Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand four hundred and twenty-four. Zulong

1424. Zulong

Regarding Zhang Liang, Liu Hao was not stingy either. He even felt that the library he copied might become his future mark, and he also found that no reward seemed to be comparable to this.

In fact, Zhang Liang himself collected countless books. This was also a habit of others, and it was something only true scholars would do. Liu Hao only further improved it for Zhang Liang.

He did not give any instructions on Zhang Liang's next choice. He also believed that Zhang Liang was smart enough to know what he should do in the future.

On the contrary, Liu Hao didn't know how to arrange Yan Lingji beside him for a while. In the mythical world, he also believed that with the care of Liu Bang and Zhang Liang, she would be able to have an excellent future, but that was not Yan Lingji. What Ling Ji really hopes for.

Compared to this, it is better to let Yan Lingji settle down on her own earth in the future, or maybe during the next journey to the heavens and worlds, we can see which one is more suitable for Yan Lingji to stay. Late.

At this moment, Liu Hao and Yan Lingji appeared on Lishan Mountain, where the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is located in this world. It was not that he was coveting something, but that Liu Hao also wanted to see what the meteorite that landed on the sand dune was.

"He is indeed Qin Shihuang, the only emperor of the ages!"

After actually entering the tomb of the First Emperor, Liu Hao had to sigh. The majestic momentum was shocking. The rivers and lakes made of countless mercury carried the coffin of the First Emperor of Qin. This was the scene after his death. Do you also want to patrol the human world?

It’s a shame that Ying Zheng could think of it, and it’s a shame that he could do it!

Liu Hao could only sigh and give up on these magnificences. However, even Liu Hao had to admit that he was mistaken about the meteorite that was quietly placed in the middle of the venue.

He originally thought that it was just a meteorite that carried a little bit of "fantasy" at most, but when he really saw it, he realized that it was not a meteorite at all. Moreover, he was very familiar with this object, and it was clearly a dragon bone fossil.

And this dragon bone fossil is the product of the horns on the top of the dragon's head after countless years.

If all this can only make Liu Hao feel a little weird, then the charm in it can't help but make Liu Hao have other ideas.

Without him, Liu Hao could tell at a glance that the fossil of the divine dragon with long horns in front of him was almost the same as the aura of the ancestral dragon within the eye of the ancient East China Sea. He even didn't even need to touch it with his hands. Liu Hao had I can see a lot.

After holding it in his hand, his consciousness penetrated, and he opened his eyes again, the shock in Liu Hao's eyes became more obvious, and he couldn't help but murmur:

"Could it be that this is something from the ancient dragon?"

He carefully recalled the scene when he met Zulong, and recalled the countless scars on Zulong's body. When the head of Zulong appeared on the screen, the shock on his face became even higher.

"It's probably impossible to escape, but why did the broken long horn of the ancient dragon penetrate all the heavens and the world, and why did it fall directly into the Great Qin Empire?"

"Could it be that Ying Zheng's title of 'Ancestral Dragon' is closely related to the other party?"

Others may not know, but as someone who watched the remains of the ancestral dragon with Tongtian, Liu Haoke knew very well that the prehistoric ancestral dragon had been seriously injured and difficult to treat, and it had penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian spent all his strength, it would be impossible to cure it. The kind that pulls back.

In other words, if the ancestral dragon drags his broken body and wants to recover, it will be more difficult than it is to become a saint in the ancient times. The only way out is to reincarnate. So is Ying Zheng this ancestral dragon?

"No, there was also Ying Zheng in the ancient times. Even though he succeeded and retired to the ancestral land of the human race, he still stayed outside for many years. If it is really the ancestral dragon, there is no reason why others don't know about it, right?"

"Or maybe the saints themselves know it, but they pretend not to know?"

"That's not right. The reincarnation of the Ancestral Dragon into the human race is also an opportunity for the human race to integrate the dragon clan's luck into the human race. Even if the saints know about it, they will be very happy to compete for the human race's luck. It is better to stir up the silent dragon clan. !

If it is too urgent, it will probably erupt from the eyes of the ocean. Once this happens, the entire prehistoric era will inevitably suffer. Who dares to bet? "

"If this is the case, maybe there is a saint pushing it, and he chooses to support it openly or covertly?"

