Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

1296. Styx enters the earth

1296: River Styx Enters Earth

However, Patriarch Styx was rescued by the white tiger Liu Hao, turned around and headed towards Beiju Luzhou World Passage, and the road was unimpeded, and no one dared to block the passage.

With such a huge movement in Buddhism, the white tiger Liu Hao personally entered the stage, so how could such a big movement be hidden from others?

Not to mention the Jiuying guarding Beiju Luzhou Passage from the Yaozu, even Haotian from the Heavenly Court took the time to give Sha Wujing a notice. Before the ancestor Minghe arrived, they already knew about it, and it was even more impossible for them to do evil Emperor Ziwei hated Emperor Fengdu of the underworld.

Whether it is the monster clan or the great Tianzun Haotian of the Heavenly Court, they all know that the reason why the Buddhist sect dispatched such a huge lineup is that the Buddhist sect has been eyeing the Asura clan early on. Will you be willing?

The Patriarch Styx received the decree from Fengdu Great Emperor Baihu Liu Hao, even if it was an accident, it did not prevent the Primordial monks from knowing one thing, that is, the future Asura clan can only belong to the underworld, and the future against the Asura clan will not only have to face Styx still needs to face the entire underworld, the entire underworld, even Buddhism is very scrupulous about this.

Rather than saying that they are blocking the Styx River, it is better to say that they do not want the imperial decree of Baihu Liu Haofeng to become a fact. The only thing they did not count is that Baihu Liu Hao will be so bold and come here without any hesitation at all. Go straight to the fight, and then beat to death, directly destroying all the calculations of Buddhism.

No one expected that Buddhism would become the object of Liu Hao, the white tiger who trusted Emperor Fengdu in the prehistoric times, but the effect was remarkable.

When Patriarch Minghe was in Beiju Luzhou World Passage, he also vaguely felt the difference.

If he represents himself, he will inevitably be blocked in this passage, maybe it is just a routine question, but there is a big difference between yes and no.

Liu Hao, who represents the white tiger now, also represents the authentic side to a certain extent. As soon as he appeared, no one stopped him, and everyone looked at him with a trace of respect. At most, it brought a trace of fear where he walked, and the word respect almost cut him off.

Passing through the passage, the Patriarch Minghe found that the Yaozu Jiuying had been waiting here for a long time, and the two were old acquaintances.

"Huh? This is?"

"Fellow Daoist also noticed that this Empress Nuwa's 'Shanhe Sheji Map' is suppressing her ears!"

Jiuying didn't hide anything. Since Styx has come to Earth, it is impossible to hide these things.

What's more, he has a great relationship with Liu Hao, so why not sell it in advance?

Shanhe Sheji Tu is the half-body spiritual treasure of the Nuwa Empress. Although it does not have the power of the innate treasure, it is not a problem to suppress the law from the dark side of the abyss. You must know that the highest invaders from the abyss today are no more than quasi-sage ears, so it can be said that they are quite capable.

But even so, it is still a little uncomfortable for many powerful people. It is like handing over your wealth and life to others, even if you know that they will not use it to target you , you will not be happy, especially for monks like Patriarch Styx.

After Jiuying's reminder, Patriarch Minghe sensed it a little bit and saw the effect, so he gave up, but he also lost interest in continuing to chat with Jiuying here, and left directly after saying a few words.

After leaving the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, the ancestor Minghe immediately saw the statue of Empress Nuwa. Unlike before, it was also because the map of Shanhe Sheji covered the entire earth, which activated the soul of Empress Nuwa in the original map of Shanhe Sheji. Knowing Liu Hao's purpose, it is even more impossible to stop him. Instead, he directly attached the Yuanshen to the statue of the Nuwa Empress.

It is also because of this that the statue seems to have come alive, even if it is seen thousands of miles away, one can recognize anyone at a glance, that's all, the slightly leaked aura of good fortune in the Nuwa Empress' primordial spirit is the real greatness. There are also opportunities, and the beneficiaries don't know how much they are ignorant.

Ancestor Styx He is an ancient figure at any rate, and his vision is much higher than others. He can see the difference at a glance, and quickly bows to the statue of Nuwa Empress. He even got a response from the other party, as if giving It's like a pass, and you can feel like a fish in water in the map of mountains and rivers in an instant.

