1282: Fire Method

Among the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, Huo Ling'er belongs to the royal family, and her surname is 'Huo', which in itself explains many problems.

The most important point among them is that the Huo Ling'er family has the blood of the Suzaku, a remnant of the ancient times.

Don't underestimate this bloodline, there is a huge gap between having and not having it.

To give an example, when No. 10 was still a little kid, when Shicun went out to hunt wild beasts, if he knew that the opponent had the blood of the ancient relics, the villagers of Shicun would not dare to take action lightly. On the contrary, finding a way to escape was the mainstream.

In terms of the level classification of monsters in the perfect world, those who have the blood of the ancient relics themselves mean that there will be countless possibilities in the future.

The class gap between them is like a gap, which can no longer be bridged by hard work, and there is only a relationship between hunting and being hunted, and there is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

This point, Liu Hao can detect it from the three little foxes he got out of the nest.

He didn't pay attention at first, but later, when the little 狻猊 treated the three little foxes, he also discovered the problem. The blood of the ancient blood in the 'scarlet' was slightly higher, and the little 狻猊's attitude was the same. It's different, even if you still despise it, but compared to Fenmao and Rose's attitude, it's already very good.

From this point, we can also see the 'nobility' of the bloodline of the primordial remnants. It is clear that the starting point is completely different.

Huo Ling'er's bloodline from the ancient relic Suzaku is not small in the family, and it has been well developed. It has a natural affinity for the fire attribute itself, and it can be said that it has a affinity for more than half of the flames. No small immunity.

It is also because of this that Huo Ling'er has no sense of rejection at all against the scorching heat brought by Huo Xing Lei Jie. On the contrary, as the temperature rises, Liu Hao can also feel that the Suzaku blood in Huo Ling'er's body resonates a bit more, even if she doesn't have it at all. After operating the Suzaku treasure technique, the two crimson spread wings on the back have taken shape, and they seem to be jumping for joy.

"I don't want to have blood purification effect!"

A small exclamation from Liu Shen at the side made Liu Hao turn his head to look in surprise. When he glanced over, he found the ecstasy on Fire Emperor's face, and he was almost dancing.

Liu Hao is also a non-native creature, so he doesn't feel much about these.

To him, this is a slight incidental benefit, but in the eyes of the Fire Emperor, it is simply a great gift from heaven.

However, it is as difficult to further purify the blood of the ancient remnants as it is to achieve the Supreme. You must know that this is essentially improving the talent of a monk, and it is also raising the upper limit of the future of the monk. It is something that many monks dream of. No wonder Liu God exclaimed.

The fire emperor's reaction was the reaction of those still remaining onlookers outside. They all stretched their necks. They saw the omen and the possibility, and they were all waiting for the result. Can it be achieved.

Once it is possible, many of these people will definitely find a way to obtain Huo Linger's current cultivation system, even if they know that the thunder tribulation is very terrifying, they will not hesitate.

This is the same as the odds. Everyone will be envious when they see the mountain of banknotes.

The people who were still discussing just now, no one has this kind of thought at this time, everyone is silent, quietly looking at Huo Linger who is in the center of the tribulation, and even praying for her, praying for Huo Linger Being able to survive the thunder disaster safely can obtain the effect they most expect in their hearts.

Liu Hao can understand why they have such an attitude after thinking about it for a while. He smiled sassyly:

"As long as we survive the Thunder Tribulation, even without the catalysis of the Fire Element Thunder Dragon, there will still be a point of improvement, but it's just a matter of how much!"

Liu Shen was slightly taken aback, and then quickly accepted Liu Hao's words: "From this point of view, crossing the catastrophe itself is also a test of heaven and earth, not only a catastrophe for the cultivation base to cross, but also a gift in the process of the evolution of creatures! "

"Of course!" Liu Hao nodded slightly,

He didn't continue to say more, and he didn't intend to explain in depth. In fact, both of them knew that this conversation was more for the Emperor of Fire, and through the mouth of the Emperor of Fire, he was telling all living beings in this world.

