Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-two. Myth

1422. Myth

Returning to his home earth again, Liu Hao saw a camp established by the Aztecs at the entrance of the passage. There were about three hundred people in the camp, all of them were shirtless and looked very strong.

Not far from this camp, about ten kilometers away, a few drones would float over from time to time. Needless to say, they were also observed by the nearest base, but the idea behind them was also very complicated.

In South America, I have to say that the reason why these humans are able to survive is thanks to the Dragon Kingdom.

Compared to the Dragon Kingdom, what inheritance do these people have? If the Dragon Kingdom had not restored the network again and uploaded some simple cultivation techniques, South America at this time might have become a captive breeding ground for monsters like Africa.

But even so, they can still barely protect themselves, or it could be that the Amazon demon clan has never thought of completely wiping out these people.

Such groups, even though they are not large in number, do not have much self-confidence after all. Up to now, they have become accustomed to staying in one place, using every piece of open space to grow edible food. They do not dare to risk their lives by going out and meeting monsters. The beasts fight.

It was also for this reason that when they saw the Aztecs appear, they saw that the Aztecs seemed very difficult to deal with and had no intention of fighting with them, so they sent them to their door to ask for help. Avoid the danger from the northern monster clan and seek the possible sense of security.

It has to be said that the entire South America has been completely emasculated by old Europe, and then enslaved by the bald eagle for a long time, so that there is not much blood left at all.

For such a group of people, Liu Hao could only lament their misfortune. In the end, he only took a deep look at them and no longer had the interest to continue observing.

He also knew that there must be other newly emerged world passages in this area, perhaps already occupied by these South American survivors, but whether he had thought about sharing them with the public was still a question.

Liu Hao even had a feeling that perhaps after this group of South American survivors occupied a certain passage, they would more cruelly impose the misfortunes of their ancestors on that world.

It was just a matter of thinking about such a disgusting situation. When he really saw it, Liu Hao didn't know whether he could suppress the anger in his heart.

He subconsciously scanned the map below with his consciousness, and then stopped at one of the hills, with a wry smile on his face. The suspicion that had just arisen was immediately confirmed by himself when he turned around.

In this small mountain col, a new world passage stands on the side of the rock. There are about hundreds of guards around it. These people are wearing uniform clothes and are strong and strong. At first glance, they are the kind of well-trained thugs. .

In the passage, there are people coming in and out of the market, and these people's faces are even more shiny. Compared with the people I have seen before, it is clear at a glance that they are a little over-nourished. Even if they have outstanding cultivation, how much practical ability do these people have? Still a problem.

But even so, this group of people is not comparable to the people in the slums who don't even have a meal.

Obviously, this group of people never thought about sharing this world passage with other survivors, or maybe this group of people has already laid a solid foundation in that world and become the overlord of that side, right?

Thinking about it this way, perhaps these uniformly dressed guards were recruited from the world at that end. After witnessing the strong force of the individual channel occupiers, it is understandable to be so honest.

"These guards look more like typical South American races. Then, the world at the other end of the passage is probably a similar earth!"

Originally, Liu Hao had no interest in walking through the world passage under his feet, but when he thought about the world in front of him, there were still countless Yanhuang people, and he put the idea behind him again, and he still couldn't harden his heart.

"That's all, let's take a look!"

The thought came together, and there was no need to eliminate it. He covered the figures of several people with his wave of hands, stepped across and appeared in front of this passage, without paying attention to the other people around him, he raised his steps and walked through it.

At the other end, Liu Hao saw many conditions of the world in front of him at a glance, and he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. As he thought, this place was still the same as the earth.

Moreover, it seems that the earth in this world is even more backward than the world of Ming Dynasty. At least the South America in front of us is almost the same as the primitive planet.

His spiritual consciousness swept around, and Liu Hao also found many natives. He stayed on them for half a minute, and then he stretched his brows.

"The Yama civilization is still there? Could it be that the Central Plains is still in ancient times?"

"No, the Mayan civilization flourished between 200 BC and 800 AD! The Central Plains may have been unified long ago!"

