1294. Six Soul Banners

"Friends have passed!"

Patriarch Bodhi seemed very bottlenecked when he spoke, but the anger contained in it was clear to everyone.

Liu Hao, the white tiger, was not at all afraid: "Since we have made a move, life and death have to be divided. Maybe you think you can do it once? I don't like that. I have my own set of rules for how to do things!"

Patriarch Bodhi narrowed his eyes again when he heard this, the flash of coldness in his eyes was still clearly seen by Baihu Liu Hao, but he had to admit that this guy from beyond the prehistoric world had a firm will, the so-called 'rules' They all told him that the sage's statement was not valid in front of Baihu Liu Hao. This is a person who will stick to his own way and stick to his own way.

Today, with the help of Huanxi Buddha's death, he is also telling him Bodhi, and telling Zhunti in the chaos, that if Buddhism really wants to be an enemy of the underworld, it must be prepared for life and death.

If it were any force, the Buddhist sect would really be fearless, even if it was the Yaozu who returned to possessing Emperor Jun Taiyi, it would be no exception, but Netherland is a little different.

The six realms of reincarnation are controlled in the underworld, which is tantamount to confronting a force that can reincarnate infinitely. Even if there is a pool of eight treasures in Lingshan, how many people can be resurrected?

Thinking of this, Bodhi's mind, which originally wanted to fight with Baihu Liu Hao, faded a lot. He knew that even if he took the 'Seven Treasure Tree' from Zhunti's hand, he could at most draw with Baihu Liu Hao .

Since it is impossible to kill the opponent, it seems that there is not much point in a big battle. If you really make the opponent anxious and hunt down Buddhist monks in the wild, it will be really bad.

As for other monks, Patriarch Bodhi dared to take a gamble, but Liu Hao, the white tiger in front of him, couldn't. With such a guy who only cares about results, what would others not dare to do?

Do people really care about face saving?

As the deity of Liu Hao, Bodhi feels that he can sit down and have a good talk, but the white tiger Liu Hao in front of him knows that there is no way at a glance, and he doesn't even ask for the true spirit of Huanxi Buddha. He also wants to save face. Once the opening is rejected, the situation will only intensify further.

It seems that the Buddhist sect has a considerable advantage in the face of the underworld, but the outcome is not calculated. If it is true, it is impossible for the Buddhist sect to use all its combat power to fight against the underworld. Once it is delayed, by then, everything will be really unpredictable.

Bodhi felt that rather than having a peaceful discussion with Baihu Liu Hao now,

It's better to find Ziwei Great Emperor Liu Hao's deity in the future.

It's not that he didn't think about fighting the white tiger Liu Hao here. After all, he also brought the Seven Ancient Buddhas with him, but he knew better that the Seven Ancient Buddhas he carried were just a quasi-holy incarnation that they differentiated. .

The reason for this situation is still that the Buddhist sect has been under tremendous pressure recently. It seems that the entire prehistoric era does not want the Buddhist sect to be quiet.

These forces seem to be doing this to avoid today's situation. If the seven ancient Buddhas are all complete, Patriarch Bodhi will definitely wrestle with Baihu Liu Hao, not for the sake of winning or losing, just to talk about Baihu Liu Where is Hao's real bottom line?

As the incarnation of a saint, Patriarch Bodhi knows best that he has fallen behind others. He has a feeling that in the future, there will be more and more monks like Baihu Liu Hao who surpass quasi-sages and lag behind saints.

As the incarnation of Zhunti, Patriarch Bodhi has always relied on Zhunti for his cultivation. In the era of Zhunsheng, he could still be king and domineering, but in the era of "sub-sage", maybe he is the one who was eliminated. member.

He is also the most envious of Baihu Liu Hao in his heart, being able to tolerate the incarnation to overwhelm the deity, it also completely shows that Liu Hao has never thought about the method of proving the way with three corpses, which means that in the future, Baihu Liu Hao is bound to do the same. It is a completely independent individual, which is what his ancestor Bodhi dreamed of.

He is in a mess here, but Liu Hao, the white tiger, is much more relaxed. According to the feedback from his spiritual sense, Patriarch Styx has already crossed the passage to the earth, and today's matter is considered to be accomplished. As for the continued battle with Buddhism, it is really not what he expected within the target.