Liu Hao then thought that Yingzheng from the prehistoric era had killed a corpse and entered the underworld directly. This also showed that he himself should be perfect.

"It's still wrong. That is the ancestral dragon that has given birth to spiritual wisdom in the very beginning of time. During the first tribulation of Long Han, he was so powerful that he had no backup plan?

Can't you also figure out how to kill corpses? Or maybe Hongjun at that time also taught him this method of killing corpses? "

"If this is true, then Ying Zheng in all the worlds may really be the soul of the ancestral dragon who killed the corpse, right?"

The reason why Liu Hao said so was because he could do so.

To put it bluntly, as long as he has been to all the heavens and worlds, his own aura has been left behind. If he really dies, he can condense his soul in these heavens and worlds and reincarnate again. Class, it is not impossible to encounter fusion in the future.

It's just that the risk of doing it this way is too high. Once one of them is not integrated, it is equivalent to missing a piece, which is equivalent to limiting one's own ceiling.

In other words, if there was no other way, he would never do this.

What about Zulong? Maybe it's because there are no other options?

He clearly remembered that the ancestor dragon he saw in the sea eye was the last divine thought, or it was simply the last trace of obsession to leave his inheritance to the dragon clan. After giving this inheritance, there would be no more. How much time.

Maybe the next time you enter the space in the eye of the ancient East China Sea, you will only see the corpse of a real ancestral dragon, right?

"None of these Taichu giants are easy to get along with. They are all definitely people who are good at calculations. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve their past achievements!"

"If Zulong is as he expected, then what about Zuphoenix?"

"Yes, the phoenix can already reach nirvana. If it has returned to the immortal volcano, it will definitely be born again. It's just a matter of time!"

"With dragons and phoenixes like this, what kind of backup should Zu Qilin have?"

Liu Hao shook his head, unable to think of an answer for a while.

He didn't have any other ideas just because Ying Zheng might be the reincarnation of the ancient dragon.

Standing at his height, he is now more able to look at the problem from the overall perspective of the human race. Just as he guessed, even if he knew it in advance, he would be happy to support it. Integrating the fate of the prehistoric dragon clan into the human race is a very useful thing in itself. Things that are beneficial to the human race.

Furthermore, regardless of his background, Ying Zheng’s merits to the human race itself are real. Otherwise, Ying Zheng in the prehistoric times would not have been accepted by the ancestral land of the human race. This is already an obvious attitude.

He had a feeling that his guess just now was probably true.

Moreover, he was even able to guess that the Yingzhengs of the heavens and realms outside the prehistoric times were probably differentiated from the good corpses chopped off by the ancestral dragon. After these Yingzhengs were integrated into one, the quasi-sage cultivation might just be a matter of course. That’s all.

"This ancestral dragon gambled on his luck during the first calamity of the Long Han Dynasty and was reincarnated. This obsession is still hard to escape. Haha, it fits many settings!"

"He completely stayed in the dragon body for his obsession with the dragon clan. Mostly for the purpose of separation, right? Maybe it also means that he doesn't want to reincarnate with the karma he left behind in the dragon clan."

"His calculation is indeed true, otherwise the saints would not allow it. Leaving the remains of the ancestral dragon and suppressing the East China Sea Eye forever is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone!"

"Forget it, don't care about him? Ying Zheng is still Ying Zheng, the ancestral land of the ancient human race has already recognized it, why should I care?"

"When we were fighting against the prehistoric monster clan, Ying Zheng chose to answer the call without any hesitation. This in itself explains everything!"

This thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and Liu Hao's last distracting thoughts were driven away. Now he is left with the ancestral dragon horn fossil in his hand. Should he keep it here and wait for Ying Zheng to come to collect it in the future, or simply help carry it. Go out and return it to the other person if you meet him someday?

He did not hesitate for long. In other worlds, he might have fallen behind, but the future here is the land of Liu Bang. As the terminator of the Qin Empire, even if Liu Bang has no other ideas about this, what will others think?

You probably think Liu Bang is afraid of Ying Zheng, right?

Instead of doing this, and since he has already arrived, he might as well put it away to save both of them from embarrassment in the future.