This made Liu Hao immediately spread out his spiritual consciousness and shoot towards the familiar place. When his spiritual consciousness covered the Central Plains, Liu Hao was also stunned.

"What a coincidence!"

It was a coincidence that in the Central Plains at this time, Liu Hao could tell the age at a glance. If it wasn't the last year of the Qin Dynasty, then what could it be?

He did not withdraw his consciousness, but subconsciously searched for Liu Bang and Zhang Liang in this world. But before he could locate the two of them, he found an even stranger guy among them.

The reason for this is that Liu Hao discovered that the luck of the two of them was far superior to that of Liu Bang. When Liu Hao saw the faces of the two of them clearly, he called them good guys in his heart.

Aren't these the famous Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao?

This world is clearly the TV series version of ‘myth’, right?

The shame of the time traveler Yi Xiaochuan and Liu Hao had been thinking about it in their hearts for a long time in their previous lives. Could it be that this thought prompted him to perfect his merits today?

He stretched out his hand and called it into the air, a stream of light flashed through, and it was in Liu Hao's hands in a moment. The person who came was the largest treasure in the mythical world, the 'Moonlight Treasure Box'.

"It seems to be called this name too, right?"

Liu Hao murmured in his mouth, his eyes swept over it, and an extremely weak breath of time appeared on it, which made him very unhappy. He thought it would be a rare treasure, but he didn't know the power of time in it. Not even a grain of 'Sands of Time' in his hand.

In just a minute or so, Liu Hao analyzed its function thoroughly, and then lost interest in studying it, smashed it to pieces with a pinch, and then took out the core component, which was a silver-colored stone.

He understood that the silver stone with the power of time in this lesson was more like a mine of time, and the entire Moonlight Treasure Box was nothing more than stimulating the power of time in it. The method was also very rough, but it could be done This is obviously not bad.

Liu Hao put it away casually, waved his hand again and directly crossed the space and landed in Xianyang City in the Central Plains. Now that Hu Hai, the second emperor of Qin, was in power, it was the time when Gao Gao was overwhelming the world. The entire Xianyang City no longer had the power of Qin Haohao, so Everything that went wrong was lifeless. Although the people were not trembling with fear, they could not see the majesty of the Great Qin Empire in the Mingyue World during the Great Qin Dynasty.

"This is the Great Qin!"

As soon as he landed on the ground, Liu Bang immediately shouted loudly, pulled Liu Hao out of the stunned state, and nodded slightly in approval of Liu Bang's words.

"Yingzheng has passed away in the sand dunes, and it is clear that Hu Hai, the second emperor of Qin, has ascended the throne!"

Zhang Liang explained further, but Liu Hao still heard the sound of joy from the other party's mouth. Why didn't he know that this guy had a plan in mind?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no other world suitable for the two of them to settle in that is comparable to the one in front of them. Whether it is the environment or the population, they have lived for decades, almost with their eyes closed, and they can bring together a group of old brothers.

"Don't worry, there are still a few unstable factors in this world that need to be eliminated, so that you two can perform!"

As he spoke, Liu Hao waved again in the direction of the Qin Palace. As he lowered his arm, a slightly bloated figure appeared in front of several people. The tall crown and hat all explained the status of the person in front of him. .

The person who came was none other than Gao Yao, whom Liu Hao couldn't hate even if he wanted to. Such a person who was originally extremely kind-hearted was forcefully forced to become what he is today. It can only be said that it was fate, or he was the one behind the scenes. The result of deliberate promotion by the person.

For Gao Yao, he was showing off his authority in the Qin Palace one second, and suddenly appeared on the streets of Xianyang City the next second, and it seemed that the people walking back and forth were not aware of him at all, as if he had already It seemed like it was completely cut off from this world.

How could he not know that something big was about to happen, and he was also thinking in his mind that what he had done had already made people angry?

When he looked up, he saw Liu Hao's tall figure at a glance. The Tai Chi Taoist robe was obviously beyond the era of Great Qin. Neither the density of the knitting nor the luxury of the Taoist robe could be made by the Great Qin Empire today.

