Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred seventy-eight. Spread

1278: spread

Liu Hao left the disciples of Sanglin preaching in Sinzhou alone, but he didn't know that the foreign land was already in chaos.

The fingerprints he left on An Lan's Immortal Shield had an impact far beyond his expectations.

"Immortal Shield", the "immortal" in it is not just talk.

That was An Lan's biggest hole card, and also his strongest support, even if the ordinary immortal emperor wanted to leave traces in it, he had to do his best. In other words, this was An Lan's greatest guarantee for facing the immortal emperor.

But it is such a treasure, and now the enemy left a fingerprint on it at will, which An Lan would never want to erase anyway, which in itself is the greatest horror.

An Lan tried many methods, it can be said that he thought of everything he could think of, but in the end he still failed, so he had to put it away and went to look for Yu Tuo.

An Lan has absolute trust in Yu Tuo. When she is about to lose in the battle against No. 10 in the future, it is enough to prove that she is helpless. The first thing she thinks of is Yu Tuo, and she also wants to find something from Yu Tuo. A sense of security.

Liu Hao's understatement, but the incarnation of a single hair, in An Lan's view, is already crushing in dimensions, and if he doesn't figure it out, he will definitely not be able to sleep peacefully.

Yu Tuo was also a little surprised by her arrival, but when Yu Tuo saw the clear fingerprints on An Lan' Immortal Shield, he was no less shocked than An Lan.

After An Lan told everything that happened before, Yu Tuo's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't make a sound after opening his mouth several times.

It took a long time before Yu Tuo thought of a way to measure the combat effectiveness of 'Liu Hao'.

That is to try, try how to leave your own fingerprints on the 'Immortal Shield'.

In the past, An Lan would never be happy, but right now, there seems to be no better solution.

Yu Tuo still overestimated himself. Even if he shot with all his strength, he could only defeat the defending An Lan. This kind of action was limited to knocking An Lan into the air, but that was all. He wanted to leave traces on it. But it can't be done in a short time.

In other words, Liu Hao's incarnation with one hair would bring far more fighting power than Yu Tuo.

This is the result obtained by the two of them under the test, and it shocked them a little bit at a loss.

How did they know that this was the result of Liu Hao secretly using this hair as a guide and personally manipulating it. Out of Liu Hao's control, with a hair incarnation, it is already very good to have the peak combat power of Taiyi Jinxian, and The one that doesn't last long.

It is impossible for An Lan and Yu Tuo to know about these situations, and the impact on their hearts can be imagined.

"Where did that person come from, do you know?"

After a long time, Yu Tuo finally spoke, but his voice was already a little hoarse to An Lan's ears.

However, An Lan commented on this a lot. After the test, she didn't know that the visitor had already proved the position of 'Immortal Emperor'. In other words, his cultivation level was already beyond their reach.

"I don't know, there is no trace when it comes, and there is still nothing when it disappears!"

"But I don't know where it came from, and I don't know if it's our predecessors or from the nine heavens and ten places!"

This is what Yu Tuo is most concerned about, and it is also the key to whether his future plans can be realized.

An Lan was slightly taken aback: "With his cultivation base, he really wanted to kill me, but he just left his fingerprints on the 'Immortal Shield', which proved that the other party had no killing intent, and from the beginning to the end, I also I didn't feel his murderous intentions! From this point of view, could it be that we are the seniors of the world's hidden cultivators?"

In fact, An Lan didn't have much guarantee for what she said, it was more of an inner expectation.

Yu Tuo also did not believe in An Lan's analysis because of this, he thought for a while, and then said:

"Whether he is an enemy or a friend, if the other party has no killing intent, it proves that the senior does not want to participate in all parties! This is also a good thing for us!"

With these words, Yu Tuo was persuading An Lan, so why not persuading himself?

People will not kill you today,

If it doesn't prove that you won't have killing intent in the future, who can know what an immortal emperor thinks?

Yu Tuo knew this very well in his heart, but after much deliberation, it seemed that this was the only way to say it.

He was also a little thankful, thankful that An Lan in front of him had a deep relationship with him, and he didn't rashly look for others to make this time a storm. If that happened, it would probably cause huge disturbances to his own world, and even completely Change the confidence of all participants in the account, that is really fatal.

