1299: interest

Completely beheading the quasi-holy-level abyss visitor in front of him, Liu Hao only realized the difference. After the death of the quasi-saint monk in the abyss, all the laws originally condensed by the other party were also released, as if feeding back to the world, but this is not the case here. The abyss, the imbalance of the laws of heaven and earth, has a large part of the reason here.

It's no wonder Qinglong Liu Hao wants to take out all the innate treasures of the "Zhoutian Xingchenzhu". Now it seems that there will only be more dark side laws suppressed in the formation, and he is also worried that he will tilt the earth with his brain. This kind of imbalance It is likely to collapse.

These are not the key points, but the continuous attack of the abyss in the future also means that there will be more and more such dark side laws. It is no wonder that whenever the abyss invades the world, it will probably only become a place of ruins in the end.

Such an opponent, so what if he resisted it? People are still able to influence the world fundamentally, eroding the world bit by bit, and in the end they can only watch the whole world being polluted by the law of the dark side, and finally fall into the abyss.

This is the most terrifying part of the abyss invasion, right?

If this point cannot be solved fundamentally, it seems that any resistance is meaningless, and it is just a matter of being destroyed sooner or later.

As soon as this idea came out, all the happiness that Liu Hao had just now was washed away, leaving only a look of helplessness on his face. It's just absorbing part of it, there is always a bottleneck, once the law he absorbs reaches the limit, will he have to switch to other people to help?

You can't pull all the quasi-sages in the prehistoric underworld to use them one by one, right?

But even so, compared with the abyss, the number of quasi-sages is nothing at all.

It took a long time for Liu Hao to calm down. He thought about whether there were other ways to solve the problem. He thought of establishing an underworld in the earth. Although this could not completely solve the problem, it was better than others.

Suddenly he discovered another problem, that is, those behind the scenes must have known this. Now that the layout has been made, it is impossible to ignore these things, and there must be someone waiting for them.

He carefully recalled the changes of the earth, and after a long time, there was a smile on his face.

He thought of his own "spiritual energy tide". It has been a lot of time since the last time, and it seems that it should appear. Does he know that there is endless vitality in this spiritual energy tide, which is why the entire earth can be Creatures are rapidly advancing on the path of evolution, isn't this the reason for the laws that contain countless sunny sides?


Except for myself, no monk has stepped into the quasi-sage yet, but there are quite a few Da Luo Jinxians. Are they all waiting for the arrival of this new round of "spiritual energy tide"?

He was a little thankful that he introduced the prehistoric cultivation system to the earth, otherwise most of these people would have to embark on the path of law cultivation, and by then, it would be really troublesome.

Xu Shi had just returned from Perfect World, and Liu Hao subconsciously thought of that drop of dirty blood at the end of the river of fate in Perfect World;

He had a feeling that that drop of demonic blood was likely to have a great connection with the abyss, even if it didn't come from the demon god of the abyss, it probably had a great cause and effect with the other party.

Otherwise, why would the entire perfect world subconsciously march towards the ultimate path?

Does he know that the perfect world will "cover the sky" in the future, and the dark era in the future will last for an unknown number of years.

Coupled with the boundary sea in the perfect world, it seems to explain a lot more. Isn't the 'boundary sea' formed after the destruction of countless planes and stars, another embodiment of returning to the ruins?

Liu Hao shook his head and retracted his thoughts. He also knew that these were just his own imaginations. Whether it was what he had thought or not could only be clearly seen in the future after he truly proved Hunyuan.

Right now, the arrival of Patriarch Styx has temporarily solved the law imbalance problem. The broken chain of laws just now has been directly sent away by Qinglong Liu Hao, and the destination can only be known without much thought. 'Lunar Star', the place where the Patriarch Styx really sits now.

