Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand two hundred eighty-three. Gone with the wind


On the periphery, those onlookers may not be as clear as the fire emperor's perception, but the changes can still be clearly seen. The buzzing voice of discussion has already appeared at this time, and as time goes by, the voice of discussion is endless, one by one. Looking towards Liu Hao and the others.

It's not that they didn't observe before, but in order to frighten them, Liu Shen suppressed them on the spot by leaking a little breath while they were observing, and he didn't dare to continue to scan.

But now, God Liu has put away his aura, coupled with the drive of greater interests, forcing them to do it unconsciously even though they are afraid in their hearts. When you encounter it, you can take advantage of this opportunity.

They don't think that they are any worse than Huo Ling'er, they only think that Huo Ling'er is just a lucky guy who was chosen by the power, and it's just for a small experiment, right?

People will always subconsciously think in favor of themselves and try to make up for various possibilities.

This is human nature. They know that Huo Ling'er has Liu Hao and Liu Shen as two backgrounds, and they should not be provoked lightly, but there is still a trace of "luck" in their hearts. Inheritance, knowing that there is only such a breakthrough.

But when they wanted to remember Liu Hao's face, they found that as long as they looked away, they would immediately forget it.

This kind of change, the more advanced one is, the more his heart beats endlessly.

Rumor has it that the Immortal Emperor's face is inviolable, no matter how hard all living beings try to remember it, it is absolutely impossible for them to understand.

In the past, these people were just legends, but when they met today, they realized that this was the real fact, as if Liu Hao himself was protected by heaven and earth, unable to remember and even imitate.

They also knew that even if they had completely forgotten Liu Hao's appearance, the next time they met in a certain place, they would immediately remember and know that this was the Immortal Emperor!

This rule is not unique to the perfect world.

It's just that the highest level is different, and the level of the person you see is different.

It's as if Liu Hao is in the earth now, those cultivators who are immortals see Liu Hao, even if they have never seen him before, they can know who Liu Hao is, but they will not remember Liu Hao's appearance when they turn around.

But in the eyes of monks with higher cultivation bases, Liu Hao's appearance can still be remembered.

That's the difference.

The rules of the world will strengthen the majesty of the strongest and the supreme, but only for the supreme itself.

On Earth, Liu Hao has such an effect, but it is rare, but in a perfect world, it seems that this majesty has been raised all at once. If Liu Hao releases all his aura, it will not only be as simple as being unrememberable, but even Likely to become 'out of sight'!

Liu Hao didn't care about it at all, but it had already left an indelible mark on the hearts of these onlookers.

This imprint, in the perfect world, is also called the 'imprint of the Immortal Emperor'.

It's like during the Great War of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, if you recite the name of the Immortal Emperor, you can call his figure, or the blessing of the 'Emperor Soldier', or the phantom guard, etc., which are all kinds of things that the Immortal Emperor should have. show.

Of course, this is something for later, let's not mention it for the time being, just talking about the present, the original jealousy towards Huo Ling'er in the hearts of these onlookers has also undergone a huge change.

Even though they still thought that this was just a small experiment of Immortal Emperor Liu Hao, Huo Ling'er, the subject of the experiment, was by no means something they could provoke.

This is almost telling them that even if Huo Linger is an experimental question, she must have the relationship of "disciple". As the descendant of the Immortal Emperor, who would dare to gamble on the possible attitude of the Immortal Emperor?

This is not just a gamble with one's own life, but also an existence that will definitely bring disaster to one's own sect and ethnic group.

Jealousy disappears, what is left is endless envy, and I wish I could replace it with my body.

Naturally, Huo Ling'er would not know all this. At this time, every cell in Huo Ling'er's body is happy, even if it has not evolved completely,

But this harvest is enough for her to be among the most favored sons of heaven, and she has a little capital to compete with the true sons and daughters.

Don't underestimate this point, this is the biggest difference between mortal beings and 'fighting for life', and it is also the key to monks being able to finally control their own destiny.

Not everyone is like the Ruthless Emperor, otherwise why would there be such a Ruthless Emperor in hundreds of thousands of years?

Liu Hao's feelings for his disciples are also very complicated. If you want to say that Liu Hao has no expectations for them, that is absolutely impossible.

Who wouldn't want their disciple to be someone like Emperor Huangtian? Arbitrary forever, just listening to it feels exciting.

