Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand three hundred and one. Change

1301. change

When Liu Hao threw his fingertips into the long river of time again, the abyss cultivator's face was also desperate, and the backlash directly caused this guy's body to start to shatter, and he was directly knocked down a rank, facing Suzaku If you start again, you must fight with all your strength, and you must still walk with injuries.

This kind of change can only increase the opponent's injuries, and the shattering of the body has also increased again, as if he already has the idea of ​​​​running away.

But in Liu Hao's home court, and Qinglong Liu Hao's main team, how is it possible to escape?

If it was cunning that this guy sneaked his soul into the long river of time just now, this time it was the only possibility to escape, so he had to do it again, even if he was killed by Liu Hao from the long river of time twice in a row.

Moreover, he still devoted himself to it, threw away his body, and poured all the power of the primordial spirit into the long river of time on the earth, hoping to escape a trace of the power of the primordial spirit in Liu Hao's third attack.

I have to say that this guy is sad enough.

On Earth, Liu Hao is no different from Destiny's Child, even the only Destiny's Child, how could this guy succeed in his last gamble.

To put it bluntly, Changhe has been helping Liu Hao choose the whole time, and even Destiny Changhe has joined in. His choice seems to have a slight chance, but in fact it is the choice with the least chance.

After finishing the opponent, Liu Hao looked at the remnant body of the abyss cultivator in front of him.

Suddenly, he thought of two solutions, that is to refine the remnant body of the abyss cultivator in front of him into a spiritual treasure. In this way, he can add a treasure to his own earth and suppress the original body. The law after dissipating.

The only trouble is that not everyone can use the refined spirit treasure.

"Forget it, put it away first, and worry about it later when you have time!"

He already had the twelfth-rank 'Pure World White Lotus', but he was not afraid. After doing this, he took out the piece of Hunyuan skin that was suppressed in the lotus.

Only when he grasped it in his hands did he realize its horror. Even Liu Hao had to admit that it would take a lot of energy to resist to not be affected. If it were an ordinary monk, he might be completely assimilated by touching it, and completely transformed into a A real creature from the abyss.

"How terrifying! Is this Hunyuan?"

After thinking about it, Liu Hao still decided to keep it in the lotus, and didn't even dare to take it out in a short time.

The last one is that guy's spiked spirit treasure,

After really getting started, I also understand that this is basically the refining of the remaining bones of countless abyss monks swallowed by this guy.

The method is rough, but it doesn't prevent the five spikes from being the spiritual treasure of the law.

"Maybe it can be refined again, and it can be used by Xiao Long'er, exactly five, and installed on one of Xiao Long'er's claws! Ha..."

Having said that, Liu Hao didn't have the intention to act immediately, and Xiao Long'er was only a child, but he didn't have the mentality to resist the erosion from the abyss.

He seemed to feel that the spirit treasure refined by the quasi-sage of the abyss was very strange, and he couldn't even perceive what material it was for a while. Before that, he thought it was some abyss creature bone, but after observing it, he found that it was not so simple .

In other words, bone is just one of them, and it is not even considered as the main material at all.

Even though Liu Hao has visited many worlds, Liu Hao has never seen this main material. The reason why he treats it so carefully is more because it can carry the law to live in peace.

Such materials, even in the prehistoric world, are still very advanced, and once they appear, they will most likely be intercepted by the saints.

But in the abyss, so many monks at the peak of quasi-sages can gather so many, Liu Hao can't help being careless.

He feels that more and more abyssal monks he will encounter in the future will slack off their spiritual treasures, and it may even become standard equipment, or once the abyssal monks who have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, they will basically start to become enlightened. Lingbao' took heart and started refining.

But this is just a guess. This time, the biggest boss of the abyss invasion has been killed by him. If he wants to prove whether his guess is true, he can only wait for the next wave of visitors from the abyss.

But don't think that the invasion of the abyss is over when the biggest boss is killed. On the contrary, there is no need for follow-up command for a long time. Lost life, those abyss spores below will still shoot towards the coastline without hesitation, the kind that will rest until death.

And if you want to completely deal with these abyss spores, even if all the creatures on the earth are on the field, you can't do it in a few years.

This is the greatest horror of the abyss, because once it appears, it will never end.

So what if all the abyss spores below were wiped out?

Things like this, as long as the abyss is willing, are simply cannon fodder for unlimited production.

Liu Hao even suspected that the source of the abyss spores was simply the cells of a certain creature. Infused with the breath of the abyss, any cell could breed into abyss spores.

It's just that Liu Hao didn't dare to say this guess lightly. Such a guess is really scary.

Think about it, how many cells are there in a human body?

He himself is not afraid of such a ruthless opponent, but what about those low-level monks?

Will it make them lose hope?

Liu Hao didn't even want to confirm this point. He felt that those quasi-sages from the prehistoric era had guessed to some extent, but everyone ignored this possibility tacitly, as if they didn't know.

After winning the biggest boss, Qinglong Liu Hao did not continue to send the opponent over. There are many quasi-sages here, and there are still not many monks coming from the abyss invasion. From the perspective of the high-level, there are simply too many monks and too few porridge, which is not enough. Others The benefits cannot be taken by Liu Hao alone.

With the comparison of various levels of abyssal monks, Liu Hao also has a more accurate figure in his heart. Not to mention, compared with killing abyssal spores, the avenue merits obtained by the two are not at the same level at all.

It's like beheading an abyss spore, but it will give you the great merit of one aura point, but the real abyss monk will give you whole clumps. If you change to abyss spores, it will take trillions to get it done.

Just a bunch of great merits and virtues bestowed on the middle and lower level monks is already the kind of fundamental change, not only the improvement of physical fitness, but also the essential change of talent and understanding.

