1295. The Underworld Opens

The thing is so weird that after the future white tiger Liu Hao found out, he felt a little embarrassed. He obviously wanted to let them go out to die, but instead it made them have the possibility of progress. How can this be reasonable?

But the fact is like this. To use an analogy, once the zombie family in the underworld appears in the prehistoric, there must be countless monks coming to "subdue demons and eliminate demons". Getting rid of demons becomes insignificant. Everyone is thinking about saving their lives, so who will take care of you?

In the past, it wasn't that there were no Netherland cultivators who wanted to step into the prehistoric world during the catastrophe, but the passages to enter and exit were controlled in the underworld, and they couldn't do it even if they wanted to. Now that they open it, their mentality can be imagined.

It was also not too long before Baihu Liu Hao took over as Emperor Fengdu, and he didn't inquire about it. Originally, he pushed them into the catastrophe, and he was ready to be complained in his heart, but he didn't know it at all.

This seems to be a reason to put the thinking in the prehistoric world into the underworld. What you think is not recognized by others. In the underworld, what day is not a fight? That is to say, during the period when Baihu Liu Hao took office, he was quieter. There were more inspections and fewer unnecessary wars, but that was all. Isn't the conquest of each other seen everywhere? On which day will no one die?

Participating in the great calamity of the world, and possibly breaking through oneself with the help of the power of the great calamity of the world, is dangerous anyway, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal to be more dangerous.

In addition, there is another benefit that Baihu Liu Hao did not think of before, that is, there are many resources in the Netherland;

Moreover, these resources are also very valuable in the hearts of monks in the wild world, which are like special products, which are very beneficial to the soul, and are already very rare in the wild world.

The white tiger Liu Hao opened up this gap, and made it possible to enter and exit the relatively closed environment of Netherland in the past. Naturally, the middle and high-level monks of Netherland who benefited the most from this, for this reason, they will not turn their resentment towards Baihu Liu Hao vent.

They hope that there will be more opportunities like this, and it would be better if there is a truly stable trading channel in the future that can link with the prehistoric world and the human world.

In the future, when Liu Hao, the white tiger, really realizes this, he will definitely rely on quantity seriously. No matter how cold his personality is, he is still a monk from modern technological civilization, and his emphasis on trade cannot be ignored.

Of course, this is something for later, let's not mention it for the time being, just talking about the present, the appearance of Tongtian cannot be just because of the simple ownership of the 'Six Soul Banner'.

as predicted,

After the two of them drank a cup of tea, Tong Tian finally revealed the purpose of the trip.

"Since fellow Taoists chose to open the passage and push many monks in the Underworld into catastrophe, have you ever thought about opening the Underworld and giving the monks in the prehistoric world a chance to cultivate?"

As soon as Tongtian said this, Baihu Liu Hao was also taken aback. If someone else said this, it would be hard for him to think of the other party's calculations, but Tongtian is different. Compared with other saints, he is not a person who is good at calculations. It is said that it is mostly for the purpose of intercepting and teaching disciples to seek benefits.

However, the cutting teaching at this time is different from the past, even if the gods on the Fengshen Bang reshape their bodies to return to their original form, there are very few disciples who are truly recognized by Tongtian.

Baihu Liu Hao flashed these interception disciples one by one in his mind, and suddenly he thought of the two newest disciples recruited by Tongtian, namely Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu. Lei Fa is the "Yin Five Thunders", and the Netherland environment definitely has a great bonus for practicing the Yin Five Thunders. It is no wonder that Tongtian will come to the door today.

If it were someone else, Baihu Liu Hao might have hesitated a bit, but Zhang Lingyu was brought into the prehistoric world by him. Until now, people respectfully and respectfully call him "Master Uncle". How can this back door not be opened?

But he also knows that if there is one, there must be two, even if this person is close to Baihu Liu Hao, even if Zhang Lingyu is already a disciple of Tongtian, if he opens his mouth, more monks will come to the Netherland to cultivate in the future. Difficult to stop.

This is why Tongtian opened his mouth today. He has already considered Baihu Liu Hao's difficulties. In the future, if others want to enter and leave, they must recognize Baihu Liuhao as a favor. Liu Hao also had an excuse to speak out, and it was hard for people to say anything after hearing it.

Thinking of this, Baihu Liu Hao also sent a thankful look to Tongtian, and the two looked at each other, and they both reached an agreement in silence.

