Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand and eighty-two. Traveling with Beauty

1082. Traveling with Beauty

The elves are born magicians, one is due to their own talents, but the most important thing is their closeness to nature in their bones;

They lived in seclusion deep in the vast forest, isolated their own group from the world, and never contacted other groups unless necessary;

But if you think they are ignorant, you are wrong!

Elves can also travel to study, but every elf who goes out to study will be one of the elites among the elves. These elites have received no less education than humans before they set off. You must know that they themselves are a long-lived group. It usually takes one or two hundred years to enter the mature stage;

For such a long time, the books read definitely surpassed that of adult humans. It should be noted that every elf who went out to experience brought back a lot of knowledge. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, even their library can be said to be The top one, what knowledge can't be found in it?

And the biography written by the elves who have returned from experience is good, no matter the sentiment, it is also widely spread among the elves, and it can even be said to be a must-read book for every elf;

The elves are too beautiful, which in itself has a sense of guilt, especially when they entered the human race, they are simply the biggest fragrant buns. In the tens of thousands of years of history, they can be said to be the one who sees the human race the most Ethnic groups have also experienced the painful experience of being endlessly arrested and even trafficked;

That is to say, the force of the elf queen is strong enough. After several battles, the human race in the world understands that the elves are definitely not to be messed with. In the end, the law was promulgated to prohibit this kind of incident, but even so, the elves still could not get it. Absolute trust, and even more defensiveness.

Compared with other races, the human race has the highest intelligence, but its mind is definitely the most complicated. Once the mind is complicated, all kinds of evil thoughts will inevitably breed. It can be said that the elves have never really trusted the human race so far. In their bones, they are still defensive. of.

On Liu Hao's Earth, this kind of defense is no exception;

Previously, the elves disappeared outside the forest in a flash, and were also known by the surrounding countries. They once formed an industrial chain, just to be able to capture the legendary elves. It is unbelievable at all, the real source is still them, offering money and rewards, which once caused a trend;

But they still underestimated the strength of this elves. So far, they have suffered heavy losses, but the closest ones have not touched the edge of the gathering place of the elves, and they have often been reduced to the rations of the elves at the outermost edge. The heat has been reduced, and up to now, those desperadoes in old Europe no longer accept such orders, and even more believe that there are no elves at all;

From this, it can also be seen that these elves really have no interest in contacting the outside world.

It's no wonder that, in their own world, how many battles did they have to make the human race promulgate that law?

Before they figure out the situation in this world, they don't want to act rashly. The most important task is to protect the little world tree in front of them;

The elves can also afford to wait, and they have not paid attention to them for tens of hundreds of years.

Originally on the earth, the elves also planned in this way. After hundreds of thousands of years, when the new world tree grows and can breed new elves, then make further plans;

But now, being frightened by Baihu Liu Hao's undisguised spirituality, knowing that he was completely exposed, he had to invite his greatest combat power, and after that, he became what he is today;

Fortunately, Liu Hao didn't have any malicious intentions, otherwise, it would definitely be a disaster for the elves.

As a race of born magicians, and a group that combines magic with the way of bow and arrow, Liu Hao has a lot of goodwill. great reference.

When thermal weapons have lost their effect, long-range attack methods have been in short supply, especially for low- and middle-level human races;

In the confrontation between middle and low-level humans and monsters, the biggest problem is that they are far behind in terms of rough skin and thick flesh. This makes it very disadvantageous for a single human to fight against a single monster in melee combat. It is to rely on the battle mode summed up by wisdom to win;

For example, before approaching, launch medium-range magic, spells and other attack modes, first spend some time in circles with monsters, and wait for the opponent's physical strength to drop by more than half before choosing melee to win, but even so, the loss of human beings is still not small. ;

If the way of bow and arrow of the elite family can be introduced into the army, there is no need to think too much, and the effect will be very good.

In fact, Liu Hao also knew in his heart that the Dragon Kingdom's military must have researched this aspect, but it's only been a few years, how can it be possible to compete with the five-year-old elves?