When his eyes met Liu Hao's, he suddenly felt as if his soul had left his body, and his whole body was already traveling in the starry sky. Even though he was a modern person who traveled through time, he knew that he had met a real 'immortal'.

His first reaction was not fear or even worry, but wanting to curse angrily. He thought that the reason why he and Yi Xiaochuan were sent across the Qin Dynasty must be the fault of the 'immortal' in front of him.

But when he had this thought, the soul that had left the body immediately returned to the body. The words he wanted to blurt out were blocked in his mouth, and not even a sound could be made.

How could Liu Hao not know Gao Yao's thoughts? He didn't want to be scolded. Even if he didn't care, he wouldn't be happy to take the blame. Furthermore, once Gao Yao cursed, it wasn't a question of whether he wanted to punish the other party, but It's a relationship of cause and effect. Even if you let the other person go, Gao Yao's future will definitely not be much better.

Liu Hao didn't say much, and he had no intention of breaking up with Gao Yao. After arresting the other party, he immediately waved his hand in other directions. In an instant, two more figures appeared in front of several people.

One is Yi Xiaochuan, Gao Yao's companion who came with him, and the other is 'Cui Ziwen', who is also the biggest behind-the-scenes person in this mythical world, a monk who has lived for hundreds of years.

Liu Hao didn't care why Cui Ziwen set up this overall situation, or in his eyes, this 'big picture' was just playing house. Now that he had arrived, there was no possibility of staying out of it, and he had already planned to leave this world to Liu Bang and Zhang Liang needs to completely eliminate this unstable factor before he can do anything about it.

Yi Xiaochuan was still confused, but Cui Ziwen was trembling all over when he noticed the change in the environment. How could he not know that he had provoked someone who should never be provoked?

This is the legendary space transformation. He was forcefully detained in Xianyang City hundreds of kilometers away, and when he saw Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao, he didn't know that everything he had fell into the eyes of the other party. Today, , clearly here to clean up the mess.

Originally, Liu Hao had thought about arresting Yi Xiaochuan, yelling and scolding him, or simply killing him out of frustration, but when he actually arrested him, he found that he clearly had no intention of doing so.

It's like an adult sees a group of children fighting, one of them has a bad character, and the adults can't stand it, but so what? Is it possible to go up and teach this child a lesson?

Does it make sense? Doing so clearly lowers one's own level.

Thinking of this, all the previous distracting thoughts disappeared without a trace in this instant.

Liu Hao lost interest, but that didn't mean Gao Yao could endure it.

It can be said that all Gao Yao's sufferings were caused by the 'brother' he always considered, and that's it. The key is that his brother has always put all the faults on himself, and he has to admit it. But people have always been saints.

When he thought of this, Gao Yao didn't care whether the venue was suitable or not, and rushed towards Yi Xiaochuan. His two huge fists smashed directly towards the door in front of Yi Xiaochuan, and he roared, almost throwing all his All the emotions were vented at this moment.

In this regard, Liu Hao only glanced at it. He was clearly feeling comfortable, and there was quite a sense of gloating in it.

Seeing Yi Xiaochuan being pushed to the ground by Gao Yao, punching him one after another, Liu Hao then glanced at Cui Ziwen, who was completely prostrate on the ground and his body was still shaking violently. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. deal with.

If you say kill him, it doesn't seem necessary, but if you say let him go, the other party is not an honest person. After thinking about it, it seems that the best choice is to take him out of this world.

Perhaps seeing the doubts in the eyes of Liu Bang and the others, Liu Hao casually passed on the information he knew to the three of them. At this moment, even Yan Lingji showed extreme contempt for Yi Xiaochuan.

You talk about respecting history, but in the end, the one who really changed history was definitely you, the ‘Madonna’, and you, the White Lotus?

Yan Lingji is like this, and Liu Bang and Zhang Liang are even like this. For them, it doesn't matter what panic you have, or what established trends you have. It is the true nature of a man to face difficulties and rise above them. It's fine if you don't do it, but you still have it. Why do you want to hold others back?

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