In fact, if it is not a ghost monk, if you want to cultivate in the underworld for a long time, you must use the Da Luo Jinxian Online, otherwise it will be difficult to bear the completely different aura structure.

In this regard, Zhang Lingyu has no fear at all. He is not a ghost cultivator, but he is already an expert in the yin attribute. He only needs to protect his own body, but the problem of maintaining the body is just a matter of convenience for a saint. ;

Liu Hao, the white tiger, also knew that the Tongtian Divine Sense in front of him would probably not be taken back by Tongtian. When Zhang Lingyu came, this Tongtian Divine Sense would be the greatest means of protection.

It has to be said that Tongtian has also become more mature, perhaps because he was taught enough lessons by the lower limit of what Yuanshi Tianzun did when he was enshrining the gods, and now he has become more cautious in protecting his own disciples.

"Fellow Daoist just wants Lingyu to come?"

"Zhang Chulan is majoring in Yang Wulei, and it will be fine in a short period of time, and he has not yet comprehended the idea of ​​yang giving birth to yin, so it will not be too late to think about it in the future!"

"That's fine! Netherland is not a good place. My disciple has come, and there have been several crises since the arrival of my disciple. If I didn't realize it quickly..."

Baihu Liu Hao also shook his head when he said this. This matter really exceeded his expectations. He originally thought that he was the only disciple of Emperor Fengdu in Netherland, and there were absolutely not many monks who would dare to take action lightly. wrong.

Netherland is not comparable to the human world, or the only essential difference between the two is 'reason'.

In the underworld, the dark side is the kingly way. Perhaps it is because of the loss of the body that it is difficult for many ghost cultivators to restrain their evil thoughts once they appear. Together with greed, killing will definitely follow. This is why ghosts outside the underworld The reason why Netherland has never stopped fighting is because of the environment.

However, such an environment is also very tempering, Kuchiki Rukia is an obvious example;

After going through several crises, today's Kuchiki Rukia already has a lot of murderous aura in the eyes of Baihu Liu Hao. Monsters from the world of Xuanwu Dazun are completely different things.

As a sage, Tongtian naturally knows this. Didn't he see that even if Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva entered the underworld, he would only dare to wander around the underworld? At most, it's just going to the edge of the sea of ​​​​blood to transform Asura.

Even though the blood-sea Asura clan has bloodthirsty attributes in the prehistoric world, they also have physical bodies in the underworld, and they have a lot of rationality in fighting, and they can also know how to weigh the pros and cons.

To give an example, if Ksitigarbha goes deep into the underworld and offends those ghost cultivators, they will not care whether you are a disciple of a saint or not. Once you get angry, they will kill you first. This is the biggest difference.

Compared with Zhang Lingyu, the arrival of monks like Zhang Chulan who majored in Yang Wulei is the ghost cultivator's favorite in the underworld. If they devour it, they may even go to a higher level. It also shows that the danger of such a monk stepping into the underworld is far greater. Much taller than Zhang Lingyu.

Tongtian said that Zhang Chulan will talk about it in the future, but it is actually just an excuse. It is not necessary for the earth to turn from yang to yin, and even if there are alternatives in the world, there are more precautions.

But Zhang Lingyu is different. He is like a car repairer. Up to now, he has been groping from books. It’s nothing more than getting started. It’s difficult to master it. What he needs is to learn in a car repair shop by himself. , and Mingtu is the biggest car repair shop for Zhang Lingyu.

That is to say, Zhang Lingyu is apprenticed to Tongtian, otherwise his future achievements will definitely be overtaken by Zhang Chulan, and then he will become mediocre.

The mediocrity here is that you will never be able to prove the Daluo Daoguo, because you can't even truly complete your own major Dao, so what else?

As a sage, Tongtian didn't know about these things, and he finally recruited new disciples. It can be said that he can't overestimate them, and this is how he came to the door today.

As for the danger, how could Tongtian not have a second move? Baihu Liu Hao reminded me that it was not enough;

If Zhang Lingyu really found out that he was in danger, he, the Emperor Fengdu of the underworld, was really not easy to defend.

Because compared to Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Lingyu's opponents will be the real creatures of the underworld at that time, and they will be the people under the tent of Emperor Fengdu, so there is no reason to take action to protect outsiders?

If he really did it, would he, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, still do it?

After much deliberation, Baihu Liu Hao realized that the only thing he could do was to issue a token to Zhang Lingyu before he entered, imbuing him with the aura of Emperor Fengdu, so that those who understood could feel at ease.

