Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and eighty. Queen of elves

1080. Elf Queen

The air of the abyss is continuously introduced into the earth from the ravines without stopping for a moment. The unique "spiritual energy" of the abyss is inherently decayed, and it is incompatible with the aura of the earth. It is like oil and water, which cannot be mixed at all;

This is also luck, perhaps due to the rules of chaos, otherwise the abyssal breath alone would be enough to destroy Liu Hao's earth. If they want to spread like a virus, which creature will be spared?

But it’s okay, these abyssal auras are still coming in continuously, although they are invisible to the naked eye, but everyone understands that if this continues, the territory occupied by the abyssal aura will only grow bigger and bigger;

Fortunately, Liu Hao brought Yang Jian and Nezha a few days ago, and thought of gathering the earth and other heavens and worlds to face together, killing those sites polluted by the abyss like monsters, and killing those abyss spores. Eliminate the influence of abyssal gas;

The effect is naturally good, as long as you kill the monsters that evolved from the abyss spores, you can transform them into aura suitable for the earth. It is no wonder that there will be merit rewards from chaos. Perhaps to chaos, the abyss itself is a cancerous tumor Abscesses, the kind that wish to use external force to remove them, it is natural to give some fees for mutual benefit.

These are also the speculations that Liu Hao made after many times of thinking. He vaguely felt that it might not be as simple as he imagined, but when he wanted to think deeply, he found that there was nothing to gain, so he had to give up. He knew the benefits. , With benefits, more creatures are willing to participate.

No, how long has it been? The Dragon Kingdom Vancouver base has already taken shape. After all, it is an infrastructure madman country. In contrast, if Fang Yun did not help the Yaozu base, it is estimated that there will be no effect in three to five years, let alone the bald eagle country to the south. .

The bald eagles heading south still haven't made up their minds to participate. To put it bluntly, these people are used to selfishness. Although the pride in their hearts has been beaten to pieces, they still can't let go of face. This piece of land was originally the territory of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, but they don’t know that the current Dragon Kingdom doesn’t bother to talk to them at all. If you don’t participate, I don’t bother to take care of it. Long-winded?

On the contrary, Odin is very interested, but the population of Asgard is not large, so he can only build a small town here, and then build a bulge;

But with their attitude, Liu Hao, Fang Yun and others will naturally not show them face. Instead, they have left a large piece of land near the town of Asgard. These lands are not for them, but for them. Leave it to the future population of the Marvel world, but the specifics depend on how the future develops;

In Liu Hao's view, in the future, most of the bald eagles on his own Earth will form an alliance with the bald eagles on Marvel Earth, or even merge into one;

After all, there is no gap between them.

The three views are basically the same, and this possibility is still quite large.

Liu Hao didn't think about stumbling about this either. The bald eagle on the earth is already a dog in the water, and there are very few masters who can handle it. Even their local monsters can be difficult to deal with, not to mention other?

It is said that there is still half of the territory left, but in fact, everyone knows that it would be great if the land occupied by the bald eagle and the human side can be one-fifth of the original bald eagle's territory, and most of them are crowded in some large cities. It's not so much that they come and go with the Yaozu, it's better to say that they were suppressed by the Yaozu in these cities and shrank.

Such a bald eagle is not regarded by the current Dragon Kingdom at all. Not to mention other things, even if the army of the Dragon Kingdom in Australia is dispatched, it can also make the bald eagle want to die. How can such an opponent Might call it an opponent?

Dragon Kingdom established a base in Vancouver, but Bald Eagle doesn't have any thorns in his heart?

Of course there is, but so what? After calling Xuan a few times, there was no more sound. Anyone who really understands knows that they are finished, and survival is the only way out.

The external pressure has the monster clan monsters everywhere in the Bald Eagle territory, what about the internal pressure? Also riddled with holes!