But no one wants their disciple to be the kind of Huang Tiandi, who will be sacrificed to heaven to perfect his disciple if he is not careful, so which master is willing to do this?

Besides, Emperor Huangtian is really pitiful, he has been arbitrarily determined for eternity, but in the end? What's left?

As a master, Liu Hao hopes that his disciples will be able to stand alone in the future and become one of the strongest in the world, but he does not want his disciples to abandon everything and become a lonely generation.

Just like Huo Linger in front of him, even though Liu Hao has made up his mind that he will not continue to interfere with Huo Linger's next suffering, is he really willing in his heart?

Even if it is a great benefit for Huo Ling'er to know that after Huo Ling'er is captured by An Lan and taken to a foreign land in the future, it will be a great benefit for Huo Ling'er to completely arouse her evil thoughts and blacken her, but Liu Hao also knows that blackening is not so easy, and it must be This is only after going through despair. Is this test really too much?

At least Liu Hao thinks that he must put an insurance policy on Huo Linger, but specifically why Liu Hao hasn't found a way, the only thing he can do now is to improve Huo Linger's cultivation as much as possible, this is the best way. good solution.

After that guy An Lan is shocked by him, he will definitely have scruples, but once the guy's pervert gets angry, who knows if she will think about other things? It would be too late if something happened to the disciple I had so hard to recruit.

In fact, he also saw that the luck above Huo Linger's head was very strong, otherwise Liu Hao really wouldn't dare to gamble on it.

Just as he was thinking wildly in his mind, the robbery cloud above the sky began to change again. The fiery red color in it had long since disappeared, and it turned from pitch black to brown again.

The shock of the sky and the earth caused by this change is obviously more than before. As time goes by, it seems that the sky and the earth have become one. It was as if there was a beating heart under this land, thumping and thumping.

Such a situation caused the magma area that had not been extinguished to boil more and more, like boiling water, erupting into the sky from time to time, and the height of each eruption was even higher.

It gives people the feeling that this magma area will burst at any time, and will flood the surrounding areas all at once.

Only Liu Hao and Liu Shen understood that with the passage of time, the gravity of the area around Huo Ling'er began to soar rapidly. If it weren't for this increase in gravity, the magma area under Huo Ling'er would have spewed into the sky long ago, and the calamity cloud Mixed into one, perhaps it has been completely integrated into the earth-moving thunder dragon.

It cannot be said that such a situation was beyond Liu Hao's expectations. He is also proficient in the five thunder methods, but he really rarely uses the earth thunder method, and only after he has truly watched the power of the world can he know how to use it. Knowing that he has so many supplements in this regard, even though he knows that this is his disciple Huo Linger crossing the catastrophe, many enlightenments still flashed in his heart.

This kind of enlightenment, waited until all the earth-moving thunder dragons were displayed in the sky, Liu Hao pulled out of the seed cruelly, and devoted his energy to Huo Ling'er. Seeing his disciple draw out a long knife again, he had to With a wry smile.

Liu Hao is the most indispensable long sword spirit treasure, and the reason for this is also because he took a lot of it in the white tiger's residence in the Xuanwu Great Hall.

Most of them are the casual creations of the White Tiger Sacred Beast, and he can't use them himself. It is also because Huo Ling'er passed the tribulation that he gave a lot at once, but now it seems that it is just right.

Don't think that it's just a matter of refining the White Tiger Sacred Beast. On the contrary, none of these long sword Houtian Lingbao is less than middle-grade. The reason why they were abandoned, in Liu Hao's opinion, was nothing more than a material problem.

Maybe it was just made by the White Tiger Sacred Beast to verify its refining, or maybe it was just a practice of imposing the prohibition on spirit treasures, so that the stability of these acquired spirit treasures is not very high;

However, it is also because of this that the power of the long knife is used better. Before it is broken, let alone fighting by leapfrogging, at least it will not be too bad.

Even if most of Huo Ling'er hadn't been refined, just a little stimulation would be enough for her to break through many threats, the earth-moving thunder dragon that fell from the sky was one of them.

In the eyes of outsiders, the long sword Lingbao shot by Huo Ling'er didn't seem to have much effect, it just cut on the long horn of the earth-moving thunder dragon, and didn't even cut off the opponent's dragon horn, but in fact, During this journey, most of the gravity has been weakened.