On the other side, An Lan also thought a lot, and was even more fortunate that the other party did not have the intention to kill, otherwise everything would have been in vain, with death and dao disappearing, all ambitions would be gone, let alone the immortal emperor's ear.

It is also because of this that An Lan's sense of urgency is soaring, and she has more expectations for 'that object', thinking that after returning, she must launch more accounts to search for it.

"Yu Tuo, do you think that person will come back from cultivation?"

"You mean, a certain senior can return from the extinction? It's not impossible, but after he returned, why did he just go to find you? Could it be just a test?"

This is where it's hard to explain. If you just want to find someone to try your own combat power, you shouldn't be looking for An Lan, but Yu Tuo.

But they went to look for An Lan, and deliberately left fingerprints on his'Immortal Shield'.

"No!" Yu Tuo suddenly remembered the 'fingerprint', and felt that there must be a deep-seated calculation in it; "The fingerprint is more like leaving it deliberately!"

An Lan raised his head sharply, took out the 'Immortal Shield', and watched it repeatedly for a long time before nodding in approval.

"But why are they like this? Could it be that they came here to leave a fingerprint on my 'Immortal Shield'?"


After much deliberation, Yu Tuo could only think of this possibility. Because he couldn't detect any inheritance from the fingerprints, he directly eliminated the possibility of the other party's support.

"You mean, I did something that person didn't like in the past? But it doesn't make sense. Since I don't like it, wouldn't it be better to kill me directly?"

An Lan didn't pursue her past thoughts at all. She had offended so many people that it didn't make any sense to think about them one by one.

It's all just speculation, she still thinks more from her own standpoint, if it were her, once she did it, she would definitely do it.

This point is also beyond Yu Tuo's comprehension, or if any high-end monk in the perfect world does it, ninety-nine out of ten will kill the weeds, what's the point of warnings and the like?

Here, I have to talk about a problem that exists in a perfect world.

That is the 'way of calculation'.

In the prehistoric world, and even now in Liu Hao's earth world, if there is a problem, they will find a way to calculate it. This is almost engraved in the bone marrow, but it has never been really promoted in the perfect world, even for the most high-end monks. It is also very obvious.

At most, like Liu Shen, he vaguely comprehends in the long river of fate, calculates at the moment of nirvana, and lays out a new round of rising road.

Yu Tuo and An Lan are like this now, guessing and guessing, but never thought that many fragments can be intercepted from the long river of fate to make real calculations.

The reason for this is that this way has never been practiced as a vital benefit in this world. What they pay most attention to is their own combat power. They are superstitious that their own combat power can solve all problems. inseparable cause.

One side of the world, one side of water and soil and one side of people, is talking about this truth.

Even now that God Liu has obtained the inheritance of Liu Hao's Three Thousand Dao and merged it into himself, he still never thought of doing so;

Even though Liushen likes to cultivate in the long river of fate very much now, it is only for the further advancement of his own cultivation. He never thought that he could swim in the long river to catch opportunities, so as to make arrangements for the present and influence the future.

How could Yu Tuo and An Lan get the real answer by guessing? Liu Hao didn't do it for the cause and effect of the past, nor did he teach An Lan a lesson for the cause and effect of the present. ?

In fact, if An Lan and Yu Tuo were very proficient in the way of calculation, they would be able to see the changes of the causal line of Huo Ling'er from time to time if they searched in the long river of fate, and they could guess many possibilities from it.

But now it seems that this possibility is not something that Yu Tuo and An Lan can do. What is left to them is all kinds of inner guesses, and based on this, they can make many possible plans.

Fortunately, they also knew that this matter must not be spread, and secretly checked one by one in their own world to see if they could find any clues.

This investigation is not only in their own world, the battlefield they have crossed, but also in the nine heavens and ten places where No. 10 is located, many arrangements have also been made.

How could their actions be hidden from those powerful people from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?

These people may not know what the foreign land is looking for, but it doesn't prevent them from stopping them. If they want what the enemy wants, they must never let the enemy find it.

