Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and forty-three. Receiving rights


In the prehistoric world, all powerful monks are never afraid of conflicts, because any conflicts mean that they have interests that they cannot give up.

But when to conflict, the prehistoric catastrophe is still going on, everyone is avoiding insignificant conflicts, so as soon as Baihu Liu Hao said this, everyone on the field immediately nodded their approval.

They are also happy, and they have been overwhelmed by the way of heaven in the past, isn't that something they can't help?

Now that there is an opportunity, who is willing to maintain the previous situation? Who doesn't want to have more power in their hands and greater interests?

Besides, if the underworld can be equal to the heavens in the future, their prestige when going out will be improved a lot, right?

But don't underestimate this prestige, it also means the issue of belief from the world, the prerequisite for you to get this belief is that you must be known by others, without these, the so-called belief is simply not even thought about.

For example, the Emperor Bi'an in the underworld is completely unheard of in the human world. In the hearts of living beings, the Emperor Bi'an is not even as famous as his body, the Bi'an Flower, but he is a proper quasi-sage. Do you know?

No matter how low-key he is, he can't stand this, right?

You must know that all sentient beings still think that the Bianhua flowers are just some flowers without any wisdom, and they all think whether they can have a chance to pick one of them.

So far, it has never been heard that someone has picked the Bianhua. If there is no deliberate embarrassment by the Biandi Emperor, no one will believe it.

At least the people present didn’t think that the land of the other shore would be so stingy that even a small flower would not be willing to give it. Every year, the standing flowers bloom and wither, which is worthless to the emperor of the other shore. All of them have been picked, and he probably won't say anything.

To make another analogy, all living beings in the prehistoric world have spread that the turbid dragon is day when it opens its eyes, and it is dark when it is closed, but who knows that the turbid dragon has been on duty in the underworld every day? To bring light and darkness to all beings in the underworld?

They only knew that Zhuolong had this ability, but they never thought that it was already closely related to them.

Once the actions of Zhuolong are known to all living beings in the world, how will they feel in their hearts? Will he still regard him as a 'horror'? Will there be souls who try to offer incense to Zhuolong for the sake of peace after death?

Another example is Patriarch Styx, among the six realms, Shura Dao is ranked second in the top three realms, even more powerful than the Human Dao.

Look at the small country of Shura established by Shura Dao at the southern tip of Nanzhan Buzhou. Not to mention comparing it with the Tang Dynasty, but compared with those countries in Xiniu Hezhou, it is definitely ten times a hundred times happier. Which big monster dares to live in the small country of Shura? mess?

Food delivery is more or less the same.

But this is the way of Shura, in the hearts of all living beings in the world, but it is described as 'killing', and it is classified as a group of 'irrational', who do you ask to reason?

Of course, Patriarch Minghe knew that it was the work of those bald people in the Buddhist sect, and he tried to explain it, but unfortunately, no matter how he explained it, it didn't work at all.

He didn't want to talk to him, but it didn't mean that he really wanted 'Sura Dao' to be slandered like this.

To put it bluntly, Shura Dao's evil deeds in the human world are not even a fraction of a smile from the Buddhist sect. Why should the Buddhist sect eat a lot of food, but they can only become the outlet for their sins?

Patriarch Styx was smart enough, he also made a conclusion, and he knew more clearly that in the final analysis, it was the loss of the right to speak, not only the loss of his right to speak in the Asura Dao, but also the result of the underworld's indifference to it.

Right now, such a result seems to have come to an end, and he doesn't need to charge forward, how could he not?

This interest can be said to be the interest of the entire underworld. Driven by the common interest, no one will choose to hold back. Once this is done, this person will inevitably be targeted by everyone. At that time, it may be besieged and beheaded up,

Just in the midst of the catastrophe, no one would refuse such an opportunity to rush forward without having to bear the karma.

To put it bluntly, if there is one less, can a site be vacated? This site is enough for everyone to have a full meal.