As for other worlds, Liu Hao doesn't think those who sit in power will embarrass Ying Zheng. One emperor through the ages has its own prestige, and the identity of the ancestors must be respected. Even if there are obstacles, it is nothing. He also believes that Ying Zheng can handle it.

He pinched a spell slightly, and in a moment, a weak black dragon soul emerged from the tomb, and then merged directly into the fossil in Liu Hao's hand. After doing this, he led Yan Lingji out of Li The mountain left a long sigh in place.

The mythical world has also undergone tremendous changes with the actions of Liu Bang and Zhang Liang. The typical point is the change in the pattern.

While Zhang Han was still campaigning against Qilu, anti-Qin armies were raised again in various places. Everyone in the world thought that the era of pattern was coming, and smart people understood that the Qin Empire was also coming to an end.

The difference from history is that Liu Bang's actions were obviously much bigger. If you think about it, he was just walking around with his eloquence. It doesn’t take much time either.

After doing this, Liu Bang finally captured Peixian County, and it was almost impossible to make a move. This was his basic plan, and he had the method of combining inside and outside. By the time the people came to their senses, the king's flag had already been changed at the top of the city.

Liu Bang also knew that although Peixian County was his hometown, it was not the best base. The reason why he took it was more to win over his own people. To put it bluntly, he wanted to build a team that truly supported him.

In a historical period, this kind of manpower would not be able to make any waves at all. Later Liu Bang had to succumb to Xiang Yu, which is the best example. Who will take care of you if you have no soldiers and no money?

But things are different now. How can Liu Bang care about money matters? I have traveled so many heavens with Liu Hao, and if I put it all together, I am definitely rich in the mortal world. Gold is measured in thousands of tons, and this does not include Zhang Liang's collection.

The two of them had received Liu Hao's instructions early, how could they be unprepared for this?

If there is no shortage of money, there is a shortage of men. However, Pei County is only a county seat, how can we win over many soldiers?

After struggling for a month, Liu Bang was allowed to select a team of 3,000. This small number of soldiers and horses would be nothing more than a splash in the late Qin Dynasty's struggle for hegemony. But who allowed Liu Bang to master many cultivation methods? As long as he was given a little In a short period of time, any soldier can be as strong as ten or three thousand, no more, no less, and become a truly elite soldier and strong general.

In the Peixian County House, Zhang Liang has arrived and is sitting on the spot with Liu Bang, Xiao He, and Chen Ping to discuss the next move.

Fighting for hegemony in the world and competing in the Central Plains, only the strongest can win in the end.

However, this is the strongest. There seem to be many determining factors, but in fact there are only a few. Taken together, they are population and food!

"The Xiang family has gained momentum and has seized many territories in Chu. It's not that we are afraid of them, but there is no need to collide with them early!"

"Da Shan, we have few soldiers and horses, and it will take time to train our troops. A temporary concession is nothing!"

It was Chen Ping who said this. His personal ethics were not very good. He said he was 'giving in' but in fact everyone knew what Chen Ping meant, which was 'affiliate'.

The same policy was adopted by Liu Bang in history. He relied on Xiang Yu to suck blood and strengthen himself, not to mention that the effect was equally impressive.

If Liu Bang was still in the past, he would definitely adopt such a method, but now it is completely different. This may be the best method, but the worst thing is that neither Liu Bang nor Zhang Liang can bear it, that is It's a matter of time. They don't want to spend ten or eight years to establish the Han Empire.

If this is the case, how can it be possible to compete among all the worlds in the future?

Among the few people, Xiao He got a lot of information revealed by Liu Bang. Although he did not tell the concept of the world, he knew Liu Bang's strength to a certain extent. He could fly into the clouds and ride the mist, like an immortal. That is a cultivation method that can train even a weak farmer to become a general.

If these advantages are taken seriously, it is not impossible to suppress the world, but in that case, the subsequent troubles will definitely be considerable, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

In other words, it was just the Xiang family, and Pei Gong really didn't care about it. Rather than letting the Xiang family go through the trouble first, he and others could find a secluded place to train their elite soldiers.

Furthermore, as a logistics master, Xiao He knew very well that in the fight for world hegemony, the battle was about population and people's hearts. Once it was won, it was best not to let the war spread again.

So after all the choices, it seems that the only place left is the land of Bashu, Hanzhong!

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