Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred seventy-nine. Heavenly Tribulation

1279: Heavenly Tribulation

That is obsessed with Liu Hao, if Bai Hu Liu Hao is here, there is no need to do so, even if he has crossed the world, with the current comprehension of Bai Hu Liu Hao's authentic laws, he can easily see the change of Huo Ling'er's lifespan.

This time, obsessive Liu Hao did not directly swim in the long river of fate in the perfect world. After entering, he stood in place, guided by the line of cause and effect, and soon found Huo Ling'er's fate. A little comparison, his face His smile also rose a lot.

His judgment is correct. The practice systems of different worlds have different functions.

In the perfect world, all the cultivation techniques are directed towards the law itself, even the tempering of the body is the same, which exposes their biggest flaw, which is longevity.

To put it bluntly, it is not enough to keep in good health. The speed of this kind of practice itself is much faster. This speed is of course compared with the prehistoric practice system.

In Honghuang, it is almost unimaginable that there are not hundreds of millions of years from the beginning to stepping into Da Luo Jinxian. Of course, the protagonists in those catastrophes such as Monkey King can only be regarded as exceptions.

But these, in a perfect world, seem to be too easy, tens of thousands of years, or even thousands of years at least.

The gains and losses are like this, and it is impossible to say which is good and which is bad.

It should be noted that in the prehistoric world, there are also countless geniuses who died because of problems with their cultivation. If they were allowed to choose, perhaps the practice system of the perfect world would make them more happy.

The more one moves toward the apex, the greater his ambition and the more unsatisfied he is.

The connection between the worlds is the greatest benefit for them.

It's just that so far, this passage is still very secret, and not many people know about it. This has to make Liu Hao once again complain from the bottom of his heart about the calculation method of this world.

Returning from the long river of fate was only a moment, Huo Ling'er felt as if in a trance, feeling that her master seemed to have moved just now, but that's all.

Liu Hao would not tell Huo Ling'er about this, what really made him happy was that he saw that Huo Ling'er's luck had improved again, and he was even more convinced of the correctness of his choice.

They lived here very comfortably, but they didn't know that there was already a series of battles on the Emperor Pass.

Whether it's Yu Tuo or An Lan, they don't know where Liu Hao came from, and their hearts are full of depression. Naturally, they also want to vent, and see if they can force Liu Hao out. They send their staff across the boundary sea, He started a war, but he didn't know that Liu Hao knew nothing about it, and he was not interested in participating in it.

At this time, Liu Hao was spending a lot of effort on studying the Nine Secret Techniques. The more he studied, the more he discovered that they were basically a use of laws.

This is almost impossible in the prehistoric world. For a monk below Da Luo Jinxian, he has learned to be proficient, and it is almost impossible to use it in the prehistoric world.

It's not that the laws of the two worlds are different, but in this respect, they are all common, just like 'fire' has a common effect in either world.

The biggest reason why it is difficult to use is the difference in the world level.

In the prehistoric world, the level is more than two levels higher than the perfect world, and it is less than Daluo Daoguo. It is almost delusional to want to borrow the laws of heaven and earth.

But these methods, in the Marvel world, are also at home, and a little contact can also achieve the same effect.

This is the biggest difference.

This kind of difference does not mean that there is no effect, on the contrary, the effect here is beyond imagination.

To use an analogy, once the Da Luo Jinxian monks come to the perfect world in the prehistoric world, learn the practice system of the perfect world, and learn the skills of the nine secrets, it will also be a great wealth for them .

Because once they return to the prehistoric world, they already have a solid understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. In time, the possibility of proving the Daluo Daoguo, or beheading the three corpses and stepping into the quasi-sage will greatly increase.

This is the greatest wealth in the perfect world. Once it is known to the high-end monks of the two worlds,

They are bound to go crazy, for example, in the perfect world, those guys who have been unable to step into the real fairy for a long time, those monks who are worried that their lifespan will be exhausted, even if they sell themselves, they still want to get this ticket.