Seeing that everyone had united the front, Baihu Liu Hao went on to say:

"The core of the prehistoric underworld is the underworld, which is related to the stability of the six realms of reincarnation. As the emperor of Fengdu, I have a duty to do it, and I must also be responsible for it;

However, this has already involved most of my energy. I don't have much thought to participate in the domains outside the underworld, and all the fellow Taoists have done very well in the past, and Empress Houtu has never reprimanded anyone. Naturally, I will not interfere ! "

The three Patriarchs of Styx who arrived first had known about Baihu Liu Hao's plan, but they also knew that there was an essential difference between Baihu Liu Hao's letting go and the previous Emperor Fengdu.

Sure enough, Baihu Liu Hao's next words made the people below who had just smiled restrained a lot.

"Nowadays, the authentic way is in the world, and you should know what is more important. You should also know that the continuous conquest and internal friction like in the past should come to an end!"

Anyone can hear the hidden meaning in this passage, which is the 'judgment power', which is also commonly known as the 'mediation power'.

This power naturally belongs to Emperor Fengdu, and it can only be Emperor Fengdu, but the former Emperor Fengdu has never used it. Now Baihu Liu Hao proposed that the first thought of everyone present was to refuse. But then I found out that what they said made sense.

Today is different from the past, it is no longer just to play with one's own people behind closed doors, just to show a good situation to the outside world, and the underworld that has been full of wars like in the past can't continue.

For a while, they were in a dilemma, because they knew very well that once Emperor Fengdu stretched out his big hand, it would be difficult to block it in the future. Impact.

Don't accept it, and there seems to be no reason. There is Li Mingda, the only direct disciple of Empress Houtu standing beside her. Who knows if this is what Empress Houtu thinks?

"I am also a tired person, and I don't want to be entangled in these trivial matters. We all know that the position of a true saint is the goal!"

Baihu Liu Hao had already considered their mentality, so he immediately brought up other topics without waiting for them to speak;

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, the others immediately understood that they had to make a choice. Otherwise, the various agencies of the underworld would find ways to make trouble for them. They are very clear about which is more important.

"From my point of view, it's best not to let the matter of mediation fall on my desk. How about a 'mediation team' composed of nine ghost emperors from five directions?"

Pushing them to the cliff, and then giving a solution, it seems that it is not unacceptable, it is better than Liu Hao, the white tiger, doing it himself?

Everyone knows that once Baihu Liu Hao, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, decides to overthrow it, it is tantamount to losing face to Emperor Fengdu, and then don't blame the major institutions of the underworld for suppressing you crazily.

Conversely, the five ghost emperors have nine people, and it will take a lot of time to unify their opinions. They can also make various compromises and deals in private. If they lose the decision, they can only accept it.

Moreover, Wufang Ghost Emperor's hand came in, which was much better than Emperor Fengdu's participation.

"Pimpedao also thinks this is the best! The emperor said before that he wanted to reincarnate the prehistoric underworld to promote the heavens and the world. If our underworld is in chaos, what will the heavens and the world think?

From Pindao's point of view, I'm afraid most of them will refuse!

We have come out of the authentic way, and we are far behind the way of heaven, and even the way of humanity can't match it. If we can't improve, ha ha! "

Patriarch Styx made a statement in the interface, which gave Baihu Liu Hao a lot of surprises, and he knew that this was the greatest kindness of Patriarch Styx. To be able to do this is already the limit of Patriarch Styx. Maybe he would think that Patriarch Styx was sycophant.

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, everyone's eyes lit up. The prehistoric underworld is so vast, and there are countless souls in it, but the real territory it occupies is pitifully small, and more of it is no man's land, a forbidden place. It is the norm that there is not a single figure in thousands of miles.

This is also something that can’t be helped, reincarnation is there, what is needed for reincarnation, there are always a few people who abandon reincarnation and choose to practice, they also want more sources of 'cannon fodder', and even more thinking about whether they can also inherit themselves with these' Cannon fodder' is taken to the heavens and the world.

Thinking about it this way, this restriction seems to be nothing at all. If the new Emperor Fengdu does not give a clear answer today, there will be almost no possibility of sharing this cake in the future.

No one wants to be left behind from the very beginning, who knows that the prehistoric and underworld becoming the center of reincarnation of the heavens and worlds is the greatest benefit for them?