It's a pity that the merits of the heavenly way may be able to be modest, but the merits of the great way are not at all.

What is yours can only be yours, and it is impossible to bestow it on others.

This may also be the biggest constraint on the merits of the Great Dao.

Even if Liu Hao is currently cultivated, he has to admit the endless benefits of Dao merit. He just tried a little bit, using his own soul to absorb, and some laws that were not clear in the past have become much clearer at this moment, as if invisible In the middle, the original layer of tulle was gently jumped away, and the pixels had an essential change.

Such a terrifying effect, but if you want to give up, you can't do it with ordinary perseverance. He even feels that even saints can't resist this temptation.

You know, the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to understand something.

This is like a student who has already scored 90 points or higher in the exam. Every progress does not require countless hours of accumulation.

And the Great Dao Merit is like a catalyst, forcibly shortening the time that should have taken a long time, and it was shortened on a large scale. The more advanced the cultivation base, the harder it is to resist this temptation.

This news somewhat relieved Liu Hao.

He is not afraid of the saints coming to snatch benefits, but he is even more worried that there will be no benefits to attract them, making them lack of interest.

Saints are used to being aloof. In their eyes, it is just one or two worlds. Will they really take them seriously?

Having benefits is the most powerful weapon for them to enter the game, otherwise, even if Liu Hao begged, how much effect would it have? Don't think too highly of the saints, things like saving the common people have nothing to do with them.

The most unrighteous scholar, why can't this "scholar" be used to describe a "sage"?


A crisp chirping sound rang out, pulling Liu Hao back from his thoughts. The 'Suzaku' talisman with only the power of three strikes still has the last blow left. Now that it has been unfolded, Liu Hao has no reason to throw it away. take back.

With a thought in his mind, a ring-shaped passage appeared in front of the Suzaku figure, which disappeared in an instant, and reappeared in the abyss spore battlefield, whistling past like a sun, countless ashes flying everywhere it passed. More than half of the abyss spores on the ground disappeared in an instant.

This action greatly eased the kicking time for the fighters below.

It's not that Liu Hao can't wipe out all the abyss spores that are exposed on the surface, but that it is completely unnecessary and meaningful.

To put it bluntly, these abyssal spores are the greatest source of nutrition for these fighters, and they are also the greatest source of nourishment for their future advancement. If the battle line is not too anxious, Liu Hao will not take it lightly at all.

After all, he is not a saint, and he can't ignore it at all.

But in the short term, that's all. It's impossible for him to really be the nanny. Although there are many dangers, it is also the only way they must pass. Today, he really helped them block it, but it was the biggest thing for them. harm.

Don't underestimate the great merit of a spiritual energy point, there is an essential difference between having and not having one.

No, the future can only flow according to the established fate in the long river of fate. No matter how hard you struggle, the effect will be the same, and it may even be meaningless at all.

Conversely, once you have such a little great merit, it means that you have the possibility to change your own destiny. No matter where you use it, it is a huge change, and it is a change that is moving in a positive direction.

Maybe it just makes you jump higher, maybe it just makes you swim farther, or maybe it just makes you change the direction of swimming.

But these changes were only possible in the past, even at the risk of your life.

It's just that, it's hard for them to understand. For them, as long as they know how to kill the abyss spores, it is enough to make their practice faster and smoother, and it is enough for them to devote greater determination to participate in it.

Where is there no danger on the earth today? To put it bluntly, accidents may happen even if you stay at home, so why don't you dare to take a gamble?

In the battle of the great world, hundreds of boats are vying to cross, and those who are behind can only be eliminated. No one dares to stop their footsteps lightly, and no one has to strive for the top.

To use an analogy, those bald eagles who were originally sold to Thor by the bald eagle were almost forced to go to the battlefield.

There are millions of them in number, and even if there are still about two million left, the spirit of these people is completely different from that at the beginning.

At first, why were they unwilling? I just thought I was nothing more than cannon fodder.

But after they really got the benefits, they realized that fortune and misfortune depend on each other. As long as they can survive here, they are much stronger than the area under the control of the bald eagle today.

Even if Thor doesn't bring them next time, they will shout to contribute their strength.

As long as there are intelligent beings, there are no real fools.

Those monster races are no exception. In terms of fear, they have the deepest fear in their hearts, but when they actually go to the battlefield, they realize that it's nothing more than that. Those human races don't discriminate against them, and those who should be saved will still be saved.

Even though they knew that their group was the one with the largest number of deaths, they didn't feel much injustice in their hearts, because they knew that it was more due to means, and no one else was to blame.

It's not that no human race reminded them to practice various skills against the abyss spores before, but their monster races are so stubborn, who can blame them for not listening?

Fortunately, it's not too late now. Once they want to learn, the human race will still send many people to teach them. It's more or less temporary, and the effect is still somewhat.

However, Liu Hao exhausted Suzaku's last blow and did not stay on this star. He was also very familiar with the Zhou Tian star battle formation. After walking around for a few steps, he arrived at the core again and stood casually on the green dragon. Beside Liu Hao.

This is the best point of view, any changes in the formation can be clearly understood, and there is no escape.

Here he saw the battles of all the quasi-saint monks, and every opponent he faced was only slightly weaker than them, and he could just suppress them.

But even so, many quasi-sages still fought back and forth with these abyssal monks, and seemed to solve their opponents without rushing, and they all took the opportunity to observe the various skills of the abyssal monks.

This kind of approach is obviously for the future. After getting the benefits, they are imagining more and making more preparations for the future.

This is also great news for Liu Hao. He believes that after this time, these people will be more concerned than anyone else. to the situation.

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