At this time, Liu Hao already had an idea of ​​whether he should set up a tour group. If he really wanted to make it happen, the benefits would be really huge, and he would definitely be able to draw out the biggest cards of these guys one by one.

As soon as he came up with this idea, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky, which made him very helpless. Has the will of the world in this world also started to worry?

Liu Hao shook his head and discarded this thought. He knew better that this was not the obstruction of the will of the heaven and earth in the perfect world, but that the timing was wrong. The catastrophe has risen, which itself is also a kind of perfection of the heaven and earth;

If all the stumbling blocks standing in front of No. 10 are removed by Liu Hao, for No. 10, the biggest opportunity for growth will be lost. It is very likely that the system of shrouding the sky will never appear again in the future. Fang Tiandi is the biggest harm.

During this period of time, Liu Hao has always wanted to go to the so-called heaven to have a look at the scenery, but every time this idea arises, there is always an obstacle. After a few times, he also knows that nothing can be done. It is not too late to check after returning from calamity and becoming the real Huangtian Emperor.

The reason for this is that Liu Hao always feels that there is an inexplicable attraction in the sky. He doesn't know why, but he also knows that this kind of induction will not deceive him. He can endure it because his cultivation base is getting deeper and deeper. Know that there are some taboos that should be followed and still have to be followed.

Some people say that monks and monks are going against the sky, and they are right.

Once you step into the path of cultivation, you are already fighting for your life with the world. The most essential point is to increase your own lifespan. This is obviously already completely changing the trajectory of your own destiny. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are going against the sky.

From another point of view, the monk himself is walking in the sky, which is also true.

Taoism follows nature, and it is following the trend itself, just like sailing a boat on a river, traveling along the current, not to mention saving effort, it will definitely be able to travel further.

However, in most cases, those who shouted to go against the sky were mostly those who had just started, middle and lower level monks, and once their cultivation level became more advanced, they would understand the value of the latter.

The "heaven" here does not only refer to the "law of heaven", but also the law of development of everything.

Less than quasi-sages, the "heaven" they talk about is more of an abstract nature, more of the self in their hearts, and the obstacles caused by the surrounding environment. , and they won't really pay attention to you.

The so-called will of heaven has self-awareness, after all, there are very few, and more of them are the products of the synthesis of the laws of the world, just like the flow of water, and their real return is to move forward.

This is also the reason why Liu Hao was able to endure the impulse in his heart, because he knew that once he went to check, it would be impossible to truly keep this secret;

At that time, maybe tell Liushen, maybe he did other actions on impulse, which made the whole perfect world very different, and that is the real karma.

To use an analogy, if Liu Hao walks to the end first and sees a huge sinkhole at the end, Liu Hao will definitely be affected, and he will return and tell the speeding car on the road to stop. Choose another way.

It cannot be said that Liu Hao's choice was wrong, it would be the case for the vast majority of people to choose.

But it cannot be said that this choice is necessarily correct.

This tiankeng exists, but it doesn't mean that it cannot be filled. If you avoid it and choose another path, you will not encounter greater obstacles? Will it be guaranteed to come to an end?

Apparently, Liu Hao also thought of this point, because he would rather stay in the mulberry forest for a long time than travel around to change the general trend of the perfect world.

He knows that there are many secrets hidden in this world, many hidden places, and many restricted areas, and he knows that there are bound to be many opportunities in them, but he still chooses to sit on the sidelines, not to seize the rights of these future favorites. benefit.

As long as someone is involved with external forces, the butterfly effect will definitely exist, but you also need to see how much impact it causes.

A storm may be the greatest horror to human beings, but it is only a small adjustment to a planet.

Once Liu Hao gets started, it won't be as simple as a little butterfly effect. It may be a complete change in the planet's rotation and revolution, or even a matter of the planet's acceleration towards destruction.

This is already the experience that Liu Hao has summed up after walking in the heavens.

Why does our own earth still have to restrict the arrival of prehistoric sages so far? Isn't that why?

For any world of the heavens, external force is not terrible, what is terrible is the external force that they cannot bear, the external force that exceeds their upper limit.

Obviously, for the perfect world, Liu Hao is one of them.

