Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred and eighty. False punishment

1280: Pseudo-God's Punishment

Liu Hao seemed very calm, and this calmness gradually made Huo Ling'er let go of the last trace of worry.

But when she really experienced it, Huo Ling'er felt the horror of it.

The dark clouds that covered the sky almost covered a thousand miles around, as if the entire sky was suppressed towards him. As time went by, the dark clouds became even more pitch black, directly covering the entire day.

With such a huge force of heaven and earth pressing down on him alone, one can imagine the uneasiness in Huo Linger's heart.

Many times, she looked at Liu Hao with her eyes, and every time she saw Liu Hao's calm face, she always summoned up courage and told herself that it was no big deal.

Sometimes the horror of an imminent event can't compare to the time of waiting for the catastrophe to come.

Huo Ling'er is like this now, the dark clouds in the sky seem to have no end, thickening layer by layer, the lightning within it is like a swimming dragon, thinking that they will strike at her later, the mist in her eyes always It will appear unconsciously, and the figure of No. 10 flashes in my mind from time to time.

Huo Linger's uneasiness has been watched by Liu Hao all the time. At this time, he is no longer able to give Huo Linger any hints, and he is more trying to persuade the Fire Emperor beside him, so that the Fire Emperor should not let his worries leak out. , showing a little smile like yourself is the best support.

Fortunately, the Fire Emperor also knew the importance of this. At this time, the Fire Emperor had his hands behind his back, and his fists were clenched tightly. Not only were the fists turning white, but the nails had obviously pierced into the palms of his hands;

However, the Fire Emperor didn't know anything about it, and his face was just like Liu Hao's, showing his most calm side, pulling up the corners of his mouth slightly, and immediately nodded slightly towards the other party when he saw Huo Ling'er's gaze. , to show encouragement.

If possible, the Fire Emperor would be more than willing to bear Huo Ling'er's place, but it was obviously impossible.

In fact, even Liu Hao underestimated the power of this catastrophe. Originally, he thought it was only six or nine catastrophes. This estimate was based on the summation of many monks in the prehistoric world. Even he had to admit that, Huo Ling'er's talent is nothing more than that in Honghuang, at most the upper-middle level, and Liu Jiu Tian Jie is already overestimated.

But now it seems that it is obviously far beyond six or nine days of calamity. With the accumulation of clouds of calamity in the sky and spreading tens of thousands of miles around, Liu Hao completely understands that Huo Linger's catastrophe this time is not only beyond six or nine days The catastrophe surpassed the ninety-nine heavenly catastrophe, which is already close to heaven's punishment!

In the final analysis, this is the first time that the prehistoric practice system has appeared on the stage in the perfect world, and it has to go through this test.

As the instigator, it was a disaster for Huo Ling'er, but also a blessing.

Once it is over, there is bound to be a reward from the perfect world, and this reward is bound to fundamentally improve Huo Ling'er's physique and raise it to a real top talent. It can be compared with No. 10 who has the Supreme Bone, and Shi Yi with double pupils!

"Fellow Daoist is here!"

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

Liu Hao was not surprised at the appearance of Liu Shen. In fact, he was the one who made a notice to Liu Shen, asking the other party to come and watch.

The reason for this is that Liu Hao needed a real deterrent. He didn't want to take action, so he had to find a tool to deter him, but Liu Shen was the best choice.

"This catastrophe, compared with the supreme catastrophe, seems to be too simple!"

"Hahaha, do fellow daoists think that my apprentice can survive the supreme calamity?"

Liu Shen smiled slightly, and couldn't help but shook his head: "Could it be that in the future, when the inheritance system of fellow Taoists reaches this level, they will all experience this catastrophe?"

But Liu Hao knew why God Liu asked this way, because there is no such thing in the earth, but God Liu asked because of the perfect world.

He nodded slightly: "Naturally, the laws of each world are different, and they must have their own rules. This is the first time this inheritance has been shown in this world. Going up to a higher level, not only has cultivation, but also has its own talent, but it cannot be overcome,

Can only die! "

"So that's how it is!" Liu Shen replied softly; "I see that the life breath of fellow Taoist disciples is very strong, isn't it?"

"Hahaha, fellow daoist is indeed a person who is very proficient in the laws of life, you can see it at a glance!" Liu Hao didn't intend to hide it.