The reason why he wanted to take advantage of the problem to kill Huanxi Buddha, a traitor who intercepted the sect, was not only to send a signal to Tongtian that he could cooperate, but also to take a fancy to the "six souls" taken away by Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal from the time of the judgment. banner'.

As Emperor Fengdu, he intuitively felt that this Lingbao had a great relationship with the Underworld, and it would be much easier to take it away when he killed Huanxi Buddha, otherwise it would not be easy to get it from Jiejiao in the future.

But right now, both Baihu Liu Hao and Bodhi Patriarch knew that the matter had come to an end, and it was even more impossible to fight. But facing Baihu Liu Hao, Bodhi didn't know whether to continue to utter cruel words, and did not see the previous sentence of cruelty Did the words directly bury Huanxi Buddha?

Next, who knows if Liu Hao, the white tiger, will go all out and fight the Buddhist sect to the death?

No one was in the mood to speak. After looking at each other for a few times, each snorted coldly, and they all chose to turn around and leave. This change made those powerful and saints who locked their spiritual consciousness here a little strange, feeling the changes in the prehistoric future. Maybe it will be even more different from today.

In fact, these great powers were not wrong. What Baihu Liu Hao did today shocked the onlookers to a great extent. They were all reflecting on whether they had compared too much in the past and weighed the pros and cons too much, which caused them to hesitate when making a move. Yu, in this way, he was ridden on his face by others.

With this kind of thinking, when they choose in the future, they will definitely change a lot, simply a lot, and at the time of this catastrophe, such changes are often the most deadly, and many wars that could have been avoided through negotiation, It often becomes difficult to control under the impulsiveness of these people.

Baihu Liu Hao didn't know that his actions had caused great changes in the prehistoric world. At this time, he had already returned to Netherland and took out the 'six soul banner', but he did not choose to refine it, but threw it lightly in front of him. , Sure enough, a ray of light flashed by, and the incarnation of Tongtian manifested through the 'six soul banners'.

"Fellow Taoist could have killed Huanxi Buddha through the primordial spirit left behind in the 'Six Soul Banner', so why would he choose to tolerate it?"

This is what Baihu Liu Hao can't understand the most. As a spiritual treasure that originally belonged to Tongtian, it is normal for people to leave spiritual thoughts in it. It is impossible for a saint's spiritual thoughts to be erased by a quasi-sage.

In other words, as long as Tongtian wants to, he can use the 'six soul banners' to kill the long-eared Guangxian at any time.

"The reason here, fellow Taoist, will be able to know it when he becomes a sage!"

Tong Tian was not too polite, he stretched out his hand and summoned the Six Soul Banner into his hand, as if he was thinking about something, and then casually threw it to Bai Hu Liu Hao, obviously he also knew Bai Hu Liu Hao's covetousness for this spirit treasure.

"This 'Way of Curse' is also aimed directly at the soul, and it can play a greater role in the hands of fellow Taoists!"

Tongtian thought that this was Baihu Liu Hao's mind, but he didn't know that Baihu Liu Hao didn't have much desire to possess the Lingbao. Rather than wanting to win the Lingbao, it was better to say that he wanted to understand the "curse" in it. way'.

It's just that there's no need to explain these trivial matters. He has already let go, and this favor must be acknowledged.

Baihu Liu Hao thought more about Tongtian's answer, and he could understand that when he reached the position of saint, he would have already surpassed all living beings. If there is no restraint, it would be the real terror for all living beings.

Just like Huanxi Buddha, Tongtian, as a saint, really wants to crush the other party to death, but it is just a matter of convenience, but there are some things that need an excuse.

It's like when Yuanshi Tianzun knocked Qiongxiao Bixiao to death when he was enshrining the gods. After Qiongxiao Bixiao yelled, Yuanshi Tianzun made a move. Before that, even Yuanshi Tianzun needed to deliberately stimulate the other party, just for a An excuse to make a move, to give Yoyo all living beings a reason.

On the other hand, Tongtian shot and killed Huanxi Buddha after conferring the gods, which is another explanation. It feels as if Tongtian can't afford to lose. Revenge after the event is inferior, and it is impossible to do it with Tongtian's pride. Do.

"This catastrophe is already dangerous enough, fellow daoists, aren't you worried that it will affect the underworld?"

