Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred. Cunning

1300: cunning

From the perspective of outsiders, the abyss cultivator was just a step forward. Before he even moved, his five arms had already stabbed towards Liu Hao. Although there was almost a thousand miles between them, he activated his own strength to the peak.

But in the next scene, you will see small black holes appearing in all directions around Liu Hao. There are more than a hundred of them, and the endless suction directly imprisons Liu Hao's surroundings. Sit and wait, because when they react, the spikes protruding from these black holes have already been applied to their bodies;

This is basically a method of using the law, and it has long since broken away from the distance confrontation.

Fortunately, Liu Hao is not afraid at all in this regard. The moment these black holes appeared, Liu Hao inside them had already changed positions, leaving nothing but a copy, but even a copy was quite powerful. , even the abyss cultivator at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage didn't notice, but fully exerted his strength to the extreme, hoping to solve the enemy in one fell swoop.

The victory or defeat is often completed in an instant. This is a life-and-death battle for the monks above the quasi-sages.

He is no longer flashy, but his destructive power is even more terrifying. The replica of Liu Hao left in place is just an aura incarnation, but from outsiders' perspective, it does not only act on the incarnation of aura;

The place where Liu Hao was originally standing was enough to completely destroy it, and it was directly atomized. A nearly 10,000-meter pothole appeared in an instant, and the matter in it did not know where it went, giving people the feeling that The general did not exist before.

Originally, Liu Hao wanted to take advantage of the opponent's attack with all his strength, and directly counterattack, but when he was about to make a move, he realized that the opponent seemed to have expected it. After thinking about it, Liu Hao also understood why.

As soon as this guy appeared, he had a lot of scruples about the twelfth-rank 'Jingshi Bailian' under his feet, so how could he be unprepared?

Since the opponent can see the restraint attribute at a glance, in other words, he must be extremely sensitive to it.

Good guy, it's just for acting. It seems to be a full blow, but in fact it's just to lure yourself into the game. Although I don't know what tricks the other party has hidden, but since he made it, he must be sure.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao took back his original action. When the other party stopped, Liu Hao's figure reappeared in the original position. The deep pit that was erased by the other party before was restored to its original state with Liu Hao's wave of his hand. This is simply the law of time. The backtracking is also to give the other party a strong deterrent.

Not to mention, the effect is extraordinary.

The pit before that seemed to be erased,

In fact, this is not the case, but was directly swallowed up by that guy and turned into nourishment for his body, but when Liu Hao went back in time, the substances that were originally swallowed by him seemed to have done nothing, and all of them were returned to his feet by Liu Hao stars.

The reason why he wants to do this is another layer of Liu Hao's calculation, that is, he doesn't want the other party to have time to think about other things, because once enough is left for the other party in the world, those devoured substances will also be analyzed by the other party. This guy must know that the stars under the feet of the two fighting are nothing but an illusion.

"But you underestimated this world!"

The abyss cultivator muttered, the pronunciation was like grinding teeth, but everyone who heard it would tremble. Fortunately, Liu Hao is very familiar with this, and he has learned it completely from Baihu Liu Hao, and there is no need to resist at all, but he did not reveal it. own clear intentions.

Seeing that Liu Hao was not affected at all, Xu Shi frowned, and looked at Liu Hao with deeper eyes.

However, Liu Hao didn't have any extra thoughts to chat with the opponent. Seeing that the opponent was not moving, he took the lead and tested the opponent's depth.

I saw Liu Hao tap his toes on the white lotus under his feet, and the power was directly transmitted to the stars below. In an instant, this planet that was originally full of wind and sand was completely ignited in an instant, and within a few breaths, it had already turned into a star. Stellar general;

But if you look closely, you can find that there seems to be a living being conceived in it, and you can even see the shape of this living being clearly through it, which is caused by a Suzaku.

"Liu Li Jinghuo" is Liu Hao's answer after thinking about it, which originally has the ability to purify the world.

In fact, Liu Hao also noticed something beneficial. The abyss aura that was originally wrapped around the opponent seemed to be stripped of a layer after the appearance of Liuli Jinghuo, and even the color became much lighter. Divide your energy into resisting it.