This is also a kind of seduction, luring them into the game to learn the inheritance system Liu Hao gave Huo Ling'er.

Don't think that the system is the practice, it's not.

In the perfect world, the first realm is "moving blood". From this, it can be seen that their cultivation system is most fundamentally aimed at the body itself. They may have a slight concept of training Qi into the body, but it is just thinking Forget it once, and no one will really use it as a basis to seek, because there is no sample to refer to.

It's different now, Huo Ling'er is the best template, even though Huohuang himself didn't learn the qigong method from Liu Hao, but the concept has long been familiar, if you really give him time, it's not impossible to create a practice that suits you Qi method.

The Fire Emperor is like this, so can others.

Perhaps at the beginning, these exercises are still very simple, but as long as one of them is successful, it will be widely promoted. This is what Liu Hao really hopes to see.

It's not that he doesn't want to spread the exercises he knows, but it's unnecessary;

On the one hand, most of these exercises come from Honghuang, not his original creation;

On the other hand, it cannot be said that the prehistoric kungfu is not necessarily suitable for the perfect world. It must be known that the composition of the spiritual energy in the heaven and earth is not exactly the same. A kung fu with a compatibility of more than 90% between the prehistoric and the human race can have the same effect in the perfect world. Seventy percent fit is pretty good.

Even Liu Hao taught Huo Ling'er the same practice. At first, he kindly thought that his practice method, Tai Chi Heart Sutra, was the highest and best.

But after teaching Huo Ling'er, he discovered that this is not the case. It's not that Huo Ling'er, whose fire attribute occupies the vast majority, cannot practice the Tai Chi Heart Sutra, but that the utilization rate is really not high. It's better to use her original physique to create another exercise. fit some.

Therefore, today's Huo Ling'er has already used the Taiji Heart Sutra as a tutoring method, and her major has become the "Suzaku Sutra" created by Liu Hao not long ago. The name is taken casually, but the effect is really much higher.

Facing the calamity of fire and thunder, Huo Ling'er at this time also knew which kung fu method to use. Following her "Suzaku Sutra" movement, a small tornado also appeared around her, almost filling the space between heaven and earth. The fire-attribute aura that filled the entire space was absorbed into her body one by one, purifying the Suzaku blood in her body bit by bit.

Those onlookers didn't know this. In their view, this was the additional effect brought about by the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation. Every face showed a hint of longing, and they wished to replace it with their bodies.

The Fire Emperor next to Liu Hao stood on tiptoes, stretched his neck, and leaned forward involuntarily. His originally dignified face became very simple and honest, laughing non-stop. .

Seeing him like this, Liu Hao just shook his head slightly, and didn't interrupt the Fire Emperor's inner imagination. At this time, his eyes were more directed towards the Fire Thunder Dragon that had already started to appear in the sky;

He could feel that all thirty-six fire attribute laws existed in this fire thunder dragon. Perhaps compared with the prehistoric, these thirty-six fire attribute laws were still incomplete, but compared with the previous gold, wood, water In comparison, it is complete enough.

You must know that before this, even the largest number of water attribute laws was only thirty-two, and most of them were broken into pieces, not looking like a whole at all.

The more this is the case, the more Liu Hao feels that this world has a lot of secrets. He really wants to dig it out, but he doesn't know how many times he thought about it. Just like this time, he finally chose to give up.

Using the supernatural powers in his eyes, he raised his head and looked towards the sky. His eyes passed through the red clouds in the sky, he passed through nine heavens and ten earths, and he frowned slightly when he saw the 'Boundary Sea'.

He felt that even if he didn't touch these secrets, he would go to this 'Boundary Sea' to take a look when he was free. He always felt that there was a call to him here, as if there was an opportunity waiting to be discovered.

In the sky, there was a loud bang, which also pulled Liu Hao's thoughts back. Within sight, the Fire Thunder Dragon's entire body was complete, spanning nearly ten thousand miles. The scales on it were almost visible to the naked eye, and they were the clearest so far. One, even a little bit of the will of heaven and earth can be seen from it.