The actions of both sides added to the already tense situation. Many holy places and sects in the Nine Heavens and Ten Places felt tense, increased their own practice, and increased the cultivation of the Tianjiao.

For them, this is the harbinger of the coming wind and rain in a foreign land, but they don't know that their actions also affect the nine heavens, ten places, and three thousand realms.

After a period of time, Liu Hao, who was far away in Sinzhou, also noticed the unconscious sense of urgency in Sinzhou, as if the originally slow pace of life sped up a lot on Monday.

Liu Hao touched this change, and soon found the source of the cause and effect of this change. In the end, he had to smile bitterly, the real source of emotion came from himself!

Liu Hao has never thought about this, he knows that the butterfly effect will definitely have an impact, but he has never felt that it can be so fast.

But he still has no way to alleviate this change, and it has almost completely affected the two worlds, so how can he be safe? Once it is done, it is likely to cause greater turmoil. It is better to wait and see how it changes.

He glanced at Huo Linger, then nodded slightly, wondering if it was Perfect World Heaven and Earth Will who was looking forward to Huo Linger's changes, or was happy to push it;

Huo Ling'er originally expected that Liu Hao would take a longer time to get started, but now she stepped into the prehistoric cultivation system very naturally, and it was even more natural. If Huo Ling'er's original cultivation base was not still there, Liu Hao would have thought that Huo Ling'er Linger's compatibility with the 'Tai Chi Heart Sutra' is more than 90%.

But how is that possible? Huo Linger can tell just by looking at the name that his attributes are definitely biased towards 'fire', not to mention 90%, at least 70% to 80%. With such a physique, practicing the 'Tai Chi Heart Sutra' itself A fit of half is good.

But now it's so easy, no wonder Liu Hao suspects that the will of Perfect World Heaven and Earth is helping Huo Ling'er to comprehend together.

Regarding this, Liu Hao didn't have the mind to get to the bottom of it, and even wished for the will of heaven and earth to participate together. How can he say that he, the newly recruited disciple, will benefit the most in the end?

Compared with Huo Ling'er, the Fire Emperor was very unbearable. Even though the Fire Emperor was present every time Liu Hao preached, there were very few who could understand it.

But even so, the Fire Emperor still benefited a lot, which made his original skills more perfect, which is the kind of essential improvement.

It's as if the original skill level can be cultivated to cut me at most, but now it can be cultivated to the supreme state. Maybe it will be improved again in the future, and it is not impossible to cultivate to the real immortal or immortal king.

For this, the Fire Emperor was already very satisfied, and he didn't expect more. Similarly, he was also looking forward to the changes in Huo Linger, especially the indifference that loomed on the eccentric Huo Linger. I am extremely happy.

This kind of indifference, the Fire Emperor can only see in those extremely powerful people. His daughter has already begun to develop this aura at this level. Doesn't it mean that his own daughter will also be able to reach above the Immortal King in the future? What could get a father more excited than this?

Liu Hao doesn't know the psychology of the Fire Emperor, if he knew, he would laugh out loud.

Honghuang's cultivation system is originally cultivating immortals. Once one enters it, no matter how rare it is, this kind of indifferent mistyness will definitely exist. Otherwise, why is it called an "immortal"?

However, after proving the Daluo Daoguo, this popular "indifference" has become even rarer, which is like finding your true self.

After understanding her true avenue, Huo Ling'er's eccentric spirit will return again, and even worse, I don't know what the Fire Emperor will think at that time.

The Huo Ling'er in front of him has already started to refine the deity to transform the emptiness, and maybe he will be able to step into the realm of immortality in a short time. Liu Hao is also very much looking forward to this.

Among them, he also wanted to see how much Huo Ling'er's lifespan would change after he stepped into the realm of the immortal. This also related to the possibility of large-scale promotion of the prehistoric inheritance in the perfect world in the future.

The wait didn't take long, and Huo Ling'er's cultivation was no different. Originally, Liu Hao thought it would take years, but in fact, it took only a few months. Immortal level.

Liu Hao couldn't wait to step into the long river of fate in the perfect world again, to intercept Huo Ling'er's own fate change.

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