Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred forty-four. Pinch explosion


In front of Qin Shihuang, Baihu Liu Hao didn't want to use the power of the heroic soul of the human race with his little political ability, so he said it more straightforwardly.

But it is by no means used for nothing, Baihu Liu Hao is not that kind of person either.

The same human race, Baihu Liu Hao is still very happy to seek some benefits for these heroic souls of the human race who are dying in the prehistoric world of the underworld, and it is justified, isn't it?

Components of the 'referee' and 'mediation' institutions, if they just rely on their mouths, don't even think about it.

Without real strength, all "Zuidun" can only be vain, and Liu Hao, the white tiger, knows this very well.

At the high end, there is a group of nine ghost emperors from five directions, so it is not a big problem, but if there are only nine of them, how much can they do?

These referees and mediations involve all aspects, big and small. If all things need to be handled by the five ghost emperors in person, their real jobs will be completely abolished. Baihu Liu Hao would not like to see such a situation.

Therefore, the introduction of the "Human Race Heroic Soul Team" at the mid-to-low end has long been in his calculations, and Ying Zheng is retained for this purpose.

When he talked to Qin Shihuang, Ying Zheng thought about it for a while and agreed.

The pros and cons are easy to analyze.

There is also a downside. Not every mediation can go smoothly. Once an accident occurs, the entire mediation team may be lost.

The benefits are also obvious. The most obvious one is to obtain a real authority for the heroic soul of the human race in the wild underworld, and this authority is also based on the position of a third party. He truly managed to become a member of the real order outside the underworld and the underworld outside of the war of various forces.

Compared to this, others such as receiving awards from the underworld can only be regarded as incidental benefits.

Ying Zheng could understand the truth after a little analysis, and knew that this was the path Baihu Liu Hao deliberately sought for them.

It's just that this road is equally difficult, at least at the beginning, the loss will never be so small, but this makes Ying Zheng even more happy, because this is not a "charity" or an "internal decision", but It is the benefit obtained by the real heroic souls of the human race.

This is also a two-way choice. If this opportunity is given to the Bone King, after weighing it, he will probably choose to give up. There is no one but ambition!

To put it simply, if Yingzheng takes over this position, it will be difficult to expand the Great Qin Yintu he occupies in the future, and it will even be impossible to seize other people's land.

Otherwise, if it is both referee and player, which one will recognize your authority?

This is tantamount to imprisoning the ambitions of the participants and completely eradicating them from the source. The powerful leaders of other forces even wish to lose the great enemy of the heroic soul of the human race;

You must know that the Great Qin Yintu is not easy to mess with. They are the real regular army. Fighting against the Great Qin Yinghun army has always won fewer victories and more defeats. No one would be happy to meet such a group of lunatics.

In fact, from the time when Baihu Liu Hao left Yingzheng behind, those powerful leaders who left could understand the reason after a little thought. Didn't you see that they left completely when Yingzheng was left behind? ?

They were more thinking that if Ying Zheng didn't agree, they would have already left, and it would be better not to let this 'opportunity' fall on them.

The two reached an agreement,

Ying Zheng didn't stay any longer, and he continued to return to the Great Qin Yintu to make some arrangements, and communicate with the five ghost emperors and nine people. Baihu Liu Hao will not participate in these trivial matters. What kind of results they can negotiate is their own. question.

Ying Zheng left, and Li Mingda also called it a day and returned to report to Empress Dowager, and then Baihu Liu Hao pulled his hand away, thinking about how to teach Huangquan Ghost Mother a lesson.

Huangquan, in the underworld, has a high status. In the human world, Huangquan is called the residence of people after death, but this explanation is not complete. It is more of a place for souls in the world to receive and lure them.

There are so many living beings in the prehistoric world, and if every soul needs to be arrested by the underworld officials, these public officials alone are enough to make the underworld difficult to maintain, and the huge cost is unimaginable. Do geometry?

They are more likely to arrest those who are very obsessed and do not want to return to the underworld for a long time.

From this we can see the importance of Huangquan, such a place that seals the souls of all living beings in the underworld, how can Baihu Liu Hao let him escape from the control of the underworld?