A crisp cry resounded between the heaven and the earth, even though the 'Suzaku' bred in the stars hadn't yet emerged, its aura had already exploded completely.

This soft cry also had a lot of restraint on the abyss cultivator in front of him. At that moment, Liu Hao also clearly saw a stagnation of the abyssal breath entwined around the opponent, just like a pause in the originally flowing river.

This voice also broke the original thought of the abyss monk.

Previously, he thought it was all an illusion given by Liu Hao, and the weakening of the abyssal aura around him was just the result of the spread of his "Jing Shi Bai Lian".

But now, he also had to admit that this star was originally intentionally created by the other party, and it was basically a battle place deliberately set up for him, with a slight intention of ambush.

As soon as this idea came out, the more this guy thought about it, the more he felt it was reasonable, and soon he completely convinced himself, locking part of his energy into the still unawakened 'Suzaku' within the stars.

But he didn't know that this was simply a usage of Liu Hao's law of illusion, and the so-called 'Suzaku' was just a talisman that had been prepared long ago, and its lethality was not as high as the other party imagined.

This 'Suzaku' talisman was carved by Liu Hao after beheading the quasi-sage monster in the Xuanwu world before. The lethality reached the level of the quasi-sage, but it was only limited to the early stage of the quasi-sage, and it was difficult to maintain it with only three hits at most.

But now, Liu Hao has discovered that the effect is extraordinary. The Vermilion Bird talisman from the quasi-sage seems to be more powerful in the face of abyssal species, not to mention beheading the opponent, but the front is enough up.

This made Liu Hao think about whether he had time to describe more, especially the frontline abyss spore battlefield, which would definitely play a very good role.

The abyss cultivator also had a splitting headache at this time. He never expected to meet an opponent who was extremely restrained against him as soon as he came out. , otherwise why is it so?

Just as he was thinking, the 'Suzaku' in the stars had already been born, and the whole planet seemed to be completely split in two at this moment, and split right under where he was standing.

He thought about using the law of space to dodge, but found that no matter how he dodged, he didn't move at all, as if no matter how far he walked, the opponent could still lock on to him.

This made him understand that he could only fight hard, but he couldn't fully participate in the confrontation, otherwise the real opponent would definitely teach him a lesson that he would never forget.

As a last resort, this guy could only reveal his hole cards.

This is a broken piece of fur, the size of a palm, but it is filled with the atmosphere that even Liu Hao has to be extremely careful, like the remnants of a real Hunyuan monk, and Liu Hao even wondered if he was originally a Hunyuan The torn skin of the abyss cultivator.

Sweeping across the line of sight, there were obviously cracks on the fur, but in Liu Hao's eyes, there were countless lines flashing, which seemed natural, as if it should be like this.

The more he observes, the more Liu Hao strengthens his inner thoughts, and subconsciously pushes the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus under his feet to the peak.

Perhaps Liu Hao, the Qinglong who sits at the core of the "Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation", also felt it. After focusing his sights on this place, he increased the spread of the "Zhoutian Star Beads" and directly formed countless starlights around Liu Hao's obsession, as if giving He added a buff.

This made the obsessive Liu Hao feel a lot more relaxed, and increased the urging of the pure world white lotus under his feet, directly driving towards the opponent's body.

Sure enough, that guy didn't dare to resist the 'Jingshi Bailian' on his own, and directly threw out the palm-sized fur in the hope of resisting.

But he didn't expect Liu Hao to be so bold as to directly involve that 'fur' into the white lotus.

This change also surprised the other party. He wanted to call it back but found it difficult to do so. What made him have to think about it was that the Suzaku under his feet had already pecked at him. Above the sharp beak was almost colorless Liuli Jinghuo told him that if he didn't resist with all his strength, he might hurt the root.

But he didn't know that it was also because of his choice that Liu Hao completely suppressed that slap, and there was no possibility of recalling it again.

Liu Hao's guess is correct, that fur is really the skin of a Hunyuan cultivator in the abyss who was torn by others during the battle, and it has been in this guy's hands for an unknown number of years.

Relying on it, this guy didn't know how many sub-sage opponents he had intimidated. When those sub-sages saw this guy's hole cards, they all chose to back down, and they didn't dare to really fight this guy to the death.

