Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and eighty-one. Cause and effect

1081: cause and effect

Several divine senses locked on to the Elf Queen in an instant, making her smile froze in an instant, her heart skipped a beat, and the jade hand clenched tightly to the scepter, faintly cyan meridians appeared on it;

The Elf Queen is also a quasi-sage, but his quasi-sage is a bit vain, more like a quasi-sage who was forcibly pushed up, using some means to push up his cultivation, as if he didn't prove it by himself;

This kind of cultivation is enough in her own world, she is clearly one of the top few people, but in Liu Hao's world, she looks a little pale;

With her cultivation base at her level, plus her own unique sensitivity, she didn't understand that the few divine senses just now were not something she could resist at all, and she knew the level was suppressed with just one touch.

At this moment, the Elf Queen had several thoughts in her mind. The first thought was to retreat, but immediately she found that this would not solve the problem at all. Go through the passage to your own world?

Once these super masters go to their own world, the whole world will change drastically. The powerful external force will only break the balance of their own world. Then, is it necessary to return to the shuffling of thousands of years ago? In motion?

Retiring is not the best choice, but the emotions sensed in these spiritual senses are different, curious, indifferent, and there seems to be a feeling of joking, eager to try and can't wait to challenge;

The elf queen didn't know that the consciousness she was worried about clearly came from Monkey King, Monkey King;

As soon as she arrived on the earth, she showed her aura in such a mighty way. In the eyes of Monkey King, she was the same kind. She thought that she came here to challenge the strong, and immediately aroused the interest of Monkey King. This emotion is easy to understand.

But when Sun Wukong swept through his consciousness, he lost interest all at once. It wasn't because of her female identity. In the eyes of Sun Wukong, this didn't work at all. The biggest problem was his cultivation. The monkey's interest has been retracted, but the elf queen is relieved.

Several spiritual senses touched in the air, communicated tacitly, and directly pushed the matter to Liu Hao, who happened to be in Wuyishan's hometown, and it was exactly what this guy wanted, who just made him feel bored coming.

Just as the Elf Queen was in a dilemma and hadn't made a decision, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space three meters away, and then a lazy figure slowly appeared from it, holding a six or seven-year-old girl in her hands. The girl is Liu Hao's little niece, Liu Yun'er;

"Wow, the eldest sister is so beautiful... Wow, there are so many beautiful sisters! They are all so beautiful!"

Liu Yun'er exclaimed as soon as she appeared,

His eyes sparkled directly by the elf queen's beauty, and then he noticed the nearby elves, and his exclamation raised a lot, and then, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if he was worried about whether he would be able to grow up in the future. looks so beautiful;

Even Liu Hao has to admit that the elves are really a beautiful race, not only their faces are beautiful, but their skin seems to be the standard of reference for human beings, which makes Liu Hao feel a little stunned.

It is difficult to tell the age of the elf queen in front of her. At first glance, she seems to be very mature, but if you look closely, you will find that she is clearly no more than 20 years old, and she is in the best years of youth;

The reason why it gives people a sense of maturity at first glance is more because of the changes brought about by the doctor's elegant and luxurious robes, coupled with the golden crown on the top of the head, and a two-meter-high scepter standing on the armrest in his hand, which is even more majestic. It also caused others to have the idea that the king in front of him should be very mature at the first glance, and if he didn't look carefully, he would ignore the immature face of the other party.

Liu Hao also knew that the immaturity on the elf queen's face was impossible to be true. With the elf's lifespan, it would be difficult to mature in a few hundred years, which meant that the face could not tell the elf's profound knowledge at all;

And a guy who needs hundreds of years to become an adult, even if there is a trace of immaturity on his face, is also impossible to be as reckless as a human being who has just grown up, not to mention the face and age of the elf queen in front of him has nothing to do with it.

Originally, the spatial fluctuations before Liu Hao's appearance made the elf queens extremely nervous, but Liu Yun'er's fussy voice relieved the tension;

In fact, Liu Hao did this on purpose, otherwise, how could he feel the space fluctuations for the other party? Isn't this deliberately telling the other party that someone is coming through space? If it appears during a battle, doesn't that mean handing over the knife to the enemy and letting him cut it down at this spot?