For Patriarch Styx, "Taiyin Star" is definitely the most suitable training ground for him, even more suitable than his old lair, the wild blood sea, because there are broken chains of laws everywhere;

With his method, he can easily return it to its original state, and then choose the one that suits him best. What he didn't even dare to think of before is now everywhere. This kind of happiness makes him feel a little bit stunned, lest he is dreaming.

In the endless years, Patriarch Styx has comprehended almost all the laws of the dark side once, and he is definitely one of the few people in the prehistoric times when he was stuck at the peak of the quasi-sage;

The cultivation base has not been improved, and he has never left the sea of ​​​​blood. In these hundreds of millions of years, he can only supplement by comprehending many laws in order to improve his combat effectiveness.

Speaking of the practice of the ancestor Styx, it is almost the only practice of other veteran quasi-sages in Honghuang, such as Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng and others. Sleep soundly?

Looking at it now, it has become the greatest luck for Patriarch Styx. Almost any of these chains of laws, he can recognize which one belongs to at a glance, and he can easily disassemble them.

Ancestor Styx is not an honest person, and the law of condensing is forbidden in the wild, but it does not mean that Ancestor Styx will not try. No matter how you say it, he is known as "the sea of ​​blood will not dry up, and Styx will not die". Trying it is nothing but luck. Isn't it really necessary to absorb these attempts into the body?

These small actions have now become the biggest capital of Patriarch Styx, and it also proves that Liu Hao is definitely lucky to bring this guy to Earth.

On this point, even Qinglong Liu Hao had to give a secret compliment. As the core of the formation hub, only he knows the speed at which Patriarch Styx condenses and absorbs these laws. This is an effect that can be seen almost immediately. , he also knew that in a short period of time, he didn't need to put more thought into it, what else could he be dissatisfied with?

Qinglong Liu Hao does not need to be more distracted to suppress these dark side laws, the effect is not a little bit, those high-end monks may not feel anything, but on the battlefield of abyss spores, it is the greatest salvation, with such a little more energy, Qinglong Liu Hao also Those monks who are almost dead can be moved away calmly and handed over to the logistics team to save them.

This is tantamount to fundamentally changing logistics and accelerating the input of new forces

In addition, Obsessive Liu Hao also noticed a lot of changes. In the star he was standing on just now, the original sense of illusion was reduced. true and false.

Don't think that this change is not a big deal, he won't even notice it, and most of the creatures from the abyss who are teleported here will also find it difficult to do so. This in itself can cover up the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation' for a longer period of time. It is the best protection for our own earth.

After concentrating on his thoughts, Liu Hao sent another message to Qinglong Liu Hao, and put his energy into fighting the enemies of the abyss again. As an existence of one body, he knew that the visitors from the abyss who came this time were really not good. Less, and being able to solve it quickly is the real kingly way.

In fact, any master who puts himself into battle has no hesitation at all. Liu Hao's failure to absorb these great merits does not mean that others will not do it. For them, this is the real excellent tonic, which is incomparable to anything else of.

In their view, they wished that there would be more masters in the abyss, and it would be best if they could fight until the end of time, even Zhuang Zhou, who was closest to the way of inaction, was no exception.

If Liu Hao insists on visiting the stars one by one, he will find that almost every monk who has come to the earth has already been among them, even Xingtian who arrived last is no exception.

In this formation, you can see the Elf Queen spare no water of life, you can also see Avalokitesvara stretching out her arms, you can see Fang Yun singing poems, and you can also see Thor and Odin cooperate with each other;

Wait, wait, as long as you have tasted the benefits of the Great Dao, no one is willing to quit.

To give an example, when the demon saint Bai Ze from the demon race arrived on Earth, he was already a quasi-sage who beheaded two corpses, a figure who was close to the pinnacle of a quasi-sage.

Moreover, although he has not been in this realm for as long as the ancestor of Minghe, he is definitely one of the front row of the prehistoric.

The reason why Bai Ze's combat power is still a little behind compared with Tathagata and Haotian is that Bai Ze's finger spirit treasure is not strong enough.