He paused, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally he could only sigh.

He knew better that there was no way to hide it. At that time, Huo Ling'er would be like a torch, and the breath of life on his body would surely exceed most of the personnel, and he couldn't hide it from those powerful people at all.

Fortunately, he didn't worry too much. It was enough to give An Lan the greatest deterrence. He even gave Huo Ling'er many exercises early on. People really know what to do with Huolinger.

Even willing to give a protection, it is also the best reference object.

At the same time, it can also spread the inheritance that Liu Hao wants most to the whole world, and continuously absorb luck from the perfect world for him, killing two birds with one stone.

"The practice system of the disciples of Pindao inheritance has great benefits in terms of opponent's life, but it is not without some disadvantages, that is, it is bound to be more difficult to practice, and it takes countless years to accumulate bit by bit! "

After listening to this, God Liu thought it was reasonable. Strictly speaking, although God Liu also received Liu Hao's guidance, the main body of her practice system has never changed, and more of the three thousand Taoisms given by Liu Hao were introduced, and then through Liu Hao pointed out that he really proved the Daoguo of Daluo.

The main body of Liu Shen is still the same as before, and the method she practiced is still the "Willow Divine Method" created by herself. Even after Liu Hao's guidance, Liu Shenfa has been improved, but it still does not break away from this principle. shackles.

On the other hand, Huo Linger, her original cultivation base has been completely changed by her up to now, and has been converted from the source to the practice system of the Great Desolate Immortal Dao. What is left over from before is more of a small branch of this immortal dao system That's all.

It is also because of this that she can truly lead to the "Immortal Dao Immortal Thunder Tribulation" and become the true leader of this practice system that is completely implanted in the will of the perfect world.

In front of him, Lei Jie, who was almost the "God's Punishment", also stated this point.

As for the future, of course it won't be so difficult, but Liu Hao didn't mention it at all.

Because he knows that for a long time in the future, those who get the exercises from Huo Linger are bound to be those who are 'old and immortal'. These people can carry endless karma, and the thunder disaster will definitely not be the same. How small will it be, and it may even be similar to today's "God's Punishment".

He was able to spread the theory of "merit, virtue and karma" all over the world, but if such a "statement" that has never been embodied in the perfect world is spread, how many people will really believe it?

It is very likely that in the end, the sneer accounted for the vast majority. Instead of this, it is better not to say it, it is better to wait for them to summarize it themselves, and then it will really convince them when it spreads.

About an hour or so, when the calamity cloud in the sky spread thirty thousand miles around, it stopped, and the first thunder calamity began to brew, and the roaring sound of thunder attracted countless monks around.

Liu Hao glanced around, and vaguely found a lot of "quasi-supreme" figures. He just smiled slightly at this, but Liu Shen beside him had already given these visitors a look before Liu Hao glanced around. The small warning also prompted these people to obediently watch from the outside.

Heavenly tribulation, how could these masters not know? However, they have never seen such a low-level cultivation catastrophe. It is conceivable that their hearts are hot about this. Liu Hao doesn't need to think too much, he can understand that after today, Huo Ling'er's name is bound to be spread throughout the world.

In the mulberry forest under my feet, there will be no peace in the future.

He also had some headaches, did he know that this disciple of his family would never leave the mulberry forest, the little guy is very stubborn, he would rather wait here for the 10th than leave, he would rather become a mulberry picker in plain clothes than leave One can imagine half a step.

But he has no other way, at most it is just a means of covering up.

Just when Liu Hao's thoughts were in a mess, a hot white light flashed in the sky, and a thunderbolt turned into a dragon and struck towards Huo Ling'er in an instant. The scene looked terrible, but in fact, the first thunderstorm was really Nothing.

Huo Ling'er didn't even react at all, the thunder dragon had already struck her body, directly making her whole body numb, and her whole body was completely wrapped like a thunder ball.

In the eyes of outsiders, this damage is not small, but in fact only Huo Ling'er understands it, but it is very comfortable. These thunderbolts carry a lot of power of creation, and they walk along every meridian of Huo Ling'er's body. Once the magazines in her body were forced out, Huo Ling'er's physique was constantly being transformed.