Obviously this is a reminder to inform the elf queen that there is a visitor, and deliberately bringing Liu Yun'er is also a reminder that he is not here to cause trouble, otherwise he would not be able to bring a little girl with a combat power of only 5 with him.

It was also this reminder that eased the tense nerves of the Elf Queen:

"Gopeth, an elf family, has seen a distinguished guest!"

The Fairy Queen almost made Liu Hao smile in his heart, thinking, do you regard yourself as the owner of this room?

Liu Hao didn't mind. Although it was his own Earth, it was not the first visitor from another world, and the territory he occupied was not the land of Dragon Kingdom. However, he didn't tell the other party: Your words have caused karma. Young lady!

The land of your own earth is not so easy to occupy. If you simply admit it, you will have to face future dangers on behalf of your own earth in the future. It seems that it will be difficult to escape the coveted abyss here in the future. I don’t know when you will know Will you regret it?

Then Liu Hao thought again, it seemed that even if the elf queen in front of him didn't say so, the abyss spread here, and they would still be hard to escape, and there seemed to be no difference at all.

Forget it, since you are willing to occupy it, you can occupy it. The remaining population of the surrounding Nordic countries is only a few hundred thousand. If the nearby monsters really want to kill them, most of these Nordic populations will not survive;

That being the case, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to introduce your elves. It seems that there are some benefits. For example, do you also have unique specialties and unique cultivation methods? For our own earth, it is also an opportunity to improve our foundation, and it can be regarded as a win-win situation!

There are so many world passages that appear on Liu Hao's earth, and it is impossible to control them, big or small. Can you block all of them if you can block one? Not to mention other things, such a world as Honghuang is simply not something that Liu Hao can handle today;

Instead of this, it is better to let nature take its course. Whether the earth becomes the arena of the ten thousand worlds or the front line of the ten thousand worlds against the abyss in the future, it seems that they are all moving in a good direction. It is not a big deal to suffer first.

"Big sister, big sister and me, my name is Liu Yun'er!"

Liu Hao's heart sparkled, and before he could answer, the little niece in his arms couldn't wait any longer, waving his little golden hand to greet the Elf Queen. He even thought that if he gave her time, the two would soon talk about cosmetics. Liu, Xiu must have underestimated the girl's love for beauty. In just such a short period of time, there is a high probability that her little niece will regard the other party as an idol in her heart, the kind that she likes very much.

Liu Yun'er's intervention made the atmosphere much more relaxed. The hands of the elves who were still a little nervous around them became more relaxed, and there were smiles on their faces, as if they were happy that their queen was in front of the little girl. deflated.

Little did she know that even though the Elf Queen let go of most of her nervousness, she was still a little apprehensive, because the person in front of her was putting too much pressure on her;

It looks ordinary, like a mortal, but the elf queen is screaming in her heart, as if the people in front of her are extremely vast, even if they are not as good as the world tree guarded by her elves, the gap must be very small.

Once she really angered the person in front of her, the elf queen knew very well that her elf family would definitely be doomed; it could be said that she couldn't be too careful.

Liu Yun'er interjected twice but made the Elf Queen think otherwise. She saw that Liu Hao was not annoyed at all because of Liu Yun'er's interjection. Wanzu and humans also know a lot, so they guessed the identities of the two, thinking that Liu Yun'er is Liu Hao's daughter at all, and that's the only way to show such doting tenderness, right?

Thinking of this, the Elf Queen reached out and took out a three-inch-high bottle from the storage bracelet in her hand. The bottle contained more than half of the emerald green liquid, and she didn't need to observe to see that it revealed a huge vitality. , you can know that this is the liquid of life!

Suddenly, Liu Hao thought of Goddess Goddess Goddess at the other end of the world passage in the back mountain of his home. She also gave the liquid of life to his little sister, but compared with the liquid of life in front of him, the former seemed to be diluted a thousand times. times, giving people a feeling that the liquid of life sent by the elf queen in front of them is the authentic product.

He thought of the legend of the World Tree. Some people think that the World Tree is the tree of life. Now it seems more like speculation. The two may have a lot of relationship, but they are different in essence, and there is even a big gap in level ;

The world tree is more like the superior of the tree of life, maybe the tree of life is simply a branch of the tree of the world? Or is it simply cultivated from the seeds of the world tree?