Liu Hao felt that this world might also be the time when Huo Ling'er continued to rain down thunder disasters. It was also an experiment to perfect himself, otherwise such a scene would never have happened.

But Liu Hao didn't intend to stop it at all. The fact that Fang Tiandi's will can do this is also of great benefit to Huo Ling'er. This is helping Tiandi perfect the law. After obtaining Ling'er, it is not an ordinary benefit.

Liu Hao and Liu Shen didn't feel even a sliver of the will of heaven and earth, but the Fire Emperor just glanced at it, as if the heaven and earth were completely suppressing him.

Almost in an instant, all the joy he had before was wiped out, leaving only endless panic. He was worried about his little padded jacket, and he really wanted to ask Liu Hao for help, but he found that he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't even make a sound. out a tiny bit.

The fire emperor's perception is also the perception of those onlookers. Today, their emotions can be described as ups and downs. Everything they were thinking about just now disappeared at this moment. They even felt so horrible. Since it is not much different from those 'Supreme Tribulations', they are all the power of heaven and earth, how can Huo Ling'er just survive?

That's right, if all the might of this Fire Thunder Dragon were displayed, the little Suzaku blood in Huo Ling'er's body would really be nothing, and the only result would be turning into ashes in the end.

However, most of the world still uses this thunder disaster to perfect the law, so how can it really show its power?

This looks very scary, but in fact, the will of heaven and earth did not come down to the world with the Thunder Dragon at all. If you have good eyes, you can see that there is no longer in the eyes of the fire dragon that shot towards Huo Linger. The agility just now is like a dead thing.

But even so, the power of this Fire Thunder Dragon is still indescribable. Almost at the moment it hit Huo Linger, within 800 miles around Huo Linger, it had already turned into a sea of ​​flames. Countless flames seemed to never give up until they burned up the mountain range.

Originally, all the flowers, plants and trees within the eight hundred miles of the house disappeared almost instantly. Without nourishment, these flames were still burning fiercely. Wherever they passed, the rocks turned into magma, and it took only a few breaths. Over time, this place has become a huge crater, and it is not known how far these flames have melted towards the ground.

Such a change made all the onlookers look like ducks with their necks strangled. They lost all language ability long ago, and their faces turned red. Those who had thought about taking this path before to purify their own blood Cultivator, at this moment, he is not in the mood anymore, he feels that he needs to weigh it carefully, or it seems that he can encourage others to give it a try?

Liu Hao can more or less guess the ups and downs of these people's minds. For him, it is a good thing to eliminate all those speculators and leave those with firm will. The success rate must be much higher, and it is also a great attraction for later generations.

At the center of the magma, there was still a sea of ​​flames around Huo Ling'er who was sitting cross-legged, the color was very bright, and thirty-six kinds of flames wrapped around him one by one, but Liu Hao didn't worry at all.

Even the most terrifying karmic fire, Liu Hao had already figured it out. During this period, without Huo Linger noticing it, he gave some merits. With these merits, it is enough to offset the burning damage from the karma fire. carry on.

With Liu Hao's protective measures, Huo Ling'er, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, would feel very comfortable, as if she had returned to her mother's body. Absorb these flames hastily;

Especially the blood in the body is almost fearless to those who come, wishing to absorb all of it, and because of this, the flame that originally took several minutes to gradually extinguish completely disappeared in a minute or so, and it was even more so after seeing the flames being burned by the fire. Ling'er's body was swept away and became the nourishment for her own evolution.


Beside him, the Fire Emperor's foolish laughter sounded again, the great panic just now was no longer clearly visible, as the Fire Emperor who also had the blood of Suzaku could best perceive the changes in Huo Ling'er's body.

If the purity of Suzaku's blood in Huo Ling'er's body was only 1 before, now it is basically between 5-6. This is already a leap forward, and it is definitely a dream.

You must know that if Huo Linger does it by himself, he may not be able to reach this level after going through untold hardships. This opportunity has already made all living beings in the perfect world covet.

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