Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-three. Liu Bang and Zhang Liang

1423. Liu Bang and Zhang Liang

On the other side, Gao Yao was also tired from the beating and was out of breath. He also realized that he was clearly seeking death just now, but he had no regrets at all. He felt that a great revenge had been avenged, and there was an implication of being bearish about life and death. Today It doesn't matter even if he dies.

Yi Xiaochuan, who was beaten wildly by him, had taken in more air than out. He seemed to have fallen into a coma, but in fact there was not much damage. From this, we can still see Gao Yao's feelings for Yi Xiaochuan, even if he was killed Even though he was a disabled person, he still had no intention of actually killing him.

It's not that Gao Yao, who has become Zhao Gao, is not cruel enough. How is this possible? How could Zhao Gao, who had so much power and could turn a deer into a horse, care about this?

It's just that I still can't completely wipe out Gao Yao's kindness in my heart. Otherwise, how could Zhao Gao, who was almost at the top of the Qin Empire, not find Yi Xiaochuan to kill?

After watching the big play, Liu Hao waved his sleeves again, but this time he directly used the art of the universe in his sleeves to include Gao Yao and the other three, and then led the three Liu Bangs towards the set goal.

Sure enough, when Liu Bang carried by Liu Hao met Liu Bang in the mythical world, the two merged into one in an instant.

The two Liu Bangs originally had little similarity in appearance, but their souls seemed to be one. After the fusion, Liu Bang, who came from the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, naturally became the complete leader;

He completely absorbed Liu Bang from the mythical world, and the last face was also the handsome Liu Bang from the Mingyue World in the Qin Dynasty.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Liu Hao inevitably thought of a rumor in his heart. It is said that when all the others in the world merge into one, they will find their true self and become the only one in the world. At this time, there was an opportunity to realize the Taoist Fruit of Daluo Jinxian.

He knew that this sentence might be a bit exaggerated, but he had to say that it made some sense.

He is a little lucky that he has not found another self among the heavens and worlds, and he does not need to worry about so many things.

In front of him, Liu Hao could also see the changes after Liu Bang's fusion at a glance. It was an improvement in all aspects, especially the qualifications. It was like suddenly crossing a level. Of course, this level still had no What a brilliant thing, but it has already created a distance from many low-level sentient beings in the world.

In addition, for a long time, Liu Bang has always been able to get some spiritual fruits from following Liu Hao, which has improved a lot. It can be said that it is not difficult for Liu Bang to become an immortal.

Not to mention that now that he has entered the ninth level, his luck has improved again after the fusion. Obviously, it may not take too long to become an immortal.

Luck has always been something Liu Hao pays close attention to. From the top of Liu Bang's head, the canopy is fully visible and the crown begins to take shape. It is destined that Liu Bang's next situation will be far smoother than that of Han Gaozu in history. Too much.

Think about it, if Liu Bang is still like in history, he has to work hard, be trapped in Hanzhong, build plank roads openly, and cross Chencang secretly to conquer the world, it will be difficult for his Han Empire to stand out among all the worlds in the future. This is definitely not something Liu Bang and Zhang Liang can tolerate.

If before this, Liu Bang had in mind to change his status in history, then Liu Bang is now more than just that. He is targeting the Ming Empire that he saw not long ago, and he had to be pulled out of his hometown by Liu Hao. The Great Qin Empire in the bright moon world of Qin Dynasty.

He looked forward to the day in the future when he could stand upright and upright in front of Ying Zheng in the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, and no longer lamented that 'this is what a man should do'!

"Liu Bang, thank you, the emperor! Thank you, teacher!"

After the fusion was completed, Liu Bang felt better than ever before. Facing Liu Hao, he did not dare to maintain any pride. His words were sincere and even made him choke up, but Liu Hao knew that this was more about Liu Bang. expectations for the future.

"The way forward depends on you. You and I have traveled many heavens, and you should know the cruelty of all worlds. I also hope that you can stand on the top of the mountain one day in the future, instead of looking up to others!"

"Yes! Emperor! Liu Bang will be shattered to pieces!"

"It's getting better! You can take care of your own business here. I still need to bring Zhang Liang to fuse him and me. I think with your abilities, you won't disappoint me!"