Even Empress Nuwa would sell some face to these ancient innate demon gods, not to mention that what came was only the primordial spirit left in Empress Nuwa's Lingbao, and she would not use it to embarrass Patriarch Styx Such peers.

With this change, the ancestor Styx was somewhat happy in his heart, just like a classmate in his childhood, now he is already a rich man in the world, and he has not been taught for decades, and now he sees again, he still releases you Good intentions, I also recognize you as an elementary school classmate.

But don’t underestimate the kindness of Empress Nuwa, it’s like granting authority to Patriarch Styx, within the range covered by the Shanhe Sheji Map, not only is there no obstacle at all, but there is also a way to get in and out;

In addition, the most important thing is action. The entire planet is covered by the map of mountains, rivers and land. In other words, with just one thought, the ancestor of Styx with this authority can appear in any position on the earth, which is not much different from space walking .

This is the case with the ancestor Minghe in front of him. He greeted Empress Nuwa and appeared in front of Liu Hao with a single step.

"Hahaha... Unexpectedly, that ice cube invited fellow daoist here! What a blessing!"

When Obsessive Liu Hao saw Patriarch Minghe, a smile immediately rose on his face. This bold laugh made Patriarch Minghe feel happy. You must know that there is a word of "please" in the words of Obsessive Liu Hao This shows that Emperor Fengdu didn't intend to plot against him at all. Everything before was a coincidence, and more of it was his own death.

"Fellow daoist, you're welcome! I've been coveted by the poor for a long time. Now that I have this opportunity, how can I not seize it?" Liu Hao gave a huge face, and the ancestor Minghe would naturally respond.

"It's a matter of mutual benefit, but it's also a merit for fellow daoists!"

"Oh?" Patriarch Styx was slightly taken aback, and immediately realized that this seemed to be the case. Not only could he use this imbalance to comprehend the laws of the dark side, but he could also directly absorb them and walk on the path of real laws;

This is absolutely impossible in Honghuang, and not only will you not be disgusted by this world, but you will also be rewarded by heaven and earth, that is, merit.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Minghe felt even more fortunate, thinking that he was lucky to die, and now it seems that he has completely supported by Emperor Fengdu and even all the incarnations of Liu Hao.

The way of law, if you change it to Honghuang, it is the method of proving the way with strength.

Proving the way with strength is not about breaking the chaos, but more about breaking the imprisonment of the law of the great way, so as to step into the chaos.

Pan Gu himself was a practitioner of the law of force, so he came up with the saying of "proving the Tao with force", which is also the best explanation of proving the Tao with the "law".

However, in the prehistoric world, it is possible to comprehend the laws, but it is not possible to condense the laws. This is tantamount to extracting the origin of the prehistoric world, how can heaven and earth tolerate it?

Not to mention the prehistoric world, even in any world, it is almost impossible to use the law to prove the Tao, and it is simply an object that the world hates and discards.

Why did Liu Hao’s method of beheading three corpses quickly catch up with the method of law? The real reason lies in this.

So far, he still only dared to comprehend but did not dare to condense, which was a hindrance.

On the other hand, if Liu Hao, the white tiger, hadn't traveled to the abyss, how could he have reached his current level? It is even more than the deity.

Patriarch Styx had such a great opportunity in front of him. As the Lord of Asura, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, and the place where all the filth of the prehistoric world returned, these dark side laws seemed to be prepared for him naturally. No wonder Baihu Liu Hao thought of him first.

This is the real harmony that benefits both, and each takes what he needs!

At this time, Ancestor Styx's heart was blooming, and his facial paralysis, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, also became twitching. He really wanted to laugh wildly to show his mood;

But Liu Hao was in the front, but he had to choose to be patient. He was a little worried that he would be too rampant and cause Liu Hao to have other thoughts. If he didn't give this opportunity, he would be at a great loss.

It's not that only his ancestor Styx can do this. In the Netherland, as far as the ancestor Styx knows, there are several who can do this. He doesn't want to have one more competitor.

Besides, for these dark side laws, it would not take long for Baihu Liu Hao, the great emperor of Fengdu, to come in person. If he didn't come by himself, it would be a great blessing to give this opportunity;

If I still can't do it, I will really be a waste in front of Emperor Fengdu in the future!