Who doesn't know what kind of country the bald eagle is? The foundation is unstable, and the complex population structure is networked together by propaganda, and there are countless internal noises. When their country is strong, these noises are no longer difficult to suppress;

A few years ago, when the confrontation between the bald eagle and the demon clan was the most intense, these noises were okay, but they shouted loudly, and everyone knew that this key point should not be messed up. They are all ninjas and look forward to improvement;

But now? The Yaozu seemed to be much quieter, and no longer racked their brains to target the bald eagles, because they are also intelligent creatures, and they also understand that the real enemy in the future must come from the abyss in the north, so they eased the attack on the bald eagles. pressure;

It is also because of this that the noise inside the bald eagle has become noisy and can no longer be suppressed. There are countless split voices. If there are not many experts in the bald eagle Black Palace Network, who can tell what the current bald eagle will look like? Know?

A typical example is that the Bald Eagle West no longer obeys the order of the Black Palace, except for formal independence, everything else has been decided by itself.

It is inevitable that the bald eagle will further slip into the abyss under internal and external troubles. At this juncture, Liu Hao and Fang Yun can still call them out. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother to talk to them.

On the contrary, Liu Hao regards the population of Marvel Earth as more important than the bald eagles on his own Earth.

The Dragon Kingdom was built in Vancouver, so naturally it would not choose to hide it. After the construction, it has been spread all over the world through the Internet. This is also for fishing, fishing for old European fish;

From the effect point of view, it seems to be not bad. Now there are various speculations on the Internet in old Europe. These speculations are unified, that is, there must be something that the Dragon Kingdom covets in North America. Can't help but get together.

This caused the major surviving bases in old Europe to stretch their necks one by one, staring at them for almost 24 hours. I believe that it will not be long before they will send a strong man capable of flying across the sea to take a peek. At that time, come If a general steals books, these people will inevitably rush to come.

"This breath is exactly the same as the last time I saw it in the long river of time!"

Gu Yi exclaimed, and Liu Hao took him to watch, but he was also thinking about telling Gu Yi where the real enemy in the future would come from, telling Gu Yi that even if the Marvel Universe is separated by a world passage, it is impossible to avoid it, the only way is to It can only be faced together.

"This is the abyss! The level of the world is far beyond your imagination. Fortunately, the place connected to the earth is just the countryside!"

Liu Hao didn't explain too much, he just nodded his head, the specifics still need Gu Yi to go up and try it out himself, that's the purpose of bringing him here today.

Gu Yi was not polite, adjusted his mentality, and floated down below. As soon as he landed, countless basketball-sized spores grew on the decayed land around a hundred miles away;

Every spore emits a plopping sound, as if a life is being conceived in it, and the sound is getting faster and faster;

However, after a dozen or so breaths, they heard dense cracking sounds like egg shells. The speed at which these spores were bred was too astonishing. With countless supplies of energy from the abyss, they did not lack energy at all.

If a patient with intensive phobia stands here, there is no need for these little monsters of abyssal spores to take action, and they will definitely be scared to death;

The two avatars of Liu Hao who were watching from a distance frowned slightly at this time. They found that these spores were different from the previous Yang Jian Nezha experiments, or they seemed to have become a lot smarter;

Down below, the little monsters of the abyss spores that were bred appeared in several forms, and it seemed that there was a division of labor, just like the Zerg in StarCraft in Liu Hao's memory. is also the future that was decided at their birth;

For example, those with wings at the beginning of breaking their shells will become more and more oriented towards the air force after evolution, and those with the ability to penetrate the ground at the beginning will only become stronger and more professional in this area in the future.

"Can you find the guidance from the abyss?"

It was Qinglong Liu Hao who asked the question, and he knew that relatively speaking, Baihu Liu Hao was more sensitive to this aspect;

"It's probably because I came to observe it before and gave the setting, and now this breath is no longer there!"

"It won't stay on Earth, will it?"

The white tiger Liu Hao was slightly taken aback, his consciousness swept across the entire planet, and then swiped through the entire solar system, only then did he shake his head extremely slightly, and the green dragon Liu Hao on the side heaved a sigh of relief.