Liu Hao used two self-titles in these words, especially the latter. He was also telling Liu Bang that although I have never admitted it, I still recognize your title of 'teacher' today, provided that you can truly meet my expectations in the future. ;

He also believed that Liu Bang and Zhang Liang on the side could understand. As expected, Liu Bang's next words explained everything.

"Best farewell to the emperor! Farewell to the teacher!

Liu Hao nodded slightly and didn't say much. He glanced at the group of 'armies' behind Liu Bang without shaking his head, but the look in his eyes revealed a lot, but it was just a mob.

Liu Hao disappeared, and Liu Bang slowly lowered his arms, his eyes becoming more determined.

Now in the mythical world, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang have raised the flag of rebellion, and at the end of the day, they were defeated by Zhang Han's entangled group of prisoners, as if it didn't take long.

This also means that a new round of competition in the Central Plains is about to begin, and the life and death enemies of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu will also officially enter the stage of history;

As for the group of guys behind him who followed him and became bandits, it was obvious that they could not become his real team members, and they had to return to Pei County and pull his real "husbands and friends" onto his chariot.

He is not worried that Zhang Liang will change his mind because of the fusion of others in this world. The stronger side will devour the weaker side. He has already set an example just now;

Liu Bang in this world is like a complement to himself. He believes that the same truth applies to Zhang Liang, and there will never be any changes in the things they agreed on in the past.

Even in the future, he does not need to worry about Zhang Liang betraying him. For example, if he has too much power and rebels and usurps the throne, that is not Zhang Liang's character. Compared with this, he feels that what he needs to worry about more is the future of the Han Empire. After it is established, will Zhang Liang retire and pursue true immortality?

Suddenly, he had to laugh again. It was still early for this. He also believed that after the establishment of the Han Empire, if it had not reached a certain height, Zhang Liang would not have had such an idea. Such a distant thing could not be accomplished now. It's not necessary. It's more practical to think about what's happening right now.

He is also a little anxious to return to Peixian County. Since he was forcibly taken away by Liu Hao, he has fought in many heavens. As long as the earth is among these heavens, he will go to Peixian County to have a look. But even so, he has already Things are different and people are different, and it is impossible to find any trace of the true meaning of hometown in it.

In the final analysis, he knew that it was because there was no one he knew well among them. There was no Fan Kuai who killed the pig, no Empress Dowager Lu Pheasant who he would stay away from in the future, and no Xiao He who had been optimistic about him for a long time.

Without these people, the so-called hometown is just a familiar place name.

As if thinking of Xiao He, the smile on Liu Bang's face spread again. Liu Hao did not treat Liu Bang badly. Since he could leave a replica library to Zhu Di, there was no reason to be stingy in front of Liu Bang.

In comparison, the library left to Liu Bang, whether it was the choice of exercises or the number of skills, was much better, and it was enough for Liu Bang to reward his subordinates.

Not to mention, these are enough for Liu Bang to have strong capital, and he does not need to keep talking about "wealth and honor do not forget each other" as in history.

After seeing too much of the future, who doesn’t know that enfeoffing princes is a big taboo? How could they easily make a promise after knowing this?

Besides, how can a mere prince or king from a small world compare with the countless longevity of an immortal? Is it comparable to conquering all heavens and realms?

To promise those things, it is better to give real benefits. Only by visible benefits can one's subordinates work continuously for him and surround him wholeheartedly.

Thinking of this, Liu Bang laughed loudly, and then ordered the group of 'miscellaneous soldiers' in the village to take good guard. Then he waved his hand to summon the Red Sky Spirit Sword from his body, stepped on it, and roared out. This drill was clearly 'Immortals are alive', he didn't even bother to look at the reactions of the soldiers behind him, and he could feel that these people must have become much fanatical about him.

"Xiang Yu, there's nothing to worry about!"

A murmur spread in the sky. Liu Bang's words were really not a boast. He really wanted to risk his life. Who in this world can resist him?

But he also knew that that was not the best solution. His own strength was by no means truly powerful, and it was by no means the Han Empire in his mind.