But now, Bai Ze has absorbed a lot of great merits and virtues, and he has already felt that his obsession with the three corpses has taken shape. and Haotian.

However, Zhang Bairen, who came as the incarnation of Haotian, found it difficult to share this great merit across the world with Haotian in the prehistoric.

But it’s not that there are no benefits. On the contrary, Zhang Bairen, the incarnation of Haotian, was so excited that it was almost uncontrollable at this time. Possibility of improvement.

But now, with these great merits and virtues added to him, Zhang Bairen has watched his cultivation improve bit by bit, and he even feels that it is not impossible to surpass the deity in the future.

If this is the case, it will not be so difficult for Haotian to take Zhang Bairen back in the future.

As Haotian's nephew, Yang Jian, who had proved the Daluo Jinxian Dao fruit in the earth, already had a sign of killing three corpses at this time. I have no idea how long it will take to achieve it.

Once such benefits are tried, who is willing to give up?

It can be said that although these people did not have any communication within this 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation', there is already a tacit understanding in their hearts, that is, they will never open their mouths without telling the superiors about these benefits Honestly, charging more benefits is the situation they are most willing to see.

The obsessive Liu Hao at this moment didn't have the time to think about these things. This time, Qinglong Liu Hao sent him a real quasi-sage peak abyss cultivator. There are a few more.

Judging from the information given by Baihu Liu Hao, the abyss cultivator at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage in front of him is already close to the limit, and the next step is the "sub-sage". After arriving here, ninety-nine out of ten will be able to become a human form, becoming the first true monk of the abyss. the ruler of.

In other words, this opponent is almost the most powerful member of this abyss invasion, and even the leader of the abyss monks at all.

Facing such an opponent, even Liu Hao had to pay 100% attention. Who made him the lowest among the three incarnations of Liu Hao? Thanks to other incarnations and even the deity's enlightenment and absorption, if he relied on himself, now he is no more than equal to his opponent at most.

He was cautious, and the peak monk of the abyss quasi-sage was also extremely cautious. When facing Liu Hao, his eyes still looked at the twelfth-rank 'Pure World White Lotus' under Liu Hao's feet from time to time. This made Liu Hao feel a lot more relaxed.

People are staring at their own baby, so why isn't Liu Hao staring at other people's baby?

This was the first time Liu Hao saw the abyss cultivator holding a weapon.

He knows that almost any spiritual treasure enters the abyss, and it is difficult to maintain it for a long time. After a long time, it will be assimilated by the unique laws of the abyss, but more can only be allowed to dissipate and turn into various attractions in the abyss;

As the world goes on, the 'attractions' transformed by these spirit treasures can only turn into existences that are no different from the abyss in the end.

It's not that the monks from the abyss don't want to maintain the shape of these spirit treasures, but they can't do it, even if they have a higher cultivation level, it's hard to sustain. It exists in the middle and long term, and it cannot be changed by manpower.

Therefore, all the weapons that appear in the hands of the abyss monks either exist in perfect conformity with the laws of the abyss, or they are refined bit by bit in the endless years of the abyss monks, and they must be their own enlightenment treasures. continue.

The abyss cultivator in front of him is obviously the latter. On his five arms, he holds a spike high up. It is as black as ink, and the cold light is overflowing. Completely collapsed from the soul level.

These spikes have no handle at all, they are more like the extension of the monk's arm, or the opponent's hand bones passing through the palm, as if they were refined from other people's hand bones. When they dance, even Liu Hao can hear them. The sound of endless howling on it pointed directly to the depths of his own soul, and every move was affecting the opponent's judgment.

Even Liu Hao can feel that once he is injured by the opponent's spikes, it will not be a short time to heal, and it may even be an absolute injury at all.

At this level, it is impossible to turn the battle scene upside down like Da Luo Jinxian. Instead, every move is to carry the power of heaven. Any collision is almost the intersection of the power of heaven and earth. understand the meaning.

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