The ghost mother of Huangquan was not the last to arrive, but she was forced to be the last one to step into the hall by Baihu Liu Hao with the "way of time". Didn't she choose Liwei's partner a long time ago?

What's more, what the ghost mother of Huangquan has done has also exceeded the bottom line of Baihu Liu Hao.

Liu Hao is not the Holy Mother. As Liu Hao's three evil corpses, the white tiger Liu Hao is even more ruthless. He will never be angry because some souls enter the underworld and are intercepted by the ghost mother of Huangquan;

What really made Baihu Liu Hao angry was that the ghost mother of Huangquan was always looking for the souls of those babies who died young. This was the real challenge to Baihu Liu Hao's bottom line;

When taking over as Emperor Fengdu to reflect the entire underworld, he saw what the ghost mother of Huangquan did, and he had a good temper if he didn't lose his temper on the spot.

Moreover, this is also a good excuse. If the soul has not been judged by the underworld agency, this is a serious crime. In the entire underworld, there are really few or no people like him.

Originally, Baihu Liu Hao was still thinking about following a procedure or something, such as asking the subordinates to report the matter layer by layer and deal with it layer by layer, isn't that how it is in the world?

But after today, he discovered that there was no need for this. The underworld has its own rules, but these rules are still based on real strength. As the emperor of Fengdu, since he knows it, why do he need to make such a move?

Besides, after making such a move, other people may think that it was just Baihu Liu Hao deliberately looking for an excuse, instead, it is better to be more direct and complete in one step.

It's just that Baihu Liu Hao didn't know that he really did this, but he shocked the other underworld powers, and had to re-evaluate his new Fengdu Emperor's strength and domineering.

But he thought it wrong, he could do it, but if he made the movement too loud, it would not only be as simple as shocking and intimidating to other people.

It's also the fault of Baihu Liu Hao's execution in the abyss, his cultivation has improved too much at once, and he has less evaluation of his own methods.

Across half of the underworld, he directly transformed into a hand supporting the sky, and grabbed it straight towards Huangquan. Such a huge movement was almost vivid in the entire underworld;

Those powerful people watched the ghost mother of Huangquan being manipulated by Tathagata at will, no matter how they resisted, they couldn't affect the vast hand at all. In the end, it was like catching insects. Squeeze it in your hand, and then squeeze it to explode.

Especially in the final bursting process, all the great powers of the underworld who watched had earthy faces, as if they were in the scene. They may have the same level of cultivation as the ghost mother of Huangquan, or they may be higher, but the difference is not much at all. .

In other words, if Liu Hao, the white tiger, was able to crush the ghost mother of Huangquan to death across half of the underworld, there is a high probability that he could crush them at will.

As soon as this idea came out, these powerful people were excited. Before that, they felt that the new Emperor Fengdu was a well-behaved and political-minded person, but now they realized that he was just being polite to you, and really made him angry. , Huangquan Ghost Mother is the biggest fate.

Isn't it the last one to come? Don't you just want to use others to make an example? But you are too fierce, right?

To say that they are concerned is to describe their mood at this time. They fully understand that the prehistoric underworld has really changed.

"The soul of a baby is the purest in the underworld, and it is entrusted with the endless thoughts of the parents in the world. How can it be detained and refined again and again? The ghost mother's trip to the underworld has already challenged the bottom line of the underworld. Today, I will execute it to warn all sentient beings!"

The white tiger Liu Hao was also embarrassed. He really didn't intend to blow up the ghost mother of Huangquan directly. The real reason was that his own control was not fine enough, and the sacred meaning contained in Shentong was too strong, which led to the current situation. How can it be?

Now that I have done it, I simply push the boat along. It is much better to be feared than to be laughed at.

Little did they know that Empress Houtu of Pangu Palace burst out laughing, she was the only one who realized that Baihu Liu Hao had lost his hand, and this remedy was not bad.

"Mingda, when you are taking breaks in your practice, you can often go for a walk to Emperor Fengdu. Since you have learned the way of a hundred schools of thought, don't give up lightly!"

"Yes! Master!"