However, how to obtain these benefits from the elves requires a lot of calculations.

This is the foundation of the elf clan. Liu Hao didn't think that once he opened his mouth, he would be greeted happily. Moreover, he didn't want to use power to overwhelm others, it was meaningless.

After much deliberation, the only way is to gain mutual trust, and to gain trust, one must have a common enemy and connect the interests of the two through an alliance. The abyss in front of you is the best choice.

After getting the answer, Liu Hao is not in a hurry, and there is no need to give others the impression of being in a hurry. That is really not worth the loss, and it will arouse doubts. Instead, step by step is the best solution.

If you want to win the trust of others, you must pay first, Liu Hao still understands this truth;

Because of this, before he replied, he took a stone from the ground and directly refined it into a crystal shape. Using this as a carrier, he recorded all kinds of information on the earth and threw it to the Elf Queen;

"You are new to this place, and it contains a lot of information about the earth. Knowing this will also have many benefits for your elves to integrate into the earth!"

The corners of the Elf Queen's eyes slightly turned up, showing that she was in a happy mood. She was the supreme ruler of the elves, so how could she have no idea about it? How could she not understand that this would be of great benefit to the elves?

She took it with both hands, showing more solemnity and gratitude. Now, the tension in her heart has finally been completely let go, knowing that the strong human being in front of her has no malice towards the elves at all, and there is even a kindness hidden in it that she doesn't know. ;

She didn't think too much about it, she just thought that this should be a powerful person with a heart, standing at different heights, and wouldn't have other thoughts because of the race.

But when she finished digesting the information in the crystal, the shock in her heart can be imagined, and she maintained a dazed look for a while. Liu Hao was not in a hurry, and let the other party digest it, while he followed Liu Yun'er to look left and right , with relish;

Liu Hao turned his head back when the Elf Queen Gao Peisi's face became dazed;

The elf queen's inner shock is indescribable, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a stormy sea. She has lived long enough, and it is not the first time I have heard of the concept of the heavens and worlds, but in reality?

Only now do I realize that the concept of the heavens and myriad worlds that I have known in the past is just the most obvious and wrong one.

In the world of the Elf Queen, there are also many worlds, big and small, but these worlds can only be counted as a truly big world when they are combined. In other words, it is just a group of small bubbles inside a bubble;

The concept given by Liu Hao is chaos first, and many worlds second. There is no affiliation relationship between each world, and the level has been improved by an unknown amount. The two are completely different in essence;

She now knows why the World Tree that her own group has guarded for countless years can't wait to spread her seeds in the land under her feet, and even tell herself that this Elf Queen is the World Tree through her consciousness really want.

If it was just these, the Elf Queen would be shocked at most, and then ecstatic, but the following information is the most important, and it is this information that made her understand that her cultivation is far from enough, and the world she lives in is not enough. nothing more;

She understood what level her cultivation base was in the heavens and worlds, and with the help of the power of the World Tree, she saw that she had entered the quasi-sage, and it was only combat power, which was forced to change her state. With such a cultivation base, she In those higher-level worlds, it is nothing more than a table, and wanting to have the right to speak is simply delusional.

She seemed to see countless stairs in front of her eyes. Fortunately, it was not too late. Knowing these meant knowing the way forward. She even couldn't wait to go to the human world to experience it. She knew that the elves could not continue on the earth. If she lives in seclusion like this, otherwise, the longer the time goes by, the more likely the elves will be eliminated, and they will even be involved in the main world where she lives. This is absolutely not what the elf queen wants.

Seeing the change in the face of the Elf Queen, Liu Hao knew that his calculation had basically come to fruition;

"There is nothing wrong here, it happens to be your first visit, and as a landlord, I will take you on a tour of the earth!"

Liu Hao's words were soft but with unquestionable certainty. The elf queen didn't have any other thoughts about it. Instead, she felt that this was the attitude that a powerful person should have. plotted;

The elf queen had no reason to refuse, no matter whether it was a beneficial benefit or a strong resistance, she nodded slightly and thanked, and gave a few instructions to the elves behind her, and stepped on Liu Hao's rising white clouds in their worried eyes, towards Liu Hao. Go east.