Liu Hao didn't know, he kept this matter in his heart and analyzed it when he saw it in the future;

After receiving Liu Hao's nod, Liu Yun'er happily took the gift from the Elf Queen. She was very happy, and she held it in her hand and looked left and right, but she didn't even know that she had got a priceless treasure. Perceive the pained expressions of the elves around;

Although more of this is the kindness released by the Elf Queen towards Liu Hao, even with a touch of flattery, but for Liu Yuner, it is also a cause and effect. Liu Hao does not want to back down the kindness of the Elf Queen, otherwise the other party will not know what will happen. What kind of idea has to be accepted by my little niece;

He also knows that this treasure is of great benefit to his little niece. After drinking it, washing himself, not to mention other things, his own aptitude will definitely be greatly improved, and it is essentially the kind that is completely harmless, let alone Maybe he turned down the great opportunity for his little niece.

But even so, Liu Hao didn't want his little niece to bear the karma. A flash in his mind took out a jade pendant. A magic weapon, from the vampire earl's offering;

It's just that after Liu Hao got it, he couldn't show its power at all, and was replaced by a better and more powerful Lingbao, and now it can only be left in the warehouse to eat ashes;

Of course, this Tai Chi jade pendant with its own Liangyi formation has been upgraded several times by Liu Hao, and now it has become a rare middle-grade Houtian Lingbao, and it is the gift of life given to her little niece by the Elf Queen. Compared with liquid, the value is much smaller, but for the elf queen and even the elves, the price cannot be measured;

It is stained with Liu Hao's breath, and it is a protection in itself, not to mention other things, the major forces from the prehistoric world have seen it, and they must take it easy, and they must think about whether they will offend Liu Hao if they move this group of elves ;

This scruple is the real protective layer, and Liu Hao's improved formation is also a kind of defense, not to mention other things, to put a protection on the second generation of the world tree who has just grown three meters in height beside him layer is enough.

The Liangyi Formation is not a simple formation. Compared with Lao Tzu's most orthodox Liangyi Mote Formation, it may be a lot worse, but the mutual conversion and mutual support between the Liangyi is also better than most The defense array is much stronger;

This is a formation that completely protects oneself, and it is also an excellent mountain guard formation. If the liquid of life sent by the elf queen is not too precious, Liu Hao is really reluctant to give it, and it is also to prevent his little niece from being killed by such a person in the future. The cause and effect were involved, so he gritted his teeth and gave it away.

The Elf Queen was also happy in her heart. Even if she didn't take it, she could still see the preciousness of the black and white jade pendant in front of her. But she was not happy here, but was recognized by Liu Hao. The greatest goodwill released by her elves.

After the elf queen took the jade pendant, the method of opening the formation in the jade pendant passed into her mind in an instant, which shocked her even more inexplicably;

Her world level is not very high, but it is definitely not low. If you compare it, the Marvel world is not bad, and the level is comparable. In other words, in her world, there are also many strong people with the same cultivation level as her;

But no matter what, she is also a strong person. For tens of thousands of years, it can be said that the Elf Queen is no worse than anyone in her own world in terms of profound knowledge. The result is that the Elf Queen is confident and transparent.

No wonder she was ignorant. When the elves first migrated to the earth, the recovery of the earth's spiritual energy was just on the right track. The elf princess with the strongest cultivation was not in the eyes of the elf princess, let alone the elf queen, so it also caused the elves The family did not pay attention to the various cultivation methods and skills on the earth;

But today, the brilliance and mystery of this formation directly shocked the Elf Queen. A mere piece of jade pendant can use the power of the heavens and the earth to keep growing, thus achieving the effect of protecting a certain area. How can I keep her from being shocked?

After some calculations, the Elf Queen found that even the Elf Princess under her would have to spend a lot of effort to break through this defense. If it can't be broken with one blow, the formation can repair itself and reach the peak of defense again. Such a treasure How precious?

The value is different in everyone's eyes, or the demand determines the value, which has been the case since ancient times!

Seeing the shocked expression on the Elf Queen's face, a smile flashed across Liu Hao's face, and he also understood that the cause and effect of his little niece was cut off!

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