This is the first lightning calamity in Perfect World's "Xian Dao", and it is also a big reward from Perfect World to Huo Ling'er.

In the future, the future will also have this award, but compared with Huo Linger this time, it is like heaven and earth, and the benefits it brings are absolutely impossible to have such an effect.


Liu Hao couldn't help muttering, and Liu Shen beside him also nodded;

"It seems that there is still a big difference from the Supreme Thunder Tribulation!"

"Of course! But the next step is the real key!"

As soon as Liu Hao finished speaking, the thunder ball on Huo Linger's body began to gradually dissipate. When Huo Linger's body showed, he couldn't help laughing. After all, it was a girl, and she still paid much attention to her appearance.

With such a large crowd watching, Huo Ling'er never wants to show her slovenly side in front of the world, but unfortunately, this dignity can't last long, and she can still tidy up now, after the next thunder disaster, most likely she won't free.

In the sky, within the pitch-black robbery cloud, the golden light began to roll, and the color became brighter and brighter, and finally almost stained the entire robbery cloud into a golden color. First of all, its power should not be underestimated, even for Huo Ling'er, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful among the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation.

Liu Hao opened his mouth and wanted to remind him for a while, but he chose to remain silent in the end. He felt that it was okay to teach Huo Linger a little lesson. He knew better that Huo Linger might be hurt a little, but it was only That's all.

Sure enough, when the golden thunder dragon started to roll in the dark clouds, Huo Ling'er also discovered the problem, vaguely, she found that her body had already become vigilant, the golden thunder dragon hadn't fully appeared yet, she I already felt a tingling pain on my arm like a needle piercing it.

She looked at Liu Hao pitifully, and saw that Liu Hao's face was still indifferent, so she breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took a few deep breaths, and even forgot her own image, and truly devoted herself to the journey of crossing the catastrophe. Only then did Liu Hao truly nod his head in approval.

In the dark clouds, when the head of the Jinxingleilong was poking downward, the hearts of the countless onlookers around were tense, and many people even took a few steps back unconsciously. When they raised their heads, they always felt that the golden Thunder Dragon was also staring at him, and once he crossed the line under his feet, he would definitely be targeted directly.

It can't be said that their feeling is wrong. The Heavenly Tribulation itself only targets those who cross the catastrophe. Once someone makes trouble or blocks them, they will definitely be targeted by the Heavenly Tribulation. At that time, the power will also be greatly improved.

However, today, even if someone has this thought, there are countless people who are willing to block it.

Such an excellent reference object, especially those masters, absolutely do not want to miss it.

Liu Hao knew this, but he still did a lot of tricks before that. For example, he had already set up a blocking formation around Huo Ling'er. Once someone crossed over, he would not have the slightest kindness.

Perhaps he recruited this disciple based on the luck of Huo Ling'er at the beginning, but after getting along with him, he completely regarded Huo Ling'er as an inheritance, and he would never allow the slightest surprise to his newly recruited disciple, otherwise he would not He also pulled Liu Shen to frighten him.

When the golden thunder dragon roared down, those onlookers felt tense. Even if they were thousands of miles away, the hairy bones on their bodies would not consciously rise, as if countless long swords were shot towards their body and mind. Those with low cultivation Yes, even sat down on the ground, soaked from top to bottom.

As the person involved, Huo Linger has the most right to speak. This thunder disaster can be said to be the greatest harm in her entire life. In the countless golden lights, blood has densely appeared on Huo Linger's body. point;

If she hadn't activated the exercises taught by Liu Hao at a very high speed, her body might have been cut into countless pieces of flesh by now.

This is the greatest cruelty of the Golden Thunder Dragon. When it appeared, it looked like a thunder dragon, but in fact, its entire body was composed of countless smiling 'sharp blades';

Once in the body, the endless cutting is also opened. This is obviously the biggest test of the monk's own vitality. If he blocks it, he will have a future, otherwise he will only become endless fragments, and finally turn into dust in this thunder dragon.

This kind of inside story can only be seen clearly by those real masters. Outsiders can only see the head and tail, and see Huo Linger's messed up appearance again, and see her clothes completely destroyed, revealing the battle armor bestowed by Liu Hao , and on this battle armor, there are still countless tiny sword marks that they can't see clearly.

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