In Wuyi Mountain, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with playing with his nephew and niece leisurely, was also stunned by Baihu Liu Hao's unscrupulous spiritual glance, muttered in his mouth seeing that there was no next move, and then continued to amuse the little nephew.

"It's a bit boring, do you want to go and see the elves in the Nordic forest?"

Obsessive Liu Hao is definitely a restless guy. When he goes out, he feels that everything is good at home, but if he can’t stay at home for a few days, he will feel bored and repeat;

That is to say, he is given the task of sitting on his own earth, otherwise he will definitely be the most restless. If he is not paying attention, he may not know which world he will go to. Once he finds something interesting, he may not want to leave. ;

Knowing the character of the incarnation of obsession, the deity gave the task early, and it is called protecting the family, which naturally means that he must not leave the earth frequently;

This is also the reason why he returned in a hurry when he went for a stroll around the Transformers world last time. Otherwise, with his personality, he might have to watch all kinds of movies and animations unique to their world in the Transformers world to get comfortable before leaving.

Don’t think that the three-meter-high steel figure outside the house is really a model, it’s clearly a Transformer’s silicon-based life, why don’t you want to buy it if you’re not interested in real-life figures?

It’s just that I suffered from this Transformer, and my body was tightly imprisoned. The only good thing is that my consciousness can still wander in the range of my hometown, and I can keep it as a private artificial intelligence housekeeper. Through the Internet, it’s not boring. I understand what this is. After such a world, this guy is honest, and he hasn't moved a single step until now.

Obsessed with Liu Hao's thoughts, he didn't know that the Nordic forest elves in his mind were facing a big enemy, and he was also frightened by the white tiger Liu Hao's unscrupulous consciousness. From this point of view, he had to admit that the elves The keen perception of a family is a race that can make even the monsters get along with it. This group of elves looks absolutely not simple.

It's also because Liu Hao doesn't have much idea about the race of elves, and he doesn't know that the so-called elves also have different bloodlines;

The elves in the Nordic forest are the original primitive elf race. From another perspective, this elf is the real lineage of the World Tree, the elf race that guards, protects, and even spreads the World Tree. The world will go with the seeds of the world tree, and will not give up until the goal is achieved.

The leading elf, also known as the elf princess, once the world tree is planted in the new world, takes root and grows, it will call itself a system, which is why there are elves in many worlds;

It's just that Liu Hao's Earth is different from the past. It is very convenient to come here and return at any time. This makes these elves more cautious. In order to protect the growth of the new world tree, they even isolate themselves from outside contact. So far, There are not many who know their existence, and if they know, they can't find a place at all; those who can lock them are all real strong.

And the elf princess here is also the strongest among many worlds. Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, if this world is not too important, this elf princess will definitely be the best candidate to succeed the elf queen of the other world in the future. It is also because of this that he can have such a cultivation base.

Her cultivation level is not low, coupled with her unique keen perception, this elf princess sensed the indifference from the unscrupulous consciousness of the white tiger Liu Hao, as if she came from the biting coldness of the Nine Nether Lands, looking down on the world from a high place, not at all The thin feeling of putting any life in the heart.

As soon as this feeling came out, the elf princess could be said to be facing a formidable enemy, and even the people who followed her were ready to fight, but there was still no sense of security in this way, passing through the passage and notifying the elf queen at the other end of the passage to the world became the best back road;

Although she didn't know the strength of the master of this divine sense, it didn't hinder her admiration for the mother of the elf queen. In her bones, she regarded the mother of the elf queen as the strongest king. Little did she know that her actions triggered a series of events.

I don't know how long it took before a slender and beautiful figure came out from the world passage deep in the forest. Her appearance seemed to cheer the surrounding trees and flowers to bloom. It seemed that wherever she appeared, she was regarded as the world everywhere. center.

How could such a person keep a low profile, naturally he would not intentionally restrain his aura;

This also made the appearance of the Elf Queen, all quasi-sages and strong men on the earth felt it, and locked their eyes on this place;

At this time, the elf queen realized that something was wrong!

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