A large part of the reason why he can still step into the perfect world is that Liu Hao has already arrived and registered before, otherwise, once he entered this time, the immeasurable repulsive force would have been reflected on him.

Sitting in the mulberry forest for a long time, Liu Hao also understood that it would be more difficult for him to travel to the heavens in the future, and for a while he regretted why he didn't take time to travel more when his cultivation was simple.

But after regretting it, it's just like that, and the loss is naturally a lot, but it seems that it's just like that when you think about it.

He even had a feeling that it was likely that the chess players behind the scenes did it deliberately, not wanting his influence to be too strong, otherwise, with his curiosity, how could he procrastinate over and over again, so that it became the current situation?

Obviously, these guesses were not born in a short while, but now the guesses are more firm.

"Master, I've always felt flustered these days! It seems like I've been targeted by something!"

Huo Linger's bright eyes blinked, when she said this, there was not much fear in her eyes, more curiosity;

Having been with Liu Hao for such a long time, does she know how strong and even who are the high-end powers in this world, but she is more aware of the calmness of her master when talking about these people? Knowing that these people are nothing more than this in the eyes of their master?

It was this panic that had haunted her for many days, so she couldn't help mentioning it, otherwise she really didn't take it seriously, what kind of trouble could her master not be able to deal with?

After Huo Ling'er asked the question suspiciously, Liu Hao also pinched his fingers to do some calculations, and then laughed.

Why do you think? It turned out to be the catastrophe of becoming an immortal!

In the perfect world, there has never been such a thing. There is a so-called catastrophe, but it is definitely not something that Huo Ling'er can bear with his current cultivation.

As for the supreme being, if he was a Honghuang cultivation base, he was already at the level of 'Golden Immortal', so the test was naturally no small matter.

Naturally, the catastrophe that Huo Ling'er was about to face could not be so powerful.

However, since it appeared, it also proved to Liu Hao that the consciousness of heaven and earth in the perfect world has accepted the practice system inherited by Liu Hao and entered it into the rules of heaven and earth. All those who practice this system in the future must It will usher in the test of heaven and earth at the stage of becoming an immortal.

And as the first undertaker, once Huo Ling'er passes, she is bound to get more recognition, such as Perfect World's "Ancestor of Immortal Dao" and the like, both luck and merit will also be improved a lot.

Even after the "Xiandao System" takes root in the perfect world in the future, Huo Ling'er's fate is bound to be even more honorable, and it's okay to become a party leader.

"This catastrophe is also..."

Liu Hao didn't hide from Huo Ling'er, and he didn't even think about helping. He wouldn't do this kind of practice of throwing watermelons and picking sesame seeds. If he really helped, that would be Huo Ling'er. With Ling'er's luck and cultivation, even if this catastrophe is far stronger than ordinary catastrophes, Huo Ling'er can resist it.

On the other hand, the Fire Emperor was terrified after hearing this, and seemed even more nervous than Huo Linger. In the end, Liu Hao pointed out the hair he left on Huo Linger's arm, and the Fire Emperor heaved a sigh of relief.

But he didn't know that this was Liu Hao's consolation at all. From the beginning to the end, Liu Hao never thought of using this protection.

Refining essence to transform qi, practicing qi to transform gods, refining gods to return to emptiness, practicing emptiness to combine Taoism, and becoming a fairy!

This is the foundation of immortality. Once one becomes an immortal, one will have a lifespan of one yuan in the prehistoric world. But in the perfect world, Liu Hao also knows that it is impossible to have so many. According to his estimation, it is very good to have one-tenth Yes, but one tenth is more than ten thousand life yuan, enough!

In the future, with the improvement of Huo Ling'er's practice, his lifespan will also increase. When the catastrophe of this world is over, he will take him to the earth and walk around the wilderness, and those lost lifespan will surely be able to make up for it.

Right now, this hurdle has to be passed. Although Liu Hao can't make a move, it doesn't mean that Liu Hao can't leave any protection for Huo Ling'er. It is enough to give a few Houtian Ling'er that can be easily refined. Resist many.

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