Patriarch Minghe himself didn't realize that he had more approval for the white tiger Liu Hao in his heart, and his address in his heart had been completely tilted towards "Fengdu Emperor", as if he had recognized the white tiger Liu Hao's right to rule, maybe After Styx only grasped this harvest, he should become the real general of Baihu Liu Hao in the future.

Of course, this is something for later, let’s not mention it for the time being, just talking about the changes on Styx’s face in front of Liu Hao’s eyes, and he felt a lot more relaxed. Hao shared there, you can say you are proficient, or you can say you are not proficient.

Speaking of proficiency, it means Liu Hao can use the power of heaven and earth to drive these dark side laws to fight, and the use of them will not be obscure at all.

However, being able to borrow it does not mean that Liu Hao can easily condense these dark side laws with his obsession, let alone do it quickly.

On the other hand, Patriarch Styx, even if his understanding of the law of the dark side is obviously much worse than him, he must be much better than him in terms of conciseness.

It's as if obsessed Liu Hao is a cross-professional. The reason why he is proficient is that he stands at a higher height, but his professional hands-on ability is not good. Styx is the other way around.

In addition, the most important point is the obsession Liu Hao, even if he worked hard to condense these dark side laws, it is impossible to integrate into himself. He is just an incarnation of the deity, and only Liu Hao, the white tiger, can integrate. Evil thoughts incarnate.

"Fellow Daoists, please rest assured that Pindao will definitely do his best to balance this unbalanced law as quickly as possible, and do our part for the common people!"

Patriarch Styx is not a fool, he still understands what to say, and he is also using the conversation with Liu Hao to show kindness to this world, telling this world that he will never mess around when he comes!

Obsessed Liu Hao can naturally understand the deep meaning in the words of Old Ancestor Minghe, he took a deep look at Minghe, then nodded with a smile, the two of them remained silent.

Seeing that Styx was impatient, Liu Hao didn't say much when he was obsessed with Liu Hao. He directly brought the other party to North America, and then stepped into the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation" arranged by Liu Hao!

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation!" As soon as he stepped in, Patriarch Minghe exclaimed. Although he didn't know how to arrange this formation, he was very familiar with it.

"Daoist friendly eyes! Exactly!"

Minghe breathed a sigh of relief, and soon he thought of Emperor Ziwei. With the source, it is naturally impossible to be related to the monster race, but soon he found that this week's star battle was far beyond his imagination. It feels like the monster clan has come to arrange, but that's all.

However, it was not easy for him to mention this, but he just glanced at Liu Hao obscurantly.

Obsessed with Liu Hao's discovery, he explained with a smile: "It's also thanks to Empress Nuwa for her guidance!"

"The Dao is friendly and the way of luck!" Patriarch Minghe suddenly realized that, as Emperor Wa, it is impossible for Empress Nuwa to be unfamiliar with the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation, but being able to teach Liu Hao the formation shows that Empress Nuwa treats Liu Hao very differently valued.

Knowing this, the Ancestor Minghe couldn't help but feel jealousy in his heart, but it came and disappeared faster. After thinking about it, Liu Hao was valued by Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa, Seemed to be a good thing for him too;

I don't want to admit it anymore, but now I have become a part of Emperor Fengdu's subordinates. With such a lucky person, I will definitely get more benefits in the future, just like this opportunity, and it is not impossible in the future next time.

Stepping into the big formation of Zhou Tian Xingdou is like being in the endless starry sky. Even Patriarch Styx can feel the vast coercion. The deeper it is, the more it makes him feel that the formation in front of him is nothing more than that even if Di Juntai and the entire monster clan come to arrange it.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Minghe was even more shocked. Before that, he was thinking about how to get out of the jurisdiction of Emperor Fengdu in the future and become a self-contained body again, but now he finds that he has underestimated him from the beginning to the end. Liu Hao.

As Styx, who was born in ancient times, and a figure of the same age as Emperor Juntai, how could he not know the power of Zhou Tian's Star Dou array?

The Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation arranged by the Monster Clan was entangled with countless demon gods, and countless star banners were refined to be comparable to the Witch Clan's Twelve Capitals. But what about the "Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation" in front of you?

The deeper he went, the more Styx discovered that there was no so-called 'star streamer' at all, and there were no other monks with demon god cultivation. In other words, everything was nothing more than a folding core. feel scared.

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