"Then Bodhi threatened me with this. As long as I hesitated a little, I would be manipulated by him. That is not my character, so I might as well follow his will. How many? Does his Buddhist sect really dare to risk his luck to drop?"

"Fellow Daoist is easy to calculate. You want to move the monks of the Underworld outside the underworld, right?"

"Hahaha, you see through it at a glance, it seems that you know everything you need to know!"

"Even if many saints understand it, they will not deliberately tell the people below. Most of the disciples of the saints have a heavenly heart, and they also know that the ghost emperors of the five directions and Yan Luo of the ten palaces have countless merits and good luck. But if they don't do it, it doesn't mean they can't calculate.

You must know that there are many positions in the underworld where the tunnels appear in the world. Who would not want some of these positions to be vacated? Not to mention others, even Pindao is thinking about whether to deliberately place people into the underworld, so that fellow Taoists can know the danger! "

"Why don't I know? However, since the establishment of Empress Houtu, many of the principals in the underworld have never been experienced in the catastrophe, and even the basic sense of crisis is very rare.

In my opinion, this is not a good thing. It is better to actively join than to have to be robbed in the future.

The former is likely to be fooled by others, but if you take the initiative to join the catastrophe, others will be more scruples. Once you get through this time, your mind will be more determined! "

These words were really not a whim of Baihu Liu Hao. After taking over as Emperor Fengdu, he saw the leisure of many high-level people in the underworld, as if all dangers could not be imposed on him.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. Without a sense of crisis, you will appear lazy. Even if you are cultivating the Tao, you are not in a hurry. Replacement.

If there was only the prehistoric world, the white tiger Liu Hao would just smile when he saw it, but in Empress Houtu's calculations, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is to link the heavens and the world. Is such a high-ranking underworld really competent?

It is also because of this that when Patriarch Bodhi was threatening, Baihu Liu Hao was even very happy in his heart. He wished he could step forward to hug him and kiss him fiercely. Senseless.

He also knew that the Five Ghost Emperors, Yama of the Ten Palaces, and the Four Judges would secretly hate him when they knew the news, but in addition to their hatred, they would soon vent all their hatred towards Buddhism.

It's people who will make excuses, their own emperor has been threatened by others, and if they really retreat, these high-level officials of the underworld will only think that the trusted emperor is useless.

Thinking about it afterwards, I can understand Baihu Liu Hao’s choice at that time. Besides, entering the catastrophe does not mean that the catastrophe will affect the underworld. Even if it affects the underworld, it is impossible to affect the institutions of the underworld. Whether it is Hongjun, Houtu or even Nuwa, it is impossible for the catastrophe to disrupt the institutions of the underworld. This is the consensus of almost all monks in the wild.

Since the underworld organization is safe, it seems no big deal if the emperor agrees to be robbed.

Isn't it dangerous if you don't enter the robbery and get out of the underworld?

When Baihu Liu Hao and Tongtian explained, he also took the time to send the reason why the underworld was robbed to these high-level officials. It was related to the reincarnation of the six realms in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and no one dared to be careless.

Everyone knows that this is the greatest opportunity for them. Once they can survive to the end, both their cultivation and their merits and luck will be greatly improved. It is not impossible to cut off the third corpse.

They also knew that this was a test for them by the new Emperor Fengdu. Even if the catastrophe of a world could not be survived, would it be possible to rule the reincarnation of souls in the heavens and the world in the future? You say you can do it, why does the Emperor believe in you?

The pass in front of them is not so much the emperor throwing danger at them, but rather a test of their abilities. If they can't pass it, it can only be their own ability, and no one can blame them!

This is the sense of urgency Baihu Liu Hao wants to impose on the high-level underworld. With this crisis ahead, he also believes that these high-level underworld will never be lazy again. This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Management Organization he really needs.

Compared with many high-level people in the underworld, the thoughts of the underworld outside the underworld are different.

Danger has never been their biggest fear. They have never participated in any catastrophe, and they only heard of cruelty. In their view, any cruelty cannot be compared with the endless fighting in the past.

Furthermore, these top-level Netherland monks have all reached a limit state. Even in Netherland, it is extremely difficult for them to make progress. Opportunity, many monks actually think that this is what Emperor Fengdu fought for them.

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