Continuing to the east, there is the Atlantic Ocean. Liu Hao's plan is to walk around the earth, just to verify the information obtained by the Elf Queen, which is better than anything else;

Of course, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, entering North America, and letting the Elf Queen take a look at the aura of the abyss invasion is fundamental. At that time, there is no need to say much, so that the Elf Queen can understand who the real enemy is and who can be trusted , can form an alliance.

For the sake of the Dragon Kingdom, Liu Hao has really put his heart and soul into it, and he will not let go of any benefits. Perhaps it is also because of this that he can gather so much luck!

Liu Yun'er in her arms is the happiest. Since she was born, it was the first time she went out. Standing on the clouds, her mouth was split open, and she yelled loudly. This made the Elf Queen feel closer to Liu Hao. She is more willing to be in contact with such a powerful person like that kind of aloof and powerful person.

Passing through the center of the Atlantic Ocean, the white clouds slowly stop;

"There is a passage below, and there is also a group of people who traveled here, but they took a side road!"

The elf queen's cultivation is not shallow, and her eyesight is naturally not lacking. She penetrated the sea water, and she also saw the underwater city shrouded below. It has been built for more than ten years, and its scale is not small at all. If it is on the mainland, the site is even comparable to Paris. It's just that the population doesn't seem to be large, around a million;

Atlantis can be counted as one ethnic group, or it can be regarded as a collection of many ethnic groups;

The reason for saying this is because the Atlantean race committed suicide, and various vicious researches led to the birth of many races;

They implanted many race organs into themselves through experiments, perhaps because of the promotion of the power of the world, or maybe they found a way to fuse themselves, so that they had a high chance of surviving, and then these human races that fused organs of other races Various branches began to appear;

There are countless strange appearances, some are the only ones that cannot conceive offspring, some are difficult to reproduce, so far there are only three or five people, and some have formed a real ethnic group, which is already very different from humans, such as Murlocs and Sirens;

These races all have a great characteristic, that is, cruelty, gains and losses, they have benefited, strengthened themselves, and also lost the unique wisdom of the original human race, and evolved towards beasts;

If they fail to connect with the earth, after hundreds of millions of years, most of the ethnic groups produced by these experiments will disappear in the dust of history, and the remaining ones will also completely separate from the human race and become part of the beast species;

Linked to the earth, under the nourishment of spiritual energy, this gave them the possibility to continue to evolve. Tianyan Forty-Nine, escaped one of them, and they had seized this chance of survival.

Even so, their prospects are still bleak, how can the assembled goods be as good as the original ones? Maybe in the future when we reach a certain level, the body will feel rejected, and then the real disaster will come.

Of course, this is only possible, and it is just Liu Hao's guess. His guess has also been approved by the Elf Queen. If he really replaces various parts in his body, the Elf Queen is also unwilling. According to Liu Haoyi, In her bones, she didn't have a good impression of the Atlanteans, and she was more disgusted.

The two of them didn't stay here any longer. After watching for more than half an hour, they continued eastward and logged in from the site of the original chicken roll country in Central America. Now the 'State of Zhou' established by Fang Yun is also the site of the pure Way of Hundred Schools. The number of people who come to study is also the largest, more than one million if you count it casually.

After Liu Hao elaborated, the eyes of the elf queen are shining, and the practice mode based on knowledge, she feels that she fits the elves too well. The bottom line is that the elves have a life span of hundreds of years. Even the most stupid one can grind to immortality. order?

Liu Hao saw the expression of the Elf Queen, and he was also happy in his heart. The reason why he chose to log in here was to attract the other party's covetousness. Now it seems that this calculation is far beyond his imagination;

Sure enough, in less than a few minutes, the Elf Queen began to inquire carefully about the possibility of obtaining the practice mode of the Way of Hundred Schools.


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