When Thor's output explodes, Taiyi The opponent with a cultivation level may not be an opponent, but sometimes a mere immortal rank can turn him into a dog of a homeless family. This is the difference, and this is the disadvantage of being unsystematic.

What about the purple sweet potato essence Thanos? The Titan race is also very similar to Thor, the god of thunder. It looks very fierce, but in fact, it can kill the tyrant on the spot by choking the opponent's door three or five times;

His strength is basically just physical quality. Why is he so afraid of Gu Yi? He is simply restrained. In terms of spiritual attributes, Gu Yi can be said to have completely defeated Thanos. Done bullying, how dare you let people come to the earth to act wild when Gu Yi was alive?

But you want to say that the Marvel world is garbage? That's wrong again;

Anyway, people have their own supreme gods, or a group of them. Under the supreme gods, there are many gods, such as the gods group that Liu Hao doesn't like, the life court, etc., are the gods in the Marvel world. masterpiece;

These gods are high above and form a ruling council, but only for the purpose of ruling. They hide their own good things and never think about passing them on to the acquired races. As a result, these acquired races have to develop technology and have to do it on their bodies. Various experiments have produced those messy evolutionaries with a lot of defects, and they are still enjoying it with relish.

It has to be said that Western civilization has done too disgustingly in this regard, and the so-called gods have never taken human races seriously. To them, they are just pastures. Compared with the immortals and gods in civilization, they are not at the same level at all.

This is also the reason why most of the world dominated by oriental civilization will develop a practice system, because the gods of the oriental civilization know that it is better to gather the wisdom of all beings than to comprehend the Dao alone. They are confident in their bones, and they don't worry at all that teaching these Taoism to other races will bring disaster to themselves;

In other words, they are willing to resist knowing that disaster will befall them;

Therefore, in many worlds dominated by oriental civilization, once there is an opportunity to improve the world level, they can seize it and raise the world level in one fell swoop;

If you are cultivated enough to travel in the chaos, you will find that those middle and high-level worlds are almost all dominated by Eastern civilization;

Of course, this is something to do later, let's not mention it for now.

Right now, Gu Yi had a concept in his mind. He was very grateful to Baihu Liu Hao for entering his own world, leaving behind the seeds of various cultivation methods, bringing possibilities to the Marvel Earth, and indirectly planting the seeds of advancement in the Marvel Universe. Chance.

In the mist, Gu Yi felt that the improvement of his own world would be of great benefit to him;

In this regard, Liu Hao is very transparent, so why not himself? Even though Liu Hao gained luck in many worlds, no matter how much he gained, half of the cloud of luck above his head still came from the accumulation of his own world.

For example: Liu Hao intercepted 10 points of luck in other worlds, so his current luck is 20, and the other half is bestowed by his world;

Don't think that if Liu Hao's own world provides Liu Hao with 10 points of luck, it will lower the gifts of others!

That's wrong, Liu Hao intercepted luck from other worlds, which is tantamount to helping his own world to improve luck. For the world, once he enters and exits, he is still earning money;

Therefore, the more creatures intercept luck from other worlds, the more beneficial it is to their own world, and even to a certain extent, it increases the chance of their own world's leveling up.

Conversely, don't think that if one world is intercepted by other creatures, it must be a loss;

There are many sayings in this, as long as it is not the method of killing the chicken and taking the eggs, many worlds will not care;

As long as you don't rob and gamble, you will have to pay to live in this world;

Whether it is helping this world to cultivate talents, or spreading its own Taoism to this world, for this world, it is absorbing nutrients to strengthen itself, and a world that has strengthened itself can also recover from chaos. Absorb more energy from it, maintain the value of one's own luck, and it may even increase in the future.

This in itself is a win-win situation, and this is why the world subconsciously rejects calls from high-ranking monks instead of entangled those who come here;

Because they are afraid that high-level monks will take it by force when they come, and they understand that even the most down-and-out comers have knowledge that is scarce in their own world.

Liu Hao has a vague sense of these principles. He may not know the extent of the win-win situation, but he believes in this intuition, which is why he introduced Cao Cao from the Three Kingdoms into his own earth, and happily watched Fang Yun in the game. Only when Central America takes root will it lead the great forces of the prehistoric to spread Taoism in the Dragon Kingdom;

Today, the arrival of the ancient one, why not?

Maybe you think that ancient one relying on Xuanjie's magic is meaningless in Liu Hao's earth, but so what? Many Taoisms are still common. Once the principle is found, why can't another path be developed?

For example, Liu Hao likes Gu Yi's vortex teleportation magic. Maybe he doesn't need it himself, but the monks on the earth are absolutely salivating. will appear again;

It's not like today, only people who have reached a certain level of cultivation can dare to visit old Europe. This is a retrogression of civilization in itself, and communication promotes development. Who doesn't know the truth?

Liu Hao's protection of the Dragon Kingdom does not mean that he wants to restrain them on this land. He prefers the population of the Dragon Kingdom to attack everywhere. This is why he has long thought about establishing a base in Australia. The Vancouver base in front of him is different. in this way?

Old Europe is now completely in decline, but it doesn't mean that they don't have any good things in their hands. Liu Hao knew that Old Europe also had a lot of world passages when he was on the lookout. Learn something from it?

They are not stupid, they are smart! This kind of knowledge and even the practice system, Liu Hao himself may not like it, but the large population of Longguo is not. There may be a possibility: a certain knowledge point lights up a certain kind of inspiration, which greatly promotes his practice system development of!

This in itself is not absolute!

Besides, the invasion of the abyss will not be too long in the future. On the earth, every creature is wealth and a member of the resistance against the abyss in the future. No problem, a little more cannon fodder is also good, since we can reach an agreement with the monster race, let alone human beings themselves.

Liu Hao will not discriminate against them, really!

Believe it or not, Liu Hao himself believed it anyway.

He knows more about Gu Yi's character, and he is not the kind of person who hides it. Liu Hao has already planned the destination for him. It is still Zhonghai University. His alma mater seems to be the most popular place for visitors from other worlds. It's time to settle down!

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