When the token he summoned was handed to Tongtian, Tongtian laughed:

"Fellow Daoist's responsibilities, the poor Daoist can naturally understand! Besides, my apprentice is not a person with shallow luck!"

"It was also my own deity who carried me into the prehistoric world. In other words, I am also my descendant. With this token, the Palace of the Great Emperor in Fengdu can go unimpeded. In the future, he will understand something. This is the best place for hidden cultivation!"

"Thank you fellow daoist!"

"Saints are polite!"

The two picked up the teacups, everything was kept in silence, and they didn't continue to delve into the topic. After drinking a cup of tea, the two of them chatted more relaxedly.

"Fellow Daoist beheaded the long-eared traitor, the Buddhist sect will not give up! Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist is stopping disaster for my sect!"

"Haha...don't mention it again, fellow daoist. What I value is the 'six soul banner'. I took it without telling you, and it has already fallen to the bottom. No wonder fellow daoist, I am very happy in my heart!"

"However, a mere spirit treasure is more important than cleaning up the traitors. How can I not know? After beheading the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, a big stone will fall in the hearts of my disciples. It won't be long before the poor Taoist will hear about it." The news that the disciple beheaded the two corpses is a great blessing!"

"It's the best! I can feel more at ease!"

Tongtian shook his head slightly after hearing this, knowing that Liu Hao, the white tiger, did not want to charge Tongtian or even cut off the cause and effect of teaching because of this, and ended with the issue of the ownership of the "six soul banners", which is the real "gentleman" in Tongtian's view.

"Speaking of which, the true spirit of Huanxi Buddha is still in my hands, fellow Taoists..."

"Hahaha, everything is off, the poor will not let his true spirit do that light of the sky lantern!"

"It's me, Meng Lang!" The white tiger Liu Hao also secretly sighed that he had done too much, who is Tongtian? These words make people feel that they are underestimating the other party;

While speaking, Baihu Liu Hao also stretched out his right hand. After a while, a gray air flow flashed by, and soon condensed a true spirit. Compared with the soul, this true spirit is like a real whole, but compared to the size, it seems small Most of it is gone, because all the past has been stripped away, leaving only the purest soul.

In the hands of the sage, the true spirit may be able to recover something, but that's all. If you want to restore the root, you can only do it, the queen of the earth, but it is obviously impossible. The only way is to reincarnate. Let's see if the Buddhist sect has the opportunity to find him again and lead him to the path of cultivating Buddhism.

The white tiger Liu Hao lost interest, and with a slight movement in his heart, a tiny vortex appeared in his hand. After the vortex appeared, it immediately disintegrated, and within a few breaths, the world turned into six vortexes of the same size. Liu Hao has truly gained enlightenment from the Underworld for so long.

Tongtian's eyes were brightened by this method. He saw the long-eared true spirit being attracted by one of the vortexes, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, even the white tiger Liu Hao could see it clearly.

Although this guy said he forgave the traitor, he was still unavoidably happy when he saw Chang-eared Dingguangxian being beaten into the animal realm.

"Tao's friendly means, even the sage knows little about the law of reincarnation! Poor Dao is embarrassed to be jealous when he sees it!"

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoists, please don't laugh at me, it's just with the help of the underworld, otherwise, I would have sent him into reincarnation as early as in the prehistoric world!

Speaking of which, the law of reincarnation is really difficult. If I hadn't been sitting in the position of Emperor Fengdu, if I wanted to comprehend it, it would take hundreds of millions of years! "

"This chance is due to the luck of fellow Taoists!" Tong Tian's words are not polite, even the saints think so, did not see that the Empress Dowager in Wa Palace asked Liu Hao to take over the position of Emperor Fengdu At that time, didn't these saints object?

Even if they couldn't find a suitable candidate for a while, they all knew that their luck was not enough to really sit in the entire underworld, so they had to give up.

When Hongjun reshaped the Heavenly Court back then, they never gave up one by one, and they almost broke their heads fighting for the position of Jade Emperor. This is the difference.

In the past, Baihu Liu Hao might have declined a few words, but now he can be regarded as truly integrated into the prehistoric world, and he also knows that Tongtian is not polite.

"It is also the opportunity given by Empress Houtu! However, the position of Fengdu Great Emperor is not easy to match. I feel that the real test has not yet come!"

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