In the abyss, the weak eat the strong, who doesn't have a few big enemies?

Once you are seriously injured, there is not so much time to treat you. Often during this time period, the enemy has already guessed the location, and then most of them can only watch themselves being swallowed up by the enemy and turned into nourishment for the enemy to advance.

It is also because of this that this guy resisted the threat tenaciously. Even if he is the quasi-sage peak, on the first floor of the abyss, this guy is no different from ordinary sub-sages, and he can command so many abyss monks Find the world for him, and contribute the advanced nourishment he needs.

It's a pity that success is the same, and failure is the same.

Just because this guy hadn't really used this Hunyuan skin before, it was very obscure for him to use it, and he couldn't really use this power effectively.

And because most of the energy was involved, it fell directly under the suppression of Liu Hao's "Jing Shi Bai Lian", and it was impossible to get it back!

Maybe there is still a chance to switch to other spirit treasures, but the pure world white lotus is the greatest restraint of a true abyss species, like a natural enemy, even if it is in front of him, he dare not reach out and dig into it.

After devoting most of his energy to deal with 'Suzaku', this guy realized that the opponent's power was not as high as he had imagined.

It was also at this time that he realized that he had been fooled. How could he not know that it was an illusion before?

But now it is already too late, and there is no regret at all.

His mind moved, but Liu Hao just seized the opportunity, and saw Liu Hao's fingertips pointed towards the void, and a faintly flashing river of time appeared in front of him;

That Liu Hao's fingertips morphed infinitely in the long river of time, and spread directly in every node of the long river of time. On these nodes, you can see the figure of the abyss cultivator in front of you, either ferocious, or pretending to be harmless, But none could escape.

All the concealment was wiped out in Liu Hao's fingertips, and when it was fed back to the abyss cultivator, countless cracks appeared in an instant, as if Liu Hao had put countless tricks on him at that moment, and even almost hit his opponent directly. down a class.

This is the horror in the long river of time. When you integrate into it, you also need to face its backlash.

Compared with Liu Hao, the abyss cultivator is not an aborigine after all, and his cultivation base is even a class behind, so how can he escape?

Once they are found out, they must face the possibility of being destroyed by the coefficient.

Of course, as long as one escapes, these injuries cannot fall on this abyss monk.

Who let Liu Hao seize the opportunity at this time, divide most of his thoughts, and even appeared a stunned god. It can only be said that everything is due to God's will, and the whole world is on Liu Hao's side.

It is also because of this that the "Suzaku Glazed Purifying Fire" that was originally regarded as such by this abyss cultivator suddenly brought a lot of pressure on him, coupled with the direct backlash from his body, and he can only exert about half of his strength.

The effect of this is that the abyssal aura protecting his body is almost wiped out, and it becomes the aura needed by the earth.

When he reappeared, the abyss cultivator was seriously injured, not to worry about losing his biggest hole card, and he was even more injured. If his subordinates saw such a scene, it would be difficult to cause the subordinates to rebound. In the end, he was divided And eating it is not impossible.

As an opponent, Liu Hao will not be sad for the opponent, and pursuing the victory is the kingly way.

With a thought in his mind, the 'Suzaku' that had slashed past the other party swayed in the void, and rushed towards the other party again.

On the other side, Liu Hao, who was thinking of attacking the opponent directly, paused in his hand, and a smile rose again on his face.

He was amused in his heart, but he had to lament the cunning of the guy in front of him.

If it weren't for Liu Hao being a native creature, he was born with a great affinity for the long river of time in this world, and he might really be deceived by the other party.

This guy is also betting that Liu Hao has made a move in the long river of time and will not pay attention again. In addition, he seems to feel that he will die today, so he will die and live later, and entrust his soul to the earth again for a long time Hanoi, hoping to return at a certain point in the future.

I have to say that his calculations are good.

In the future, the earth and the abyss will intersect endlessly, which means that even if this guy dies today, as long as he seizes the opportunity in the future, he can calmly capture a certain abyss creature and return.

It's a pity that it was Liu Hao who he met today. If it were someone else, his calculation might really be realized by him.

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