Li Mingda's sparkling eyes flickered, she didn't understand why the master deliberately ordered, but it didn't prevent her from obeying happily, the Pangu Palace was too deserted with just the two of them, at least there was a new acquainted Kuchiki Rukia in Baihu Liuhao's place, You can also learn about other heavens through Rukia;

Even without Empress Empress Dowager's order, she still wanted to find time to go there, but now that she has permission, she is too happy.

"Master, the teacher gave the disciple a piece of Enlightenment tea, and the disciple doesn't need it now, please accept it, Master!"

"Your mind, I have put it away, enlightenment tea has no effect on me, wait until you prove the Daluo Daoguo in the future, take it out and taste it!"

"Yes! Master!"

Empress Houtu smiled slightly, and then raised her head to look at the void. At the end of her sight was the place where the ghost mother of Huangquan died just now. She thought for a while, then stretched out her index finger and tapped lightly on the void, and saw the fragments of the law that the ghost mother of Huangquan shattered Gather again and directly integrate into the underworld.

After doing this, the smile on her face became even wider, and the words "so it is" flashed in her heart.

Empress Houtu controls the entire tunnel, but before that, she was almost entirely a shepherd. On the one hand, she didn't have time, and most of her energy needed to suppress the prehistoric world;

With the improvement of her cultivation base, it became much easier to suppress the prehistoric world, and she gradually had the energy to observe the entire underworld, but it was just observation, and she didn't even think about making the tunnel appear prehistoric.

What really made her think this way was that after Liu Hao stepped into Honghuang, hundreds of families appeared, and Honghuang had the time to return to Taigu Weihe. At that time, Empress Houtu realized that even if she didn't want to, she had to do it. Because humanity is beginning to rise, she needs to do it even for the balance of the three realms of "heaven, earth and man".

It can be done, but it is still impossible for Houtu Niangniang to 'control everything' like Hongjun. This is due to her personality, and it is also caused by the difference in the way the two pursue.

Therefore, she really doesn't know everything about the underworld in front of her. It seems that she can remember the details of the entire underworld at a glance, but that's all. How do these details change before and after? Do I need to add anything?

Wait, wait, Empress Hou Tu doesn't know much.

Today, the white tiger Liu Hao pinched the ghost mother of Huangquan to death. Such a huge movement made Empress Houtu take a look curiously. After seeing it, she realized that she could continue to supplement and improve the underworld.

This is the same as the Tao has no end, and the prehistoric and underworld can also continue to expand and consolidate. Only in this way can the reincarnation of the heavens and the world be truly grasped.

Just like after Empress Houtu integrated the law fragments of Huangquan ghost mother's death into Huangquan, she clearly saw that Huangquan's ability to attract souls in the underworld is strengthening.

This enhancement is not only more efficient, but also faster.

Empress Houtu thought of continuing to incorporate more laws, could Huang Quan's ability to attract souls be able to cross space? Even across the heavens?

"The reincarnation of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods have all returned, is it just for this?"

If the words of Empress Houtu are heard by the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods who have returned from reincarnation, they will definitely tremble. We still have a chance to rebuild, but you directly regard us as materials, which is too much right?

In Fengdu Imperial City, the white tiger Liu Hao looked up suspiciously. Just a moment ago, he clearly felt a wave of merit descending towards him, and it didn't look too small. It was also put away by him casually, and he scanned his face carefully. This is clearly the merit of heaven in the prehistoric world.

Baihu Liu Hao didn't intend to absorb it, he directly divided it into two and gave it to Unozhihuali and Kuchiki Rukia, which can be regarded as helping the two to better fit the prehistoric.

"Could it be that the ghost mother of Huangquan has done so many evils that the whole world can't stand it?"

Baihu Liu Hao's thoughts were also comprehended by other great powers.

How did they know that it was the Empress Houtu's action, and Liu Hao, the white tiger who was the killer, just got a share of the action.

What's more, Empress Houtu has turned her attention to those reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods staying in the underworld.

It's just that Empress Houtu will not do it lightly. All living beings have their own chances. As the master of the tunnel, she is more likely to look down from above. If you can escape this calamity, I will not make things difficult for you;

If you die on the spot, you can only be turned into nourishment for the underworld, and your status as the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God can only go so far.

This is already Empress Houtu's greatest mercy, otherwise she would announce this news just to share a little merit, and those reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods would have no way out.

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