This is the real threat removal, weakening this part of the gravity, Huo Ling'er can face the arrival of the earth-moving thunder dragon with ease, and can calmly use his own treasure skills to fight against the earth-moving thunder dragon.

This was also Huo Ling'er's first time to attack. After several thunderstorms, Huo Ling'er's self-confidence has also been cultivated a lot. Liu Hao had to nod in praise when he saw it.

Behind Huo Ling'er, a crimson feather flickered up, and then it slashed towards the earth-moving thunder dragon like a sharp sword. Wherever it passed, the space also appeared slightly distorted. The biggest benefit, However, after this plume appeared, the magma under Huo Ling'er's seat seemed to be gently smoothed, and the previous boiling became calm all at once.

This is an additional effect of Huo Linger's Vermilion Bird Feather Technique, and he is also the emperor of the fire attribute, so he can naturally command all fire actions.

Xu Shi discovered this, and Huo Ling'er made an attempt, and saw her hands slightly waving upwards, and the magma on both sides of her began to fly along with it, and in an instant, the raised magma melted As two magma Suzakus, they rushed towards the falling earth-moving thunder dragon fiercely!

"Not bad! I'm starting to know how to use external force!"

This is a very common borrowing for Liu Hao, but in the eyes of the local creatures in the perfect world, it is another scene.

The perfect world monks who advocate self-cultivation mostly use various precious techniques, which are their most important means and almost their only means. Where have you seen this method of borrowing the power of heaven and earth?

Even Liu Shen who was on the side was thoughtful, and the others had already opened their mouths, and the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

In fact, the two Suzakus that Huo Ling'er borrowed from the magma were not very powerful. When they collided with the Earth Thunder Dragon, they only slightly slowed down the opponent's speed. The monks get a lot.

In the foreseeable future, this series of methods will definitely appear to defend against the enemy.

Perhaps this series of means was very simple at the beginning, but so what? It will always grow, and it is much better than using all your own energy to fight!

"I see! It seems that I have gone astray in the past!"

Liu Hao's exclamation made Liu Hao chuckle: "No! When we reach our cultivation level, we need to borrow the power of heaven and earth to borrow external force. Otherwise, the effect will be almost zero, and there will be no threat at all!"

"The power of heaven and earth? Thank you fellow daoist!"

"It's just a casual remark. Fellow Daoist has also reached the peak of the Immortal King. Even if I don't mention it today, Fellow Daoist will be able to comprehend it in a short time!"

Liu Shen smiled slightly, neither negating nor approving, only she knew that mentioning it would not help her break the bottleneck in the slightest.

The Fire Emperor at the side was confused when he heard it. He wanted to ask but didn't know how to ask, so he had to swallow it in the end, thinking that it would be better to ask after his little padded jacket survived the thunder disaster. If you don't admit that you might really be outdated, you can still call the wind and rain in the lower realm, but you can only be a member of the crowd in the upper realm.

While they were discussing, the movements of Huo Linger's hands became more agile. She saw the effect, so naturally she would not wait. After one trial, she became more proficient. The magma Suzaku rising from the surrounding magma area this time was much larger , but also more agile.

Vaguely, one could even sense a faint cry from the mouth of the newly rising magma Suzaku.

The power of the magma Suzaku that slammed into the earth-moving thunder dragon again proved to be true, not only slowing down the opponent's speed, but also distorting the angle of the thunder dragon that fell towards Huo Ling'er's head by a little;

This time, even Liu Hao had to nod his head, secretly praising his apprentice's excellent talent in the way of fire, but it's only the second time, and he can have such an effect, what more can he ask for?


The Earth Thunder Dragon looked like it was made of mud and rocks, but it was still a kind of thunder and lightning in essence.

When it fell on Huo Ling'er's body, Liu Hao saw its accumulated power layer by layer, until the whole thunder dragon disappeared.

Liu Hao frowned slightly, not out of her expectations, but because he felt that Huo Ling'er was a little too big this time, and thought he could resist, but now the bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth proved that the little guy didn't do it this time. It's not that easy.

He knew that this belonged to children. Once their self-confidence improves, they will inevitably be arrogant, thinking that they can handle everything, but they will often be taught a lesson in the blink of an eye.

It's also a journey that children must go through. Fortunately, Huo Ling'er has a lively personality, so she won't fall into a slump.

This also made Liu Hao's brows loosen quickly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking that after the tribulation is over, he must laugh at this child well, and he must impress the little guy.

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