For a moment, Peixian County was in sight, and Liu Bang felt a kind of timidity in his heart. He stayed in the sky for a long time, then took a deep breath, waved his hand and cast an invisibility method on his body, and then quietly fell into the city. .

On the street, it seems that everyone who passes by is someone he is familiar with, and he can call out their names casually, and he can clearly remember anyone he has drunk with him several times. It feels like this. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt it.

He was a little intoxicated and kept walking slowly until he reached a meat stall. Then he stopped and slowly showed his body.

During the whole process, he was very careful and did not alarm the people around him. He even put his hands on his hands and looked at the die-hard Fan Kuai in front of him with a smile.

"Liu Ji?"

The busy Fan Kuai finally saw Liu Bang. Even after the fusion, Liu Bang was completely different and no longer looked like the same person. But in Fan Kuai's eyes, there seemed to be no change at all, or maybe the original Liu Bang should have grown up. It looks like this.

Liu Bang, as the person involved, had no doubts about this. He didn't know that Liu Hao was smiling at Zhang Liang, who had also changed greatly, and he had many speculations about it.

“Could this be the self-regulating power of the world?”

Such a guess flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong. He also knew that it would be difficult to find out the real reason in a short time. He couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart. He felt that if he had realized Hunyuan today, , and most of it can be determined.

This kind of thing that is always separated by a thin veil, it seems that most things can only be guessed, which makes him feel unwilling to accumulate more and more. This is like exploration is a principle. When you find doubts at the beginning, you will only be happy. Because this kind of doubt was not accessible to me before.

But as more and more doubts arise, this happiness will become less and less, and the older the heart becomes, the more unsatisfied it becomes. When it accumulates to a certain level, it will cause a lot of dissatisfaction, not dissatisfaction with the doubts that cannot be revealed. But dissatisfaction with one's own 'ignorance'.

Now Liu Hao is in such a port. It seems that as long as he takes one step forward, he can uncover countless doubts, but how can this step be so easy to do?

He shook his head slightly in his mind to get rid of the suddenly rising emotion. He didn't bother to talk to Zhang Liang anymore, and directly took Yan Lingji away.

On the other side, Zhang Liang seemed to have noticed something, and subconsciously glanced at the place where Liu Hao had just hidden himself, and then bowed again after a long time.

At this time, Zhang Liang was no longer the same Zhang Liang in history. Even Liu Hao had to admit that among the three people who followed him around the heavens, Zhang Liang was definitely the one who gained the most.

This gain is not a matter of excessive cultivation, but the complete perfection of thoughts and the true accumulation of knowledge, and it is none other than Zhang Liang.

As far as thoughts are concerned, Zhang Liang in history can be said to be a representative of one-mindedness. He always felt that Ying Zheng was the most evil person in the world. Because Ying Zheng caused the destruction of other countries and families, he must continue to die, as evidenced by several assassinations.

It can also be said that Zhang Liang has always been a staunch supporter of the feudal princes. Even if he assists Liu Bang in establishing the Han Empire in the future, he has never changed. It is simply because he has seen through Liu Bang's inner thoughts in the future and knows that Liu Bang will still have to cut down the feudal vassals and let the Han Empire After returning to the Daqin county system again, he became disheartened and chose to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

What about now? Having traveled through so many heavens and read so many history books, especially under the collision of countless information and opinions in the modern world, I have analyzed every detail and flaw in them extremely thoroughly;

Knowing this, how could Zhang Liang not know that even he had to thank Qin Shihuang for his victory?

Generations of his descendants will also have to thank Qin Shi Huang for his victory!

To put it bluntly, in the history of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, without Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, the Central Plains and the old European countries in the future modern world will be the same model, and it will never be possible to always occupy a place on the earth's mahjong table and become a mahjong. Dominate one.

Because he had already understood this thoroughly, Zhang Liang at this time could be said to support the system of prefectures and counties more firmly than anyone else and support the unification of the country. He also firmly believed that the Han Empire must be established within this year and that the great ideas of the Han Dynasty must be established. Unified into the hearts of the people of Yan and Huang.

Only in this way can we stand out among all the worlds in the future and spread the prestige of the Han Empire to all the worlds.

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