In addition to acquiescing, they also found that the Emperor Fengdu in front of him was definitely not a kind person. He had just taken over and already had a clear development path. Could it be that there is no instruction from the Empress Houtu?

They quickly realized that Liu Hao, the white tiger, was not a native creature of the wilderness, and suddenly their guess was confirmed;

It turns out that Empress Houtu had already considered these things. It is not just as simple as Empress Houtu handpicking the succession of Emperor Fengdu, but there is even the fact that Empress Houtu needs to rely on the identity of Baihu Liu Hao to imply it?

"When we have a good image in the underworld, when will I introduce reincarnation to other heavens, the first time I try, no matter how careful I am, what do you think?"

"Great goodness!"



But they had to nod their heads in approval, and they had to pretend to be happy, but those who were entangled in their hearts also accounted for the majority. To be honest, they also had no bottom in their hearts, and they really fell in front of Emperor Fengdu It is so easy to pass the reincarnation channel through other heavens?

Maybe only saints can do it? Or is it difficult even for a saint? Empress Dowager Empress needs to do it herself?

That's right, isn't there a Queen of the Earth? This must have been explained by Empress Hou Tu, and it was all for the sake of the prehistoric underworld, it seems that it is not impossible to take a step back.

I hope the new Emperor Fengdu will stop here.

Baihu Liu Hao is also quite a fool. He also knows that it is not impossible to pursue the victory today, but if he does so, he will give people a rebellious mentality, feeling that he is being forced and has to agree. It is better to stop here than to avoid it.

Furthermore, his greatest goal has been achieved, to truly spread the prestige of his new Fengdu Emperor to the entire prehistoric underworld.

His honor, his own strength, plus the appearance of Li Mingda;

With the combination of the three, today's ideal result can be obtained, but Baihu Liu Hao knows that this is just the beginning.

These people on the surface recognized him as the new Emperor of Fengdu, but no one knew what was going on in their hearts. Next, it became inevitable to stand up. Everyone even knew who Baihu Liu Hao would use to stand up, even the parties knew it clearly.

As the person concerned, as soon as the ghost mother of Huangquan left the Fengdu Palace, she didn't even have the idea of ​​greeting others, and returned to the Huangquan River Basin in a hurry. right.

Why didn't the others look at her leaving figure complicatedly? How many people really don't want to help? But we all know that not to participate is the best result;

If it is really done, it will only make the underworld more chaotic in the future. This is completely different from what was discussed just now, and the interests of everyone will be damaged in the future.

The ghost mother of Huangquan naturally also considered this, so she left in a hurry, and did not even win over the many reincarnated demon gods who originally had the same identity as her. To put it bluntly, everyone knows how to weigh interests and which position to choose to support the future.

"His Majesty Shihuang, please stay still!"

A voice pulled everyone back from their thoughts, and they saw a woman leaving Qin Shihuang behind. They didn't say much, nodded to each other and left one after another, but in a short while, there was only Uzhihualie and Yingzheng.

"His Majesty the First Emperor, the Emperor welcomes you!"

"Good, please lead the way!"

Mao Zhihualie smiled slightly, and the two turned a corner, but did not continue to enter the main hall for discussion, and then walked towards the harem, and after a while, they went to the imperial garden, where Liu Hao, the white tiger, brought Rukia, the dead wood, and Li Mingda Have been waiting for a long time.

"I have seen Emperor Fengdu!"

"You are welcome, Shi Huang, this way please!"


After the two of them sat down, Liu Hao, the white tiger, said, "Fight forward to block the demon clan. I never thought we could meet so quickly. Hahaha, I'm so lucky!"

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist to be able to take over the position of Emperor Fengdu. It's the change of the Emperor that makes me shudder!"

"It's also Empress Dowager Empress who values ​​it, the pressure on my shoulders is not small!"

"The same human race, the design of the heroic soul of the human race, the emperor can order it!"

"Hahaha, this is why the first emperor was left today. The heroic soul of the prehistoric human race is not bad. The key is in the heavens and worlds. After today, the first emperor needs to train more generals!"

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